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The Analects of Confucius论语是儒家的经典著作之一,它是对孔子及其弟子的言行和对话的记录。众所周知,孔子是一位伟大的思想家和哲学家,他的思想被发展成了儒家哲学体系。论语是儒家思想的代表作,数个世纪以来,论语一直极大地影响着中国人的哲学观和道德观,它也影响着其他亚洲国家人民的哲学观和道德观。The Analects of Confucius is one of the Confucius classics and is a record of the words and acts of Confucius and his disciples, as well as the conversations they held. It is well-known that Confucius is a great ideologist and philosopher, and his thoughts have been developed into a system of philosophy known as Confucianism. The Analects of Confucius is a representative work of Confucianism. For centuries, it has been heavily influencing the philosophy and moral outlook of Chinese people and that of the people of other Asian countries as well.Confucius孔子是我国古代著名的思想家、教育家、儒家学派(Confucian School)的创始人。相传孔子有弟子三千,贤弟子72人,孔子曾带领部分弟子周游列国14年。在中国五千年的历史上,对华夏民族的性格、气质(temperament)产生影响最大的就算是孔子了。他正直、乐观向上、积极进取。他一生都在追求真、善、美,一生都在追求理想的社会。他品格中的优点,几千年来影响着中国人,特别是影响着中国的知识分子。Confucius is a famous ideologist, educator, and the founder of Confucian School in ancient China. It is said that he has 3,000 disciples, 72 out of whom are excellent ones, and he has led some disciples to visit various states for 14 years. During 5,000 years history of China, its Confucius who has exerted the greatest impact on Chinese nations characteristic and temperament. He is upright, optimistic, active and enterprising, striving for truthfulness, kindness and beauty, and seeking for an ideal society all his life. The shining points in his characteristics have been influencing the Chinese people, especially the Chinese intellectuals for thousands of years.Confucianism儒家思想是中国影响最大的思想流派,也是中国古代的主流意识。自汉代以来,儒家思想就是封建统治阶级(feudal ruling class)的指导思想之一。儒家思想的核心其实是一种人道主义(humanism)。它提倡自我修养,认为人是可以教化的、可完善的。儒家思想的一个宏大的目标就是实现“大同社会”,在这样一个社会中,每个人都能扮演好自己的角色,并与他人维持良好的关系。Confucianism is the largest Chinese school of thoughts, and is the mainstream consciousness of the ancient China. Confucianism has been one of the ruling doctrines of the feudal ruling class since the Han Dynasty. The core of Confucianism is actually a kind of humanism. It advocates self-cultivation, and believes that human beings are teachable and improvable. A grand goal of Confucianism is to achieve a harmonious society in which each individual plays his or her part well, and maintains a good relationship with others. Confucius Institute孔子学院是中国在世界各地设立的教育和文化交流机构。推广汉语、传播中国文化是设立该机构的目的。孔子学院最重要的一项工作就是给世界各地的汉语学习者提供标准是教材以及正规的汉语学习渠道。全球首家孔子学院于2004年在韩国首尔成立,目前已遍布106个国家。孔子学院有力地推动了中国文化与各国文化的交流和融合。Confucius Institute is an institute of education and cultural communication established by China all over the world. Its aim is to promote Chinese language and spread Chinese culture. The most important task of Confucius Institute is to provide standard textbooks and a formal channel to learn Chinese for learners all over the world. The first Confucius Institute opened in 2004 in Seoul, South Korea. At present, it has been established in 106 countries. Confucius Institute has greatly promoted the exchange and integration of cultures between China and the rest of the world.Chinese Characters 汉字源于远古时期对自然景物的简单描摹,如树木、河水、山川、人物等。这些描摹实际上就是象形文字(pictograms)的萌芽。甲骨文是刻在龟壳和兽骨上的古老文字,是汉字最早的形式。汉字结构“外圆内方”,源于古人“天圆地方”的观念。汉字的创造和应用对中华文明的发展起了重要作用。汉字对世界文明的发展也产生了深远的影响。例如,日本、朝鲜等国家的文字都是在汉字的基础上创造的。Chinese characters began in ancient times as simple drawings of natural objects trees, rivers, mountains and hills, human beings, etc. These drawings are actually the buds of “pictograms”. Oracles, the ancient characters carved on tortoise shells and beast bones, are the earliest form of Chinese characters. Chinese characters are usually round outside and square inside, which is rooted in ancient Chinese beliefs of an orbicular sky and a rectangular Earth. The creation and use of the Chinese characters have played a significant role not only in the development of Chinese civilization, but in the development of the world civilization. For example, the characters of some countries, like Japan and Korea, were created on the basis of the Chinese characters.Chinese Calligraphy中国书法是一门古老的汉字书写艺术,它是中国最高的艺术形式。书法是在洁白的纸上,靠毛笔的运动留下水墨印迹。它不仅表现了线条和结构的美,也能传达书写者的观念、思维和精神。汉字与中国书法紧密相连,是中国书法中的重要因素。中国书法已经成为一个民族符号,代表了博大精深的中国文化和汉族文化的永恒魅力。Chinese calligraphy, an ancient art of writing Chinese characters, is one of the highest forms of art. Calligraphy refers to the black mark of ink on white paper made by the movement of brush. It not only shows the beauty of line and structure, but conveys concepts, thoughts and spirit of its writer. As one essential element in calligraphy, Chinese character is closely related to the art. It has become a symbol of our nation, which represents the eternal charm of the broad and profound Chinese and Han Nationality culture.Chinese Painting国画指中国传统绘画,历史悠久,远在2000多年前的战国时期(Warring States Period)就出现了画在丝织品上的绘画。国画的工具和材料有毛笔、墨、纸和丝绸等。国画从题材上主要分为三类:人物、山水、花鸟。国画起源于中国书法(calligraphy),在本质上是一种线性艺术,试图采用绘画唤起意象和感情。国画在内容和艺术创作上,体现了古人对自然、社会、哲学、宗教和道德的认识。Chinese painting, the traditional painting in China, has a long history. There were paintings on silks even in Warring States Period over 2,000 years ago. Tools and materials used in Chinese painting are brush, ink, paper and silk and so on. There are three main subjects of Chinese painting: human figures, landscapes, and birds and flowers. Originated from Chinese calligraphy, Chinese painting is essentially an art of line, which attempts to arouse images and emotions with paintings. The content and artistic creation of Chinese paintings reflect the ancient peoples recognition on nature, society, philosophy, religion and morality.The Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses 兵马俑即制成兵马形状的殉葬品(sacrificial objects).兵马俑坑是秦始皇陵的陪葬坑(pit),其面积有50多个篮球场那么大。一个有趣的发现是:几乎我们每个中国人的容貌都能在古老的兵马俑中找到“模子”。有人曾这样描述兵马俑, “世界上有七大奇迹,兵马俑的发现,可以说是第八大奇迹。不看兵马俑,不能算来过中国.” 秦始皇兵马俑博物馆是中国最大的古代军事博物馆。秦始皇兵马俑是世界考古史上最伟大的发现之一。The terra-cotta warriors and horses are sacrificial objects in the shape of soldiers and horses. The pit of terra-cotta warriors and horses is the one buried with the First Emperor of Qin, the size of which is equal to 50 basketball courts. It is interesting that almost every Chinese person can find for his/her face a corresponding “mould” in the terra-cotta warriors and horses. Someone once described the terra-cotta warriors and horses in this way, “There have already been seven wonders in the world, and the terra-cotta warriors and horses can be regarded as the eighth. You can never say you have been to China without visiting terra-cotta warriors and horses.” The Museum of Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses of Emperor Qin Shi Huang is the largest ancient military museum in China. The terra-cotta warriors and horses count as one of the greatest discoveries in the world archeological history.The Four Great Inventions中国古代四大发明 造纸术、火药、印刷术、指南针对全世界产生了巨大而深远的影响。纸张的发明大大促进了文明的传播与发展。火药的发明非常偶然,炼丹师(alchemist)在制作长生不老药(elixir)的时候偶然制成了火药。唐朝末期,火药被用于战争,13世纪时传到了全世界。在唐朝印刷术的基础上,北宋的毕昇发明了活字印刷术(movable-type printing),开启了印刷史上的伟大革命。中国古人利用天然磁石制成了第一台可以辨别方向的指南针,大大增强了船只的远航能力。Papermaking, gunpowder, printing and compass are the Four Great Inventions of ancient China that have exerted a great and far-reaching impact on the entire world. The invention of paper greatly contributed to (accelerate) the spread and development of civilization. The birth of gunpowder was quite accidental. It was invented inadvertently (unintentionally) by alchemists while attempting to make an elixir. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, gunpowder was used in military affairs, and was spread all over the world in the 13th century. On the basis of printing in the Tang Dynasty, Bi Sheng in the Northern Song Dynasty invented the movable-type printing, which launched a great revolution in the history of printing. Natural magnets were made into the first direction-finding compass by ancient Chinese people, which greatly improved a ships ability to navigate over long distance.Zheng Hes Voyage to the Western Seas 明朝初期, 中国是世界上最发达的国家之一。为了弘扬国力, 加强与其他各国的联系,明成祖多次派遣郑和出使西洋。1405年, 郑和开始了第一次航行.他的舰队由200多艘船构成,所载人数超过2万人,包括水手、军人、技术人员、译员等,还有大量黄金和丝绸,用于交易和作为礼品。往返用了两年时间。郑和出使的一些国家随船派遣使者(envoy),并带来向明朝进贡的贡品(tribute)。郑和下西洋是世界航海史上的一大壮举(feat)。今天,东南亚仍有很多纪念郑和的建筑。In the early Ming Dynasty, China was one of the most developed countries in the world. In order to transmit its national power and strengthen contacts with other countries, Emperor Chengzu sent Zheng He to the Western Ocean / Seas many times. In 1405, Zheng He embarked on his first voyage. His fleet was composed of more than 200 ships and carried over 20,000 men, including sailors, soldiers, technical personnel, interpreters, etc. and large amount of gold and silk to be used for trade and as gifts. The round trip took two years. Some of the countries Zheng He visited dispatched envoys bearing tributes to the Ming court on his ships. Zheng Hes voyage were a great feat in the worlds navigation history. Today, there are still many buildings in Southeast Asia dedicated to his memory.The Forbidden City 故宫雄伟、壮丽,是中国古建筑艺术的巅峰之作,其规模和独具特色的风格享誉世界。故宫内保存着大量珍贵、稀有的古物,它们对研究明、清两代历史和历代艺术具有十分重要的意义。1925年故宫改名为故宫博物院,并成为世界上最大的博物馆之一。新中国成立后,人们政府投入了大量资金对故宫进行保护和维修。它现在是北京最受欢迎的旅游景点之一。The Forbidden City, grand and magnificent, represents the highest peak of ancient Chinese architecture and enjoys worldwide fame for its scale and unique style. Preserved here are a large number of rare and precious antiques, which are of great significance to the study of Ming and Qing history and the arts of past dynasties. In 1925, the Forbidden City was renamed Palace Museum and became one of the largest museums in the world. Since the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, the national government has spent large sums on the protection and maintenance of the Forbidden City. At present, it is one of the most popular tourism sites in Beijing.Dragon Boat Festival端午节(Dragon Boat Festival)是中国的传统节日之一,为每年农历五月初五。它与春节,清明节中秋节并称为中国汉族的四大传统节日。端午节的来源有多种说法,但是被人们接受的是为了纪念著名爱国诗人屈原。这一天的习俗有吃粽子,赛龙舟,喝雄黄酒(realgar wine)等。从2008年起,端午节正式列为国家法定节日,这既有助于弘扬传统文化,又能适应人们的需要。Dragon Boat Festival is one of the Chinese traditional festivals. Its on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. It is known as one of the four major traditional festivals of Han Chinese together with the Spring festival, the Qingming Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival. A number of theories exist about it


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