天下无贼 劫持部分 翻译_第1页
天下无贼 劫持部分 翻译_第2页
天下无贼 劫持部分 翻译_第3页




1、天下无贼劫持部分翻译劫匪一(范伟饰,以下称范):打打打 rrrobbery劫匪二(娘娘腔):劫 robbery范:对,打劫 correct ,robbery黎叔(葛优饰):我最烦你们这些打劫的,一点技术含量都没有 i hate such robbers like you, there is no skill at all ( i dont like you guys, doing robbery isnt a skillful job.)娘娘腔(扁黎叔):打劫,知道吗? robbery, dont you know?范:各种卡,快快快主动啊。(夺一女乘客钱包)让你不给我all kinds of

2、 cards, be quick, be quick, (grabbed a female passengers wallet) , ah.since you dont give me, i can do that by myself.娘娘腔:你这什么东西? what?范(对娘娘腔):大哥,稍等一会,我要劫个色。(走向ppmm刘若英)ic、ip、iq卡,通通告诉我密码。hey,buddy, wait ,wait for a moment , oh, what a beauty, (oh, she is such a hot chick) (approach liuruoying).) ic i

3、p iqcard, tell me all the passwords of them.刘德华:报告打劫的,没有iq卡。(robbers, there is no iq card, over!) 刘若英:报告打动的,我也没有iq卡excuse me .robber, i dont have that card either.范:怎么没有?why ? why not?刘:我有iq,你没有 i have iq, but you dont.刘若英:我也有,的确,你没有i also have that of course.范:把你的给我,我我不就有了吗? give me yours, then i c

4、an have it.刘(学范):给你你你你也用用不了。you still cant use it if we give it to you 刘若英:对,咱是有也心有余力不足啊!exactly.范:把密码给我,我就就就就能用 give me the password then, so that i can use it.刘:没有密码。iq是智商 theres no password thing, iq means intelligence. 范:智商是什么东西,拿拿拿来 whats intelligence, just give it to me. 刘若英:你用头撞撞椅子你就知道什么是智商了h

5、it the chair with your head then youd known what intelligence is.范:用头撞斧子,好痛啊!oh, it hurts!刘:笨蛋,其实智商就是脑子 intelligence is how to use your brain, you stupid! 娘娘腔:哎呀!真笨,他说你没脑子 oops! so dum, he said you didnt have a brain!范(冲娘娘腔):你tm才没脑子呢 you are the one who doesnt have that fucking brain.娘娘腔:哎?不是我说你没脑子,

6、是他说你没脑子 hey? i didnt say you dont have a brain, he said that. 范(冲刘):你tm咒我没脑子,你 you ass hole! how dare you!刘:我没有说你没脑子,我说你缺心眼 i didnt say you are stupid, you are just not paying attention.范(高举斧子):我让你缺脑袋,你信不信?(见刘手中有纸包)手手里什么东西? (声色俱厉)手手里什么东西? wouldnt you believe that i will cut your head off? whats in y

7、our hand? 刘:钱钱钱 money众人大笑 匪甲:自觉点,交出来 hand it in. 匪乙:怎怎么没有! why not? 王薄:我有iq,你没有 i have iq but you dont.匪乙:把你得给我,我我我不就有了吗! give me yours so that i can have it.王薄:给你你你你也用不了 you can use is even if i give you mine.匪乙:把密码给我,我就就就能用! give me the pass word and i can use it.王薄:iq是智商 iq is intelligence.匪乙:智商是

8、什么东西?拿拿来! what is that? hand it in!王薄:智商是脑子 it means your brain.匪甲:哎呀,真笨,他说你没脑子! oops! stupid, he said you dont have a brain.匪乙:你你他妈才没脑子呢 you are the one who doesnt have that fucking brain!匪甲:哎,不是我说你没脑子,是他说你没脑子,真笨 hey, i didnt say that, he did.匪乙:你他妈咒我没脑子你 you ass hole!王薄:我没有说你没脑子,我说你缺心眼 i didnt say

9、 that you are stupid, you are just not paying attention.匪乙:我让你缺脑袋你信不信 i will cut your head off, dont you believe that?匪乙:手手里什么东西,手手里什么东西! whats in you hand?王薄:钱钱钱 money.匪乙:钱钱钱你还不拿来 why dont you give it to me?王薄:这是我孝敬我爹的 it is for my dad.匪乙:我现在就是你爹 i am your dad now.匪甲:拿出来,把这叫出来,给我 take it out. give

10、me.匪乙:大大哥,他耍我 bro, he is messing me up.王薄:不是说过吗 didnt i say that.匪乙:你以为我啥呢是吧,这是给死人用的纸钱! i thought it is but actually it is money for the deads.匪甲:嘘严肃点,严肃点,不许笑,我们这儿打劫呢 hey, dont laugh, we are doing the robbery.匪乙:哎,就你觉得这这个事有意思吗?那你认识这个是什么吗? dont you think it is intersting? do you know what it is?女警:斧子 axe.匪乙:腰,腰腰腰,腰藏什么 what are you hind


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