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1、高一英语作文外出旅行 高中英语一直是高中学生学习的难点科目,很多同学不知道从哪里入手,高中英语作文就是一个很重要的入手点。下面是给大家带来的英语作文,欢迎大家阅读参考,我们一起来看看吧!英语作文1the ancient said the world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page. i like travel, because travel not only allows me to enjoy the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, but also

2、brings me knowledge and exercise. beautiful sceneries make me impressed and friendly people make me warm. travel is a process of discovery of beauty that would company my whole life. i like the feeling on the road, which greatly enrich my life and fields of vision. being to different places, seeing

3、different views makes me know how big the world is, so that i wont bother my trifles. i think a broad mind is extremely important to a person, and traveling is a good way to get it. maybe some people would say that i travel just because i want to relax. theres no doubt about that. no matter for what

4、 reason, traveling is attractive to us all.古人云:读万卷书,不如行万里路。我喜欢旅行,旅行不仅让我饱览祖国的大好河山,而且在学到知识的同时还锻炼了自己。美丽的风景让我印象深刻,有好的人们也让我倍感温暖。旅行就是一个发现美的过程,这种美的感受将会陪伴我的终生。我喜欢在路上的感觉,这极大的丰富了我的生活和视野。到不同的地方,看不同的风景会让我知道世界之大,从而不会被琐事叨扰。我认为开阔的胸襟对一个人来说尤为重要,而旅行是开阔胸襟的一个好方式。也许有的人会说,我之所以去旅行,只是因为想得到放松,这是毫无疑问的。不管出于什么原因,旅行总是充满诱惑。英语作文2




8、主要目的是品尝长沙美食。我的朋友准备了长沙美食地图,我想那必定很诱人。接着,我们会坐火车前往张家界。张家界离长沙不太远,只需5个小时的车程。张家界以奇山闻名,风景十分壮美,我想没人会想错过这样的美景的。但是由于要爬山,所以在张家界的旅行不会太轻松,这也是我们要在张家界待久一些的原因。最后,我们会坐火车回家。这就是我这次旅行的计划,我确信这会是一个美妙而又充实的旅程。英语作文3last autumn we took a trip to qianshan by bus. it is about thirty miles from the city. we planned to put up in

9、a hotel there in order to watch the sun rise the next morning.as soon as we got there, we began to climb up the mountains. how great the sight is!we felt as if we had entered amother world full of beauty, peaeefulness and loveliness. there are hundreds of mountains, one after another. there are magn

10、ificent cliffs, one above another. we climbed up vigorously and breathed the fresh air greedily. as the sun was going down, we descended to a little hotel at the foot of the hill, where we had a big dinner, and then went to bed early so as to regain the energy ior the expedition next morning.before

11、daybreak, we reached the peak of the highest mountain after a hard groping and climbing in the dark. unaware of the cold wind, we stood motionlessly, with our eyes fixing at the hr end of the east. suddenly thin ravs of red hue spread across the sky. as the redness deepened, some mysterious clouds m

12、oved across thc sky, dividing heaven from the earth. just at this moment, up from the brightening far east rose the sun. it was so red and yet so tender that we could gaze at it with naked eyes. and a slight applause from us. the amazed spectators, rang through the peak. up, up it rose, adding to it

13、self strength and glory at every step. it dazzled with vigour, driving away darkness, cold, and misery from the earth, and bring light, warmth, and happiness to men.we were completely amazed at the wonder and the greatness of nature. we jumped and shouted like innocent children and we bathed in the

14、first rays of the sun with the peak till it was time for our return.英语作文4i took a trip to shanghai with my mother during the seven-day holiday. it took us more than two hours to drive to shanghai from my home in haimen. we stayed in a large hotel on the eighth floor. on the first day, i just stayed

15、in the hotel and rested. on the second day, my brother and i went to nanjing road. its the busiest street in shanghai. when we got there, there were lots of people. we walked from one shop to another. i bought two t-shirts and two pairs of trousers for the ing summer. the t-shirts and trousers i bou

16、ght are all white because white is my favourite colour. my brother also bought some clothes. on the third day, my mother took me to jinjiang entertainment centre. it was full of people. i played many kinds of gamesthere. i had a good time. the other days, i went to some other interesting places, suc

17、h as the oriental bright pearl tv tower, the huangpu river and shanghai international conference centre. i didnt forget to do my homework in the evening. i had a full and happy holiday.英语作文5travel is a very good means of broadening a persons perspective. it makes you come into contact with different

18、 cultures, meet people of different colors and go through peculiar rites and ceremonies. travelling much, you will not only enrich your knowledge and experiences, but also be aware of the vastness of nature. travel may also relieve person of boredom and gloom. travel brings you enjoyment and attract

19、ion. it gives you a pleasant experience, which will disperse your boredom and make you forget whatever annoys you. travel broadens your mind and leaves you good memories. later, you may go over these memories and enjoy your past experiences, thus keeping a fresh and sunny mind. travelers can choose different modes of transportation which have advantages and disadvantages. airp


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