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1.attract v.(1)吸引A magnet attracts steel.磁石能吸钢铁。(2)激发;引起Does any of these designs attract you?这些设计中有使你感兴趣的吗?The new play has attracted a good deal of criticism.这出新剧招致很多批评。知识拓展(1)attract ones attention 吸引某人的注意attract sb. to sb./sth. 引起某人对某人/某物的注意(2)attractive adj. 吸引人的be attractive to. 对有吸引力(3)attraction n. 吸引;吸引人的事物;吸引力tourist attraction 旅游胜地即学即用用attract的适当形式填空(1)The beautiful garden _ many people.(2)The old city is an important tourist _.(3)The flat was small but _, though rather shabby.2keen adj. 渴望的;热切的;热心的;灵敏的We were keen on going for an outing.我们喜欢去郊游。He is keen to have a look at the Great Wall.他很想去看看长城。Dogs have a keen sense of smell.狗的嗅觉很灵敏。知识拓展be keen on sth./sb. 热衷于某事物;对某事物满腔热情Im not too keen on jazz.我不太喜欢爵士乐。Mrs Hills is keen on Toms marrying Susan.希尔太太很希望汤姆能和苏珊结婚。单句改错Dolly wants to cycle round the world and she is really keen at the idea._3consider v.(1)考虑;后可接名词、代词、动名词、从句或“疑问词不定式”。He is considering changing his job.他在考虑调换一下工作。He considered how he should answer/how to answer.他考虑应如何回答。(2)把看作;认为;后接thatclause或复合宾语。We consider that the driver is not to blame.我们认为这不是司机的过错。We dont consider Tom to be our best friend.我们并不把汤姆当成我们最好的朋友。知识拓展(1)be considered as(把某人)看作;(被)认为Hes generally considered as the best one here.他被公认为是最好的人选。(2)consider(doing)sth. 考虑(做)某事Please consider my suggestion.请考虑我的建议。Hes considering going abroad.他在考虑出国。(3)consider how/what.to do sth. 考虑如何做/做什么Have you considered how to get there?你考虑好怎样去那儿了吗?(4)consider宾语从句Lets consider what use we can make of it.咱们考虑怎样利用它。语法填空My father considers _(buy) a computer, which is considered _(be) a great help in his work.4develop vt. & vi.(1)发展;发达Theyre going to develop heavy industries.他们打算发展重工业。(2)洗印;显影He is developing a film now.他在冲洗胶卷。(3)养成;培养Hes developed the habit of rising early.他已养成早起的习惯。(4)开发;建设develop a mine 开矿(5)生长;发育Seeds develop into plants.种子长成植物。It is very important to develop childrens body.孩子的身体发育是十分重要的。知识拓展: develop out of/from. 由发展起来develop(.)into(使)发展成为development n. 发展;开发developed adj. 发达的developing adj. 发展中的underdeveloped adj. 不发达的完成句子我们应尽早培养孩子的阅读习惯。We must _ _ _ _ as early as possible.5activity n. 活动,行动;活跃,活力Students should often take part in practical activities.学生应该经常参加实践活动。This is a street full of activity.这是一条充满生气的街道。辨析:activity, act, actionactivity有组织、有目的的活动,如课外活动、政治活动等。act可数名词,有时可与action换用,侧重指短时间内的单一行动。action多指较长时间内多次行动的集合体,即许多act集合而成的复杂行为。Im late for supper every night because of afterschool activities.因为课外活动我每天都赶不上晚餐。It is an act of kindness to help a blind man cross the street.帮助盲人过马路是一种善举。Her timely action probably saved his life.她及时采取行动很可能救他一命。根据汉语提示,用act及其同根词的正确形式填空(1)三思而后行。Think carefully before you _.(2)我参加很多活动,这占用了我许多时间。I have a lot of _ which take up much of my time.(3)事实胜于雄辩。_ speak louder than words.6ability n. U,C能力;才能;本领;技能He has got a remarkable ability to get things done.在办事方面,他显示了非凡的能力。She has great ability in teaching English.她有教英文的非凡才干。知识拓展(1)to be best of ones ability 尽最大努力(2)ability后可接动词不定式、介词in或for,但不能接of doing。译她有能力做这项工作。误She had the ability of doing the work.正She had the ability to do the work.(3)注意否定前缀的不同注意:ability后可接动词不定式、介词in或for,但不能接of doing。完成句子他为女儿能说四种语言而骄傲。He is proud of his daughters _ _ _ four languages.7innocent adj. 天真无邪的;阅世不深的;清白的;无罪的n. C无罪的人;无辜的人;清白的人I was very young and very innocent.那时我非常年幼无知。In the end the innocent was set free and the criminal was sentenced to death.最后,无辜者被释放,罪犯被判处死刑。知识拓展:be innocent of 没有罪be guilty of 有罪It is better that ten guilty escape than one innocent suffers. (Shakespeare)宁可让十个罪犯漏网,不可使一个好人蒙冤。(莎士比亚)完成句子不要太天真,竟至相信政客们说的每一句话。Dont _ _ _ as to believe everything the politicians say.8sob(1)v. 啜泣;呜咽;抽噎Some children often sob themselves to sleep.有些孩子经常哭泣着睡着了。We could hear the child sobbing in the other room.我们听到那间屋子里的小孩在抽抽搭搭地哭着。(2)n. 呜咽;哭泣The beggar told us a long sob story before she asked for money.那个叫花子先给我们讲了一个长而催人泪下的故事,然后向我们讨钱。The childs sobs gradually died down.那孩子的啜泣声渐渐静了下来。知识拓展(1)sob过去式:sobbed;过去分词:sobbed;现在分词:sobbing;第三人称单数:sobs。(2)常用词组:sob ones heart out 哭得伤心至极sob oneself to sleep 哭着哭着睡着了sob out 哭泣着诉说完成句子她哭泣着诉说了儿子在一场车祸中死亡的事情。She _ _ the story of her sons death in a traffic accident.9upset(upset, upset; upsetting)(1)v. 使(某人)心烦意乱,使(肠胃)不适;打翻;打扰,扰乱;搅乱Im sorry, I didnt mean to upset you.对不起,我没想要让你不高兴。Recent bank failures threaten to upset the entire world economy.近期银行纷纷倒闭,有打乱整个世界经济秩序的危险。Spicy food upsets my stomach.辛辣食物使我肠胃不适。(2)adj. 不安的;不快的;心烦意乱的;感到不适的She was still upset about the argument shed had with Mary.她依然为和玛丽发生的争论感到烦恼。She is really upset over not finding a job.她找不到工作,所以很苦恼。知识拓展(1)upset作形容词时,可与介词over/at/about搭配,其后可接名词、动名词。(2)upset作形容词,作表语,但不能作前置定语。巧学助记:完成句子(1)我打乱了他们的计划,并伤害了他们的自尊心。I _ _ _ and hurt their selfesteem.(2)犯不着为此事难过。There is no point _ _ _ it.10polish v. 擦光;擦亮;磨光;润色I polished my shoes before I left home.我在出门之前把鞋擦亮了。His essay needs polishing.他的论文尚需润饰。知识拓展: polish up 擦亮,润色,改善polish off 做完(工作);吃掉(食物)polish off a big plateful of stew 很快吃完一大盘炖菜归类各种“擦”:完成句子玛丽花了几天的时间来润饰演讲稿。Mary spent several days _ _ _.1.as far as Im concerned 就我而言As far as Im concerned you can do what you like.对我个人来说,你怎么做都可以。I cannot stand her endless complaining. Shes had it as far as Im concerned.她总是怨天尤人,我真是受不了。就我而言,她可是让人受够了。As far as I am concerned the matter is closed.对我来说,事情已了结。知识拓展: as/so far as. is concerned 就而言as/so far as I know 据我所知as/so far as I can remember/see/tell 据我所记/依我看/依我说as/so far as(the) eye can see 就视力所能及As far as I know, compared with other countries, Chinese students spend much more time studying.据我所知,与其他国家相比较,中国学生花费了更多的时间来学习。As far as I can remember, Twilighta story about vampirewas written by Stephenie Meyer.据我所记,暮光之城一个关于吸血鬼的爱情故事是由斯蒂芬妮梅耶所写。完成句子(1)就我而言,这个问题已经解决了。_,the problem has been solved.(2)据我所知,这是一个很小的错误。_,its a small mistake.2be likely to 有可能It is likely to rain.有可能下雨。His condition is likely to improve.他的情况有可能好转。It is likely that he didnt attend the meeting at all yesterday for he knew nothing about the report.好像他昨天根本没参加会议,因为他对报告的事一无所知。知识拓展: be likely to do sth. 有可能做某事It is/was likely that 从句。有可能辨析:likely, probable, possible(1)只有be likely前面的主语可以是人,而possible和probable不能。(2)只有possible后面可以接for sb. to do sth.,而likely和probable不能。(3)possible可与if(如果)连用,构成if possible省略式。When do you want to know the result?你想什么时候知道结果?Tomorrow if possible.如果可能的话,明天吧。句型转换The boy is likely to help us._ the boy will help us.1.To help students develop these social skills, schools offer a large number of afterschool activities, in other words, activities that take place outside classroom lessons.为帮助学生发展这些社交技能,学校安排了大量的课外活动,即在教室里上完课后进行的活动。(1)To help students develop these social skills是不定式作目的状语;activities that take place outside classroom lessons此处起同位语的作用,来进一步说明什么是课外活动。(2)in other words在句中作插入语,意为“换句话说;换言之”。In other words I dont have to send it by air mail, right?换句话说我不必把它航空邮寄了,对吗?In other words, our forces, although small at present, will grow very rapidly.这就是说,现在我们虽只有一点小小的力量,但是它的发展会是很快的。高考直击(2014重庆改编)Group activities will be organized after class _(help) children develop team spirit.语法填空(1)Birds singing is sometimes a warning to other birds _(stay) away.(2)The children all turned_(look at) the famous actress as she entered the classroom.2Exam grades are very important, but so are the afterschool activities.考试成绩固然重要,但是课外活动也不容忽视。“so助动词/情态动词/连系动词主语”,此结构表示另一主语和前面所陈述的情况有着相同的肯定情况,意为“也是这样(如此)”。She can speak some French.她能讲一些法语。So can I.我也会讲一些。If you go to the countryside for your holidays, so shall I.如果你去乡村度假,我也去。知识拓展(1)当前面的句子是混合情况(肯定和否定的混合或没有统一助动词)时,说明“另一人/物也同样”则必须用it is/was with./it is the same with.句型。Tom is clever and works hard. So it is with Mary.汤姆既聪明又努力,玛丽也是如此。(2)用so句型表示“也一样”时,其前一句必须是肯定句,且只有一个谓语。若前一句为否定句,则用“neither (nor)连系动词/助动词/情态动词(另一)主语”表示“也不”。I have never been abroad, neither has he.我从未出过国,他也没有。I didnt stay at home yesterday, nor did she.我昨天没在家,她也没在家。(3)“so主语连系动词/情态动词/助动词”这种结构中的主谓是正常语序,so相当于indeed、certainly,表示说话人对前面或对方所说情况的赞同或证实,语气较强,意为“确实如此”。He has been to the Great Wall.他去过长城。So he has.他的确如此。(注意其中的两个he,为同一个人。)Tom studies hard.汤姆学习很用功。So he does.他确实如此。完成句子(1)I dont know about you, but Im sick and tired of this weather._(我也是). I cant stand all this rain.(2)Bill wasnt happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and_(我也不高兴)引导表语从句的词例句连接副词:when,where,how,why等This is where I dont agree with you.这就是我不同意你的地方。The question is how we can get in touch with him.问题是我们怎样与他取得联系。其他连词:because,as if/as thoughHe looked as though/as if he was ill.他好像生病了。This is because all men are equal.这是因为所有的人都是平等的。二、表语从句的易混点1混淆that,which与whatthat引导表语从句时,是连词,在从句中不作成分;which与what都是连接代词,引导表语从句时,都可以在从句中作主语、宾语、表语与定语,但意思不同。前者表示“哪一个”,后者表示“的事情、地方或一切”。This was what he told me. (what在从句中作宾语)这就是他告诉我的事情。My belief is that I will succeed by working hard. (that只是引导表语从句,在从句中不作成分)我相信通过努力我会成功的。The problem is which school will be chosen. (which在从句中作定语)问题是哪一所学校将被选中。2混淆because与whybecause引导表语从句时,表示“因为”,why引导表语从句时,表示“的原因”,相当于the reason why。She often comes late. Thats because she has a baby to take care of.她经常迟到。那是因为她有一个孩子要照顾。She has a baby to take care of. Thats why she often comes late.她有一个孩子要照顾。那就是她经常迟到的原因。注意:表示“原因是”时,要用the reason is/wasthat从句,其中的that不能换成because与why。三、表语从句的难点表语从句中的虚拟语气1在表示建议、劝告、命令等含义的名词后的表语从句中,谓语动词用“should动词原形”,should可以省略。My suggestion is that we (should)have a discussion about this matter instead of just laying it aside.我的建议是我们应当讨论一下这件事,而不应该把它放在一边。2as if/though引导的表语从句常用虚拟语气。用一般过去时表示现在,过去进行时表示现在进行,过去完成时表示过去,could/would/might动词原形表示将来。It looks as if he were ten years younger today.今天他看起来好像年轻了10岁。.主语从句一、相关概念在复合句中作主语的从句,叫主语从句。引导主语从句的词例句连词:that,whetherWhether he will come is not known.不知道他是否会来。连接代词:what,who,which,whose,whoever,whatever,whichever等What we need is more practice.我们需要的是更多的练习。Whoever made the mistake should be responsible for it.无论谁犯了这个错误,都应为此负责。连接副词:when,where,how,why等Why he didnt come wasnt clear.他为什么不来还不清楚。二、主语从句的易混点1混淆that与what:that引导主语从句时,是连词,在从句中不作成分;what是连接代词,在从句中作主语、宾语、表语。That the earth turns around the sun is known to all. (that只是引导从句,在从句中不作成分)我们都知道地球围着太阳转。What will happen to the world is difficult to predict.(what在从句中作主语)世界将发生什么事情是难以预测的。2混淆which与whichever,who与whoever,what与whatever:which,who,what都含有一定的疑问,因此它们作为疑问代词。whichever,whoever,whatever分别表示“无论哪一个,无论谁,无论什么”,表示一种陈述,不含疑问的语气。whoever,whatever分别相当于the person who/anyone who.与any thing/the thing that。Whatever I have is yours.我的东西都是你的。What made her sad was not known.不知道什么使她伤心。三、主语从句的难点1由连词wh引导的主语从句中,从句可放在句首,也可以用it作形式主语,把从句放在句末。Whether he will be punished is not known.It is not known whether he will be punished.他是否会受到惩罚还不知道。2 主


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