



完成句子专项Name_ Mark_1. 再等下去就是浪费时间。It is_ _ _ _ to wait any longer.2. 吃大多甜食对你的牙齿不好。Eating too much sweet food _ _ _ your teeth.3. 你每天花多少时间读英语?How long do you _ _ English every day?4. 你对法语感兴趣吗?_ you _ _ French?5. 玛丽喜欢在她的空闲时间画画。Mary likes to paint _ _ _ _.6. 你们的暑假过的愉快吗?Did you_ _ _ _ in your summer holiday?7. 我每周上四次钢琴课。I have piano classes_ _ _ _.8. 玛丽经常帮她妈妈洗衣服。Mary often _her mother _ _.9. 今天放学后你会去图书馆吗?Will you go to the library _ _today?10. 我们家一般在晚上7点吃饭。My family usually_ _ at 7 p.m.11. 夏天时,我们喜欢去河里游泳。We like _ _ in the river in summer.12. 放风筝真好玩。_ _ interesting to _ _.13. 我们明天去公园野餐。We_ _ _ _ in the park tomorrow.14. 迈克通常花一个小时做家务。Mike usually _ one hour _ the housework.15. 孩子们喜欢在冬天堆雪人。Children like _ _ in winter.16. 他擅几种运动,例如跑步、游泳和打篮球。 He is good at several sport _ _running, swimming and playing basketball.17. 这条鲸有十二头大象那么大。 This whale is _ big _ twelve elephants.18. 她每天都要花三个小时完成作业。 It _ her three hours _ _her homework every day.19. 这座图书馆从早上十点到晚上九点开忘。The library is open _10 a.m. _9 p.m.20. 树木为我们提供木材和食物。Trees _ us _ wood and food.21. 别把那些大纸箱扔掉。我想留着它们。Dont _ _ the big paper boxes. I want to keep them.22. 我们把垃圾扔到海里和地下。这会污染地球并导致动植物的死亡。We _ our rubbish _ the sea and under the ground. This pollutes the Earth and kills animals and plants.23. 秋天了,树上的叶子越来越少。Its autumn. There are _ _ _ leaves on the trees.24. 我奶奶总是叫我不要吃太多糖。My grandma often _ _ _ _ _ too many sweets.25. 你愿意和我们一起去游泳吗?_you _ _ go _with us?26. 孙杨擅长游泳,全世界的人都知道他是奥运冠军。Sun Yang_ _ _swimming, and everyone from all_ the world knows that he is the Olympic champion.27. 我喜欢和不同的人做朋友。I like_ _ _different kinds of people.28. 北京离广州很远。Beijing is_ _ Guangzhou.29. 他的梦想是大学毕业后当一名工程师。His_ is _ _ _engineer after he finishes university.30. 所有学生都不得不努力学习。. All the students _ _ study hard.31. 让我们点燃蜡烛,一起唱生日歌吧。Lets _ _ the candles and sing the birthday song together.32. 那个广场在市中心吗?Is the square _ _ _ _ the city?33. 你可以介绍一下云南的名胜吗?Can you introduce _ _ _ _in Yunnan?34. 我的学校在这个城市的西北部。My school is _ _ _ _ the city.35. 我们参观那座岛屿前,先坐飞机鸟瞰了它。We first _ _ _ _ of the island from a plane before we visited it.36. 你是怎样了解到有关会议的情况的?How did you _ _ the meeting?37. 因为起床晚了,他一路跑到学校。 Because he got up late, he ran to school_ _ _.38. 你按一下遥控器上的按钮就可以订货。 You can place an order by pressing the button on your _ _.39. 请在电话本上查查他的电话号码。 Please _ _ his telephone number in the telephone book.40. 他将在星期五前往上海。 He will _ _ Shanghai on Friday.41. 他家里学校近,所以他走路去学笑。His home _ _ _ his school, so he walks to school.42. 我每天早上7点去上学。I _ _ _ at 7:00 every morning.43. 我想和你交朋友。I want to _ _ _44. 来自全世界的许多人都想看一看北京。Many people from _ _ the world want to have a look at Beijing.45. 我妈妈闲暇时间喜欢听音乐。My mother likes _ _ music in her free time.46. 我在一所中学学习,你呢?I study in a _ _ _ .What about you ?47. 他每天步行去上学。He goes to school _ _ every day.48. 下午放后,我参加一些活动。I _ _ _ some activities in the afternoon after class.49. 我跟我的家人每周末都过得愉快。My family and I _ _ _ _ every weekend.50. 我爸爸通常晚上11点去睡觉。My father usually _ _ _at 11:00 p.m.51. 许多动植物生活在陆地上。Many animals and plants live _ _ _.52. 看,水下有很多鱼。Look, there are a lot of fish _ _ _.53. 工厂把脏水倒入河里,污染了河水。Factories _ the dirty water _ rivers, and it pollutes the rivers.54. 人们每年扔掉很多垃圾。People _ _ a lot of rubbish every year.55. 空气、水和食物让人们活着。Air, water and food _ people _.56. 我想寒假去旅行。I want to _ _ _ during the winter holidays.57. 我们计划这周末去野餐。We plan to _ _ _ _ this weekend.58. 冬天堆雪人很有趣。Its very interesting to _ _ in winter.59. 孩子们喜欢在春天放风筝。Children like to _ _ in spring.60. 夏天我经常去游泳。I often _ _ in summer.61. 我们班上有五十多人。There are _ _ fifty people in our class.62. 我喜欢拍照。I like _ _63. 学生不得不穿校服去上学。Students _ _ wear uniforms to school.64. 每周末我尽量帮我妈妈多做家务。Every weekend I help my mother do _ much housework _I can.65. 世界上有很多种语言,例如英语、汉语和法语。There are many kinds of languages in the world, _ _ English, Chinese and French.66. 旅行是带着旅游手册很方便。It is very convenient to take a _ _ with you when traveling.67. 北京游很多名胜。There are a lot of _ _ _ in Beijing.68. 晚上这个塔照亮了整个天空。The tower _ _ the whole sky at night.69. 小镇的中心有一个大超市。There is a big supermarket _ _ _ _ this small town.70. 邮局在银行的西北部。The post office is _ _ _ _ the bank71. 当他们去野餐是,他们一路上都非常地兴奋。When they went for a picnic, they were excited _ _ _.72. 你今天完成你的作业了吗?_you_ your homework today?73. 当然,每天放学我总是先完成我的作业。_ _.I always finish it


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