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1、Grammar 非谓语动词 非谓语动词功能比较 to do的复合结构 -ing form的复合结构 非谓语动词的否定式 -ing form 与 pp 的区别 by liu xiaoyu,动词不定式的基本形式,被动语态,一般式,进行式,完成式,to be done,to be doing,to have done,to have been done,1.He is too young to have seen the old society. 2.The book is said to have been translated into Russian. 3.Come, I am suppose

2、d to be calling you to lunch. 4.You are too young to be meeting young man.,不定式与谓语同时发生 进行式 不定式比谓语先发生 完成式,ing-form 的基本形式,主动语态,被动语态,一般式,完成式,4.Allan repented having shot the bird. 5.Having noted down her name,the man went away.,1.Going down town I met a friend. 2.Martin insisted on going to work in spit

3、e of his illness. 3.I shall never forget seeing the Great Wall for the first time.,ing-form与/比谓语的动作同时、先发生、后发生 一般式 ing-form比谓语的动作先发生 完成式(强调先后关系),同时,后,先,先,先,非谓语动词功能比较,eg.I like skating,but I dont like to skate today. Playing with fire is dangerous. Look out!To play with fire is dangerous.,eg.There is

4、no joking about such matters.,主语、表语、宾语,1. to do 表示具体的动作,-ing form表示泛指的动作。,2.“there is no +主语”句型中,多用-ing form.,eg.He attends the meeting being held in the room now. He attended the meeting held yesterday. He will attend the meeting to be held tomorrow.,2.表示被修饰词的内容时, 用to do.,eg.She has a strong wish t

5、o go to college.,1.从时态上看,-ing form表示正在进行的动作 pp表示已经完成的动作,to do表示将来的动作。,定语,eg. I found him cooking supper. I found supper cooked when I got home. It is true I saw Henry cook supper.,-ing form与宾语为主动关系,强调动作正在进行; pp与宾语为被动关系,强调动作已经完成; to do只单纯表示一个事实,强调动作的全过程。,补语,作状语时的区别:,-ing form,pp表示时间、原因、条件、方式、伴随情况等等,e

6、g.they worked hard to pay for the necklace. I went to see him only to find him out. I am glad to see you.,to do表示1.目的; 2.结果表示出人预料的情况或结果。常用only强调。 3.原因表示造成情感变化的原因。,目的,结果,原因,非谓语动词的否定形式,Not + to do / -ing form,He decided not to do it. She wished never to see him again.,I fancy it has done you a lot of

7、good not going. Not seeing John,I asked where he was. Not having done it right, I tried again.,-ing form 与 pp 的区别,-ing form表示主动,正在进行,pp表示被动,已经完成,作表语时或定语时,-ing form表示“令人” ,pp表示“感到”,常见的有下列感官动词:move ,surprise,astonish,delight,comfort,disappoint,puzzle,frighten,作宾补时,比较对象为宾语,作定语时,比较对象为被修饰词,作状语时,比较对象为句中主语

8、,1.The story was _,we were all _. A.moving,moving B.moved,moved C.moving,moved D.moved,moving 2.There is a _ expression on his face.Maybe the problem is too difficult for him. A.puzzled B.puzzling C.puzzle D.to puzzle 3.With his son too_, the father was sad. A.disappointed B.disappointing 4.She let

9、out a _ voice and we ran to her hurriedly. A.frightened B.frightening,1.I could feel the wind _ on my face from an open window. A.to blow B.blowing C.blown D.to be blowing 2.Well meet Mr.Black,_ as a famous scientist. A.knowing B.to be known C.known D.being known 3._ more time, we could do it better

10、. A.Giving B.To give C.Given D.To be given 4.A young man _ novels came to us yesterday. A.to write B.writing C.written D.wrote 5.All the things_,his proposal is of greater value than yours. A.considered B.considering C.consider D.to consider 6._Sunday, the students are at home. A.Being B.To be C.It

11、is D.It being,to do的复合结构,1.for sb. to do sth.,常见的形容词有:good=nice/bad, kind/cruel=rude, clever=wise/stupid=silly, right /wrong,sensible,2.of sb. to do sth.,sb.is/are adj.to do sth.,ing form的复合结构,1.形容词性物主代词/名词所有格+ing form 2.代词宾格/名词+ing form,主语 表语 宾语,宾语,1.To do the job is impossible.,2.It is necessary t

12、o study a foreign language.,3.To do such a thing is stupid. =It is stupid to do such a thing.,4.It is wrong to tell a lie.,For a child to do the job is,=It is impossible to do the job.,It is necessary for students to study a,It is stupid of you to do such a thing.,It is wrong of him to tell a lie.,Y

13、ou are stupid to do such a thing.,He is wrong to tell a lie.,说出To do动作的执行者时,须用复合结构,1.Do you mind opening the door? 2.Going there saved us a good deal of trouble. 3.Being late again made the teacher angry.,Do you mind me/my opening ,Toms going there saved us a good ,His being late again made,说出-ing f

14、orm动作的执行者时,须用复合结构,1.Crossing the street,he was knocked down by a bus. 2.Being sick I stayed at home. 3.Seen in the light, it is not as serious as people suppose. 4.Knowing all this, they made me pay for the damage. 5.He sat in the armchair,reading the newspaper. 6.The train spent too much time stopp

15、ed, waiting for the other trains.,时间,原因,条件,让步,伴随,伴随,-ed form,used as an adjective or adverb,Grammar and usage,一、The -ing form used as Attribute (-ing形式作定语),These female pigs are cloned. So we call them _pigs,These female pigs are cloned. So we call them pigs_,that/which are cloned,cloned,The kidnapp

16、ers were using a _car. (steal) The name _in the letter was unknown to me.(mention) The firemen were rescuing the people _ in the fire. (trap),stolen,mentioned,trapped,Scientific experiments which are carried out by students can be dangerous.,Scientific experiments _by students can be dangerous.,carr

17、ied out,A few verb-eds before nouns can express past meanings instead of passive meanings.,boiling water,比较,boiled water,fallen trees/ leaves escaped animals a retired president a lost envelope,falling leaves an escaping criminal a retiring president,比较,We can also put an adverb or something else be

18、fore a verb-ed to form a compound verb-ed form.,广泛运用的技术 训练有素的工人 手写的信件 欠发达地区 受过良好教育的市民 倍受尊敬的教授,a widely-used technique well trained workers hand-written letters underdeveloped regions well-educated citizens a well-respected professor,Rewrite the following sentences with verb-ed form. I think cloning

19、that is done by scientists is dangerous. The problems that are created by cloning will be clear.,I think cloning done by scientists is dangerous.,The problems created by cloning will be clear.,We dont want beasts that are created by scientists to replace us one day. The only thing that is needed is

20、a cell from your old pet.,We dont want beasts created by scientists to replace us one day.,The only thing needed is a cell from your old pet.,二The verb-ed form can also be used as predicative of a sentence. eg.,My grandfather was delighted to hear I had passed exams,The problem stayed _after 3 days

21、discussion. (unsettle),unsettled,注意:get verb+ed.de结构eg. get paid/injured/hurt.,As we joined the big crowd I got _ from my friends. (01全国)(A) A. separated B. spared C. lost D. missed,Sarah, hurry up. Im afraid you wont have time to _ before the party. (04全国I) A get changed B get change C get changing

22、 D get to change,工人们都是按月计酬的 Mary终于从那次受伤中恢复过来了,Workers get paid by the month.,Mary finally got recovered from the injury.,We need to further discuss the problem _unsolved. remainedB. to remain C. remainingD. to be remained,三 The verb-ed form can be used as object complement of a sentence. eg. 1). As

23、he knows very little English, he finds it difficult to make himself _. (understand) 2). I _ yesterday. (寄信) 3). You must make yourself when you talk in front of the class. (hear) 4). After the robbery, they found the windows _.(break) 5). You mustnt make the secret between us _to the public. (know),

24、understood,had my letter delivered,heard,broken,known,The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _the next year.Acarry out Bcarrying out Ccarried out Dto carry out,Helen had to shout _ above the sound of the music. (2004高考广西卷) making herself hear B. to make herself hear C. making he

25、rself heard D. to make herself heard,四 The verb-ed form can be used as adverbial of a sentence to express,1). Time When taken to the hospital, the boy began to cry Seen from the space, the earth looks blue.,When he was taken to the hospital, the boy began to cry,When it is seen from space, the earth

26、 looks blue.,It shames me to say it, but I told a lie when_ at the meeting by my boss. (04全国IV) A questioningB have questioned C questionedD to be questioned,introduce When first_ to the market, these products enjoyed great success. When first _myself to my parents-in-law, I felt a bit nervous.,intr

27、oduced,introducing,Whenever I am in trouble , I will lock myself alone at home , always _myself many whys. (question),questioning,2). Reason Shocked by the article, the woman wrote a letter to the newspaper.,Because he was shocked by the article, the woman.,Digitally _ (record) in the studio, the di

28、sc can carry much more information than normal ones.,recorded,Because it was digitally recorded in the studio, the disc.,1). by the beauty of nature , the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farm . (04辽宁) 2). _a large number of people, the show was indeed a great success. AAttr

29、acting BAttracted CTo be attracted DHaving attracted,B,A,3). Condition Treated with electricity, the cell tissue will split into several parts.,If it is treated with electricity, the cell tissue will split into several parts.,If it is taken three times a day , the medicine will work better.,Taken th

30、ree times a day , the medicine will work better.,_ time, hell make a fist-class tennis player. A. Having givenB. To give C. GivingD. Given,五verb-ing and verb-ed as adjectives,This is so_ a lesson that so many students are _of it. (bore),相似动词总结:tire/disappoint/move/exciting/frustrate/touch satisfy/am

31、aze/convince/encourage/exhaust.,boring,bored,an interesting crosstalk,有趣的相声,Because of interesting performances given by Fenggong and Niuqun, I have become interested in crosstalk.,We use verb-ing forms to describe someone/something that causes certain feelings, and they are usually active in meanin

32、g; while we use verb-ed forms to say how we feel about someone or something, and they are usually passive in meaning as they describe how someone/something is affected by an action.,小结:,This is an _win over the best team in this region. (encourage) He was so _in this exam that his instructor was _.(

33、disappoint) They were all _(move) by the _story. (touch) With so many _evidences , the police are now _that he has committed the crime. (convince),encouraging,disappointing,disappointed,moved,touching,convincing,convinced,Mr. Smith,_ of the_ speech, started to read a novel. (03北京春季) Atired; boringBt

34、iring; bored Ctired; boredDtiring; boring,六A verb-ed can follow a verb , such as stand , sit and lie when the two actions are happening at the same time or it can be used on its own or followed by an adjective /adverbial.(伴随状语),She lay trapped under the building for three days.,She lay there and was

35、 trapped .,改写:The pop-star stood there and was surrounded by his fans for half an hour.,The pop-star stood surrounded by his fans for half an hour.,After his journey front abroad, Richard Jones returned home, _ exhausting B. exhausted C. being exhausted D. having exhausted,She left the restaurant ,

36、disappointed.,She left the restaurant and was disappointed.,他度假回家,累的要死,He arrived back home from vacation, dead tired.,几个特殊的过去分词的运用: lost /given/dressed/seated lost: I can not find my lost wallet. When he came into my room , I was lost in thought. He is not understood by his friends , so he often si

37、ts alone ,feeling extremely lost given:鉴于,考虑到; 指定的,规定的 Given his health, we will have to send for a doctor. Given more time , I will do the job better. We are to finish the task at the given time,相当于,considering,_ the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation

38、. (2000北京春季) Given B. To give C. Giving D. Having given,_ in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor. (05湖南卷) Dressed B. To dress C. Dressing D. Having dressed,The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain _as the plane was making a landing. (04上海春季) A. seat B. seating C. se

39、ated D. to be seating,_ in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police (05江苏卷) A. Having lost B. Lost C. Being lost D. Losing,-ing form,used as an adjective or adverb,Grammar and usage,sleeping students a boring lesson a smiling face,一、The -ing form used as Attr

40、ibute (-ing形式作定语),boiling water,flying kites,a dancing girl,the rising sun,(1) a swimming man,(2) a swimming pool,(2) a walking stick,(1) a walking man,=a man who is walking,= a stick for walking,Whats the difference between (1) and (2)?,小 结 1,-ing形式作定语既可表示动作正在进行(如例(1),此时相当于一个定语从句;又可表示所修饰名词的性质或用途(如例

41、(2)。,a running man,The man running in the picture is Liu Xiang.,attribute,The man who is running in the picture is Liu Xiang.,相当于:,Rewrite the following sentences with attributive clauses. The teacher teaching us English is Mr. Qi. =The teacher who is teaching us English is Mr. Qi.,The people sittin

42、g behind us are all teachers.,The expert coming from Huaian is a lady called Ms Cai.,=The people who are sitting behind us are all teachers.,=The expert who comes from Huaian is a lady called Ms Cai.,Translate the following phrases.,a reading room,a washing machine,an exciting evening,an interesting

43、 crosstalk,阅览室,洗衣机,激动人心的夜晚,有趣的相声,单个的-ing形式作定语,放在所修饰的名词前面;-ing短语作定语则放在所修饰的名词之后。,小 结 2,a sleeping car,a smoking room,listening practice,an opening speech,a booking office,running water,卧铺车,吸烟室,听力练习,开幕词,售票处,自来水,I heard the girl singing in the classroom.,I noticed a long queue outside the bank waiting f

44、or it to open.,2.The -ing form used as Object Complement(-ing形式作宾语补足语),The baby watched his dad shaving his face with great interest.,We have the fire burning all day.,动词-ing形式作宾语补足语常放在宾语后面,表示一个正在进行的主动性的动作,强调一个过程或一种状态。,小 结 3,能跟-ing形式作宾语补足语的常见动词有:,“五让、三看、两听、一注意、一发现、一感觉”。简单又好记!,make, let, have, keep,

45、leave, look at, see, watch, hear, listen to, notice, find, feel 等。,怎么记?,1. Our trip was disappointing. We did not find any unusual plants. 2. The programme for the weekend looks exciting. I am looking forward to it.,3.The -ing form used as predicative (-ing形式作表语),4. The news was shocking. All the th

46、ree boats had sunk in the storm. 5. The report from Cook was encouraging. The captain decided to attack the following night. 6. It was astonishing to see the animals and plants that are found nowhere else in the world.,1. Sixty million people _ (live) in rural areas are moving to the cities every ye

47、ar. 2. The bottle _ (contain) the poison was sent to the laboratory.,Practice,living,containing,Fill in the blanks with the verb given in its proper form.,3. The man _ (sit) on the platform is a professor from Wuhan University. 4. Who is that girl _ (walk) along the river? 5. The children _ (practis

48、e) playing the violin over there will give a performance next week.,sitting,walking,practising,6. The man with sun-glasses _ (stand) near a car is a detective. 7. The old lady _ (talk) to the children is a famous musician. 8. The person _ (translate) the songs can speak seven languages.,standing,tal

49、king,translating,9. I saw them _(force) the door open with a hammer. 10. We heard them _ (quarrel) about money after the concert; they looked very angry. 11. I heard him _ (drop) lots of coins into the collecting tin.,forcing,quarreling,dropping,12. You can see them _ (perform) every night this week

50、 at the New Theatre. 13. I could hear them _ (whisper) to each other during the first part of the play. 14. We watched the army _ (march) down the street towards the park.,performing,whispering,marching,15. I saw the people _ (enter) the theatre, and there were 286 of them. 16. We watched three old

51、men _ (share) their food with each other. 17. We watched the children _ (dive) into the water from the top diving board. 18. I noticed you _ the performers with the ticket sales. That was kind of you.,entering,sharing,diving,helping,Having worked side by side with many environmentalists, I know that

52、 a healthy environment and stable economy should be possible at the same time.,A verb-ing has perfect form, e.g., having worked,1. She gave her opinion about the new building. Then she left the meeting. Having given her opinion about the new building, she left the meeting. 2. She made one last effor

53、t to see her husband. Then she returned home. Having made one last effort to see her husband, she returned home.,Rewrite the following sentences.,3. I admired her writing for many years. Then I finally met her. Having admired her writing for many years, I finally met her. 4. I was interested in the

54、Koories for many years. Then I decided to learn their language. Having been interested in the Koories for many years, I decided to learn their language.,A. This is a letter to the editor of a newspaper. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct forms using the grammar rules you have learnt.,Dear Sir/

55、 Madam, I am delighted by your newspapers decision to start a campaign for protecting the environment. I am glad,that you have asked readers to write in with their suggestions. The state of our parks is very (1) _ (shock), with rubbish everywhere. I used to find a trip to the park very (2) _ (relax)

56、. Now I just find it (3) _ (tire) because I have to pick up the rubbish where I,shocking,relaxing,tiring,am going to sit. The grass is covered in plastic bags and food, and I am sad that the young people of today do not clean up after themselves when they have been to the park. It is (4) _ (disappoi

57、nt) that none of the schools ask their students to do park clean-ups as part of their Science class. Perhaps they,disappointing,could start doing this. There are so many (5) _ (interest) animals and insects (6) _ (live) in our parks. It would be a shame if they were destroyed because of peoples activities in the park. Yours, Wang Qiang,interesting,living,B. Read this new report and fill in the blanks with words from the box below.,following sleeping pleasing exciting w


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