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1、Book 1 Unit 1 FriendshipI 单项填空1When into a warm house ,a piece of ice becomes smaller and smaller ,until in the end it disappears completely.A takesB takingC tookD taken2 The police chief advised his men to keepand not lose their tempers.A calmB quietC stillD silent3I wanted to have a word with her

2、,but sheme and went away.A sawB calmedC toldD ignored4 There is much chance that Bill willfrom his injury in time for the race.A restoreB cureCtreatDrecover5 Do you know anyone in Paris?No ,I ll make friends once.A I m settledB I have settledCIll be settledDI m settling6 The comments which he madema

3、rketing bothered his boss greatly.Cto concernA concernB concernedDconcerning7All the information we have collected in relation to that case very little.A makes up forB adds up toCcomes up withDpulls up with8 The doctor had almost lost hope at one point , but the patient finally.A pulled outB pulled

4、throughCpulled upDpulled over9The moment she came back from work , sheto clean the kitchen thoroughly.A set outB set aboutCset offDset up10 Where did you find the wallet?It was at the stadiumI played football.A thatB whereC whichD there11. He left a good impression on meI saw him.A . for the first t

5、imeB. the first timeC. first timeD. it s the first time12. Johnson had made up his mind to give it up, but on second thought hedeterm ined to trythird time.A . /; aB. /; /C. a; aD . the; a13. Do you think it s going to rain over the weekend?A. I don t believeB. I don t believe itD. I believe notC. I

6、 believe not so14. Did you ask whose computer?A . this blue one wasB. is this blue oneC . it was this blue oneD . this blue one is15 . from heart trouble for years , Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.A . SufferedB . Sufferi ngC . Having sufferedn .完形填空D . Being suff

7、eredIt was a cool October evenin g.Exciteme nt and family members 16 the hall .I was only a 7-year-old girl , but I was the center of 17 .Finally , after weeks of preparation , I would18 all my hard work in a dance performa nce.Everythi ng would be19 so I thought.Iwaited backstage all 20 in my black

8、 tights with a golde n belt .In a loud and clear voice , the master of ceremonies 21 that my class was n ext.My dance class was doing a routine on wooden boxes two feet by two feet , facing the22 .All I had to do in the next move was put one foot on the box next to mine and keep my other foot on my

9、box .It really was an 23 move.I was concen trat ing so much on24 the huge smile on my face and hold ing my head up that I did no t look25I wasgoingmissed my partner s box altogether and 26 .There I was standing on the stage floor whe n my classmates were on top of their boxes .I could hear giggles(

10、咯咯笑)coming from the audienee, and I felt the 27 rush to my face.I remembered my dance teacher had told us,If you make a mistake , keep smiling so the audienee will not 28. I did my best tofollow her 29 as I continued with the routi ne.When the curtain dropped ,so did my 30 for the evening.l 31 bitte

11、rly , tasting the salt from the tears that streamed down my face.I ran backstage, but no one could 32 me dow n.Recently I realized I had been a 33 that night.l was 34, but I fought the urge to runoff the stage. 35, I finished the routine with a smile on my face.Now when friends and familylaugh about

12、 the time I slipped during a dance performance , I can laugh too.(2017 山东高考 )16.A.filledB . visitedC. attendedD . decorated17.A.pressureB . impressi onC. debateD . atte nti on18.A.take overB . show offC. look afterD . give up19.A.reas on ableB . suitableC. obviousD . perfect20.A.dressed upB . folded

13、 upC. covered upD . mixed up21 .A.suggestedB . expla inedC. announcedD . predicted22.A.musicB . audie nceC. curtainD . stage23.A.easyB . activeC. adventurousD . extra24.A.co ntai ningB . hidi ngC. sharingD . keep ing25.A.whyB . whetherC. whereD . what26.A.wa nderedB . slippedC. wavedD . skipped27.A.

14、bloodB . pleasureC . prideD . tear28.A.l eaveB. cheerC . believeD . no tice29.A.gestureB . exampleC . adviceD . pla n30.A.doubtsB. hopesC . voiceD . patie nceB.shoutedD.sobbedB.calmD.putB.pion eerD.foolB.movedD.con fusedB.In steadD.In return31. A.arguedC. begged32. A.turnC. let33. A.starC. loser34.

15、A.satisfiedC. embarrassed35. A.HoweverC. In total川.阅读理解Michelle Obama has launched her campaign against childhood obesity in the US, saying that it is a problem that concerns her both as the first lady and as a mother.Mrs.Obama said that the campaign was designed to encourage people to live healthie

16、r lives , but admitted that she herself was not immune to the temptati ons of junk food.I love burgers and fries.A nd I love ice cream and cake.A nd so do most kids, ” she said.But, she added, “We re not talking about a lifestyle that excludes all that. ”“The question is how we help people balanee t

17、heir diet so that they re not facing life- threatening, preventable illnesses, but they re enjoying their food , they re eating their vegetables, they re doing their running , walking and playing , and they still have time to get a good, fun meal every once in a while. ”One in three American childre

18、n are overweight or obese , putting them at the higher risk of developing diabetes(糖尿病),high blood pressure, high cholesterol(胆固醇)and other illnesses.Billions of dollars are spent every year treating obesity- related conditions.“ None of us wants this future for our kids,” Mrs.Obama said at the Whit

19、e House.“ We have to act , so let s move. ”Her campaign has four parts: helping parents make better food choices , serving healthier food in school vending machines(自动售货机 )and lunch menus , making healthy food more available and affordable , and en courag ing childre n to exercise more.The campaign,

20、 which Mrs.Obama starts , is aimed at solving the childhood obesity problem in a gen erati on , so that childre n born today can reach adulthood at a healthy weight.“This isn t like a disease where we re still waiting for the cure to be discovered.We know the cure for this ,” she said at the opening

21、 ceremony.President Barack Obama praised his wife for solving what he called one of “ the most urgent health issues facing the country ”“ This has enormous promise in improving the health of our children , in giving support to parents to make the kinds of healthy choices that are often very difficul

22、t ,” he said.36 The best title of the passage would be “ ”A The first lady begins to fight against childhood obesityB The most urgent health issues facing the countryC The Obamas care about the health of fat childrenD The first lady can t resist the temptations of junk food37 Why did Michelle Obama launch the campaign?A To fight against adulthood obesity.B To help children to eat less junk food.C To encourage Americans to live more healthily.D To call on people to exercise more after work.38 What d


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