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1、page 1,statistical engineering red x strategy overview,page 2,learning objectives学习目标,at the end of this course the learner will understand: 本课程结束的时候,学习者应了解以下几个方面: red x terms “red x” 专业术语 the importance of strategic thinking “red x” 策略想法的重要性 how to use the following red x techniques: strategy diagr

2、am component search group comparison tolerance parallelogram note: red x strategies now includes over 30 techniques,page 3,history overview发展历史概括,dorian shainin (1940s,shainin consulting (1970s,gm you only need to find out what drives the contrast 不要试图了解所有的事情,只需要找到谁引起的变化 understand that there is alw

3、ays going to be “noise,2-24,using “red x strategy” to find the cure for smallpox,page 41,x to y thinking x 到 y的思索,scientific method 科学的方法 strategy: make a change (x) and wait to see if the problem (y) gets better. 策略:通过改变一个或者使更多的原因(x) 来确 定它们是否会使结果(y)变好。 this is a guessing strategy. if we do not gues

4、s what the root cause is, we will never fix the problem. 这是一个假设的策略。如果我们不假定根本原因的话,我们可能永远也解决不掉问题。 assumption: i know the relationship between cause and effect 假定:已经知道了原因与结果之间的关系,page 42,y to x thinking y 与 x 的思索,red x strategies select bobs and wows at opposite extremes of the green y distribution. wi

5、thin these samples we will have captured extremes of the red x. 在green y两个极端处选择bob和wow,通过这些样本,我们可以抓出极端的red x eliminate what is the same and focus on what is different. 排除掉相同的因素而关注于差异 the more contrast we have, the easier it will be to identify the red x. 差异越大越容易找出red x来 assumption: i can understand

6、the physics by observing the extremes 假设:通过对极端的观察,可以了解其原理,page 43,y to x relationship,page 44,strategy diagram策略图,where can i observe the most contrast? 我在哪里可以观测到最大的差异,page 45,strategy diagrams策略图,what is a strategy diagram? 什么是策略图? strategy diagram is an organized list of contrast opportunities. 策略

7、图是列出所有可能产生差异因素的清单。 generally, the wow condition is known and clearly identified. however there are many opportunities for selecting the bob. 通常,wow很容易识别,然而,bob时常会有很多的选项,比较难以选择。 contrast choices are arranged from smallest (feature/defect/event) to biggest (time). 差异项选择按照从小到大排列 the smallest strategy c

8、hoice that shows the largest contrast is usually the best strategy to use. 差异越大而体现差异的因素项越小,策略图越有效。 the first contrast choice is always a question of the measurement/evaluation system. you cannot proceed with another strategy choice if you do not have a repeatable failure mode or measurement system.

9、第一个差异项总是询问测量评估系统。如不能重现失效或没有可重复测量系统,就不能再进行其他的策略。 the last contrast choice is time. this could include: shift to shift, day to day, month to month, etc. 最大的差异项是时间。有可能是班组和班组、天与天、月与月等的对比,page 46,strategy diagrams策略图,strategy diagrams cannot be completed at your desk. 策略图不是在办公桌上完成的 strategy diagrams shou

10、ld be developed while you are experiencing the failure mode. 策略图应该是在体验到失效之后而发展进行的 evaluate strategy choices with results from concentration diagram, multi-vari, and other relevant observations. 评估策略选项应根据集中图、多边差和其它相关的观测。 vehicle to vehicle is the most popular strategy choice; however, it is often not

11、 the best choice. 车与车之间的对比是最通用的策略选项,却不一定是最好的选项。 remember the physics of failure and look for creative contrast opportunities (region to region, side to side, model to model, etc) 记住失效的原理和创造性地选择差异项(区域对区域、边对边、类型对类型等,page 47,measurement system contrast,the first strategy choice that we must evaluate is

12、 “do we have a repeatable measurement system?” this is true for all types of problems. we cannot proceed with any other strategy if our measurement system is not repeatable,feature if we measure the same part multiple times, do we get similar readings? defect if we evaluate a bob vehicle a 2nd time

13、is it still bob? if we evaluate a wow vehicle a 2nd time is it still wow? event is the failure mode intermittent? is a bob vehicle always bob? is a wow vehicle always wow,page 48,feature strategy diagrams特征策略图,how can i observe contrast with a feature type failure? 通过失效类型的特征,如何观测差异,page 49,hood fit

14、inconsistent gap to fender,observed clue list: feature is repeatable. measurement system passes isoplot. hood to fender gaps are always parallel. no “a” or “v” gaps. some cars = big left tags can fall off and pen marks wear off 用蚀刻的方式作标记,因为标签可能脱落,用笔作的标记也可能会被磨损消蚀掉 use the actual assembly process as c

15、lose as possible 拆解过程要和实际装配过程尽量接近 remember to swap assemblies, not every nut, bolt, spring 记住交换的是个集合,不是每个螺母、螺钉、弹簧 be aware that thread integrity on aluminum blocks and cases is an important issue 注意在铝块上的线的完整性以及案例是比较重要的问题,page 75,component search ncc 736 component search stage i & ii data阶段一和阶段二的数据汇总

16、,original,disassembly / reassembly #1,disassembly / reassembly #2,disassembly / reassembly #3,pump, valve body, & channel plate only,driven sprocket support only (pump, vb, cp put back,reverse clutch housing only (dss put back,original,original,disassembly / reassembly #1,disassembly / reassembly #2

17、,disassembly / reassembly #3,pump, valve body, & channel plate only,driven sprocket support only (pump, vb, cp put back,reverse clutch housing only (dss put back,original,308,310,200,299,319,309,310,307,308,203,wow transmission,green y,neutral to reverse,shift delay (ms,199,202,208,205,bob transmiss

18、ion,green y,neutral to reverse,shift delay (ms,196,199,page 76,the larger the group size, the lower the risk. 组越大,风险越低 the recommended group size is 4, 4. 推荐的组的大小是4,4。 stage 1 rules - complete separation - stage 2 decision limits,search algorithm factors 搜索算法系数,component search,risk factori,risk fac

19、torii,product variation risk factori x process variation,decision limits = median + risk factorii x average range,page 77,component search,passing rules,rule 1: complete separation must exist between bob and wow values (no touching/overlap) 规则1 :bob和wow取值必须完全分离(没有接触及重叠) rule 2: the difference betwee

20、n the medians must be greater than the average range times a risk factor 两者的中数之差必须大于极值平均值与风险系数的乘积,rbob and rwow must be small,dy must be big,page 78,component search,decision limits 决策界限 purpose of the decision limits 设定决策界限的目的 to statistically calculate your limits of process variation 用统计的方法计算过程差异

21、的界限,page 79,page 80,page 81,component search exercise元件查找练习,page 82,group comparison分组和配对对比,which component feature is driving the green y failure? 哪一个元件失效导致了green y的失效,page 83,group comparison分组和配对对比,what is a group comparison? 什么是分组与配对对比? it is a powerful clue generation tools used when the “dicti

22、onary” can no longer be split into smaller components. 当“字典”不能被拆分为更小的元件时,“分组和配对对比”可以被用作有力的线索产生工具。 it is a tool that can quickly identify potential red x candidates! “分组和配对对比”是能够很快识别出潜在的red x 候选者的工具,page 84,group comparison分组与配对对比,in a group comparison, the characteristics or features measured betwee

23、n bobs and wows are rank ordered. then, tukeys end count is used to identify red x candidates. 在分组对比中, 在bob和wow之间测量到的特征或特性是按从最好到最差的顺序排列的,然后用图基计算终值方法识别red x 的候选者。 group comparison requires only the collection of a group of bob and wow assemblies to identify the difference between the groups. it does

24、not have the ability to see the small red x feature differences like the paired comparison. 分组对比只需要收集一个组中bob和wow的集合来辨别组之间存在的差异。但不能象配对对比那样可以识别细微的red x特征的差异,page 85,group comparison rules:分组对比原则,select a minimum of 5 bobs and 5 wows (recommended 8). 最少选择5对bob和wow配对样本(推荐8组)。 measure any pertinent chara

25、cteristic. dont be too restrictive, but remember the physics! 测量每一个相关的特征。不要太过苛刻,但要记住所要测量的物理性质。 be aware of measurement variation when checking different dimensions. 在核对不同的尺寸时,应该考虑到测量的偏差。 stage 0 analysis is recommended for estimating delta m 。 推荐进行0阶段分析来估计m 的值。 determine the end count for each featu

26、re following the guidelines of rank order anova. use table 5.5 from red x strategies pocket guide to determine the minimum end count requirements for identifying red x candidates. 根据anova的排序指导确定每一个特征的计算终值。使用源自red x策略指导手册的表5.5确定用以识别red x 候选者所需的最小计算终值,page 86,group comparison rules:分组对比原则,update solut

27、ion tree with the appropriate splits and identify the red x candidate. proceed with the confirmation phase. 通过适当的拆解和识别red x 候选者的方法来修正问题解决树。并且继续进入到确认阶段,page 87,group comparison tablerequired end count分组对比表所必需的计算终值,this is not a statistical confirmation test 这不是一个统计学验证试验,page 88,it is a good idea to i

28、nclude an illustration of the features and dimensions you are measuring! 为你正在测量的特征和尺寸加上说明是好的想法,it is a good idea to include the original green y measurements for the bob and wow groups. 对bob和wow分组中包括原始的green y的测量是个好主意,determine the features or dimensions to be measured between the bobs and wows. 在bo

29、b和wow之间确定将要测量的特征或尺寸,worksheet for group comparison分组对比作业单,steps . . . . 步骤,page 89,determine the “end count” for each measured dimension. 为每一测量尺寸确定终值,rank order each dimension and indicate if the measurement is from a bob or wow. 将每一尺寸从好到坏进行排列,同时指出该测量是出自bob还是wow,the dimension(s) that meet the minimu

30、m end count requirement is the red x candidate(s)! 大于或等于所需最小终值的尺寸就是red x的候选者,worksheet for group comparison (continued)分组对比作业单(续,page 90,page 91,notes,page 92,tolerance parallelogram允许度平行四边形法则,page 93,x-y scatter plot patterns,page 94,tolerance parallelogram允许度平行四边形法则,what is tolerance parallelogram

31、? 什么是允许度平行四边形法则? tool used to show the relationship between a red x and the green y. 能够体现red x和green y关系的工具。 why do we need it? 为什么需要用这种工具? show the relationship between the red x and green y. 能够显示red x和green y的关系。 determination of realistic tolerances. 决定现存的允许度,page 95,plot points from previously c

32、ollected data to show the relationship between the red x and the green y. 将先前所收集的green y 和对应的red x数据用点的形式表示出来。 red x control limits must be selected such that customer enthusiasm is always achieved. red x控制线的选择必须与客户接受度有关,tolerance parallelogramreal world relationship,page 96,tolerance parallelogram允

33、许范围的平行四边形法则,page 97,1. plot the red x relative to the green y (obtain 30 points from previous and/or current data collection) 画出green y及相对应的red x为坐标的点(从先前或是现在所获得的数据取30 个点,draw in a regression line that reflects a mid position of the distribution. 画一条能够反映这些点分布的中间位置的恰当线,building a tolerance parallelog

34、ram确定允许范围的平行四边形,page 98,eliminate the furthest point from the regression line. draw in the limit line parallel to the regression line and passing through the second furthest point from the line. draw in the opposite limit line parallel to, yet opposite the regression line. 去掉距离这条恰当线最远的一个点。通过距离第二远的点做

35、一条与恰当线平行的直线。同时以恰当线为中心,向另一面做镜射,这样就得到了与恰当线距离相等的两条平行线,building a tolerance parallelogram(cont)确定允许范围的平行四边形(续,page 99,4. draw in the upper and lower control limits on the green y with horizontal lines. connect the upper limit to the upper limit line and the lower limit to the lower limit line. 用水平线标出green y上下控制线(客户接受度)。如右图所示通过上控制线与上平行线的交点向下引一条垂线;同样,通过下控制线与下平行线的交点也做一条垂线。 reminder: top to top bottom to bottom 提示:


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