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1、2xx年新年贺词图片(文章一):最新的2xx年新年贺词 2xx年新年贺词 敬爱的老师们: 大家好! 岁月不居,天道酬勤。 值此辞旧迎新之际,我谨代表xx外国语学校,向辛勤耕耘在教学一线的各位领导、各位老师、教育工作者致以诚挚的问侯和美好的祝福,向关心支持xx外国语学校发展的各级领导、社会各界和广大家长朋友们,表示衷心的感谢和崇高的敬意! 刚刚送别的2xx年,对于xx外国语学校而言,是不平凡的一年。 这一年,xx外国语学校统百名教师,千名学生,万个家庭,围绕xx教育事业,标新立异,服务大局,为xx民办教育事业的发展贡献了自已的力量。 这一年,xx外国语学校从无到有、小从到大,经过一个学期的发展,

2、逐步发展 起来。因此,2xx年是团结拼搏、开创新局面的一年,是学校各项工作硕果累累的一年! 这一年,我们逐步完善了办学条件,进行了校园优化美化,增添了实验设备,为学校发展奠定了更好的基础。 这一年,老师们秉承爱心育人、忠心执教的教风,爱岗、爱生、敬业、进取,教学上精益求精,形成了良好的师德师风。教师教学基本功大赛展示了老师的风采风貌。 这一年,同学们秉承勤学、守纪、善思、合作的学风,努力学习,健康成长。感恩励志报告会上感人肺腑的话语、经典诵读活动中悦耳动听的朗朗书声;军训场上的飒爽英姿、运动会上的奋力拼搏、唱好歌比赛中的豪迈。这一切,彰显了学生优良的校风和班风。 走过酷暑,走过严冬,细数片片回

3、忆。回首2xx,奋进和努力、成功和喜悦让我们铭心刻骨,难忘。 往事历历增豪情,企盼新年谱新篇。新的一年开启新的希望,新的征程承载新的梦想。我们相信,只要全体师生团结一心,同舟共济,就一定能战胜困难,再创佳绩。 谢谢大家!(文章二):xx2xx年新年贺词中英双译 2xx年即将过去,新年的钟声即将敲响。在这辞旧迎新的美好时刻,我向全国各族人民,向香港特别行政区同胞、澳门特别行政区同胞,向台湾同胞和海外侨胞,向世界各国各地区的朋友们,致以新年的祝福! The year of 2xx is ing to an end, and the bell of the New Year is going to

4、ring. At this happy moment of ringing out the old year and ringing in the new, I would like to extend my New Year wishes to people from all ethnic groups across China, to our patriots from Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions, to our patriots from Taiwan region and overseas, and to fri

5、ends from all countries and regions across the world. 2xx年,对中国人民来说,是非凡的一年,也是难忘的一年,“十三五”实现了开门红。我们积极践行新发展理念,加快全面建成小康社会进程,推动我国经济增长继续走在世界前列。我们积极推进全面深化改革,供给侧结构性改革迈出重要步伐,国防和军队改革取得重大突破,各领域具有四梁八柱性质的改革主体框架已经基本确立。我们积极推进全面依法治国,深化司法体制改革,全力促进司法公正、维护社会公平正义。我们积极推进全面从严治党,坚定不移“打虎拍蝇”,继续纯净政治生态,党风、政风、社会风气继续好转。 For the

6、Chinese people, the year of 2xx is not only outstanding but also unforgettable. We made a good start of the 13th 5-year National Development Period which spans from 2xx to 2xx. We actively carried out the new development concept, accelerated the process of building a moderately prosperous society in

7、 an all-round way, and maintained our economic growth ranking the first in the world. We vigorously pushed forward the prehensive deepening of reform, made important steps in terms of supply-side structural reform, achieved remarkable breakthroughs in the reform of national defense and the military,

8、 and the main frame of reform in all fields with multiple pillarshas been established. We actively promoted the building of a law-based governance of the country, deepened the reform on the judicial system, enhanced judicial justice in an all-round way, and maintained social fairness and justice. We

9、 vigorously pushed forward the exercise of our Party;s strict governance in every respect, unswervingly cracked down on both tigersand flies, in a bid to purify our political ecosystem, and continue to improve our Party and our government;s working style, as well as our social conduct. 2xx年,“中国天眼”落成

10、启用,“悟空”号已在轨运行一年,“墨子号”飞向太空,神舟十一号和二号遨游星汉,中国奥运健儿勇创佳绩,中国女排时隔xx年再次登上奥运会最高领奖台?还有,通过改革,农村转移人口市民化更便利了,许多贫困地区孩子们上学条件改善了,老百姓异地办理身份证不用来回奔波了,一些长期无户口的人可以登记户口了,很多群众有了自己的家庭医生,每条河流要有“河长”了?这一切,让我们感到欣慰。 In the year of 2xx, the Chinese sky-eyesingle-aperture spherical telescope came into use officially, the WuKongdark

11、 matter detection satellite was under operation in the orbit for a year, the Moziquantum satellite was launched into space, the Shenzhou-11 manned spaceship and the Tiangong-2 space lab traveled through the Galaxy, the Chinese Olympians made outstanding achievements, includingthe Chinese Women;s Vol

12、leyball team;s being the Olympic chion again, which is 12 years after they won the title. Furthermore, our reform measures have made it a little easier for rural migrant workers to settle down in urban areas, and the condition for many children from impoverished areas to receive education has also i

13、mproved, people don;t need to shuttle back and forth between different places when they apply for an identity card in non-native places, some people without permanent household residence for a long time can finally get access to social welfare, many people even have got their own family doctors, and

14、 river chiefswill be appointed across China for better protection of water resources agaxxt pollution in the country. All those efforts make us feel a sense of achievement. 2xx年,在美丽的西子湖畔,我们举办了二十国集团领导人第十一次峰会,向世界贡献了中国智慧、中国方案,也向世界展示了美轮美奂的中国印象、中国风采。“一带一路”建设快速推进,亚洲基础设施投资银行正式开张。我们坚持和平发展,坚决捍卫领土主权和海洋权益。谁要在这

15、个问题上做文章,中国人民决不答应! In the year of 2xx, near the beautiful West Lake in Hangzhou city, we held the 11th G20 Leaders; Summit, we shared our thoughts with world leaders and proposed our ideas, and also presented to the world the magnificent, impressive and elegant image of China. The projects under The

16、Belt and One RoadInitiative was also pushed forward, and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank officially started operation. We have adhered to the peaceful development while resolutely safeguarding the territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests of China. We will never tolerate any

17、 act that undermines our territorial sovereignty and maritime rights. 这一年,多地发生的自然灾害和安全事故,给人民生命财产和生产生活造成严重损失,我们深感痛惜。中国维和部队的几名同志壮烈牺牲,为世界和平献出了宝贵生命,我们怀念他们,要把他们的亲人照顾好。 In the year of 2xx, natural disasters and industrial accidents took place in many places across China, bringing severe losses on people;s

18、 life and property, as well as production. We deeply regret those mishaps. On the international front, a few rades from China;s peacekeeping troops have sacrificed their lives while serving their duty to safeguard world peace, we mourn the loss of these soldiers and will repay high tribute to them b

19、y taking a good care of their loved ones. 2xx年,我们隆xx祝了xx成立95周年、纪念了中国工农红军长征胜利80周年,我们要牢记为中国人民和中华民族作出贡献的前辈们,、继续前进。 In the year of 2xx, we held grand ceremonies to mark a series of important anniversaries including the 95th founding anniversary of the munist Party of China, and the 80th anniversary of t

20、he triumph of the Long March by the Red Army of Chinese workers and peasants. We will always cherish the memory of the forefathers who have made great contributions to the Chinese people and the Chinese nation. We will remain mitted to our mission, and continue to forge ahead.“新故相推,日生不滞。”即将到来的2xx年,x

21、x将召开第十九次全国代表大会,全面建成小康社会、全面深化改革、全面依法治国、全面从严治党要继续发力。天上不会掉馅饼,努力奋斗才能梦想成真。 An ancient saying goes, the world moves on in a never-ending process of the new replacing the old.In the uping year of 2xx, the munist Party of China will convene its 19th national congress, an occasion to renew our mitment to the

22、 prehensive building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, to the prehensive deepening of reforms, to the prehensive advancement of rule of law, and to the prehensive exercising of self-governance of the party. There is no such thing as a free lunch, and only hard work will make dreams

23、 e true. 小康路上一个都不能掉队!一年来,又有1000多万贫困人口实现了脱贫,奋战在脱贫攻坚一线的同志们辛苦了,我向同志们致敬。新年之际,我最牵挂的还是困难群众,他们吃得怎么样、住得怎么样,能不能过好新年、过好春节。我也了解,部分群众在就业、子女教育、就医、住房等方面还面临一些困难,不断解决好这些问题是党和政府义不容辞的责任。全党全社会要继续关心和帮助贫困人口和有困难的群众,让改革发展成果惠及更多群众,让人民生活更加幸福美满。 We will make sure that no one is left behind on our way to prosperity. Over the

24、past year, 10 million more people across the country have been lifted out of poverty. I would like to pay high tribute and express appreciation to the rades who have worked tremendously in grass root unites in fighting poverty. As we greet the New Year, there is one thing that remaxx most dearly att

25、ached to my heart. That is those fellow citizens who still live in hardship. I;m seriously concerned and wonder how their food supply and acmodation are being maintained, how they are celebrating the New Year and the Spring Festival. I;m aware that some folks are faced with difficulties in employmen

26、t, children;s education, medical care and housing. To ceaselessly solve those problems remain an unshirkable responsibility for the party and the government. The whole party and the whole society should show continued care and offer help to those fellow citizens living in poverty. We will enable mor

27、e people to enjoy the fruit of our reforms, and ultimately let all the people in this country live in happiness. 上下同欲者胜。只要我们13亿多人民和衷共济,只要我们党永远同人民站在一起,大家撸起袖子加油干,我们就一定能够走好我们这一代人的长征路。 As one saying goes, success es to those who share in one purpose. As long as our 1.3 billion-plus people are pulled tog

28、ether for a mon cause, as long as the Party stands together with the people and we roll up our sleeves to work harder, we will surely succeed in a Long March of our generation. 中国人历来主张“世界xx,天下一家”。中国人民不仅希望自己过得好,也希望各国人民过得好。当前,战乱和贫困依然困扰着部分国家和地区,疾病和灾害也时时侵袭着众多的人们。我真诚希望,国际社会携起手来,秉持人类命运共同体的理念,把我们这个星球建设得更加和

29、平、更加繁荣。 The Chinese people have always believed that the world is a monwealth. We Chinese not only aspire for good living for ourselves, but also hope people in other parts of the world lead a descent life. At present, people in certain countries and regions are still troubled in wars and turbulence

30、; many are suffering from diseases and disasters. We sincerely hope the international munity will make concerted effort, work in the belief that mankind shares the same fate as a munity, and build our pla into a more peaceful and prosperous place to live in. 让我们满怀信心和期待,一起迎接新年的钟声! May the chime of th

31、e New Year consolidate our confidence and re-ignite our aspiration for an even better tomorrow!(文章三):2xx年春节祝福语大全 2xx年春节祝福语大全_经典春节祝福语 喜庆的春节祝福语: (1)、钟声触动了心灵,烟花烂漫了心情,春晚活跃着喜庆,短信传递着祥和。大红灯笼挂千户,新春气息在洋溢,一串鞭炮若响起,是我的祝愿在送你。春节快乐! (2)、春节忙碌不留意,节后调节要牢记:早睡早起精神好,勤加锻炼养身心;瓜果蔬菜调肠胃,大鱼大肉量要少;放松身心多户外,幸福生活更有味。 (3)、祝愿:一元复始、万

32、象更新;年年如意、岁岁平安;财源广进、富贵吉祥;幸福xx、庆有余;竹抱平安,福满门;喜气洋洋! (4)、我手摘一弯月牙,头顶两颗星辰,眼含三色秋波,口叼九朵玫瑰,脚踏十瑞祥云,以闪电般的速度来到你的面前:新年快乐!愿意和我一起分享假期吗? (5)、送你一份100%纯情奶糖:成分=真心+思念+快乐,有效期=一生,营养=温馨+幸福+感动,制造商:真心朋友!祝你春节快乐,万事如意! (6)、屋外瑞雪飘,屋内乐淘淘。只为鸡年到,快乐身边绕。马儿已远跑,鸡来咩咩叫。幸福阳关道,任你乐逍遥。鸡年到了,祝你合家健康,无烦无恼! (7)、未鸡地支第八位,吉祥如意最吉利。招财进宝幸福溢,健康平安一生丽。辉煌事业

33、有名气,家庭美满有爱妻。祝你鸡年财源滚,愿你幸福开门吉! (8)、玉鸡成群结伴来,紫气东升鸡开泰。吉祥如意祝福传,迎纳鸡财门大开。一生吉鸡有几载,健康身体美乐哉。祝你鸡年一寿辰,长寿享福大轿抬! (9)、鸡年来到祝福送,吉鸡祝你xx祥。火红日子小曲唱,喜乐生活艳阳天。银鸡祝你洋财发,衣食无忧数钞票。祝你鸡年开门吉,长寿长康一帆顺。 (10)、祝福不能盲目,真心为你祈福。快乐难得糊涂,日子光彩夺目。金钱数不胜数,好运排成一路。对你关照,享不完的清福。鸡年到来,愿你真的幸福! 1(1)、春节快乐!许个美好的心愿祝你快乐连连!许个美妙的心愿祝你事业圆圆!许个美丽的心愿祝你爱情甜甜! 1(2)、鸡项挂

34、上银铃铛,一路歌声一路响。送来祝福到人间,道路越走越宽广。唱的幸福花儿绽,银光闪烁五彩灿。愿你鸡年福寿康,高歌幸福万年长! 1(3)、春风初度到鸡年,欢歌声声震云天。千家万户乐翩翩,迎福纳财笑开颜。我有祝福在心田,悄悄送到你身边。愿你鸡年爱情甜,合家快乐福无边。 1(4)、鸡年还未到,祥鸡把门敲,一声咩,你吉祥;二声咩,你快乐;三声咩,你幸福;四声咩,你平安;五声咩,你健康;六声咩,你发达!祝你鸡年大吉,洋洋得意哦! 1(5)、祝福加祝福是很多个祝福,祝福减祝福是祝福的起点,祝福乘祝福是无限个祝福,祝福除祝福是唯一的祝福,祝福你平安幸福,春节快乐! 1(6)、春风送暖入屠苏,新年到来鸡欢叫。福

35、禄寿星全驾到,送来好运身边到。健康幸福无烦恼,寿比南山人不老。事业更是步步高,妻子儿女全欢笑。祝你鸡年合家欢,快乐生活直到老!1(7)、用一对明亮的眼发现鸡年的美好,用一双勤劳的手创造鸡年的财富,用一颗宽容的心迎接鸡年的快乐,用一个灿烂的梦温暖鸡年的风景。鸡年快乐! 1(8)、咩咩喊声把门叫,齐头并进鸡年到。吉祥歌声喜讯报,开门大吉祝福道。银光闪闪瑞年兆,玉色点点赛元宝。喜心欢悦无烦恼,健康享受幸福照。愿你鸡年美满笑,快快乐乐高兴跳! 1(9)、痛苦最好是别人的,快乐才是自己的;麻烦将是暂时的,朋友总是永恒的;爱情是用心经营的,世界上没有什么大不了的。元旦快乐!千里试问平安否?且把思念遥相寄。

36、绵绵爱意与关怀,浓浓情意与祝福。春节快乐! 20、扬起快乐的风帆,挺进鸡年温暖的港湾。奏响梦想的号角,驶入鸡年幸福的殿堂。聆听春风的歌声,描绘鸡年灿烂的画卷。触摸心灵的颤动,传递鸡年温暖的祝福。愿你鸡年快乐幸福。 2(1)、鸡年是岁月轮回中美丽的风景,洋溢灿烂;鸡年是季节变迁中幸福的旋律,飘荡快乐;鸡年是人生岁月中温暖的记忆,洒满祝福。愿你鸡年大吉大利,万事如意! 2(2)、有阳光照耀的地方就有我默默的祝福,当月光洒向地球的时候就有我默默的祈祷,当流星划过的刹那我许了个愿:祝你平安健康,春节快乐! 2(3)、五彩缤纷流光溢,鸡年春光美景丽。欢天喜地银鸡跳,起舞共蹈唱大戏。美酒飘香朋友莅,共同干杯议大事。携手鸡年建大业,心想事成创佳绩。愿你鸡年,一路“鸡”光灿烂! 2(4)、鸡年祝福千万言,句句都从心中传。开门大吉迎鸡年,期盼吉年薪水涨。开办工厂大发展,生意做到大洋岸。开辟新径外币赚,当回老总做好官。愿你鸡年喜乐洋,跨国公司赚洋钱! 2(5)、鸡儿欢声叫,叫得快乐来报到;鸡儿开怀叫,叫得霉运全跑掉;鸡儿昂首叫,叫得心花开放了;鸡儿幸福叫,叫得吉星也高照。鸡年到了,愿你的生活快乐逍遥。 搞笑的春节祝福语: (1)、 我不会像一样有筋斗云,但可飞到你身边!我会像魔术师瞬间转移,但我可以花一毛钱给你送祝福:祝你新年快乐,事事顺利! (2)、 春节到,到


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