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教 案课程名称 新生代英语高级教程2 课 时 班 级 专 业 教 师 系 部 教 研 室 教 材 新生代英语高级教程2 教学计划教 学单 元Unit 2 “Its faster and more expensive.”单 元主 题l Computers课 时安 排8教学内容l Show Time“Its faster and more expensive.”l Reading Screen time, all the time!l Chat TimeHow do I print?l WritingInstructions for a computerl GrammarComparative and superlative adverbs l My StoryUsing technology教学目标教学活动建议Warm-upTo get students to talk about the main topic of this unit in a comfortable and relaxed mannerl Tell students that the focus of this unit is on computers and social media.l Ask students to think about what factors they would consider if choosing a computer for themselves. Get a couple of students to share their thoughts.l Read the rubric aloud and give students several minutes to complete the matching task. Then get students to share their reasons with a partner.l Nominate a couple of students to report back on their choices and reasons.Vocabulary BuilderA and BTo teach students new vocabulary related to computersl Have students listen and repeat the words and the expression, teaching the definition for each one. You can check their comprehension by asking questions, such as: Which word means a portable computer? (laptop) What is the part of the computer we type on? (keyboard) What is the part of the computer the sound comes out of? (speakers)l Once students seem comfortable with the new words and the expression, have them complete Exercise B and then switch books. Go through the answers, calling on different students each time. Correct any errors.l If you want to, you can start each class with a short spelling test, which works quite well as a warm-up.CTo improve students listening and comprehension skillsl Give students several minutes to skim the conversation. Elicit what the two friends are talking about (computers). Ask students: What kind of computer does Kevin have? What kind of computer does Jenny want? Allow students to check the meaning of any unfamiliar language.l Play the audio, twice if necessary. Pause the audio so that students have time to fill in the blanks.l Allow students to check their answers with a partner before nominating a couple of confident students to perform the conversation in front of the class.DTo improve students speaking and comprehension skillsl Ask students to look at the diagram. Read the rubric and check that students understand the task.l Organize students into pairs. Challenge them to see who can be the fastest to complete the diagram.l Collect answers around the class, writing any new language on the blackboard. As students give you their answers, elicit the correct pronunciation.Show TimeATo teach students speaking skills through the use of picturesl Tell students to look at the pictures and ask some basic comprehension questions, such as: Who are these people? Where are they? What are they doing?l Ask students to guess what happened in this video and to match the pictures to the sentences according to their own understanding.l Have students watch the video in its entirety. Ask them to check their answers with a partner.B, C and DTo improve students listening comprehension through the use of videol For Exercise B, ask students to read through each statement and to write the correct word.l For Exercise C, play the video again. Have a pair of students read out the conversation with one student playing the role of Mr. Sanchez and the other as Mrs. Sanchez. For an extension activity, students can role-play describing their computers, using the words and expressions learned in this unit.l For Exercise D, have students read through each sentence and then put the events in order.l Check the answers for Exercises B, C, and D. Students can exchange books and listen as you go through the answers.ReadingA, B and CTo improve students reading comprehensionExercise Al Read the texts heading aloud to students and elicit what “screen time” means. (It means the time spent staring at a computer or phone screen.) Ask students to look at the pictures which elicit what might be happening in each story.l Get students to read the text, referring to WORDS & EXPRESSIONS to help them with unfamiliar language. Ask them whether their predictions about the pictures were correct.l Ask students to read the statements and to decide whether they are true or false. Check answers around the class, asking students to correct the false statements.Exercise Bl Read the rubric aloud, stressing the fact that students can use a maximum of three words.l Ask students to read the text again and complete the sentences.l Allow students to check their answers with a partner. Nominate a couple of students to read the sentences.Exercise Cl Get students to answer the questions, allowing them to refer to the text again if necessary.l Check answers around the class.D, E and FTo review the useful words and expressionsExercise Dl Get students to match the words to form collocations from the text. Check answers around the class, eliciting the meaning of each collocation.l Ask students to complete the sentences.l Fast finishers should write example sentences containing the collocations and then blank the collocations out. They will read the sentences aloud to a partner, who should listen and supply the correct collocations.Exercise El Read the rubric aloud. Do the first example as a class, before giving students several minutes to complete the rest of the activity by themselves.l Collect answers around the class. Personalize the new language by asking students questions, such as: How do you know when someone is love-struck? What kind of program will have you glued to the TV? What has caused a sensation on the Internet recently?Exercise Fl Organize students into pairs. Challenge them to see who can be the first pair to complete the crossword.l Go over the answers as a class.Beyond the TextTo improve students critically thinking ability and encourage them to learn a lesson from the textExercise Al Read the rubric and Jacksons post aloud to students. Get students to read Patricks comment. Ask them to decide whether or not they agree with it and get a couple of students to share their thoughts.l Ask students to write a reply to Patricks comment. You may elicit polite ways of agreeing and disagreeing with an online comment before asking students to work on their replies. Get a couple of students to share their replies with the rest of the class.l Ask students to think of their comments to Jacksons post, such as: Is this something youve heard about before? What do you think could be done to stop employees doing this kind of thing? Whats your opinion of people who do this? l After discussion, get students to write their comments in the corresponding box. Nominate a couple of students to read their comments to the rest of the class.Exercise Bl Read the rubric aloud to students and make sure they understand the task. Elicit the meaning of the expression “gray area”. (It means something which cannot be placed clearly into the categories given.)l When students have categorized the behaviors, give them several minutes to share their thoughts with a partner.l Conduct class feedback, making sure that students give reasons for their choices. Generate as much discussion as possible and write any new language on the blackboard.Chat TimeTo improve students listening, speaking, writing and acting skills through the use of conversationExercises A & Bl For Exercise A, explain to students that they will hear a conversation in which two people discuss a technical problem. Introduce the key words for this conversation.l Tell students to listen carefully and to write down what they hear in the blanks. If necessary, pause the audio so that students have time to write.l Have students practice talking about computers using the questions in Exercise B.l Have students read through LANGUAGE NOTE, which teaches the idiom “fingers crossed”.l Ask students to tell you about any lucky experiences they have had recently.Exercise Cl Read the rubric aloud and direct students attention to Useful language. Elicit some different ways of asking for help, such as: Can you give me a hand? Do you have a minute? I need a bit of help.l Make sure students know how to thank someone for their help, and how to acknowledge advice, such as: Thanks so much for your help! Ill give that a go. Why didnt I think of that? Thank you!l Monitor as students role-play their conversations, offering support where necessary.l Choose a confident pair to perform their conversation to the rest of the class.WritingTo improve students writing skills and learn to write instructions for a computerExercise Al Tell students that they are going to practice writing instructions.l Elicit what is happening in each picture. Give students several minutes to put the pictures in the correct order. Check answers as a class.Exercise Bl Read the rubric aloud and make sure students understand that there are two parts in this exercise.l Monitor as students complete the task, offering support where necessary.l Check answers around the class. Elicit what makes these instructions clear and easy to follow. (They are short and concise, and the verb comes at the beginning of each instruction.)Exercise Cl Read the words and expressions in the boxes and check that students understand their meanings.l Get students to complete the task. Allow them to check their answers with a partner before reading the list around the class.l Fast finishers can be challenged to think of five more dos and donts for computer usage.Exercise Dl Elicit some of the language students will need before they start writing. Ask students: What do I need to do if I want to switch off a laptop correctly?l Elicit what students need to bear in mind when writing instructions, such as: The instructions need to be clear and concise, and the imperative form of the verb should go at the beginning of each sentence.l Circulate as students write their instructions, offering support where necessary. Choose some clear sets of instructions and show them to the class.GrammarTo teach students how to use comparative and superlative adverbsExercise Al Start by explaining that we use comparative when comparing two things and superlative when we want to compare three or more things.l Write a sentence of each on the blackboard. For example, you look at the height of students in your class and then make sentences, such as: Johnny is taller than Peter. Simon is the tallest in the class. Make sure to emphasize that we use “than” with the comparative and “the” with the superlative.l Teach the spelling rules for each. If you want to practice more, you can bring pictures of objects or real objects to class and have students compare them.l Once students seem comfortable with the grammar, have them complete the exercise and then switch books to correct their mistakes.Exercise Bl Begin by eliciting the difference between the comparative and superlative forms.l Ask students to skim the letter. Ask general questions to check their comprehension, such as: What is Fang doing next year? Why is Sophia writing to her?l Complete the first blank together as a class. Then get students to complete the rest of the letter choosing the comparative or superlative form of the words.l Read the completed letter around the class.My StoryTo improve students listening comprehension and speaking ability through the use of videoExercises A & Bl Tell students that they will see a video in which real people talk about how they use technology.l Play the video and have students complete the true or false statements in Exercise A. In some cases, you may need to pause the video to help students.l Have students tell you the answers, correcting any mistakes. Play the video again and have students answer the questions in Exercise B, pausing the video if necessary.l Check students answers, correcting any mistakes.Exercise Cl Read the questions aloud. Give students several minutes to think about how theyll answer each question and to take some notes.l Organize students into pairs to ask each other questions and to share their answers.l Nominate a few students to report back on their partners answers.课后学习设计作业u Finish all the exercises in Unit 2.u Read the text in this unit again and try to summarise its content.u Write instructions for a computer.课后总结与反思补充教学资源Vocabulary Builder参考译文凯文:嗨,珍妮。最近怎么样?珍妮:还是老样子。你看到新款乐桃笔记本电脑(Peachbook)了吗?看起来棒极了。凯文:嗯,我昨晚看到了。你想要哪一款?珍妮:我想要13英寸的那一款。它有16G的内存和万亿字节的存储空间。凯文:听起来不错,但也很贵吧。它们卖多少钱?珍妮:大约1,299美元。凯文:1,299美元!太贵了。我想我还是继续用我的旧特萨斯(Tasus)吧。珍妮:那台老电脑!你真的需要买一台新的,凯文。凯文:我知道,但我的特萨斯仍然能正常工作。我认为现在买台新电脑是不合理的。珍妮:好吧,我一定要买一台新款乐桃笔记本。凯文:我想我宁愿把这笔钱用来度假。珍妮:我不这样认为。比起度假我更想买一台新电脑。Show Time参考译文桑切斯夫人:嗨,亲爱的。你在干什么呢?桑切斯先生:刚刚我在看电脑广告。桑切斯夫人:电脑广告?看它做什么?桑切斯先生:我想给赫克托买台电脑。他上学能用得着。桑切斯夫人:真有这个必要吗?桑切斯先生:现在跟以前不一样了,亲爱的。有台电脑就像有纸有笔一样常见。桑切斯夫人:好吧,也许你是对的。但买台电脑会不会太贵了?你确定我们可以负担得起吗?桑切斯先生:当然,我们能够负担得起。我们有一些积蓄。而且现在有些活动很划算。桑切斯夫人:真的吗?桑切斯先生:来,你看这儿。这是一台笔记本电脑,非常轻而且便于携带。桑切斯夫人:是的,笔记本电脑确实又薄又轻。桑切斯先生:没错。这就是重点。对比一下笔记本电脑跟台式电脑。桑切斯夫人:比起笔记本电脑,台式电脑要大得多、沉得多。桑切斯先生:是的,但台式电脑更便宜。桑切斯夫人:也就是说。笔记本比台式电脑要小巧,但同时也比台式电脑贵很多。桑切斯先生:是的。桑切斯夫人:哪种电脑的内存最大?桑切斯先生:笔记本电脑的内存比台式电脑要大。桑切斯夫人:所以这就意味着笔记本电脑的运行速度更快。桑切斯先生:你又说对了。更大的内存就意味着更快的速度。一个是体积小、重量轻、内存大且价格贵。一个是体积大、重量沉、运行慢但价格便宜。桑切斯夫人:我认为我们应该多花点钱买台笔记本电脑。对于赫克托来说,笔记本电脑比台式电脑要有用得多。桑切斯先生:我同意。而且如果我们今天去买的话,还能享受折扣。桑切斯夫人:那么,我们还等什么?桑切斯先生:现在让我们直奔商店,赶在赫克托回家之前买回来。我们可以给他个惊喜!桑切斯先生:哦,等等!他回来了。别露出马脚。桑切斯夫人:那是什么?赫克托:什么?这个吗?桑切斯先生:是的,就是那个!赫克托:这是我的新笔记本。好吧,这不是新的。这是玛特奥给我的。他买了台新的笔记本,把旧的给我了。很酷,对吧?桑切斯夫妇:对,真不错语言解析1 Having a computer is like having a pen and paper.有台电脑就像有纸有笔一样常见。动词的-ing形式在起名词作用时,成为动名词,动名词在句中可以用作主语、表语、宾语等:1) 用作主语:e.g. Dancing bored him. 跳舞使他厌烦。2) 用作表语:e.g. Her bobby is collecting stamps. 她的爱好是集邮。3) 用作宾语:e.g. Please stop talking. 请不要说话。2 Are you sure we can afford to buy a computer?你确定我们可以负担得起(一台电脑)吗?1) afford to do: to have enough money to buy or pay for something 买得起,付得起钱e.g. We cant afford to go on vacation this year. 今年我们没钱去度假。 to be able to do something without causing serious problems for yourself 承担得起,有能力做e.g. We simply cannot afford to offend such an important customer. 惹怒这样一位重要客户,我们可担当不起。2) affordable:a. inexpensive enough for ordinary people to afford 不贵的,支付得起的,负担得起的e.g. Mary is trying to find an affordable wedding dress. 玛丽正试图找到一件能支付得起的婚纱。3 Compare the laptop to a desktop computer.对比一下笔记本跟台式电脑。compare:v. 1) used when considering the size, quality, or amount of something in relation to something similar 比较,对照(后接with或to)e.g. The dangers I run are nothing compared to (或with) those of our soldiers at the front. 与我们的战士在前线上的危险比较起来,我这点危险算不了什么。2) to say that something or someone is like something or someone else, or that it is equally good 把比作(后接to)e.g. Compare the body to a finely tuned machine.把身体比作调整得很好的机器。4 Which one has the most memory?哪种电脑的内存最大?memory: n. 1) the amount of space that can be used for storing information on a computer (计算机存储器的)存储量,内存(不可数)e.g. 30 megabytes of memory30兆字节的存储量2) the part of a computer in which information can be stored (计算机的)存储器(可数)e.g. The data is stored in the computers memory. 数据储存在电脑的存储器里。5 And if we buy it today, we can get it on sale.而且如果我们今天去买的话,还能享受折扣。on sale:1) available to be bought at a lower price than usual 廉价出售e.g. This ten-dollar hat is now on sale for five.这种10美元的帽子现在削价卖5美元。2) available to be bought in a shop 出售,上市e.g. Will the new product be on sale next month?这种新产品下月会上市吗?Reading参考译文无时无刻盯着屏幕!你会花上数小时盯着屏幕吗?现在你在社交媒体上发布的信息远比以前要多吗?如果是这样的话,你可要当心了你可能会在以下令人捧腹的新闻中看到自己的身影。走路发短信,一女子掉入喷泉中一位英国女子被拍到掉入喷泉中,因此在网络走红。全世界的人都看了这则短视频:一位女子在公园漫步,因忙于发短信而没有抬头看路。她径直走向喷泉并掉进了水里。万幸的是,喷泉里的水并不深,因此她没有受伤。然而令人不可思议的是,她从喷泉出来时仍在盯着自己的手机,并继续发她的短信。史上最安静生日派对另一则引起网络轰动的新闻来自一个及其安静的生日派对。为什么会如此安静呢?当然是因为大家都在盯着社交媒体!过生日的女孩在自拍,她的两个朋友在给蛋糕拍照,另一个朋友在用手机给派对录像,最后还有两个朋友死死盯着手机屏幕可能在写这场派对是多么有趣的帖子。哪怕抬头看一眼也好一位热恋中的男子花了数百美元雇了一架飞机,机尾挂着条幅,写着:“嫁给我好吗?”男子带着女友来沙滩来享用浪漫的野餐。俩人坐在男子事先踩好点的地方飞机会从这里经过。然而可悲的是,他的女友并没有看到他花大价钱准备的求婚。为什么呢?即便男子一直在提示女孩,但女孩并没有抬头,因为她正在发着一条长长的短信。语言解析1. Are you posting things on social media more than before?现在你在社交媒体上发布的信息远比以前要多吗?post1) v. to a message or computer document on the Internet so that other people can see it 贴,发布e.g. Could you post those new flyers on Davids website? 你能把那些新的小广告贴到戴维的网站上吗?2) n. a message sent to an Internet discussion group so that all members of the group can read it 帖子e.g. There was post after post criticizing the Min


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