



1、八上快乐寒假答案英语8A一、根据所给单词或中文提示用单词的正确形式填空,使句子完整。1. The boys from Class 1 were(不开心的) because they lost the game.2. The Maths(问题)is very hard ,so you d better ask for help.3. Mary has(差的)eyesight because of watching too much TV.4. Betty looks like her father with a(正方形的)face.5. They are gett ing ready for t

2、he En glish(测试)these days.6. My un cle ofte n gives me some(建议)to lear n En glish well.7. China is(著名的)for the Great Wall.8.It s(真实的)that a dog helped an old man out of a fire.9. My mother is kind ,and she always shares her(欢乐)with her frien ds.10. Tom s favourite sport is(潜水).11. How many(英雄)do you

3、 know duri ng the Liberatio n War?12. After I came to this school, I knew how to cook( 美味的)food.13. Jim s favourite(科目)is Home Economics.14. The students in Grade 9 in a Middle School are called(毕业班的学生).15. Jordan is my hero. When I was young, I(钦佩)him very much.16. Don t make any noise. I m reading

4、 an(文章)by a girl from the USA.17.1 don t think(地理)and(科学)are(不重要).18.1 love this game and I spend a lot of time( 练习).19. There are many kinds of different( 语言)in the world.20. China is a country with a long(历史).21. Strong people often(鼓励)themselves to work harder.22. She(嗅,闻)better than her sister.2

5、3. Linda has a(锋禾 H) knife and it cuts(good).24.1 think it is important for us to(保护)birds.25. The players are busy准备)for the basketball fin al.26. Please write asas possible.(仔纟田)27. Do tigers have good eyesight and(听力)?28. We should take some(行为)to protect wild animals.29. Beijing is in the(北方的)pa

6、rt of China.30. - What does “ survive” mean?It means “(继续)to live ” .31. Pan das like eat ing bamboo. (leaf)32. They enjoyed(they) yesterday.33. He wrote a letter of(in vite) to his frien ds.34. There are a lot of(build) in Beiji ng.35. I cant draw the picture at the(begi n).36. He said he did nt sp

7、eak Japa nese any(much).37. Huan gsha n is a place of(in teresti ng) in China.38. I think it was an(amaze) thing.39. What about(visit) the old frie nds?40. tusks are very expe nsive . (elepha nt)41. I saw themfor ani mals yesterday. (hunt )42. There are at (little) 50 students in my class.43. Though

8、 Nick tried his best to play tennis , he played very (bad).44. Your story is much (long) than mine. But it is not as (interesting) as mine.45. We have (little) snowfall this year than last year.46. Summer is the (hot) of the four seasons while winter is the (cold).47. Tom is funny and he always make

9、s us (laugh).48. Would you like to go (hike) with me tomorrow?49. Keep the windows (close). It s too cold outside.50. Tom is kind and (help).51. Eddie thinks school is like (watch) TV.52. Which do you like (good), English or Chinese.53. Betty is the (pretty) girl in her family.54. The sun shines (br

10、ight). It is a (sun) day.55. It is really (snow) today. So I got to school quite late.56. It was (fog) yesterday. We couldn t seoene amcehteort.her in57. It is going to be (wind) tonight. The wind will blow (strong).58. Birds can find food (easy) here.59. The two boys talked so (noisy)that the teach

11、er told them to be quiet.60. Keeping taking the lands means more and more wetlands will (appear).61. You can not find many cranes here, because they live in much (wet)places.二、选择填空1. She always has a smile on her face. What makes her so?A. happilyB. happyC. sadD. unhappy2. Linda wants to bethe most

12、popular singers when she grows up .A. oneB./ C. one ofD. a3. He lives in a townGum Tree. A. call B. calling C. calls D. called4. Which animal do you like,monkeys ,pandas or camels?A. wellB. betterC. good D. best5. Please do the exercises asas you can in the English exam.A. wellB. goodC. better D. mo

13、re6. The young woman feelsabout her baby .A. to worry B. worryingC. worry D. worried7. Sally isthan her twin sister.A. cleverB. the more cleverC. clevererD. the cleverest8. Tom s uncle knows computers well ,and hea computer engineer .A. maybeB. may be C. may be is D. may is9. The teacher told the st

14、udentsat people in trouble.A. not laughB. to laugh C. don t laugh D. not to laugh10. I thinkwith friends is better than.A. chat ;watching TV B. chatting; watching TV C. chatting; watch TVD. chat ;watch TV11.They have been neighbours A. in B. since C. for 12. A: What are you talking about?a long time

15、.D. fromB: About to use search engines.A. where B. howC. which D. what13. Now Helen worksthan before.A. more carefully B. more careful C. carefuler D. carefully14. Mum ,this T-shirt is too small .Would you buy me aone ?D. larger dangerous than a tiger .D. a littleA. nice B. large C. nicer15. Most of

16、 us think an elephant is A. little B. less C. least16. Jim has than Tom.A. more CDB. less sheepC. fewer newsD. fewer goldfish17. I hear Jim is going to at the meeting. Do you know what he is going to?.A. say, talkB. say, speak C. speak, say D. talk, tell18. Max, do you have?A. two more cakesB. two c

17、akes more C. two another cakes D. more two cakes19. This pen is of the two pens.A. the better B. the best C. better D. best20. Shanghai is bigger than in Jiangsu and bigger than in China.A. any city, any cityB. any city, any other cityC. any other city, the other citiesD. any other city, any city21.

18、 you are, mistakes you ll make.A. The more careful, the fewerB. More careful, the lessC. The more careless, the lessD. More careless, fewer22. The cars in Japan are much cheaper than in China.A. that B. it C. those D. ones23. Do you mind me a hand? A. to give B. to helpC. help D. giving24. My friend

19、 is to come to China from America.A. likely B. like C. likingD. likes25. fantail goldfish bad for it.A. Feed, much are B. To feed, many is C. Feeding, many are D. To feed, much is26. The food very nice, would you like to have a ?A. taste, tasty, taste B. tasty, tastes, taste C. taste, tastes, tasty

20、D. tasty, tasty, tasty27. It s useless book. Don t read it any more.A. anB. a C. the D./28. Don t play in the street, children! A. Sorry, we won t. B. Sorry, we caCn. Yes, we wt.on t. D.OK, we don t.29. I know of those people in the room, so I left.A. few B. a few C. a little D. little30. - will she

21、 finish reading the magazine? - In three hours.A. whenB. How longC. How soonD. A & C三、翻译句子1. 格林先生计划到中国一些名胜之地旅游。2. 坚持传球,你们会赢的。3. 我们必须采取以下措施阻止他们捕取动物。4. 当我见到他们时,我不能相信自己的眼睛。5. 那个婴儿一直哭到它妈妈回来为止。6. 你到那儿后,请尽快给我打电话。7. 当我听见一个巨大的声响,一阵恐惧涌上心头。8. .因为下雪,我用了两个小时才到学校。四、首字母填空(1)When Ed Jackson t in Russia, he ran sho

22、rt of ( 缺少 )money. So he w _ to hisbrother, asking f _ $500. “ Send the money by telegram( 电报 )to the bank here. ”After a week Ed began visiting the bank. He s his passport ( 护照 )to the bank clerk( 职员 ).“ Hereis n _ for you, ” He told him. This went o _ for three weeks, and Mr Jackson got very w . H

23、e then phoned his brother, asking w the money was. His brothersaid he had sent it three weeks before. That evening Jackson was arrested (被捕) for failing to pay his bill. He t to tell the police what the problem was , but no one would b him. At last the police sent him to the police station for fifteen days.(2)It was a cold morning. Mrs. Smith went to work by car as u. But she had a badexperience that day, because she saw a t scene(


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