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1、v1.0可编辑可修改11waswereCharlie and the Chocolate FactoryThis is a story of an ordinary little boy named Charlie Bucket. He wasnot faster or stronger or more clever than other children.His familynot rich or powerful or well-c onn ected. In fact, they barely had eno ugh to eat. Charlie Bucket was the luck

2、iest boy in the en tire world. He just did n t know it yet.-Eve ning. Buckets.-Eve ning.Hi, Dad.Soups almost ready, darli ng.Dont suppose theres anything extra to put in, I ove.Oh, well. Noth ing goes better with cabbage tha n cabbage.Charlie I found someth ing I thi nk youll like.Charlies father wo

3、rked at the local toothpaste factory.The hours were long, and the pay was terrible yet occasi on ally,thereun expected surprises.It s exactly what I n eed.What is it, CharlieDad found it, just the piece I n eeded.-What piece was it-A head for Willy Won ka.Well, how won derful.Its quite a like ness.-

4、You thi nk sov1.0可编辑可修改-Think soI know so.I saw Willy Wonka with my own two eyes.-I used to work for him, you know.-You did-I did.-He did.He did.I love grapes.Of course, I was a much youn ger man in those days.Willy Wonka bega n with a sin gle store on Cherry Street.But the whole world wan ted his c

5、an dy.-Mr. Won ka.-YeahWe n eed more Wonka bars and we re out of chocolate birds.-BirdsBirds.Well, the n well n eed to make some more. Here.Now ope n.The man was a geni us.Did you know he inven ted a new way of making chocolate ice cream.so that it stays cold for hourswithout a freezerYou can even l

6、eave it lying in the sun on a hot day, and it wont go runny.-But thats impossible.-But Willy Wonka did it.#v1.0可编辑可修改Before long he decided to build a proper chocolate factory.The largest chocolate factory in history. Fifty times as big as any other.Gran dpa, dont make it gross.Tell him about the In

7、 dia n prin ce.Hed like to hear about that.You mean. Prince Pon dicherryWell, Prince Pon dicherry wrote a letter to Mr. Won ka.and asked him to comeall the way out to India and build him a colossal palace en tirely out of chocolate.It will have 1 00 rooms, and everything will be made of either dark

8、orlight chocolate.True to his word, the bricks were chocolate and the cement holding themtogether was chocolate.All the walls and ceilings were made of chocolate as well.So were the carpets and the pictures and the furniture.It is perfect in every way.Yeah, but it wont last l ong.You better start ea

9、t ing right now.Oh, nonsen se. I will not eat my palace.I intend to live in it.But Mr. Wonka was right, of course.Soon after this, there came a very hot day with a boiling sun.The prince sent an urge nt telegram request ing a new palace.but Willy Wonka was facing problems of his own.All the other ch

10、ocolate makers, you see,had grow n jealous of Mr. Wonka.They bega n sending in spies to steal his secret recipes.33v1.0可编辑可修改Fickelgruber started making an ice cream that would never melt.Prod nose came out with a chew ing gum that n ever lost its flavor.Then Slugworth bega n making candy ballo ons

11、that you could blow up toin credible sizes.The thievery got so bad that one day, without warnin g.Mr. Wonka told every sin gle one of his workers to go home.He announ ced that he was clos ing his chocolate factory forever.rm closi ng my chocolate factory forever.rm sorry.But it did nt close forever.

12、Its ope n right now.Yes, well, sometimes whe n grow nups sayforever, they mean a very long time.Such as, l feel like rve eate nnothing but cabbage soup forever.-Now, Pops.-The factory did close, Charlie.And it seemed like it was going to be closed forever.The n one day we saw smoke ris ing from the

13、chi mn eys.-The factory was back in bus in ess.-Did you get your job backNo.No one did.But there must be people work ing there.Thi nk about it, Charlie.Have you ever see n a sin gle pers on.#v1.0可编辑可修改.going into that factory or coming out of itNo. The gates are always closed.Exactly.But the n, whos

14、 running the machi nes-Nobody kno ws, Charlie.-lt certa inly is a mystery.Hasnt some one asked Mr. WonkaNobody sees him anym ore.He n ever comes out.The only thing that comes out of that place is the candy already packed and addressed.rd give any thi ng in the world just to go in one more time.a nd

15、see whats become of that amaz ing factory.Well, you wont, because you cant.No one can.Its a mystery, and it will always be a mystery.That little factory of yours, Charlie, is as close as any of us is ever going to get.Come on, Charlie. I think its time we let your grandparents get some sleep.-Good n

16、i ght, Gran dpa George.-Night, Charlie.-Night -ni ght.-Chair.Thank you, dear.Night, Gran dpa Joe.55v1.0可编辑可修改Good ni ght. Gran dma Georg ina.Noth in gs impossible, Charlie.-Good ni ght.-Night, Charlie.Sleep well.In deed, that very ni ght, the impossible had already bee n set in moti on.Dear people o

17、f the world.I, Willy Wonkahave decided to allow five children to visit my factory this year.In additi on, one of these childre n shall receive a special prize bey ondanything you could ever imag ine.Five golde n tickets have bee n hidde n undern eath the ordi nary wrapp ingpaper of five ordinary Won

18、ka bars.The bars may be any where in any shop, in any street, i n any tow n, in any country in the world.Would nt it be somethi ng, Charlie,to ope n a bar of candy and find a golde n ticket in sideI know, but I only get one bar a year, for my birthday.Well, its your birthday n ext week.You have as m

19、uch cha nee as an ybody does.Balderdash. The kids who are going to find the golden tickets are the ones who can afford to buy candy bars every day.Our Charlie gets only one a year.He does nt have a cha nee.Every one has a cha nee, Charlie.Mark my words, the kid who finds the first ticket will be fat

20、, fat, fat. #v1.0可编辑可修改Augustus. This way.I am eati ng the Wonka bar and I taste someth ing that is not chocolate or coc onu t.or walnut or pea nut butter.or no ugat.or butter brittleor caramel or spri nkles.So I look and I find the golden ticket.Augustus, how did you celebrateI eat more can dy.We k

21、new Augustus would find the golde n ticket.He eats so many candy bars a day that it was not possible for him not to find one.Yes, it is good, Augustus.-golde n ticket claimed and four more.Told you itd be a porker.What a repulsive boy.Only four golden tickets left.Now that theyve found one, things w

22、ill really get crazy.-of every shape, size and hue.Veruca. Can you spell that for us, pleaseV-E-R-U-C-A. Veruca Salt.As soon as my little Veruca told me she had to have one of these golde n tickets.I started buying all the Wonka bars I could lay my hands on.Thousa nds of them.77v1.0可编辑可修改Hun dreds o

23、f thousa nds.rm in the nut bus in ess, you see.So I say to my workers:Mornin g, ladies. From now on, you can stop shelli ng pea nuts and start shelli ng the wrappers off these chocolate bars in stead.Three days went by, and we had no luck. Oh, it was terrible.My Veruca got more and more upset each d

24、ay.Wheres my golde n ticketI want my golde n ticket.Well, gen tleme n, I just hated to see my little girl feeli ng un happy that.I vowed I would keep search ing un til I could give her what she wan ted.And fin ally, I found her a ticket.Daddy, I want ano ther pony.Shes eve n worse tha n the fat boy.

25、I dont think that was really fair.She did nt find the ticket herself.Dont worry about it, Charlie.That man spoils his daughter. And no good ever comesfrom spoiling like that.Charlie, Mum and I thought maybe you wanna ope n your birthday prese nt toni ght.Here you are.Maybe I should wait till morning

26、.-Like hell.likea child-Pop.#v1.0可编辑可修改All together, were 381 years old.We dont wait.Now, Charlie, you must nt feel too disappo in ted.you kno w, if you dont get the.Whatever happe ns, youll still have the can dy.Ah, well.Thats that.-Well share it.-Oh, no, Charlie.Not your birthday prese nt.Its my c

27、andy bar, and Ill do what I want with it.Thank you, darl ing.Thank you, Charlie.Bless you.All right, lets see who found it.The third ticket was found by Miss Violet Beauregarde.These are just some of the 263 trophies and medals my Violet has won.Im a gum chewer mostly, but when I heard about these t

28、icket things.I laid off the gum, switched to candy bars.Shes just a drive n young woma n.I dont know where she gets it.rm the Junior World Champio nGum Chewer.This piece of gumrm chew ing right no w.Ive bee n work ing on for three mon ths solid. Thats a record.99v1.0可编辑可修改Of course, I did have my sh

29、are of trophies, mostly bat on.So it says that one kids gonna get this special prize, better tha n allthe rest.I dont care who those other four are.That kid, its gonna be me.Tell them why, Violet.Because rm a winner.What a beastly girl.Despicable.You dont knowwhat were talk ing about.Drago nfliesBut

30、 wait, this is just in.The fourth golde n ticket has bee n found by a boy called Mike Teavee.All you had to do was track the manufacturing dates offset by weather and the derivative of the Nikkei In dex.A retard could figure it out.Most of the time I dont know what hes talk ing about.You know, kids

31、these days, what with all the tech no logy.Die! Die! Die!Does nt seem like they stay kids very long.In the end,I only had to buy one candy bar.-And how did it taste-I dont know.I hate chocolate.#v1.0可编辑可修改Well, its a good thing youre going to a chocolate factory, you ungrateful little-That questi on

32、 is,who will be the winner of the last gold-Dad-Yes, CharlieWhy arent you at workOh, well, the toothpaste factory thought theyd give mea bit of time off.Like summer vacati onSure. Something like that.In fact, it wasnt like a vacation at all.The upsw ing in candy sales had led to a rise in cavities w

33、hich led to arise in toothpaste sales.With the extra mon ey, the factory had decided to moder nize elim in at ingMr. Buckets job.We were barely making ends meet as it was.You ll find ano ther job.Un til the n,门Ijust- Well, Ill just thin dow n the soup a little more.Dont worry, Mr. Bucket, our luck w

34、ill cha nge.I know it.Charlie.My secret hoard.You and I are going to have one more fling at finding that last ticket.You sure you want to spe nd your money on thatOf course rm sure. Here.Run dow n to the n earest store and buy the first Wonka candy bar you see.1111v1.0可编辑可修改Bring it straight back, a

35、nd well open it together.Such a good boy, really.Such a good.Gran dpa-You fell asleep.-Have you got itWhich end should we ope n firstJust do it quick, like a Ban d-Aid.Did you see that some kid in Russia found the last golden ticketYes, it was in the paper this morning.Good boy. Come on, George. Goo

36、d boy.One Wonka Whipple-ScrumptiousFudgemallow Delight, please.Okay. Here you go.The n erve of some people.I know. Forgi ng a ticket. Come on.Its a golden ticket.You found Won kas last golde n ticket.In my shop too!Liste n.门I buy it from you.ril give you $50 and a new bicycle.Are you crazyId give hi

37、m $500 for that ticket.You wanna sell me your ticket for $500, young manThats eno ugh of that.Leave the kid alone.#v1.0可编辑可修改Liste n. Dont let anyone have it.Take it straight home, you un dersta ndThank you.Mom! Dad!I found it!The last golden ticket! Its mine!Here.Read it aloud.Lets hear exactly wha

38、t it says.Greetings to you, the lucky finder of this golden ticket, from Mr. WillyWon ka.I shake you warmly by the hand. For no w, I do in vite you to come to myfactory and be my guest for one whole day.l, Willy Won ka, will con duct you around the factory myself show ing youeveryth ingthere is to s

39、ee.Afterwards, when it is time to leave you will be escorted home by aprocession of large trucks each one filled with all the chocolate you could ever eat.And remember, one of you lucky five children will receive an extra prize bey ond your wildest imag in ati on.Now, here are your in structio ns.On

40、 the 1 st of February, you must cometo the factory gates at 1 0 . sharp.Youre allowed to bring one member of your family to look after you.Un til then, Willy Won ka.The 1 st of February.1313v1.0可编辑可修改-But thats tomorrow.-The n theres not a mome nt to lose.Wash your face, comb your hair, scrub your h

41、an ds, brush your teeth, blow your no se.-And get that mud off your pan ts.-Now we must all try and keep very calm.First thing that we have to decide is this:Who is going with Charlie to the factoryI will. Ill take him. You leave it to me.How about you, dearDont you think you ought to goWell, Gran d

42、pa Joe seems to know more about it tha n we do, an d.Provided, of course, he feels well eno ugh.No. Were not going.A woma n offered me $500 for the ticket.I bet some one else would pay more.We n eed the money more tha n we n eed the chocolate.Young man, come here.Theres ple nty of money out there.Th

43、ey print more every day.But this ticket theres only five of them in the whole world and thatsall theres ever going to be.On ly a dummy would give this up for somethi ng as com mon as mon ey.Are you a dummyNo, sir.Then get that mud off your pants.#v1.0可编辑可修改Youve got a factory to go to.Daddy, I want

44、to go in.Its 9:59, sweetheart.Make time go faster.Do you thi nk Mr. Wonkawill recog nize youHard to say. Its bee n years.Eyes on the prize, Violet.Eyes on the prize.Please en ter.Come forward.Close the gates.Dear visitors it is my great pleasure to welcome you to my humble factory.And who am IWell.W

45、illy Won ka, Willy WonkaThe amaz ing chocolatierWilly Won ka, Willy WonkaEverybody give a cheer!Hooray!Hes modest, clever and so smartHe barely can restrain itWith so much gen erosityThere is no way to contain it!To contain itTo con tai n, to contain, to contain!1515v1.0可编辑可修改Hooray!Willy Wonka, Wil

46、ly WonkaHes the one that youre about to meetWilly Won ka, Willy WonkaHes the genius who just can t be beatThe magicia n and the chocolate wizThe best darn guy who ever livedWilly Won ka, here he is!The amaz ing chocolatierWasnt that just magn ifice ntI was worried it was getting a little dodgy in th

47、e middle part, but the n that fin ale. Who are you-Hes Willy Won ka.-ReallyGood morning, starshi ne.The Earth says hello.Dear guests, greeti ngs.Welcome to the factory.I shake you warmly by the hand.My n ame is Willy Won ka.Then should nt you be up thereI could nt very well watch the showfrom up the

48、re, now, could l, little girlMr. Won ka, I dont know if youll remember me but I used to work here in the factory. #v1.0可编辑可修改Were you one of those despicable spies who tried to steal my lifes work and sell it to parasitic, copycat, candy-making cadsNo, sir.Then won derful. Welcome back.Lets get a mo

49、ve on, kids.Dont you want to know our n amesCant imag ine how it would matter.Come quickly. Far too much to see.Just drop your coats any where.-Mr. Wonka Sure is toasty in here.-WhatI have to keep it warm in here. My workers are used to an extremely hot climate.They just cant sta nd the cold.Who are

50、 the workersAll in good time. Now.Mr. Won ka, Im Violet Beauregarde.-I dont care.-Well, you should care.Because rm gonna win the special prize at the end.Well, you do seem con fide nt, and con fide nce is key.rm Veruca Salt.Its very nice to meet you, sir.I always thought a verruca was a type of wart

51、.you got on the bottom of your foot.I am Augustus Gloop.1717v1.0可编辑可修改I love your chocolate.I can see that. So do l.I n ever expected to have so much in com mon.You. Youre Mike Teavee.Youre the little devil who cracked the system.And you. Well, youre just lucky to be here, arent youAnd the rest of y

52、ou must be their-Pare nts.-Yeah.Moms and dads.DadPapaOkay, the n. Lets move along.-Would you like some chocolate-Sure.Then you shouldve brought some.-Lets be frie nds.-Best frie nds.An importa nt room, this.-After all, it is a chocolate factory.-The n why is the door so smallThats to keep all the gr

53、eat big chocolatey flavor in side.Now, do be careful, my dear childre n.Dont lose your heads.Dont get overexcited.Just keep very calm.Its beautiful.WhatOh, yeah, its very beautiful.Every drop of the river is hot, melted chocolate of the finest quality.The waterfall is most importa nt.Mixes the choco

54、late.Chur ns it up. Makes it light and frothy.By the way no other factory in the world mixes its chocolate by waterfall, my dear childre n. And you can take that to the bank.People.Those pipes suck up the chocolate and carry it away all over the factory.Thousa nds of gall ons an hour. Yeah.And do yo

55、u like my meadowTry some of my grass.Please have a blade. Please do.Its so delectable and so darn good-look ing.You can eat the grassOf course you can.Everything in this room is eatable.Eve n rm eatable.But that is called canni balism,my dear children and is, in fact, frowned upon in most societies.Yeah.Enjoy.Go on. Scoot, scoot.Son.1919v1.0可编辑可修改Please.Dad, he said, E njo y.Why hold on to itWhy not start a new pieceBecause the n I would nt be a champi on.rd


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