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1、最新资料欢迎阅读 智慧树知到拓展英语词汇(山东联盟)章节测试【完整答案】 2020智慧树知到拓展英语词汇(山东联盟)章节测试答案 第1章 单元测试 1、My computer has an audio output. And I need an audio cable to send the _ files to you. 答案:audio 2、I”m deeply impressed by the great musical effect of this theatre. Even if you sit in the farthest seat, the music is still . 答

2、案:audible 3、The _ in the downtown area is really poor today. I hope you are careful when you drive after class. 答案:climax 4、It is evident that we have to do something to improve the hazy weather. Otherwise the sea might become . 答案:It is modern. 5、I can not _ a life without beautiful scenery around

3、me. I want to see the sea, the sand and the sun every day. 答案:第一空: and I can understand German as well. 6、The company Goldman Sachs made a _ (预言) about national economies. The experts there predicted that the Chinese economy would be the largest one in the world by the year 2050. 答案:prediction 7、The

4、 experts must have used big data to make the national economies predictable. Without the help of big data, the ranking would be_ ( 不能预言的 ). 答案:unpredictable 8、I like Hamlet”s _ (独白):“To be or not to be. That is the question.” 答案:is, am 9、Environmental pollution has been a big concern for many countr

5、ies. I think governments should put environmental issues high on the _ (议事日程). 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。 10、My niece has got a(n) _ (试镜) for the Juilliard School of Music in America on Friday. She goes to me for some important interview skills. 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。 第2章 单元测试 1、His long illness and _ absence

6、 put him far behind in his study. That explains why he failed the final exam. 答案:consequent 2、The doctor advised him to _ from drinking if he hoped to recover from the disease soon. 答案:Food high in fat. 3、This course aims to give a _ introduction to the word roots. A good command of so many roots wi

7、ll help students learn words more efficiently. 答案:comprehensive 4、Maybe Ma Yun hasn”t expected that Alibaba can _ its present position in e-commerce within only 15 years. 答案:attain 5、Guys, push yourself to make more friends and make sure to _ the friendships. 答案:C 6、It”s a wonder that the thin branc

8、hes can _ (支撑) the weight of such heavy snow. 答案:S 、 D 、 S 、 D 、 D 、 S 、 S 、 S 7、Lisa”s husband tied her hands and feet to keep her from buying goods on Double Eleven Festival. I hope he will not be _ (逮捕) for his behavior. 答案:No. 8、The fans must be expecting the _ (续集) to the movie“Transformer” . 答

9、案:sequ el 9、Nowadays,more and more women are taking a(n) _ (管理的) role. 答案:executive 10、This book is made up of 16 units. But you guys needn”t learn these lectures in _ (顺序). 答案:sequence 第3章 单元测试 1、It”s too noisy for me to study in this classroom. Overcrowded and uncomfortable classrooms can_ learnin

10、g. 答案:impede 2、Charles was an excellent pianist. Yesterday his performance _ expectations. 答案:exceeded 3、Ma Yun is a _ businessman. His achievements inspire college students to start their own business. 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。 4、Scientists have invented a robot which can cook for people. Nowadays, scien

11、ce and technology_ every aspect of our lives. 答案:pervades 5、The_ is one of the necessary instruments in the North Pole exploration. 答案:compass 6、Each English learner can (进行) at their own speed. 答案:Y esterda y . 7、Sleepiness (发生) after having bread or rice, and other such carbohydrates. 答案:该问题答案暂未收录

12、,请手动搜索。 8、Jim”s car ran into a tree yesterday. We called an_(救护车) and rushed him to the hospital. 答案:ambulance 9、With the accumulation of English, our English skills are (提升). 答案:working 10、Snoring is bad for sleep but the medical community continues to make_(进步) against snoring. 答案:progress 第4章 单元测

13、试 1、Most girls in our class agree that Patrick is charming, and his main _ lies in his thoughtfulness, warmth and sincerity. 答案:attraction 2、One thing that attracts me about this online course is that all the teachers will reveal a little about the contents of the next _ by raising a question. 答案:该问

14、题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。 3、The CEO of our company will meet with his _ of that famous company, i.e., the CEO of that company, this afternoon. 答案:standing 4、I can”t believe John would have committed _, because in my mind, he was always so optimistic and kind to others. 答案:suicide 5、He was so lucky to be given

15、a five-year _ with an annual salary of RMB150,000 to work in that big company . 答案:contract 6、Nowadays, more and more people, including children as well as adults, have been _ (转移注意力) by their mobile phones and cannot concentrate on their work. 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。 7、I don”t like the idea of camping

16、in the wild, because I”m always worried to be attacked by a(n) _ (昆虫) or animal. 答案:insect 8、Alana confesses she is rather _ (偏爱) to pink, and almost all of her clothes are pink. 答案:connects computers and peripheral devices located close to each other, often in the same building. 9、The teachers then

17、 added more _ (精确的) instructions until the students got the assignment done. 答案:precise 10、When we were little kids, we always thought it was interesting to see Mr. White help others _ (拔掉) their teeth. 答案:6A 第5章 单元测试 1、He sensed the shyness of the girl, and _ his eyes off her face immediately. 答案:b

18、ar of 2、Scientific knowledge was _ to help cause destruction and war. 答案:科学引文索引 3、The little boy is wondering whether it is true that all the planets all _ around the sun in the same direction. 答案:with 4、John _ went to a police station and handed himself in. 答案:绝对收敛 5、Although the evidence remains ,

19、 he believes that radiation is bad for human health. 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。 6、 (旋转的) doors at the gates of hotels are convenient for guests. 答案:错误 7、Now the company plans to _ (下放) parts of its responsibilities to branch offices. 答案:devolve 8、The plants make unwelcoming smells to _ (击退) their enemies.

20、答案:repel 9、Jackson said his boss became increasingly depressed and _(回到) to smoking heavily. 答案:reverted 10、The majority of people are a mixture of extroverts and _(内向的人). 答案:introverts 第6章 单元测试 1、I often choose articles from English magazines as the reading assignments for my students. I think thes

21、e reading materials can improve their _ of passing the exams like TOEFL. 答案:of seeing 2、Some teachers and parents don”t _ the use of e-readers. One of their reasons is e-readers will do harm to eyesight. 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。 3、Gary is interested in the magazine The Spectator because its _ on new book

22、s and films are insightful. 答案:rational 4、The book wins great _ from the readers. It”s the best seller in this month. 答案:climax 5、The book points out that trainers should not only _ to be good trainers, but also to become inspirational trainers. 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。 6、In the cinema I heard girls _ (尖

23、叫) when the wolves fought for food. 答案:being shown 7、In _ (回顾), I found students seem to prefer the reading materials closely related to current events and culture, such as the Queen”s Diamond Jubilee celebrations. 答案:retrospect 8、Last night I woke up covered with cold sweat. I dreamed that my visa

24、had _ (过期). 答案:expired 9、The air after the rain is excellent. I love to _ (吸入) the clean air. 答案:inhale 10、My childhood dream is to be a vocalist like Pavarotti. In my eyes, he regards singing as a _ (天职). 答案:vocation 第7章 单元测试 1、The rescue team is _ to supply relief to millions of flood victims. 答案:

25、climax 2、Study shows that excessive use of _ may damage the ecosystem. 答案:程序运行后所建立的链表中有 2 个结点 3、Your _ is an account of your life, in which you write about yourself. 答案:impression 4、On our seminar, we not only tolerate but celebrate free expression and _ debate. 答案:vigorous 5、The _ should not be ove

26、rstated when the two nations are on the verge of conflict. 答案:climax 6、China”s reforms have brought _ (活力) to its economy. 答案:卡方检验,它是非参数检验的一种方法,来检验变量的几个取值所占百分比是否和我们期望的比例没有统计学差异。比如我们在人群中抽取了一个样本,可以用该方法来分析四种血型所占的比例是否相同(都是25%),或者是否符合我们所给出的一个比例(如分别为10%、30%、40%和20%)。 7、With the support from family and pee

27、rs, I”m sure Susan could _ (度过) the emotional crisis. 答案:正确 8、With domestic market booming, the country has expectations of economic (复苏). 答案:revival 9、This film is a Japanese _ (动画片) sold to a Chinese network. 答案:The Story of the Trapp Family Singers 10、The decision to appoint Mike as vice presiden

28、t of the student union is _ (一致通过的). 答案:unanimous 第8章 单元测试 1、I”ve never taken a flight. The thought of flying _ me a lot. 答案:terrifies 2、The new economic system _ our society, so now we become very powerful in the world. 答案:prospered 3、The traffic accident last night took eight people”s lives away.

29、What a traffic! 答案:climax 4、I believe that your goal will be achieved as long as you_ yourself to it. 答案:commit 5、We are supposed to _ questions for discussion in advance of the meeting. 答案:submit 6、People take it for granted that a journalist should be completely _(客观的). 答案:objective 7、With rapid d

30、evelopment, this city looks more _ (繁华) than ever before. 答案:正确 8、The majority of the voters _ (否决) the idea of dependence, which implied we should rely on ourselves. 答案:× 9、Marriage is not only a choice between lovers, but a _(承诺) to each other. 答案:commitment 10、Though the two sides have some

31、 disagreement, finally they reached a _ (妥协) after long talks. 答案:× The word“thought” couldn”t be divided. 第9章 单元测试 1、A _ thought crossed my mind but I managed to calm myself down quickly. 答案:反电子欺骗 2、In the Christmas season, buyers are offered a 50 percent cash . Many items are much cheaper. 答

32、案:a restless young man 3、He took this pill to _ a summer virus and soon he felt much better. 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。 4、His contract with the company will at the end of the year, so he has to find a new job. 答案:terminate 5、I have to go now because I must be for the appointment. 答案:punctual 6、Happiness an

33、d love can be more_ ( 有感染力的 ). These emotions can easily influence others. 答案:contagious 7、My father made great efforts to change my _ (反叛的) temper and he finally succeeded. 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。 8、They had an intense _ (辩论) on that issue and finally managed to reach an agreement. 答案:ugly 9、He has bee

34、n fighting bravely against a _ (晚期的) cancer for more than two years. 答案:错 10、It”s a rather delicate situation and he shows great _(机智) to deal with it. 答案:tact 第10章 单元测试 1、Can you believe such a (an) _ act was treated so lightly? I think he should be sentenced to death. 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。 2、In that

35、 big explosion, only five passengers escaped _, while all others were severely or lightly hurt. 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。 3、I _ a pretty woman I met yesterday to be about forty, but she said the day before yesterday was her fifty- third birthday. 答案:第一空: j 第二空: strj-1 4、His bad appearance will _ the inter

36、viewer against him, and maybe he will not get the job only because he is not so good-looking. 答案:prejudice 5、The problem is that we _ our happiness to wealth, success and social status. That is to say, we think happiness is equal to wealth, success and social status. 答案:Anti-whaling countries and wh

37、ale conservation still have an upper hand in the commission. 6、The _ (代表团) headed by the program director is going to leave for India the day after tomorrow. 答案:climax 7、The _ (陪审团) has to decide whom to believe among various conflicting evidence. 答案:climax 8、Don”t you think he lacks his basic _ (判断

38、) to make comments on what have happened between us two? 答案:judgment 9、In a lot of countries, women earn _ (相比较而言) lower wages than men, even if they are doing the same job. 答案:In a hospital. 10、I do not want to _ (预先判断) the situation now, but what I can say is we are trying our best. 答案:A 第11章 单元测试

39、 1、Some students have to _ going abroad for further study because their family cannot afford their education. 答案:desist from 2、The flood had robbed many people of everything, and they became _. But the government gave them everything they needed to start a new life. 答案:destitute 3、In an inflation (通

40、货膨胀), you can never expect the price to stay _. 答案:In a hospital. 4、A new research center will be _ to study lung cancer. 答案:第一空: accountant 第二空: mechanic 第三空: chef 第四空: tour guide 5、He was put into prison for his _ of the law. 答案:infraction 6、Racism is unacceptable under any _ (情况). 答案:circumstance

41、s 7、Children tend to get _ (易怒的) and tearful when they are tired. 答案:fractious 8、This company needs a more _ (系统的) program to train the new employees. 答案:that 9、Since the old system doesn”t work well, the _ (创建) of a new one is necessary. 答案:√ 10、The emotional _ (疏远) between them led to their

42、divorce. 答案:climax 第12章 单元测试 1、He is not very nice to his girlfriend. He often _ her ideas, which annoys her a lot. 答案:who he is 2、Lily does not like London. She often speaks of her _ towards London. 答案:antipathy 3、Gary is an honest and determined guy. He is _ and consistent in the way he conducted

43、his affairs. 答案:rational 4、A heavy flood happened in USA last summer. The losses caused by the flood were beyond . 答案:virtue 5、It”s _ to get angry over such a trifle. 答案:爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里 6、Nowadays young people are very _ (敏感的) about their appearance. 答案:第一空: 25 第二空: 8 第三空: 2001 第四空: 7 第五空:

44、 6 7、A new educational reform was in discussion these days. There were likely to be many _ (不同意的) views regarding the new reform. 答案:dissenting 8、In Sense and Sensibility, Marianne was betrayed by her lover. Everyone expressed his or her_(同情) with Marianne. 答案:sympathy 9、What is the_(比例) of male stu

45、dent to female student in your department? 答案:ratio 10、Remember that when two people are in _(争执), they should remain polite with one another. 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。 第13章 单元测试 1、In this movie, the wife feels her husband is _ the family with ridiculous ideas that will keep them in poverty. So she worrie

46、s about their future. 答案:is too much furniture 2、Would you please give a fair _ on the hero of this novel?Personally I do think he is great. 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。 3、He stood _ in face of all the difficulties in his life. He proved himself to be a brave winner of life. 答案:firm 4、Chris believes in himse

47、lf and furthermore his success _ his self-confidence. 答案:affirms 5、When I was to pay for the expensive watch, I couldn”t find my _ card. So I need to report the loss to the bank. 答案:credit 6、In team work, you are supposed to never _ (强加于) your personal ideas on someone else. Otherwise people feel co

48、mpelled to do something. 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。 7、University students of the second year are usually referred to as _ (大二学生). 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。 8、Chris showed his _(忠诚)to his dream. Finally he realized the dream of becoming a great financial broker. 答案:the income elasticity of demand for new jewelry

49、is positive. 9、Throughout the movie, Chris wore his _(经久耐穿的)uniform to his work place. 答案:acquitted themselves splendidly 10、When Chris was not able to pick up his son from the kindergarten, he was in great _(痛苦)all night long. He suffered deep afflictions. 答案:D 第14章 单元测试 1、In some places, the _ wea

50、ther can be a real challenge for me. It”s often sunny in the morning and it is rainy at noon. 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。 2、A pedestrian crossing is a zebra print which refers to the _ between black and white stripes. 答案:alternation 3、Last weekend at the party, we enjoyed our time and Mary”s mother offered

51、us a salad with a wide variety of vegetables. 答案:assorted 4、I could see an alteration in his facial expressions but his character is not _. 答案:alterable 5、Last weekend, I visited an old friend with five children under the age of three. I found that changing diapers at their house is like working on a(n) _ line. 答案:sick 6、The small town has a mature transportation system. In addition to train, there are more _


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