已阅读5页,还剩70页未读 继续免费阅读




2011年专升本,一考试内容和形式考试形式为闭卷、笔试。考试时间为2小时。共分为五部分:(一)阅读理解(40分) 35minutes 共4篇,每篇5道题,每题2分。要求根据文章内容从每个问题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。本部分考试的目的是测试考生通过阅读获取信息的能力,要求既理解正确,又有一定的阅读速度。,(二) 词语和语法结构 词语和语法结构占试卷总分的30%,其中词语和语法结构各占一半。词语部分包括单词和词组。本部分考试要求考生从每题四个选择项中选择一个正确的答案。要求考生能根据具体语境、句子结构或上下文理解来分析。(三)完形填空 (10分)20道题 15分钟,(30分),(四)词形转换 (5分)5道题 5分钟 (五)作文 (15分) 30分钟,二 复习计划 时间:四月底 内容:1. 专升本英语考试核心密卷 每周完成1-2套 2. 词汇6套 每周完成1套 3. 完形填空15篇 每周完成2篇 4. 综合型 (共592题) 每周完成70道题,三 复习攻略 复习语法不要只靠看语法知识,一来不容易记住,二来即使记住,在做题时却不会把相关的语法知识应用上。最好是按照专升本英语考试必读上的安排,一边看语法知识,一边做例题和练习加以巩固。对每一道做错的题都要找出错在哪里,把相关知识点写在旁边。考试前可重点看这些做错的题目,这样既可以加强语法知识,又可以提醒自己哪些方面容易出错。 词汇和语法是英语的双腿,有了强健的双腿,才能走得快,走得稳。,突破英语写作难关首先需要掌握一些固定的句式。把平时自己喜欢的句子用汉语写出来,固定下来,之后就套用英语句式。这其实就是一项“汉译英”的工作,考生在作文时,很难临场即兴写出那些正确而优美的句子,只能靠平时积累下来。,1.多读范文;多读范文能使考生了解写作方法,写作的常用词汇,记住其中一些比较好的用法。2.多写作文;坚持每周写一篇作文并且要把每一篇写好,不要在一个水平上反复重复,要力争写好每一篇,这样写几篇后就会有收获。临近考试,可以按照规定时间写作,此时写作的题目要广泛,各种话题都要写一些,以增强适应性。3.写作时不看范文;遇到不会写的词句要多查字典,还要看该词的用法,这样才能保证正确使用;写前不要看范文,看了范文会影响自己的思路,写完后再参看范文。4.注意书写整齐;平时写作就要注意书写整齐,规范,,阅读拿高分最关键的问题是在对比答案过程当中,阅读的目的只是从原文当中寻找能够解答题的相关信息,然后等你找到相关信息,原来那句话要精读,对比abcd四个答案,看哪个答案是对原文的改写。,阅读理解答题策略 1Readingthearticlefirst 2Readingthequestionsfirst 在这里需要指出的是,无论是先看文章还是先看题这都是因人而异的,也就是说要看个人的实际情况和英语阅读习惯和水平,并没有一个确定的模式而言。如果能够在5分钟之内把一篇文章看懂,那么无论是采取先看问题还是采取先看文章两者都是可以的。但是如果英语阅读水平较低的考生,则建议采取先看问题然后在对应的回过头来看文章,这样就能够提高阅读速度与答题的准确性。但无论采取哪种方式都必须经过下面3点这样一个途径才能完成答题。,LocatingtheKeyWordsSignalWordsinthequestions 信号词和关键词就是那些专有名词、年代、数字、地名等大写的词。 TracingtheoriginalsentencebyscanningtheKeyWordsSignalWordsinthearticle 这个句子的意思是用题干里的信号词或关键词扫描文章里对应的原始句。我们知道阅读方式有两种,一种就是扫描,即scanning,在这里我们用的就是这种方法,即扫描信号词在文章里出现的地方。一旦扫到这个单词马上停顿下来,然后把单词所在的句子仔细阅读,一般情况下这就是命题的考点所在之处。,Makingfirstjudgmentbyusingcommonsense,thenconfirmingyourchoice 这个句子的意思是看到一个句子时首先用常识先把选项逐一看一下,判断出可能的答案,然后再证实你的选择。有时即使不看文章也可以把一些题做对,但为了保险起见,可以把你所选的选项放到文章里去验证一下,如果在文章里能够找到选项所对应的内容,就可以最终确定答案了;如果文章里面找不到对应的内容,那就要再看另一个选项了。用常识进行判断时一般建议是将有道理的和没有道理的进行排序,最有道理的放在第一位,最没有道理的放在最后一位,然后看问题问的是什么,如果问哪一个是对的,就将最有道理的选上,如果问哪个是错的,则将最没有道理的选出来即可。,词汇(Vocabulary)是阅读理解测试中非常重要的一项。词汇类其实也是就细节进行提问,所不同的是这是唯一关于词或词组的练习项目,词汇题往往要求对文章中的某个单词、短语甚至句子等找出近义词或最合适的解释。阅读理解中词汇类问题的常见提问方式有下列几种:(1)According to the author ,the word means_.(2)Which of the following is nearest in meaning to ?(3)The term .in paragraph can be best replaced by .(4)Whats the meaning of in line of paragraph.?(5)As used in the line , the word refers to _.,一般来说,在文章的阅读中解决释义的最好办法是猜测词义。猜测词义也需要一定的技巧,可以通过1)上下文间意义的联系;2)同义关系,反义关系;3)词的定义;4)对词的解释和举例;5)构词法知识猜测词义。1. 利用上下文词语意义的互相联系猜测词义Example :The fishermen make their canoes from tree trunks .They go from island to island in these light marrow boats and collect turtles eggs 我们从上下文中可以得出以下信息:canoes”是一种渔夫用树木做的、来回于岛屿之间的、轻狭长的、类似于小船之类的东西。尽管我们可能还不能肯定它的确切解释,但这一生词已经不会影响我们的阅读和理解了。,Example :Jogging has become very popular in some countries ,It is believed to be a good exercise for old people .“Jogging”的意思通过“a good exercise for old people ”可以推断出是一种适合老年人的运动方式。,2. 利用文章中词与词的同义和反义关系猜测词义 Example :If you happened to be sitting in the woods outside the city ,you might have witnessed a strange sight . You would have seen a very proud looking man riding along horseback , saying something 在文章中可以很容易地判断出“witness”的同义关系词是 seen, 因此witness就是看见的意思。,Example :In the northern regions the winters are generally cold and humid ,and the summers hot and dry .显然,冬天和夏天的气候是截然相反的,它们的修饰词的意思也应该截然相反。“cold”与“hot”对应,“humid”与“dry”对应。因此,“humid”是 潮湿意思。,3. 利用文章中对词的定义猜测词义Example Such experiences are not unusual for the amateur conchologists, people who collect shells.Conchologists的意思可以根据该词后面的同位解释“people who collect shells”理解为 收集贝壳的人或贝壳收藏家。Example :Jack is now a florist, who keeps a shop for selling flowers in our district.“florist” 的意思就是其后定语从句“who keeps a shop for selling flowers 所描述的拥有一家专门卖花的商店的人,即花店主,4. 利用文章中对词的举例及解释猜测词义Today young couples who are just starting their households spend lots of their money on appliances ,for instance ,washing machines , refrigerators and color TVs.通过所举的例子(washing machines ,refrigerators and color TVs)可以看出,“appliances” 应是这些名词的总称, 即“家用电器”。 Finally the enemy surrendered .They threw down their weapons and walked out of the home with their hands over their heads 通过后一句对“surrendered”的解释:扔掉武器(throw down their weapons ),举起双手(with their hands over heads )可知其意是 投降,5. 利用构词法知识(前缀和后缀)猜测词义They overestimate the interviewees ability and asked him many difficult questions“estimate”是“估计”的意思,“over”是前缀,意为“过分,过度,超过”等,因此“overestimate”就是 “高估”的意思。We were told that ours was the most spacious room in the hotel .That was why we had to pay so much for it .“spacious”是由“space(名词,空间)”“ious(形容词后缀”变化而来的,因此,可猜测其词义为 宽敞。各种各样的前、后缀可以构成名词、形容词、动词、副词等,这些词缀需要平时不断地积累和记忆。掌握构词法知识是扩大词汇量和猜测生词词义的最佳办法。,阅读理解技巧推理性问题 推理性问题与细节性问题相似,也是对文章具体内容的判断。但推理不但要求掌握文章所表达的字面含义,还要掌握一定的逻辑判断能力及写作技巧知识,从文章表面推出更深层含义,这部分往往出题分量大,难度大,出错也最多,归根结底还是对文章内容没有做到真正的理解和掌握。 Inference类问题主要包括Significance和Communication Techniques两大类。,Significance文字表面往往没有明显反映作者的全部意图,有些含义需要读者从字里行间去体会,靠自己的逻辑推理能力去判断,从上下文的联贯及文中有关部分的暗示去明析作者隐含的意思。这类问题的命题方式有: (1)The writer implies but not directly states that_-.(2) It can be inferred from the passage that_.(3) The author strongly suggests that_ .(4) It can be concluded from the passage that_.(5) The passage is intended to_ .(6)The writer indicates that_ .,阅读理解技巧细节性问题 关于细节性问题(Suppporting Details) 细节性问题通过Skimming找出主题后,应进一步掌握阐述和发展主题的主要事实,或按要求找出特定细节。 在回答此类问题时,应采用查读法(Scanning),因为这些具体内容(Detai1s是用来说明、论证或分析文章中心的。这类题目常以“WH-”形式来提问,如who, what, when, where, why及how等形式。这些问题的表达常不采用文章中的原话提问,而是使用同义词语等,因此,在选择答案前应首先看准题干,看清问题所问究竟;然后,在查读时注意寻找与题目相关的关键词语;最后,在充分理解原文、原题的基础上确定正确答案。 总之,做细节题切忌通过自己对某类知识的主观了解和认识做出想像判断,一定要紧扣文章内容,不可随心所欲。,细节类问题的命题方式有以下几种:(1)Which of the following is NOT true according to the information in the passage?(2) Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?(3) What is the example of . . . as described in the passage?(4) The author mentions all of the following except . . .(5) The reason for . . .is . . .(6) The author states that . . .(7) According to the passage, when (where, why, how, who, etc. ) .,考试阅读理解技巧关于主题思想问题(Subject Matter)Subject Matter(SM中心思想)是作者在文章中要表达的的主题,是贯穿全文的核心。作者在文章中努力通过各种Supporting Details来阐明中心议题。因此,把握主要思想对于全文理解具有重要意义。这类问题常被列为5题之首,找主题往往需要通读全文后才能作出判断。针对SM问题,应采用快速阅读法(Skimming)浏览全文,理解文章主旨大意,阅读时要注意抓住中心思想的句子在文章中的位置也不同,但阅读时,文章的开头、结尾及段落的段首句和段尾句特别重要,因为他们往往名包含文章的中心议题(SM)。,这类问题可分主题型、标题型和目的型。主题型一目了然就是找中心(Main Idea);标题型是为文章选择标题(Title);目的型就是推断作者的写作意图(Purpose).这类题常见的命题方式有:(1) What is the main idea (subject) of this passage ?(2) What is this passage mainly (primarily) concerned ?(3) The main theme of this passage is _.(4) The main point of the passage is_.(5) Which of the following is the best title for the passage ?(6) The title that best expresses the theme of the passage is _.(7) On which of the following subject would the passage most likely be found in a textbook ?(8) The purpose of the writer in writing this passage _.(9) Which of the following best describes the passage as a whole ?,1)读文章时重点关注文章的首段和首末句。按照西方人习惯性的思维方式和写作习惯,他们惯用的是演绎法:即文章一开始先扔出自己的核心观点,然后具体一步步论证。根据统计,每一段的第一句、第二句和最后一句话为本段的主题句的概率分别为50%、20%、20%,三句话成为主题句的概率超过九成,当然也就成为我们阅读的重中之重。 2)关注一篇文章或者一段话中有没有重复出现的词或词组、有没有黑体字或者是斜体字。如果有,通常这就是文章的核心概念,3)问句不会是主题句。问句通常作为过渡或者是引子,因此应该忽略,真正的主题应该是这个问题的答案。 4)关注一些表征强转折关系的连词,如“but,yet,however,infact,indeed,practically,virtually”等,这些词后面连接的通常都是一段话的主题句。 5)关注一些表征总结性,结论性的词,如“inbrief/short,above/in/after/allinall,conclusion,tosum”等,这些词后面连接的通常也都是一段话的主题句。 6)如果主题句含有show和suggest等词,重点看其后的宾语从句。 7)掌握一些词组强调的重点,如“notonly,butalso*,*aswellas,more*than,less,than*(*为强调的重点)”。,阅读理解的最后一题常常提问作者对文章中某一问题的态度(Attitude)、全文的基调(Tone)、文章的出处(Source)及对文章前后接续内容的判断等。关于态度或基调(Attitude/Tone)类题的回答应从篇章的体裁着手,一般来说,在说明文中作者的态度是客观的(objective)或中立的(neutral);而在议论文中,作者的观点才会显得多种多样,常见的选项有:(1) positive ( 2) negative(3) neutral (4) approval(赞成的)(5) disapproval (6) indifferent(7) sarcastic (8) critical(9) optimistic(10) pessimistic,完型填空旨在测试考生运用所学过的语法知识和词汇以及通过上下文的逻辑关系等,进行综合填空的能力,要求考生既要有扎实的语法知识基础和丰富的词汇量,又要有较强的阅读能力。 一、从上下文寻找信息词完型填空所选的文章都是具有逻辑关系、意义相联的语篇,而词语的重复出现、同义词和反义词的使用是重要的连句成篇的词汇纽带,因此,在行文中不可避免地会出现词语的复现、前后同义词、反义词相互照应等现象。例如:,二、从惯用搭配角度考虑 注意固定的搭配,包括动词与介词的搭配、动词与名词的搭配以及形容词与名词的搭配等,同时要根据内容选择正确的短语。例如:Heres a fellow who just walked into a bank and helped himselfso much money.A.for B.by C.to D.of,三、从语法角度考虑语法部分的测试是英语知识运用的主要内容之一。语法包括词法和句法,词法研究词形的变化,如名词的数、格,动词的时态、语态等。句法研究句子结构,如句子的成份,语序以及句子的种类等。做完型题时,应首先以句子为单位,运用所学的语法知识作出分析和判断。例如:They do not provide energy, _ do they construct or build any part of the body.A.either B.so C.nor D.never,四、从词汇意义及用法考虑做完型填空题时,要注意词义辩析的积累,包括区别同义词、近义词、反义词、形近异义词、同形异义词。例如:Successful safety programs may _45_greatly in the emphasis placed on certain aspects of the program.A.alter B.differ C.shift D.distinguish,五、从段落或句子之间的逻辑关系考虑做完型填空,需要把握各段落、句子之间的逻辑关系,这样才能加深对文章的全面理解,因此,应熟记表达各种不同逻辑关系的连词,这些逻辑关系词主要包括:表示列举的连词:first,second,third.;firstly,secondly,thirdly.;first,next,then.;in the first place,in the second place.;for one thing,for another thing.;to begin with,to conclude.表示原因的连词:because,since,as,now that.,表示结果的连词:so,therefore,thus,hence,accordingly,consequently,as a result表示让步和转折的连词:however,nevertheless,nonetheless,still,though,yet,in spite of,at any rate,in any case,whoever,whatever表示对照的连词:on the contrary,in contrast,by contrast,in comparison,by comparison,conversely,表示补充的连词also,further,furthermore,likewise,similarly,moreover,in addition,whats more,too,either,neither,not.but.,not only.but also.表示时间顺序的连词:when,while,as,after,before,since,until,as soon as,once表示目的的连词:that,so that,in order that,lest,for fear that表示条件的连词:if,suppose (that),supposing (that),unless,in case,so (as) long as,so far as,on condition (that),provided (that),providing (that),六、从逻辑推理及常识等角度考虑解答完型填空题时,有时文章中提供的信息还不够,还需要把符合常识的一些知识信息结合起来考虑,最后选出符合常识的最佳答案。因此,考生的知识范围越广,对文章的理解就越容易,整体上知道所选短文在说什么,那么局部上的每一个空填起来也会得心应手。例如:(Immediately) the officers jumped into their cars and rushed to thehospital.A.animal B.biggest C.plant D.nearest,七、排除法如果不能很有把握地直接看出某一道题的答案,可以把排除法和词汇、语法分析结合起来运用,从而缩小选择的范围,提高答题准确率。例如:Language is a means of communication, but it is much more than that. Many animals can_69_. 69题供我们选择的单词是:transfer, transmit, convey, communicate。,“In the United States professors have many other duties_1_ teaching, such as administrative or research work . _2_, the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is limited.” 1. A) but B) except C) with D) besides 2. A) However B) Therefore C) Furthermore D) Nevertheless,作文怎样在短时间内取得比较大的提高?作文有几个必要条件,第一,词汇量怎么样。第二,基本语法知识行不行。怎样把英单词组成句子。如果这两个基础够的话,剩下就是语篇了,所要求的就是英语的篇章如何展开论述,比如说英语特别讲究的是三段论,起题、点题、破题,就是总分总的结果。熟记一些句型有助于作文得分,作文开头常用句型:Recently, the problem of has aroused peoples concern.These days, people in growing numbers are beginning to complain thathas been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.Nowadays, (overpopulation) has become a problem we have to face.,5. The problem of has caused wide public concern over the recent years.6. It is commonly believed that It is a common belief that7. Many people insist that8.Peoples view onvary from person to person. Some hold thatHowever, others believe that9. People may have different opinions on10. Attitudes towardsvary from person to person.,11. Different people hold different attitudes towards 12. There has been a good deal of controversy as to whether 13. Unfortunately, an increasing number of more serious problems remain to be solved. 14. People seem to fail to take into account the fact that 15. There is no denying the fact thatis an extremely serious problem.,作文结尾段常用句型: 1.There is no doubt that has its drawbacks as well as merits. 2.In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures should be taken to 3. All in all, we cannot live withoutBut at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise. 4. It is high time that we put an end to the trend.,5. There is no doubt that enough concern must be paid to the problem of6. Only in this way can we7. Obviously, if we dont control the problem, the chances are thatwill lead us in danger.8. It is urgent that immediate measures should be taken to stop the situation.9. From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the first opinion rather than the second.10. I cannot entirely agree with the idea that,11. Personally, Im standing on the side of 12. From what has been discussed above, I am fully convinced that 13. In my opinion, it is more advisable to thanto 14. Here are some suggestions for handling the problem. 15. People have figured out many ways to solve this problem. 16. As far as I am concerned, ,17. It is natural to believe that, but we shouldnt ignore that 18. From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that 19. What really counts is What is really important is,正文写作常用连接词 1表示首先: first of all, at first, to begin with, initially 2.表示其次:then, also, furthermore, in addition, moreover, whats more, more importantly3. 表示最终:finally, eventually, at last, ultimately, consequently, last but by no means the least 4.举例中常用的连接词 :namely, that is to say, in other words, for instance, for example, in fact, to illustrate,对比中的过渡连接词 in the same way, similarly, equally important, in contrast, on the other hand, by contrast, on the contrary, whereas, while, compared with 因果分析中的连接词 1. 表示原因:as, for, since, because, as a result of, for this reason, owing to, thanks to, due to, on account of,2 表示结果 therefore, thus, hence, so , consequently, accordingly, in consequence, as a result,提出对立观点的常用句式1 On this issue, people think / claim /suggest / maintain that But /Yet / Nevertheless / While the others have a different point of view.2. Some people tend to / are inclined to sayWhile on the contrary, many others think3. When it comes toSome believe that In contrast, the others disagree,表明自己观点的常用句式: 1.For my part, I agree with the former / latter opinion for the following reasons. 2. In my opinion, I think / suppose / believe / consider 3. Im in favor of neither of the above opinions,分析原因的常用句式1 There are many / a variety of / a number of reasons for it.2. The problem could be attributed to3. The following reasons would result in / contribute to / account for 4. The explanation for this phenomenon may involve,提出对策的常用句式 1. To solve this problem, several steps should be followed. 2. Here are some suggestions on how to relieve the present crisis. 3. Government should take effective measures to cope with this serious situation. And meanwhile the policies should win publics support. 4. Things may be out of control, if we turn a deaf year to it. 5. Faced with, we should be courageous enough to tackle it instead of retreating.,说明优点的常用句式 1. Those who are in favor of claim that it has a lot of advantaged. For one thingfor another 2. Few things can be compared with in terms of . On the one hand, ;on the other hand, 3. Generally speaking, the positive aspects could be listed as follows. For one thing,; for the other,说明缺点的常用句式Those who are opposed to hold that defects / drawbacks / disadvantages are many. On the one hand,; on the other hand,However, the negative effects are also obvious. To begin with In the second place FinallyHowever, its often blamed for its obvious effects.Of course, the disadvantages cannot be ignored.,写作中要注意的基本问题。1选词要贴切 (适合于正式文体的正式用语)2 区分书面语和口语 A rich woman was killed last night. Someone killed a rich woman last night.一般避免使用人称代词 we, you, I 等, 口语相反。 The sweet song came in through the window. Through the window came in the sweet song.,3 区分一般词汇和具体词汇: 例如:He is a good man. “good” 词义就比较泛,在具体语境里可以用不同的具体词汇来表示 , 如“kind, warm-hearted, honest, generous, just, sympathetic, selfless, brave, honorable, decent” 等,避免使用一个笼统的词,如“beautiful, interesting” 来描写一个具体事物,给人的感觉模糊不清,笼统空泛。在 “get, obtain, secure, acquire, gain, come by”这组表示 “得到”的动词中, “obtain, secure, acquire”属于正式文体,常用于书面语。,4. 用词要符合习惯用法(词与词之间的搭配)5. 用词要多样化。(用不同的词或短语来表达同一个概念)6. 句子要完整。(S+V)结构完整,语义完整7. 句子要符合规范(语序的严格性、句子的一致关系、主次分明、从属得当、修饰语位置的正确) 8 句子要灵活多变 (长短句交替使用),常见作文错误分析一 用词失妥连词使用不当It was cold, we decided not to go out.The city is seriously polluted, people have no fresh air to breathe now.When people try to attain high speed by using cars and buses, and this creates new problems.China is a developing country, most people can not afford a car yet.,介词使用错误When I was young, we didnt have a room to live.Mary married with Tom.Many of the students live in campus.冠词使用不当 1.Even the child can answer this question. 2. The fast food is becoming more popular in China.,词形相似混淆 whether forecast is also available through Internet. 多义词误用 1 We neednt to write a letter with a pen and some paper.2. I went to see the film that was on show this week.,二 词性误用 以名词当动词 The invention of TV has greatly effected our daily life. 介词.动词混用 Peoples daily life cant without sports. 及物、不及物动词不分 Sometimes I just want to escape the daily hard work.,三 搭配不当 However, the speed of a car is much faster than that of a bicycle.Speed只能和high,low, normal, moderate, surprising等搭配,不能与 fast, quick, slow等搭配 price 只和high, low, moderate, minimum, reasonable 搭配, 不和 expensive, cheap 搭配。 “学习知识”不能写成study/learn knowledge, 只能与obtain, acquire, develop, enlarge, gain, pursue, deepen, accumulate等词搭配。,In recent years, the students who do not live in dormitory have increased/ decreased.The whole class joined the


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