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商务统计学词汇表Chapter 1Categorical variables 分类变量 Continuous variables 连续变量Data 数据Descriptive statistics 描述统计学Discrete variables 离散变量Focus group 焦点小组方法,小组访谈法,焦点讨论方法Inferential statistics 推断统计学Numerical variables 数值变量Operational definition 运算定义Parameter 参数Population 总体Primary sources 原始(数据)来源Sample 抽样、样本secondary sources 二手(数据)来源statistic 统计量statistics 统计学、统计数据statistical packages 统计(软件)包variables 变量Chapter 2Bar chart 柱形图、条形图 Cells 单元、元素 Chartjunk 图表垃圾 Class boundaries 组限 Class grouping 分组 Class midpoint 组中值 Contingency table 列联表 Cross-classification table 交叉分类表 Cumulative percentage distribution 累计百分比分布 Cumulative percentage polygon 累计百分比多边形图Frequency distribution 频数分布 Histogram 直方图 Ogive (cumulative percentage polygon) 卵形图、累积曲线图Ordered array 有序的数列Pareto diagram 帕累托图Pareto principle 帕累托准则percentage distribution 百分比分布percentage polygon 百分比多边形图pie chart 饼图、圆形图range 全距relative frequency distribution 相对频数分布scatter diagram 散点图stem-and-leaf display 茎叶图summary table 汇总表time-series plot 时间数列图width of class interval 组距Chapter 3Arithmetic mean 算术均值Box-and-whisker plot 箱线图Central tendency 集中趋势Chebyshev rule 切比雪夫法则Coefficient of correlation 相关系数Coefficient of variation 变异系数Covariance 协方差Dispersion 离散 离差Empirical rule 经验法则Extreme value 极端值Five-number summary 五数(值)概括法Geometric mean 几何平均Interquartile range (IQR) 四分间距、内距Left-skewed 左偏Mean 均值Median 中位数Midspread 中间离散、中间离差Mode 众数Outlier 异常值Population mean 总体均值Population standard deviatio总体标准差Population variance 总体方差Q1:first quartile 下四分位数Q3:third quartile 上四分位数Quartile 四分位数Range 全距Resistant measures 抗性测度值Right-skewed 右偏Sample coefficient of correlation 样本相关系数Shape (分布)形状Skewed 偏斜(度)Spread 离散(分布)Standard deviation 标准差Sum of squares 平方和Symmetrical 对称的Variance 方差Variation 变异Z scores 标准分数Chapter 4A priori classical probability 先验古典概率Bayestheorem 贝叶斯定理Certain event 必然事件Collectively exhaustive 完备穷尽Combination 组合Complement of event 事件的补AConditional probability 条件概率Contingency table 列联表Decision tree 决策树Empirical classical probability 经验古典概率Event 事件General addition rule 一般加法法则General multiplication rule 一般乘法法则Impossible event 不可能事件Intersection of event 事件的交Joint event 联合事件Joint probability 联合概率Marginal probability 边际概率Multiplication rule for independent events 独立事件的乘法法则Mutually exclusive 互斥Permutation 排列Sample space 样本空间Simple event 简单事件Statistical independence 统计独立性Subjective probability 主观概率Table of cross-classifications 交叉分类表Union 联合Venn diagram 韦恩图Chapter 5Area of opportunity 机会域Binomial probability distribution 二项概率分布Expected value of a discrete random variable 离散随机变量的期望值Mathematical model 数学模型Poisson distribution 泊松分布Probability distribution for a discrete random variable 离散随机变量的概率分布Rule of combination 组合定律Standard deviation of a discrete random variable 离散随机变量的标准差Chapter 6Continuous probability density function 连续概率密度函数Cumulative standardized normal distribution 累积标准正态分布Normal distribution 正态分布Normal probability density function 正态概率密度函数Normal probability plot 正态概率图Quantile-quantile plot Q-Q图,分位数图Standardized normal random variable 标准正态随机变量Transformation formula 转换公式Chapter7Central Limit Theorem 中心极限定理Clusters 群Cluster sampling 整群抽样Convenience sampling 方便抽样、便利抽样Coverage error 涵盖误差Frame 抽样框Judgement sample 判断抽样(样本)Measurememnt error 测量误差Nonprobability sample 非概率抽样Nonreponse error 无回答误差Probability sample 概率抽样Sampling distribution 抽样分布Sampling distribution of the sample mean样本均值的抽样分布Sampling distribution of the sample proportion 样本比例的抽样分布Sampling error 抽样误差Sampling with replacement 重置抽样Sampling without replacement 不重置抽样Selection bias 选择偏差Simple random sample 简单随机抽样Standard error of the mean 均值的标准误差Standard error of the proportion 比例的标准误差Strata 层Stratified sample 分层抽样、分类抽样Systematic sample 系统抽样Table of random numbers 随机数表Unbiased 无偏的Chapter 8Confidence interval estimat 置信区间估计Critical value 临界值Degrees of freedom 自由度Level of confidence 置信水平Point estimate 点估计Sampling error 抽样误差Chapter9Level of significance 显著性水平Alternative hypothesis 备择假设Confidence coefficient 置信系数Confidence level 置信水平Data snooping 数据探测法Directional test 方向性检验(左或右单侧检验)Hypothesis testing 假设检验Null hypothesis 原假设One-tail test 单尾检验、单侧检验P-value P值Power of a statistical test统计检验功效Randomization 随机性、随机选择Region of nonrejection 非拒绝域Region of rejection 拒绝域Test statistic t检验统计量Two-tail test 双尾检验、双侧检验Type error 第一类错误Type error 第二类错误Chapter 10 (第五版的10、11章)Among-group variation 组间方差Analysis of variance (ANOVA)方差分析Critical range 临界区域F distribution F分布f-test statistic for testing the equality of two variances 两个方差相等的F检验Factor 因素grand mean 总平均数homogeneity of variance 方差齐性Levene test 方差齐性检验Matched 匹配Paired 配对Mean square 均方MSA 组间均方差MST 总均方差MSW 组内均方差Multiple comparisons 多重比较One-way ANOVA 单因素方差分析Paired t test for the mean difference in related populations 有关总体均值之差的配对t 检验Pooled-variance t test 合并方差的t检验Post hoc 验后比较Random error 随机误差Randomness and independence 随机性和独立性Repeated measurements 重复测量Robust test 稳健性检验Separate-variance t test 分离方差的t检验Studentized range distribution 学生(氏)全距或极差分布Sum of squares among groups (SSA)组间平方和Sum of squares total(SST) 总平方和Sum of squares within groups (SSW)组内平方和Tatal variation 总方差Treatment effect 处理效应Tukey-Kramer multiple comparison procedure Tukey-Kramer多重比较方法Within-group variation 组内方差Chapter 11 (第五版的12章)Assumptions of regression 回归假设Autocorrelation 自相关Coefficient of determination 决定系数Confidence interval estimate for themean response因变量(响应变量)均值的置信区间估计Confidence interval estimate for the slope 斜率的置信区间估计Correlation coefficient 相关系数Dependent variable 因变量Durbin-Watson statistic D-W统计量Error sum of squares (SSE) 随机误差平方和Equal variance 等方差Explained variation 可解释的变差Explanatory 解释变量Homoscedasticity 同方差性,方差齐性Independence of errors 随机误差的独立性Least-squares method 最小平方法Linearity 线性Normality 正态性Prediction interval f


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