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2018/1/20,He is a singer-songwriter, a record-albums producer , a MV director, a dancer, an actor, a philanthropist, a musician, a humanist, a pacifist, a founder of the charitable organization;他是创作歌手、唱片专辑制作人、MV导演、舞蹈家、表演家、慈善家、音乐家、人道主义者、和平主义者、慈善机构创办人;He became a global figure in popular culture for over four decades;他成为全球流行文化代表人物的时间超过了40年;,2018/1/20,His achievements include multiple Guinness World Records; 13 Grammy Awards ; 26 American Music Awards,13 number-one singles in the United States, the estimated sale of over 400 million records worldwide . He is the most-awarded recording artist in the history of popular music, also recognized as the most successful entertainer of all time by Guinness World Records.他的成就包括了多项吉尼斯世界纪录,13个格莱美奖,26个全美音乐奖,13个美国冠军单曲,超过4亿的全球销量记录他是流行音乐历史上获奖最多的艺人,他被吉尼斯世界纪录评鉴为“人类史上最成功的表演艺术家”;,2018/1/20,His donations for charity over 600 million dollars, he is the artist who had the largest donations to charity as an individual around the world;他为慈善事业捐款超过6亿美元,是全世界以个人名义捐助慈善事业最多的艺人;He has always been imitated, but never been surpassed.他一直被模仿,从未被超越。,2018/1/20,He is the King,the King Of Pop music.He is Michael Jackson.,流行音乐天王:迈克尔杰克逊,2018/1/20,Michael Jackson was the 8th of 9 children in an African-American working-class(工薪阶层)family who lived in Gary. His mother Katherine , was a Jehovahs Witness(耶和华见证人), and his father Joseph , was a steel mill worker. Jackson had 3 sisters and 5 brothers.,Jackson had a troubled relationship with his father. Joseph acknowledged that he regularly whipped(鞭打)Jackson as a boy. Jackson first spoke openly about his childhood abuse(虐待)in an interview with Oprah . He admitted that he had often cried from loneliness(孤独). He never had a childhood.,Life and Career,2018/1/20,In 1964, Michael joined the Jackson Brothers, a band formed by brothers. When he was 8, Jackson began sharing the lead vocals(主唱), and the groups name was changed to The Jackson 5. The band toured the Midwest from 1966 to 1968. The Jackson 5 became a cutting-edge example(典范)of black artists 5 working-class black boys with afros(爆炸头)and bell bottoms.(喇叭裤),2018/1/20,In 1982, Jackson won 7 Grammys and 8 American Music Awards, making him the most awarded(获奖最多)artist for award shows(颁奖典礼).These awards were thanks to the Thriller(颤栗) album, which was the best-selling album in history of the world , selling an 65 million copies. Wearing a black sequin(亮片)jacket and glove decorated with rhinestones(水钻), he debuted his signature dance move(标志性舞步)the moonwalk(太空步), Berry said that, from the first beat of Billie Jean, I was mesmerized(着迷), and when he did his moonwalk, I was shocked, it was magic!,45 Degrees Leaning Forward,Methods and Means for Creating Anti Gravity Illusion用于创建反重力错觉的方法和手段,On January,1984, Michael filmed a Pepsi Cola commercial during a concert, pyrotechnics(烟火)accidentally set Jacksons hair on fire. He suffered second-degree burns(二级烧伤)to his scalp(头皮). Pepsi settled out of court(庭外和解)and Jackson donated his $1.5 million to the Brotman Medical Center(布罗特曼医疗中心), which now has a Michael Jackson Burn Center in honor of his donation. On May, Jackson was invited to the White House to receive an award from President Reagan for his support of charities. He also co-wrote the charity single We Are the World(天下一家) with Lionel Richie, which was released worldwide to aid the poor in the Africa. It with nearly 30 million copies sold and millions of dollars donated to famine relief(灾荒救济).,Charitable Career 慈善事业,2018/1/20,We Are The World,2018/1/20,Jacksons skin had been a brown color of his youth, but starting in the mid-1980s it gradually grew paler(变白). Is rumored that(有谣言称)he might be bleaching(漂白) his skin.The truth is, Jackson was diagnosed with(诊断为)vitiligo(白癜风) Although the claim was untrue, these reports became embedded in the public consciousness(令公众厌烦), inspiring the name Wacko Jacko(怪人杰克).In the summer of 1993, Jackson was accused(指控)of child sexual abuse(性侵) by a 13-year-old boy named Chandler .Jackson was strip searched(脱衣搜身).Jacksons friends said he never recovered from the humiliation(屈辱)of that search.On January , 1994, Jacksons insurance carrier settled(赔偿) with the Chandlers father out of court(庭外和解)for $22 million.,Rumors crisis 谣言风波,2018/1/20,Who Am I ?,2018/1/20,I have broken notes of Cat King since I break gramophone record notes beginning , I have broken Beatles notes and then woollen cloth? They call my deformity people , gay, freak of sexual harassment child! They said I have bleached self skin, coming acting as everything but composing calumniates me , these all are plot! Think that I stand being looking at self when before the mirror , I know, I am black!,自从我打破唱片纪录开始我打破了猫王的纪录,我打破了披头士的纪录然后呢?他们叫我畸形人,同性恋者,性骚扰小孩的怪胎!他们说我漂白了自己的皮肤,做一切可做的来诋毁我,这些都是阴谋!当我站在镜前时看着自己,我知道,我是个黑人!,Michael Jackson,In March 1988, Jackson purchased land near Santa Ynez(圣伊内斯), California, to build Neverland Ranch(梦幻庄园)at a cost of $17 million. He installed Ferris wheels(摩天轮), a menagerie(动物园), and a movie theater on the 2,700-acre(英亩)property.,Neverland,In 1987, The Bad world tour began on September 12 , finishing on January, 1989.In Japan , the tour had drew(吸引)570,000 people, nearly tripling the previous record(之前记录三倍).Jackson broke a Guinness World Record when 504,000 people attended shows at Wembley Stadium(温布利体育馆). He performed a total of 123 concerts to an audience of 4.4 million people.In 1995, Jackson start the History World Tour. The tour began on September, 1996 and finished on October, 1997. Jackson performed 82 concerts in 58 cities to over 4.5 million fans, and grossed a total of $165 million. The show, which visited five continents(大洲)and 35 countries, became Jacksons most successful in terms of audience figures(观众人数).,The World Tour 世界巡演,2018/1/20,2018/1/20,1987年10月,广东省中山市,2018/1/20,In March 2009, Jackson held a press conference(新闻发布会)at Londons O2 Arena(体育场)and announced a series of concerts titled This Is It. That would be Jacksons major series of concerts since the History World Tour finished in 1997.,Jackson said it would be his final curtain call(谢幕演出). The initial(最初)plan was for 10 concerts in London, Paris, New York and Mumbai(孟买). The London residency was increased to 50 dates ticket sales: over one million were sold in less than 2 hours.,On June 25, 2009, Jackson died at his rented mansion(租赁公寓)district of Los Angeles. Attempts at resuscitating(试图急救) him by Conrad Murray, his personal physician, were unsuccessful. LAFD paramedics(洛杉矶消防队救护人员)received a 911 call, arriving 3 minutes later at Jacksons location.He was not breathing and CPR(心肺复苏术)was performed.He was pronounced(宣告) dead at 2:26 local time, Jacksons death triggered a global outpouring of grief(引发全球性的悲痛).,2018/1/20,杰克逊逝世这条新闻迅速在网络上传开,网友的访问剧增导致了网站的访问缓慢以及服务器瘫痪。洛杉矶时报的网站遭遇崩溃。谷歌最初认为数以百万计的人搜索“迈克尔杰克逊”是搜索引擎遭遇到了DDoS攻击,所以阻止了有关于杰克逊的搜索长达30分钟。据报道,在新闻传开后,大约15%的推特或者说每分钟5,000条推文提到了杰克逊,相比较而言,2009年H1N1流感大流行等前些时间的新闻头条只有5


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