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Keys Lesson One To Lesson Seven VERBAL PRACTICE III Particles 1 relaxed 2 packed gliding fitting 3 disguised 4 blunted 5 spreading involving 6 leading 7 added 8 prevailing raised 9 canceled determined 10 folding watching fascinated 11 doting 12 failed 13 hurried pretending 14 faded 15 renewed Diction and Vocabulary A 1 meager scanty 2 ahead of 3 tram pavement wallet pocketbook 4 boarded it 5 baggage 6 besides apart from 7 great 8 beamed 9 carriage D 1 get him into trouble 2 sensed 3 keep me company 4 are weighed down 5 took refuge in 6 engrossed failed 7 to take advantage of 8 to play hokey 9 tiptoed intrude upon 10 keep up with 11 are looking forward to look forward to have been looking forward to 12 tripped over 13 cared 14 practice 15 due E 1 I can t imagine what prompted him to pursue a graduate program at his age 2 He set out at six an hour ahead of his usual time for going to office 3 I could see Jimmy was eager to tell me about the interview Laughingly he said When I walked to the desk the manager looked up took stock of me then asked me a few questions and said OK 4 Virtually under house arrest the general took refuge in traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy and found peace and solace in ink and water 5 As the Shanghai Beijing train was due to leave at 17 25 I had to take a taxi Shortly after I boarded the train and found my berth it started to move 6 Like Mrs Taylor Mrs Green lives a lonely life on a skimpy pension Cooped up in a small dreary room day after day she is starved for company 7 The women scientist said I can do without jewels I can even do without a car but I can t do without my books and laboratory 8 The istle and bustle before setting out the car ride and the picnic itself filled the children with thrill and excitement 9 As the boat sailed on the young girls were enthralled by the picturesque scenery around them 10 Anne was surprised to find Stephen in the corridor What is he doing here at this hour of the night she asked herself 11 For a moment I did not recognize her for instead of the lively girl I knew she looked like a fashion model in her new green velvet dress and green shoes her hair done up at the top 12 This was his first visit to his home village after forty years and he brought with him many nostalgic memories 13 That night she tossed and turned in her bed unable to sleep all kinds of thoughts flashing through her mind 14 It is quite a job cooking a good dinner for twelve 15 As the twin sisters look very much alike people often mistake one for the other 16 When the old lady got home she found the door open and everything in the drawers of her dresser had been tossed out and turned over and over She tried to check what was missing and found to her dismay several pieces of jewelry including a pearl necklace a pair of gold chain bangles and three precious stone brooches had disappeared 17 I ought to have taken trolley bus No 21 When I saw one coming I ran as fast as I could to the stop and got on It was too late when I had taken the wrong trolley bus for it was a No 15which I had mistaken for a No 21 But the conductor said I could change buses at the next stop 18 The friend she missed most was Lee a shy girl who had never refused her anything Lesson two VERBAL PRACTICE A 1 vetoed 2 savored 3 prevailed 4 painstaking 5 imaginative 6 as well 7 perfect 8 so as not to 9 fulfilled 10 illustrated 11 be dismissed 12 ingenuity 13 was reduced to 14 drawing on 15 assured B1 She opened the window and found a crowd of children shabby in dress and dirty from play gathered at the gate 2 A new upsurge in economic construction is taking shape in our country 3 As a child Bill was quite naughty and his mother envisioned him as an imaginative architect 4 They confronted reality with courage and would never capitulate in the face of difficulty 5 Susan is not very bright but she is painstaking as a result she always comes out top in the examinations 6 They are ready to deal with an enemy assault at any time 7 Mr Johnson is a man of moral integrity and his behavior is impeccable 8 Our new 18 story office building looks most imposing 9 They have achieved great success in the realm of foreign affairs in the past few yeas 10 Tom is a slick politician never making a commitment and always giving a dubious reply 11 After dinner he described at length the strange customs he had found in that exotic land 12 At first I could not understand why he resigned It turned out that he had plans of his own 13 Wars and natural disasters in those years had reduced the village people to dire poverty The small neighboring town became a the place all would like to escape to 14 Huge investment in urban infrastructures is a prerequisite of building Shanghai into a truly great metropolis 15 The students were required to write a composition after they returned from the picnic and this took all the fun out of the activity 16 Youngsters and adults alike should be advised against extravagant habits TRANSLATION Putting laundry for airing on bamboo poles is a daily routine for the Shanghainese A newcomer to the city strolling along the labyrinth of paths and lanes can always see quilts and sheets even handkerchiefs socks diapers and underwear dangling from the balconies or dancing outside the windows It looks like a spectacular street fair of clothing and bedcovers This is a familiar sight in Shanghai Swinging clothing engulfs the new flats turning them into flag flapping vessels Blinding pillar boxes and street nameplates lined up sheets overshadow the gorgeous shop windows In some narrow areas of the city pedestrians have to quicken their pace in order to avoid dripping laundry CLOZE left side which that exert at attitude much Out pension stepping grooming place was ceased into estimated dream Lesson Three VERBAL PRACTICE A 1 plain 2 Shrewd 3 anticipated 4 ingrained 5 substituted 6 disguising 7 reinforce 8 uncompromising B 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 C 6 A 7 A 8 C C 1 What Tom needs at present is not financial support but wholesome advice 2 The two brothers resemble each other in all respects except in temperament 3 My advice is that from now on you have nothing more to do with him 4 It is no exaggeration to say Bob owes all he now has to your father 5 The proposal might be turned down at the meeting though I am in favor of it 6 The way he laughed made me flesh creep 7 The sharp edged irony in his essays distinguishes him from other writers 8 Roy s references to the mismanagement in his factory revealed his ignorance 9 How is it that your arrival has anticipated your telegram 10 As your parents see the matter in a different light they probably will not consent to the plan 11 The incongruities between his income and his expenditure have thrown doubt on his character 12 Hostile feelings are usually caused not so much by dislike as by wounded pride 13 A judge must be detached when weighing evidence 14 The Chinese anticipated the European invention of gunpowder Lesson Four VERBAL PRACTICE D 1 yelled at shouted at 2 poured swarmed 3 snap off 4 threw 5 crunched crushed 6 thinned 7 slapped hit 8 plunged into 9 flopped 10 brushing off slapping off F 1 have been ruined 2 will play fair 3 imminent 4 sensible 5 duty free 6 have overlooked 7 exasperated 8 give in 9 ruinous 10 stray G 1 As the footsteps came near she roused herself picked a book from the shelf and pretended to be reading 2 During the two hour performance the audience sat there entranced and thunderous applause broke out when the curtain fell 3 At midnight the Japanese tourists stood in the hall of the ancient temple listening to the ringing of the bell reverberating through the valley 4 If you take a stroll along Nanjing Road after supper you ll see a myriad of dazzling lights which make Nanjing Road as bright as day 5 The next morning when she drew the curtains and opened the window she found the fog had blotted out the whole view the mountain the lake and everything 6 Owing to mismanagement and slack business the firm went bankrupt 7 Prostitution is a plague which should be eliminated right away 8 The pleasant conversation was drowned by the noisy firecrackers 9 She felt enraptured as she roamed midst miles of green foliage in the hills 10 The sofa sank in under the constant weight of the occupant a full 120 kg 11 Manufacturers who overlook the quality of their products are bound to fail in competition 12 Since you disapprove of the project why did you vote for it 13 As he has been exceedingly busy these days his occasional absence from the regular meeting is readily understood 14 If you see a roach in your house there must be at least five hundred of them for the roach multiplies very fast Lesson Five QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Diction and Vocabulary A Blank filling 1 deal with 2 perpetual 3 exclusively 4 has never occurred to 5 is bound to 6 utmost 7 proceeds 8 has assured 9 take some credit 10 have given away 11 are particularly concerned with 12 rewarded 13 lay particular stress 14 professional B Translation 1 More and more foreign businessmen have come to see that investment in China involves little risk 2 May I ask if you were in my position how would you deal with this formidable enemy 3 When she got home Rose was stunned at what she saw before her Someone must have slipped in through the broken window Then it occurred to her to do what was the most sensible thing under the circumstances to call the police 4 The new inventions are bound to bring great profits to our enterprise 5 The shadow of terrorism looms larger and larger in some Western countries 6 The girl made strict demands on herself and worked very hard 7 You must not forget that sound judgment is supposed to be her forte 8 His brother excels in water color rather than in oil painting 9 much effort has been made to rid the house of roaches but in vain You mustn t lost hope Try again and again 10 Fred was not aware that his short hair and new clothes had given him away 11 In recent years some women though not many have distinguished themselves in the political arena or and the financial world hitherto monopolized by men 12 I hope you will take into account the state of mind he was in under those circumstances and give him another chance 13 Many students are thrown into a state of confusion and anxiety when they find the values gained in college are out of place in society at large 14 The mother said My son listen to me Quit gambling If you don t it will involve you deeply in debt and you ll be ruined 15 I will introduce you to her but I warn you beforehand that she moves in very exclusive social circles 16 The book deals with the life and experiences of a self made man 17 I was told he had been taken in To put it bluntly that man is a fool 18 College students are much more concerned with job opportunities after their graduation nowadays than a few years ago CLOZE hard which looms what pattern ways prevails what homes large own next acceptance expected Toward taken seriously discouraged applauded level much ambitious line respect above find TRASLATION 学生文化的一个主要作用是使女学生对系里教师敬而远之 它充当一面挡箭学生文化的一个主要作用是使女学生对系里教师敬而远之 它充当一面挡箭 牌 防止女学生在课程与思潮中陷得太深 或阻止女学生与系里教师建立一种牌 防止女学生在课程与思潮中陷得太深 或阻止女学生与系里教师建立一种 成熟的关系 这种关系可能使女学生对自己现状或所持观点的满足感受到威胁 成熟的关系 这种关系可能使女学生对自己现状或所持观点的满足感受到威胁 在任何特定时期 大多数女学生都接受学生文化 而且或多或少地积极参与 在任何特定时期 大多数女学生都接受学生文化 而且或多或少地积极参与 只有极少数人能完全不受它的影响 总的说来 大多数学生并不是对学业不感只有极少数人能完全不受它的影响 总的说来 大多数学生并不是对学业不感 兴趣 也不是学业对她们不产生任何影响 但是除了对少数人外 大学对人生兴趣 也不是学业对她们不产生任何影响 但是除了对少数人外 大学对人生 哲理与目标的教育在学生形成价值观念与生活习惯中不起重要的作用 哲理与目标的教育在学生形成价值观念与生活习惯中不起重要的作用 对更多人来说 学生文化才是起作用的主要教育力量 她们以此为准则与同对更多人来说 学生文化才是起作用的主要教育力量 她们以此为准则与同 学相处 对男士 婚姻与社会进行思考 并处理与系里教师的关系 做到既可学相处 对男士 婚姻与社会进行思考 并处理与系里教师的关系 做到既可 不受他们的影响 又能与他们保持融洽的关系 不受他们的影响 又能与他们保持融洽的关系 Lesson Six QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS VERBAL PRACTICE A 1 D 2 D 3 A 4 A 5 B C 1 bade 2 swoop 3 scrambled 4 hold all 5 self evident 6 revive 7 reference 8 deserted 9 subdued 10 would lift a finger D 1 The house is going to collapse but he won t lift a finger to repair it 2 That was a rough climb 3 Nobody knows how dinosaurs came into existence and how they became extinct 4 Terraced fields rise gently and extend to the hillocks at the great mountains 5 Generally speaking American girls are far more assertive than Chinese girls 6 Sixteen is a flowery period in one s life full of poetic charm and song like vigor 7 The Great Wall winds its way for thousands of miles 8 Dick and his wife are both quick tempered and soon after they got married the couple fell out with each other 9 The milk is a bit sour and the broth has too strong a taste of onion 10 Myriads of stars and colorful neon signs matched against each other in the night sky of the metropolis the beauty of which was beyond description 11 With a sheepish smile the laboratory assistant admitted that the results of the experiment had been exaggerated 12 Floods are still a menace to the people of the Huai River Valley 13 The tourists were immediately attracted to the scene before them flowers red yellow white bluish and purple growing wild and thick over the slope over the ridge and beyond 14 I hope you I draw your conclusion from the firsthand information you have collected TRANSLATION A After flying over the Tangshan Mountains the plane began to lose altitude and we had a clearer view of the land Pastures farms and vineyards had taken the place of rugged mountainous areas Urumqi is a city of multi nationalities Men wear embroidered caps with various patterns and different styles When our car drove through the city proper we were amazed to find so many mosques The bustling mosques feature the Islamic culture peculiar to the area We put away our luggage and went to the Mountain of Flames outside the city The mountain is so named because its color and its shape after long years of erosion are like flashing flames The Buddhist caves which once stood on the cliff beyond a small creek are no more The tourists can only find some remnants of dilapidated frescoes However these remaining fragments enable one to visualize the scenes of those days B 在地处内陆的格林纳达 爱尔汉不拉宫发生这魔幻般的变化 在它的西侧高高 耸立着史前风格的巨型摩尔人城堡 它是巨人的要塞 在中间部分 在蜂巢状的 拱顶之下 王侯的永久地保存了 天方夜谭 的光泉 而在东侧 在陡峭直下的 皱谷边缘 几处植物园一展英姿 那里 流水淙淙 泻入在绿荫翠叠的山间石阶上 凿出的一个个水池 要想观赏爱尔汗布拉宫 你得看二次 白天看一次 观赏 它的风格多样和磅礴气势 夜间看一次 欣赏它中央居室的神气飘逸 它们的 拱顶在柔光中飘浮 宛如半空中魔鬼的天蓬一般 查一下历本 找个满月的日 子去观赏 Lesson Seven QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS VERBAL PRACTICE III A 1 obscure 2 promptly 3 in particular 4 confidence 5 redeem 6 inconsistent 7 at home 8 prevail 9 at a time 10 in consequence of B 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 D 5 D 6 A 7 B 8 D 9 C 10 C C 1 What he did is always inconsistent with what he said so no one will take him into confidence 2 The preface to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English was written by Randolph Quirk 3 In his article he paid tribute to China s great achievements 4 Justice prevailed the guilty man who had killed her father was punished 5 He is a famous director but he is always dressed amiable and easy of approach never using pretentious language in his talk 6 The food is only so so in that restaurant the one redeeming feature is its fine service 7 Jack said he felt drawn to this singer 8 Though a bedridden invalid she remains optimistic about life 9 We should go ahead defying all difficulties 10 When he heard the news the smile faded from his face 11 Mary intended to expand her article into a book 12 The plane fully loaded with cargo and passengers took off on time 13 They are facing unprecedented difficulties and it is our indispensable duty to help them 14 He and Jack studies in the same class for three years and he took Jack into his confidence telling him everything concerning his affairs CLOZE 1 Despite 2 created 3 influence 4 languages 5 hailed 6 works 7 nourished 8 Tecognition 9 edition 10 available 11 number 12 inaccessible 13 death 14 dispersed 15 lifetime 16 debt TRANSLATION 法院的判决在各国一直都受到尊重 人们倾向于把这些判决视为以后法院需法院的判决在各国一直都受到尊重 人们倾向于把这些判决视为以后法院需 要处理同类案件时将会遵循的要处理同类案件时将会遵循的 先例先例 这种情况或许是由两个原因造成的 一个是心理上的原因 另一个是实际方这种情况或许是由两个原因造成的 一个是心理上的原因 另一个是实际方 面的原因 心理上的原因在于 任何一个法官作出判决 如果有可能参照过去面的原因 心理上的原因在于 任何一个法官作出判决 如果有可能参照过去 的实例 那他宁可以此来证明自己所作判决的正当合法 而不愿自己承担对这的实例 那他宁可以此来证明自己所作判决的正当合法 而不愿自己承担对这 种判决的责任 实际方面的原因在于 使各种判决一致起来显然是合乎需要的 种判决的责任 实际方面的原因在于 使各种判决一致起来显然是合乎需要的 因为人们经常宣称 法律执行的确定性要比在个别的案件中能伸张正义更为重因为人们经常宣称 法律执行的确定性要比在个别的案件中能伸张正义更为重 要要 Lesson Eight QUESTIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 1 A 1 D 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 D 6 B 7 C 8 D 9 A 10 C VERBAL PRACTICE III B Blank filling 1 are coming have come into common use 2 set apart 3 phenomenal 4 dominant 5 will officiate 6 is distinguished from 7 take to dip 8 banished spared from 9 In view of 10 attached such great importance 11 in favor of 12 potential threat 13 reveals typical of 14 in favor of C 1 The traditional feast has gone out of fashion giving way to seafood and special night snacks are in fashion now 2 Although steamed mandarin fish was on the menu I was told it was not available that day 3 He had to decline the offer for the terms seemed unacceptable to his corporation 4 The local people spared no renovate Yi Garden and Da Long Temple which are of historical and cultural value and are great attractions to tourists 5 I remember the party was held in that hotel The ball


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