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关于志愿者的英语作文关于志愿者的英语作文(一):志愿者活动 Volunteer ActivityIn recent years, the volunteering spirit has spread among the Chinese people, especially among youngsters。 According to a survey, in 2008, there were about 1,700,000 volunteers who offered service for Olympic Games。 Actually, an increasing number of people bee volunteers in China every year。近年来,志愿服务精神已经蔓延在中国人中传播开来了,尤其是年轻人。据调查,2008年大约有170万志愿者为奥林匹克运动会带给服务。实际上,每年在中国都有越来越多的人成为志愿者。Volunteering actions are of tremendous benefits to both those in need and the society。 Olympic Games are a good example。 As is known to all, volunteers played an active role in Beijing Olympic Games。 Without them, it would be a tough task to hold this un-precedent Olympic Games。 Therefore, we can say that it was those volunteers who ensured the success of these games。志愿行为对于那些需要帮忙的人和社会都是有极大的好处。奥运会就是一个很好的例子。众所周知,志愿者在北京奥运会中扮演了用心的主角。没有他们,这将会是一个艰巨的任务去完成这史无前例的奥运会。因此,我们能够说,是那些志愿者保证了那些运动的成功举行。As modern college students, we should get actively involved in volunteering activities。 By participating, we can learn how to work well in a team, how to improve our interpersonal skills and organizational ability。 Undoubtedly, all of these are critical for our person growth。 So, we should take this chance to learn and to grow。作为现代大学生,我们就应用心的参与到志愿活动中来。透过参与,我们能够学习如何在团队中有效的工作,如何提高人际交往潜力和组织潜力。毫无疑问,所有这些都是至关重要的在我们的人生长。所以,我们就应抓住这个机会去学习和成长。关于志愿者的英语作文(二):In recent years, the volunteering spirit has spread among the Chinese people, especially among youngsters。 According to a survey, in 2008, there were about 1,700,000 volunteers who offered service for Olympic Games。 Actually, an increasing number of people bee volunteers every year in China。Volunteering actions are of tremendous benefits to both those in need and the society。 Olympic Games are a good example。 As is known to all, volunteers played an active role in Beijing Olympic Games。 Without them, it would be a tough task to hold this un-precedent Olympic Games。 Therefore, we can say that it was those volunteers who ensured the success of these games。As modern college students, we should get actively involved in volunteering activities。 By participating, we can learn how to work well in a team, how to improve our interpersonal skills and organizational ability。 Undoubtedly, all of these are critical for our person growth。 So, we should take this chance to learn and to grow。 (161words)关于志愿者的英语作文(三):志愿服务的益处 The Benefits of VolunteeringNowadays, an increasing number of people are willing to serve as volunteers especially the university students in that they consider that volunteering is not only a great contribution to our society and those who are in need, but also improves themselves in many aspects。如今,越来越多的人愿意成为志愿者尤其是大学生,因为他们觉得志愿服务不仅仅是对社会有重大贡献还对那些有需要的人,而且还在多方面提升了自我。For one thing, there is no doubt that volunteering makes contribution to our society and people in need。 The volunteers provide their assistance without requiring any financial rewards。 Their contributions have a great impact on harmony society contribution。一方面,毫无疑问的是志愿服务对我们的社会做贡献和有需要的人。志愿者不要求回报的带给帮忙。他们的贡献对和谐社会有很大的影响。For another, serving as a volunteer is also beneficial to the volunteers themselves。 They can improve their munication skills when providing help for others。 One of the examples is that the university students who serve in Canton Fair will get a great chance to practical their English and get in touch with different kinds of people as well as broad their horizon。 In addition, by serving as different kinds of volunteers, they are easier to understand themselves and know in which fields they are interested。另一方面,作为一个志愿者,对于志愿者自我也是有利的。在带给帮忙的同时他们能够提高自我的沟通技巧。其中一个例子是,广交会服务的大学生能够得到锻炼英语的机会,还能够接触到各种各样的人来开阔视野。此外,成为不一样类型的志愿者,他们更容易了解自我,明白兴趣之所在。In a word, volunteering has brought many benefits to our society, those who are in need as well as the volunteers themselves。 Therefore, let us enjoy the time when serving as a volunteer。 总之,志愿服务为我们社会带来了许多好处,也给那些有需要的人以及自我志愿者带来了好处。因此,让我们好好享受作为一个志愿者的时光吧。关于志愿者的英语作文(四):Nowadays, there is a increasing number for people to join in the activities of volunteering。 Its well-known that volunteering job is making contribution to the society with nothing in return。 Its like the Leifeng spirit。 However, knowing this, there are still many people would like to devote themseves in this trend。 For instance, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has so many volunteers。 They made lots of contribution to the success of opening the Olympics。 Moreover, we can often see that there many students go to geroium to visit the old to bring warm to the lonely people。 Even there are some peoples career is volunteer。 They are ready to help others。 Although the volunteers are much more mon, we still need to thanks them to admire them devoting themseves to the society。关于志愿者的英语作文(五):The volunteering spirit has spread among the Chinese people in recent years, especiallyamong young people。Volunteering is of tremendous benefits to both those in need and society。 Take theWenchuan Earthquake as an example。 Hundreds of thousands of volunteers play anactive role in Wenchuan quake-hit areas。 And they contribute daily necessaries, offermedical help and psychological help to the disaster relief work。Besides, volunteering would be beneficial to the volunteers themselves Getting involvedin volunteering, volunteers will be exposed to a new environment, and they can learn howto work well in a team, how to improve their interpersonal skills and organizational skills,all of which are critical for their professional growth。As a college student, I sincerely hope that everyone would join the volunteering work。 It isnot only good to our society, but also a chance for us to grow and to learn。关于志愿者的英语作文(六):I want to be a volunteer of beijing olympic games。 I realized the time flies。I must study english very hard。 Because English is very useful and it is very important。 And to be a volunteer of the olympic games is good for myself too。I can make some friends from different countries and learn more about sport,about olympic。 But the first thing to perpare this is study hard, I am confident i will to be a good volunteer and I will show the world:our country and our cities are so perfect in the world。Some of us helped clean the city park while some went to Childrens Hospital to tell stories to sick kids to cheer them up。 Some students sang songs for the old in the Home for the Elderly。 I am good at telling stories so I went to the hospital with my classmates。 Volenteer work is not only interesting but also necessary because we can show our love to people in need。关于志愿者的英语作文(七):志愿者 VolunteerNowadays, there is a increasing number for people to join in the activities of volunteering。 Its well-known that volunteering job is making contribution to the society with nothing in return。 Its like the Leifeng spirit。 However, knowing this, there are still many people would like to devote themseves in this trend。 For instance, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has so many volunteers。 They made lots of contribution to the success of opening the Olympics。 Moreover, we can often see that there many students go to geroium to visit the old to bring warm to the lonely people。 Even there are some peoples career is volunteer。 They are ready to help others。 Although the volunteers are much more mon, we still need to thanks them to admire them devoting themseves to the society。如今,有越来越多的人加入到志愿服务行业。众所周知,志愿者工作是对社会的无私贡献。就像雷锋精神一样。然而,虽然意识到这一点但还是有很多人愿意奉献于这个行业。例如,2008年北京奥运会有这么多的志愿者。他们为奥运会的成功举行做了很多的贡献。此外,我们经常能够看到,有很多学生去敬老院看望老人给他们带去温暖。甚至有些人的职业就是志愿者。他们时刻准备好去帮忙别人。虽然志愿者是越来越常见了,但我们仍然要感谢他们钦佩他们为社会奉献自我。关于志愿者的英语作文(八):My Opinions on VolunteeringWe are middle school students and we are busy with our lessons。 So some people think we should concentrate more on our studies。 If we volunteer to help others, its a waste of time。 But I think volunteering is great。I not only feel good about helping others, but also get to spend time doing what I love to do。 And from volunteering I have learned many things that I have never learned in class。 So if I have an oppoutunity, Id like to visit old peoples houses to clean up for them。 Id also like to help sick kids in hospital。 I love kids and I plan to put my love to good use by working in hospital。In a word, Id like to help people who need help。 If everyone helps out a bit, the world will be more colorful。在人生的旅途中,有两件事情能让人走得更远: 一个是前进,另一个是转弯。前进需要莫大的勇气,转弯需要智慧的高远。学会转弯,是人生一种难得的大智慧。有时候,虽然转了一个弯,多走了几步路,却看到了另一片风景,另一片蓝天!人们一直都在倡导“执着”,对于选定的目标,看准的事,执着固然没错,但遇事爱钻牛角尖,“不撞南墙不回头”的“执着”,实不可取,更不可赞!中有句话: “宁可湿衣,不可乱步。”瞧!这样的“一步三摇”,多么可笑;这样的“斯斯文文”,多么可怜;这样的“过于拘板”,多么可叹!有些人就是这样死守教条,不肯转弯,岂不是同样可笑、可怜、可叹? 岂不是要遭人耻笑,多么难堪!所以,在你的人生道路上,要把握好“方向盘”,要明白何时直行,何时转弯。不要一条道儿走到黑,“撞到南墙要回头”,要懂得变通,灵活改变。该前行时要前行,该转弯时须转弯,不要将自己变成一条旱河里搁浅的船!遇到好事,应尽力所为;遇到坏事,应极力改变;遇到烦心事,应想开看淡;遇到变故,应多转几个弯。读了下面的小故事,你就明白了学会转弯就是不简单。从前,西部有一个缺水的村子,村民要到五里外的地方挑水喝,没有能力挑水的人生活很困难。头脑灵活的村民甲挑起水桶,以卖水为业挣了不少钱。村民乙见状红了眼,于是全家动员,也挑水卖钱,很快就超过了村民甲所挣的钱。村民甲见财路要断,脑筋一转,就花小钱请了十几个闲散劳动力为他挑水,而自己坐镇卖水,他竟然当起了老板,这样既省力又赚钱。后来,村民们都效法村民甲,可是不久人们发现自己的水突然卖不出去了,都傻了眼!原来,村民甲买来水管,安装了管道,让水从水源地直接流到了自己家里,他只要坐在家里就可以卖水赚钱!不管是世间的路还是人生的路,从来都是宽阔与狭窄交替,平坦与坎坷相连,笔直与弯曲相伴。有顺畅就有崎岖,有甜蜜就有黄连。只有懂得转弯的人,才能摆脱困境,才能找到出路,才能随心如愿。学会了转弯,才能以平常心去对待一切顺逆困厄,在遇到人生的大疑、大苦、大难时,才不会被击倒,才能以聪明睿智展现自己的不凡和达观。遇事多转几个弯,转弯才有新的生机。转弯不是畏缩,不是怯弱,而是能进能退,能屈能展。转弯,就是人生大智慧的体现!每个人都有自己的故事,每个人都正在经历不同的故事修养要求我们用智慧处理自己的事,用体谅对待他人。懂得体谅别人,就是尊重别人的不同真正的修养,不在你的学历、财富和地位,而在于你对遇见的人足够尊重。人的一生总会与太多人相知相遇,没必要将彼此的存在分个你高我低。爱人者,人恒爱之;敬人者,人恒敬之”,要学会尊重每一个人。真正有修养的人不会试图在与他人的相处中得出优越感。尊重是不含功利色彩的,是一种悯人的情怀,它来自人心底深处对另一个生命深切的理解和关爱别人尊重你,不是因为你很优秀,而是别人很优秀。在人之上请视人为人,在人之下请视己为人。对你不如的人要尊重,对不如你的人更要尊重。康德曾说“我尊敬任何一个独立的灵魂,虽然有些我并不认可,但我可以尽可能的去理解”。修养很简单,就是懂得体谅别人。体谅别人也很容易,你要先学会尊重别人,尊重不同。梁启超之所以受人尊敬离不开他懂得尊重别人的美德日子真实且琐碎着,我们常常会在三月的春风中期盼夏天的来临,也会在秋的门楣感慨时光的脚步匆匆,岁月催人老,就在我们徘徊,怅惘的时候,光阴已然悄悄流逝。一辈子很短,短的来不及看清风景,就已错过,短的来不及珍惜,已然失去,所以你要看清脚下的路,在相遇与别离间,学会随遇而安。人生就是一场旅行,开始上路时,会觉得前方路途遥远,三年五载,如一生一世,远的不能再远,仿佛有用不完的光阴可虚度。于是前半生就稀里糊涂的过去了,该珍惜的没有珍惜,该在乎的也没有在乎,等到幡然醒悟,却已不再年轻了。经历过的终究不能再捡拾,日子一去不复返,我们不过是在老去的路上,重复着昨天的故事,最美的年华,成了指间流沙。董桥说,中年是一杯下午茶,中年是最尴尬的年龄,是天没亮就睡不着的年龄,是只会感慨不会感动的年龄,是只有哀愁没有愤怒的年龄。是呀,人到中年,沧海桑田,心态也逐渐变得平稳了,一直以为放不下的,也都放下了,以为改变不了的,也都学着妥协了。人生,花好花红也就那么几日,终是要自渡。慢慢的,到了一定年龄,开始觉得时光匆匆了,转眼就是一天,转瞬就是一年,总觉得有些风景还没看够呢,就已错过了,于是开始学会珍惜了,盼着日子慢一点,再慢一点。人生多少鲜衣怒马,也熬不过岁月静好。时光里,有些人,走着走着就散了,有些事记着记着就忘了,有些情,爱着爱着就淡了,人生多少繁华,转眼如过眼云烟,不是我们善忘,而是败给了时间。我们这一生,有顺境,也会有逆境,总要经历点什么,来证明我们来过,你要学会在风雨中奔跑,也要能静下心来在阳光下喝杯暖茶。轻抚岁月的花瓣,风过生香,雨落成诗,时间证明了岁月的温柔,也见证了聚散离合,生命的每一个路口,都会遇到温暖的人,未来的每一次


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