



1、英才学校小升初测试题总分:100分姓名: 分数:一.依次写出2 6个英语字母的大小写。(书写工整,格式正确)(26分).写出5个元音字母的大小写。(书写工整,格式正确)(5分)单项选择(每题2分,共44分))1 .- Hello , Eric .Good after noon.!A Hello B Hi C Good afternoon)2. - How are you ?A I m fine ,thanks .B How are you ?C Fine , and you ?)3.- Your En glish is good .-A, Not good . B, Thank you. C,

2、 You are good .)4.在四线三格本中书写时占格相同的一组字母是A .bf B .ghC ae)5,“不明飞行物”用英语表示为A .CD B . UFO C. BBC)6,含有相同音素的一组字母是A bcB efC fh)7.-Whats thisEn glish ?A, inB, onC, to)8.-Whats this ?a pen .A, itB, It sC, I m)9. ItA, aB, anC, /orange cup .)10. My n ame is Ala n Brow n . My last n ame is“ key ” ?-A, AlanB, Brow

3、nC, Ala n Brow n)11. -Ca n you sp ell the wordA, I m Gina. B, I)12. -_ is it ? - Itm fine . C, Yes, K-E-Y.s blue .s colorname s Jenny .A, What color B, what color C, What)13. -What s her name ?-A, her B, HerC, She)14.小华想给妹妹买一件小号的夹克,她应该选择型号的。A, L B, M C, S)15.- Thismy father Bob .A, areB, is C, am)16

4、. -Whats your tele phone nu mber ?-6660345.A, It sB,it s C, it)17. - Are you Alice ? - Yes,A, I m B, I am C, I is)18. are my sisters .A, ThisB, ThoseC, It)19 My name s Gina.(找出同义句)A, She s Gina.B, Im Gina.C, Hes Gina.)20. 305 isin En glish .A three five zero B three zero five C five zero three)21.My

5、 old TV(旧电视机)isA, black and white B, black and blue C, yellow and white)22,I have (有)uncle .A .aB. anC. the三,改错,请将错误的选入括号里,将正确的写在横线上。(10 分)1, What s that in english ?2, It s a orange quilt .3, What color is it ? Its a green .()4, What syou_n ame?5, - Whatthis ? - Its a ruler .()四,从方框中选择合适的词补全对话。(5分)

6、sp ell, color , Whats , key, yellowA: _1_ this in En glish ?B: It s a2_ .A:3_ it , p lease .B: K-E-Y .A: What 4 is it ?B: It s _5_ .A: Yellow ? And what s this in English ?B: It s a ruler .A: And what color is it ?B: Its gree n .1,2,3,4,5,s this andwhat color is it ? Its E. It s yellow . Whats this

7、? ItN. It sred .What s this ? It s pen .Spell it , please ,P-E-N . I have (有)a bluepen.This is my ruler . It s yellow . My jacket isblack and myquiltis green .五,阅读理解(10分)Whaf s this ? It s P. What color is it ? It is green . WhatIt s n ice .1. ( ) Vhat color is P?A. Green B. Yellow C. Red2.(),is red .A. E B. N C .My ruler3. ( )Myis blue and myis black .A jacket , ruler B pen , ruler C pen , jacket 4.


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