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原文题目:Improvement of Industrial Production Process Design Using Systematic Layout Planning基于SLP法的工业生产线布局改善Nika FAFANDJEL,Rajko RUBEA,Tin MATULJAAbstractModern industrial production processes, including also shipbuilding processes, are expected to deliver products or interim products on time with acceptable price and required quality. For instance, production of pipe units in shipbuilding industry that use conventional methods, characterized by high content of human work per pipe unit, cannot satisfy these requirements. To increase productivity it is necessary to introduce CNC machines and robotized lines that will also enhance production process capacity. Accordingly, optimal machines layout to ensure production and technological process with maximal capacity potential should be defined.Therefore, for production process design improvement, the employment of Systematic layout planning procedure is proposed. SLP procedure is used for defining optimal machines and jobs layout within the production process. Improvement of production process design using proposed procedure has been tested through basic design for new pipe productionworkshop within a particular shipyardKeyword:pipe workshop;production process design;shipbuilding;Systematic layout planning(SLP)摘要现代工业生产过程包括船舰生产被希望能够准时的提供产品或者中间产品,并且需要提供合理的价格和要求的质量。例如船舰制造里面的管道生产采用传统方法,每个管道的生产都需要大量的人员,从而不能满足现代工业生产的需求。为了提高生产效率很必有要引进CNC机器和机器人生产线,同时还能增强生产线能力。因此,应该改善生产线机器设备布局来确保产量并且应该事先预测最大可能的产量。因此,建议使用SLP法对于生产线布局改善设计。SLP法用于确定生产过程中最优的设备布局和工艺布局。使用SLP法进行布局改善设计已经在一个生产管道的特定造船车间经过测试。关键词:管道生产车间;生产线布局设计;造船业;SLP法1.绪论(Introduction)From present industries, focusing on shipbuilding is expected to deliver to owners a quality product i.e.ship, on time and at the market price. To obtain these requirements, existing shipyards need to improve productivity and efficiency through plementation of new technologies and reorganization. It can be achieved by using new ethodologies and approaches to design particular shipbuilding process segments with the objective to reach acceptable solutions.目前集中于造船业的工业被期望能够提供有“质量”的产品比如较为便宜的能够准时交货的船舰。为了满足市场的这些需求,现有的造船厂需要通过采用新技术和结果重组来提高生产能力和生产效率。这些目标都可以通过使用新的设计方法重新设计造船中的生产线过程布局达到。There are several ways to improve production:eliminate waste, improve flow, reduce material handling,plan for growth and expansion, built-in flexibility.提高生产能力有许多方法:消除浪费,改善流动性,减少材料处理,为产量的扩张做计划,设计灵活柔性生产线。Production of pipe units in shipbuilding industry using conventional methods characterized by high content of human work per pipe unit cannot give good results towards the objectives of increasing productivity and obtaining higher production quality levels. In this respect, every shipyard, which has the intention to remain present in the world market, considers various possibilities for decreasing the content of human work per unit of the final product.造船业的管道生产采用传统的方法和大量的人力不能提高产量和质量。在这种情况下,各个企业为了保持自己在国际市场的地位,想尽各种办法减少人力的消耗。 One of the possibilities in this way of increasing productivity and shortening production time within a shipyard is the introduction of modern robotized lines for pipe units production i.e. modernization and reorganization of present state制造企业采用这种方法提高产量,减少生产时间的一种可能性就是引进现代机器人进行管道生产,即现代化和重组生产线。Shipyards equipped with machines and tools with high content of manual work will be faced with problems during the process of changing type of production fromconventional to modern pipe unit production line. It can be related to the fact that the complete technological process should be changed, starting from the design stage,work based breakdown structure, production planning and production itself .拥有大量人工操作的机器和工具的工厂将面临生产线由传统向现代转变的问题。企业不得不面对这样一种事实:所有的生产过程被改变,开始新的布局设计,解体以前的工作结构、规划和生产。Complexity of building a ship-piping system can be solved through a variety of potential solutions depending on the level of development for piping design andproduction.建立一个船的管道系统的复杂性可以通过基于管道设计和生产的多种可能性方法进行解决。While designing a particular modern production process within shipyards, space limitations appear,because new spaces have to be found or the old ones have to be technologically rearranged, which is usually difficult to realize. That is the reason why the best solution might be to design a completely new production line if possible.当在一个工厂设计一个全新的生产线时空间是一个大的问题,因为建立生产线需要空间,所以新的空间需要被发现否则就要对旧的生产线进行改进,这是个很难实现的问题。这就是为什么最好的生产线建设方案就是在没生产线的空白车间进行全新的设计,因为不需要考虑空间问题。The layout design has a significant impact on the performance of a production process . Layout design has been an active research area in the past few decades. However, design algorithms for production lines and/or workshops are rare and/or may not be adequate to solve a real design problem.布局设计对制造企业生产性能具有显著影响,最近几十年的时间里布局设计研究一直是一个热门领域。然而为生产线设计的算法很少见并且一般不能够解决实际的生产布局设计问题。Existing research in production design layout problems often fall into two major categories, such as algorithmic and procedural ones. Algorithmic approachesusually simplify both design constraints and objectives in order to reach a surrogate objective function whose solution can then be obtained . These approaches usually only involve quantitative input data. Their design solutions are easier to evaluate by comparing their objective function values.现在关于生产布局的研究方法大体可以分为两类:算法和程序。算法的方法简化了设计,通过目标函数的约束和最终目标需求得到一个替代的解决方案。这些方法通常只涉及输入的数据而不包含其它。通过这种方法得到的解决方案的优劣通过目标函数的值可以很容易的进行比较。Procedural approaches can incorporate both,qualitative and quantitative, objectives in the design process . For these approaches, the design process is divided into several steps that are then solved sequentially. The success of a procedural approach implementation is dependent on the generation of quality design alternatives that are often from the output of an experienced designer. Thus, the input from area experts during the design process is considered to be a must towards an effective workshop layout design. It is often the last step for a procedural approach to evaluate the design alternatives. The choice of the final design is often difficult when multiple objectives are considered.程序法可以使定性与定量两种方法相结合,目标在这些方法的设计过程中得以实现。对于这些方法,设计流程被分成几个步骤,然后按照顺序进行解决。成功的设计方案常常出自经验丰富的设计师曾设计的方案的代代传承。因此在进行生产线布局时采用专家的方法进行设计是必须的。它常常是进行设计布局评估的最后一个步骤。因为如果采用多个目标函数值进行设计最终方案的选择将是很难的一个步骤。A workshop layout design problem exposes the strong properties of a multipl objective decision problem.For this instance, an algorithmic approach may not beadequate in providing a quality solution. Alternatively,the use of a sound procedural approach with the aid of a proven tool as design evaluation function would be a viable approach for a workshop layout design problem.车间布局设计暴露了多目标决策方法的问题。在这种情况下,算法不能提供最优的设计方案,所以采用辅助方案的声音过程方法作为设计评价函数将是车间布局设计问题的可行方法。The authors suggest using a Systematic layout planning (SLP) procedural approach for production process design improvement, because it features both the simplicity of the design process and the objectivity of the multiple-criteria evaluation process as opposed to existing algorithmic approaches, which are ineffective in solving qualitative objective problems, and regular procedural approaches that lack a structural multiplecriteria evaluation approach.在此作者建议采用SLP法对生产线布局进行改进,因为它具有简单的设计过程,多准则评估过程客观性,和现有的算法完全不同,现有的算法是无效的,现有的算法在解决客观存在的问题和定期处理程序性问题缺乏结构性的多方位评估方法。While the authors were involved in the R&D project of technological modernization of one real shipyard,as a separate project they had to design a new pipe production workshop, where a proposed novel approach was implemented and tested.虽然作者参与了一个先进技术化现代造船厂的R&D项目,但是作为一个单独的项目,作者要设计一个全新的管道生产线,在这条生产线上SLP法将得到应用。2.SLP法简介(Outline of systematic Layout planning)This section aims at providing a brief review of the SLP procedure as shown in Figure 1. The SLP begins with PQRST analysis (step 1) for the overall production activities. The data collection fields including P (product),Q (quantity), R (routing), S (supporting), and T (time) should be scrutinized in order to assure the validity of theinput data at the design stage. 本节重点对SLP法的理论和实施方法进行介绍,大体概况如图1所示:SLP法从对生产线进行全面分析的PQRST开始。对收集到的数据包括P(产品)、Q(产量)、R(生产路线)、S(辅助服务部门)、T(时间)应进行细致的审核,以确保输入参数的有效性。Figure1.SLP procedure图1 SLP法实施程序图In the flow of material analysis (step 2), all material flows from the whole production line are aggregated into a from-to chart that represents the flow intensity amongdifferent tool sets or work positions. The step of “activity relationships” (step 3) performs qualitative analysis towards the close relationship decision among differentwork positions.在第二步物流分析里所有生产线的物料流动都被统计到一个代表不同工位或者不同工作地点物流强度的从致表中。第三步作业相关关系分析表明了不同工作之间的相关关系。The step of “relationship diagram” (step 4) positions areas spatially. For those work positions (areas) that have strong interactions and/or close relat


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