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1、风情日耳曼 项目案名、logo及视觉表现提报,Gone with the wind the time once like this described the manorial lord family luxurious life. in the novel wrote: “when the noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique galactic disk which the static flash, passes on from g

2、eneration to generation, enjoys for the human,Logo及 VI表现,Gone with the wind the time once like this described the manorial lord family luxurious life. in the novel wrote: “when the noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique galactic disk which

3、the static flash, passes on from generation to generation, enjoys for the human. On the table conversation is eaten with rice or bread the best seasoning, the witticism is the ideal seasoning.,Gone with the wind the time once like this described the manorial lord family luxurious life. in the novel

4、wrote: “when the noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique galactic disk which the static flash, passes on from generation to generation, enjoys for the human,广告语& 定位语,案名,案 名,Gone with the wind the time once like this described the manorial lo

5、rd family luxurious life. in the novel wrote: “when the noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique galactic disk which the static flash, passes on from generation to generation, enjoys for the human,Gone with the wind the time once like this de

6、scribed the manorial lord family luxurious life. in the novel wrote: “when the noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique galactic disk which the static flash, passes on from generation to generation, enjoys for the human. On the table conversa

7、tion is eaten with rice or bread the best seasoning, the witticism is the ideal seasoning.,案名(一,Gone with the wind the time once like this described the manorial lord family luxurious life. in the novel wrote: “when the noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abun

8、dantly the antique galactic disk which the static flash, passes on from generation to generation, enjoys for the human,德风雅颂,案名释义: 德:一个“德”字强调出项目纯正、高品质的德式人文社区; 风雅颂:中国诗经分为“风雅颂”,在此巧妙的借指园区典雅、闲适并且充满人文情韵的风情式花园小区。 德风雅颂:案名整体大气而不乏优雅,既能点出项目的特有风格,又寓意深刻,便于记忆,案名(二,Gone with the wind the time once like this descri

9、bed the manorial lord family luxurious life. in the novel wrote: “when the noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique galactic disk which the static flash, passes on from generation to generation, enjoys for the human,威尔豪斯,案名释义: 威尔豪斯,源于德国著名葡萄酒小

10、镇Weinhaus(德语)的音译,同时,又谐音Well house,英文“好房子”之意,令案名一语双关德语和英文。 案名响亮大气,品质感强,充满异域风情,从周边楼盘中脱颖而出,令市场耳目一新,更易识别,案名(三,Gone with the wind the time once like this described the manorial lord family luxurious life. in the novel wrote: “when the noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to pla

11、ce in abundantly the antique galactic disk which the static flash, passes on from generation to generation, enjoys for the human,案名释义: 品,品读,品味,品质。显现项目对沈城人居的深刻解读,以及对于生活品味、空间品质的致臻追求; 德,表明本案的产品特色,原乡德式建筑风格,并且唤醒消费者心中对德式品质感、自然感的生活认知; 品德,案名简单易记,更利于口碑传播。同时,案名硬朗、大气,在区域激烈的竞争中,更易于形成与周边项目的差异化,突显项目的质感形象,品德,案名(辅推

12、,Gone with the wind the time once like this described the manorial lord family luxurious life. in the novel wrote: “when the noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique galactic disk which the static flash, passes on from generation to generatio

13、n, enjoys for the human,情迷天鹅堡,德郡东方,情迷天鹅堡,广告语& 定位语,Gone with the wind the time once like this described the manorial lord family luxurious life. in the novel wrote: “when the noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique galactic disk which the sta

14、tic flash, passes on from generation to generation, enjoys for the human,Gone with the wind the time once like this described the manorial lord family luxurious life. in the novel wrote: “when the noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique gala

15、ctic disk which the static flash, passes on from generation to generation, enjoys for the human. On the table conversation is eaten with rice or bread the best seasoning, the witticism is the ideal seasoning.,广告语(一,Gone with the wind the time once like this described the manorial lord family luxurio

16、us life. in the novel wrote: “when the noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique galactic disk which the static flash, passes on from generation to generation, enjoys for the human,风景艺术生活家,风情里的 Well house,德国思想,优质生活生产力,定位语(一,Gone with the wind

17、the time once like this described the manorial lord family luxurious life. in the novel wrote: “when the noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique galactic disk which the static flash, passes on from generation to generation, enjoys for the hu

18、man,沈辽路地铁旁水岸精舍,沈辽路地铁旁德邑水岸精舍,表现一 ( 1、2,Gone with the wind the time once like this described the manorial lord family luxurious life. in the novel wrote: “when the noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique galactic disk which the static flash, p

19、asses on from generation to generation, enjoys for the human. On the table conversation is eaten with rice or bread the best seasoning, the witticism is the ideal seasoning.,Gone with the wind the time once like this described the manorial lord family luxurious life. in the novel wrote: “when the no

20、on, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique galactic disk which the static flash, passes on from generation to generation, enjoys for the human,Gone with the wind the time once like this described the manorial lord family luxurious life. in the no

21、vel wrote: “when the noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique galactic disk which the static flash, passes on from generation to generation, enjoys for the human. On the table conversation is eaten with rice or bread the best seasoning, the w

22、itticism is the ideal seasoning.,Gone with the wind the time once like this described the manorial lord family luxurious life. in the novel wrote: “when the noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique galactic disk which the static flash, passes

23、 on from generation to generation, enjoys for the human,德风雅颂 LOGO表现1,Gone with the wind the time once like this described the manorial lord family luxurious life. in the novel wrote: “when the noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique galactic

24、 disk which the static flash, passes on from generation to generation, enjoys for the human. On the table conversation is eaten with rice or bread the best seasoning, the witticism is the ideal seasoning.,Gone with the wind the time once like this described the manorial lord family luxurious life. i

25、n the novel wrote: “when the noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique galactic disk which the static flash, passes on from generation to generation, enjoys for the human,Logo创意阐释 1.号角精神 Logo形似号角,上进的“号角精神”正是德意志民族久经战火洗礼,坚定勇敢,上进和认真的最好见证,佰世基业同样拥有

26、这种号角精神,深执坚定的筑家信念,认真、上进。 2. 黑红白的寓意 源自德国国旗的三种颜色,将之赋予生活中,黑色代表着对生活品质的不断追求,红色代表对生活情感的不断向往,金黄色代表对生活远景美好向往。 3.整体视觉 英文部分为Germany image翻译为德派印象,由此,德意志的精髓与外在在充满渐变质感的颜色中充分彰显,象征团结与生命力,具有饱满的视觉传播力,德风雅颂(围挡,Gone with the wind the time once like this described the manorial lord family luxurious life. in the novel wro

27、te: “when the noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique galactic disk which the static flash, passes on from generation to generation, enjoys for the human,德式风情园区 德国风。 正文/ 秉承精工艺术思想,延续纯正德国原乡。 舒居观景空间 心致雅。 正文 / 60-80庭台洋房、电梯高层,尽享阔景舒雅空间。 莱茵河水景 莱茵颂。

28、 正文/ 近万平莱茵河贯通园区,奏响全景观水岸生活乐章,德风雅颂 LOGO表现2,Gone with the wind the time once like this described the manorial lord family luxurious life. in the novel wrote: “when the noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique galactic disk which the static flash

29、, passes on from generation to generation, enjoys for the human. On the table conversation is eaten with rice or bread the best seasoning, the witticism is the ideal seasoning.,Gone with the wind the time once like this described the manorial lord family luxurious life. in the novel wrote: “when the

30、 noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique galactic disk which the static flash, passes on from generation to generation, enjoys for the human,德风雅颂logo创意 1.徽章 徽章代表荣耀及尊贵,是一种身份的象征,以德国哥特式建筑为设计中心,打破传统歌特过于耀眼的风格,以其沉静的方式展现自我,毫不喧哗表现出德式的严谨与朴实的精巧。 2.哥特式

31、字体 设计原创的哥特体中文,拥有流线型的韵律感,灵感源于德国哥特式建筑。结合德文Deutschland Image(意为:德国风景画),风格统一,表现二,Gone with the wind the time once like this described the manorial lord family luxurious life. in the novel wrote: “when the noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique

32、galactic disk which the static flash, passes on from generation to generation, enjoys for the human. On the table conversation is eaten with rice or bread the best seasoning, the witticism is the ideal seasoning.,Gone with the wind the time once like this described the manorial lord family luxurious

33、 life. in the novel wrote: “when the noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique galactic disk which the static flash, passes on from generation to generation, enjoys for the human,威尔豪斯Logo创意 1. 英文手写体 看似随手书写的well house ,如溢出的葡萄酒,散发着异国的生活气息,无需太多渲染

34、,自然传达出一番温馨自在。 2. 德国国花的元素 一朵矢车菊,德国国花,形状讨喜,蕴藏着“遇见幸福”的美好愿望,正是项目well house想要表达的幸福生活。 3.浑然天成德国风 整个标示在紫色的葡萄颜色上,英文手写体是洒脱自若的生活;严谨个性的中文笔体寓意着德式精工品质;一朵开放的矢车菊是充满风情的浪漫享受,三者合一,以无声的语言直指项目的精髓,威尔豪斯(围挡,Gone with the wind the time once like this described the manorial lord family luxurious life. in the novel wrote: “w

35、hen the noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique galactic disk which the static flash, passes on from generation to generation, enjoys for the human,Well,莱茵河改了流向! 全景内河珍稀水系,幸福领域细水长流 Well,傍晚也能晒太阳! 60-80舒朗成品家,退台/露台/庭院,尽纳阳光与风 Well,在中国邂逅德国! 现代德式精工

36、品质,缔造童话风情建筑,表现三,Gone with the wind the time once like this described the manorial lord family luxurious life. in the novel wrote: “when the noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique galactic disk which the static flash, passes on from generati

37、on to generation, enjoys for the human. On the table conversation is eaten with rice or bread the best seasoning, the witticism is the ideal seasoning.,Gone with the wind the time once like this described the manorial lord family luxurious life. in the novel wrote: “when the noon, everybody dines wh

38、en always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique galactic disk which the static flash, passes on from generation to generation, enjoys for the human,LOGO创意阐释 1.文字图文化 Logo的构思妙笔在于将文字图形化。富有立体感的“品德”如同德式建筑,品字如窗,德字如堂,城堡式的面孔,彰显着严谨与浪漫的气质。 2.英文部分 taste ger意为品读德国,全面保罗建筑、风情、水岸生活,内容简单而

39、含义深远。 3.颜色的精神 黄色与黑色为主色调,黄色代表热情的生活,黑色代表严谨的态度,从两方面透露着项目的德式精工建筑,与美好的水岸生活,独立、简约中透露着风情与浪漫,品德(围挡,Gone with the wind the time once like this described the manorial lord family luxurious life. in the novel wrote: “when the noon, everybody dines when always six vegetables, distinguishes to place in abundantly the antique galactic disk which


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