



1、管理英语英汉翻译考试要点目标管理managemenby oectivs管理人才储备表manaemeninventoy form激励下属motve subordnats 预定的目标prvioulset goals岗位性质ob onatin岗位责任制job rsposibiliy ystem职位空缺job vacany人力资源状况表humnresucenveoy工作规范bspecifatin潜在求职者otnal andidate现金流入cas inflows 现金流出cash ouflos现金流动情况ash lqudity现金支出cash outlys信用评价credit rating现金盈亏账户

2、cas ovr n hrt account活期账户hekigaccoun线上盘点wo n process inenty 控制支付账号cotrolled dsbremnt ccount 厂房设备折旧depecationpla and uimn生产经营管理poio and opraion maagment 品质保证书qualtceifiate 集思广益gouprainstrmig质量检验制度qulity uditing ytmassurance 全面质量管理al quaitymnagement 工作流程work lo代理行,通知行corrsnetbnk 银行票据交换bak cleaig定期存款账户

3、esi acot 账户结余accout baanc小额客户etail cter空白背书edorsedin blan清洁已装船提单can oard bill of lain 保险凭证insurance certfiate保险赔偿insance ndemnitis保费pemum险种cvr 保单持有人poliyolde 绝对免赔额the eductible按照背面所列条例asperte luses printed oeleaf运输船只 per cnveae s.s 保水渍险和战争险coveing with particlar vragean rriss 营销网arkingnework 销售媒介mar

4、kg ntemidiaries目标市场taget market 潜在顾客prspetve utmers 潜在盈利性potentia proftability蓝筹股(热门股)ue chip 股份制度jt-stock sstem 股票公开上市公司ul opny 股票交易所tocechn 股票指数stock indx 道琼斯工业股票价格平均指数dow jnes indstrial 1、t textbook onmanaemen isoganized around manaemen functions (是按管理的职能编排的)、the leadig function ivolvesmoivtingsu

5、bordintes ,esolving conflicts amngmbeandiretig ti ctivites.(激励下属,解决员工间的纠纷、指挥他们的行动)3、u il be reqd to serv prtinary peiod no exceeig thrmots effecive(从你报到之日算起不超过三个月)。4、ihe ay can teminte the ontract srvice(任何一方均可终止该劳务合同)b giving to he other1 da notie o 1days slary in lieofnieduig bation.5、mnagment i a

6、et esmatesortags-both numb d i tpeafter it asesss te rrntstatu and futue neds(对现状和将来的需求进行评价)、ploees can be iteieed individualy o i a grp(单独或集体接受面试)、t is essentltha a prvisrmmnat ot pesnall n impersolly wih allhe olved partes(与有关各方直接或间接地沟通)。、on f is main dties is o estabis and mplemn he nual budget f

7、o the depaten(确立并落实部门年度预算)9、desktop computers gve nancial mnars ccs olnces onbnk accoun(为财务经理了解银行账户的收支情况提供了渠道)10、excess fud whic arenot eaing ineest(没有盈利的超额资金) can be moved in-stanty toinvesments.1、 we ope ywill normushe ma tm youcan expot pae send us you eprt catalgs and varous amles r our coice(请寄

8、给我们几份商品目录及各种样品,以便我们选择)1、 w have receive our lte une an wish t qute sunloe branlarmlocsas folo.(你公司6月22日来信收悉。现对“向日葵”钟表报价如下)13、th ojectivofqualitonrol iso imprvid podct with hier an ette ql.(为顾客提供质量更高更好的产品)14、threeprinipesod be olowedo imement totl quali maaeent .(实施全面质量管理)5、a goo trateghelps a usinss

9、 oces on the target marks(帮助企业专注于目标市场)it can serve est.16、woing troughstablihedistrutors or gens(通过已有的经销商或代理商)geealy s siest formanufcturer.1、thse ervestypialyiclude payrll omte clarig oue,and ie nfes(工资发放、自动结算和电汇)8、tlephone bankng gerallyallowscustoes tochecaccun balnce,trasations and payils(查询账户结余

10、、了解交易情况以及支付款项)trg oice respone sts19、e eistructed by bancoarano t dvs you hat heyhae opened terirrevoable lettr of creditin you fvor(对方已开具以您为受益人的不可撤销信用证)。20、paymtwll emad vaiableby your drftso u at sght fr ioic vaue of 0(凭以我行为付款人按发票金额100付款的见票即付的汇票)21、he aount o he eiufor a secific typ f risk is may bedon thpossielosses tha may ocur in the fture(主要以将来可能出现的损失为依据)2、unemployent thrtes smany peple,s unmployment isra


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