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1、精品英文个人简历范本(2) Name XXX mobil:139* affiliation height Eductional systme degree of _nsus register Professional secretary professional school graduate institute of Bei _g secretary Main courses secretary practi _, the theory and practi _, the document writing, the document pro _ssing, archival scien _,

2、 offi _ coordination, puter and modern offi _ equipment, the basic theory of finan _, finan _, tax, law, business English, puter in both Chinese and English type, editing and typesetting, TAB, shorthand, calligraphy, English typing, etc Skills, special Foreign language level level 4 puter proficient

3、 in offi _ software and other modern offi _ equipment, typing skill Other aept Bei _g charm school system training Can use English in daily munication, have a better ability to hear. Sin _ I evaluation pri _ I character cheerful, generous, grasp good etiquette knowledge and re _ption working experie

4、n _, the brains is vivid, quick reaction, can work of treatments flexible emergencies.I think, with the re _ption work represents the panys i _ge, post although ordinary but is very important, so well with the re _ption work need to have very strong sense of responsibility.I would like to with your

5、pany mon development and progress. One shoe calendar Between the unit/position is responsible for the project/effect xx/10 - this XX import and export corporation Re _ptionist and secretarial re _ptionist work and offi _ administrative work, during the work is responsible earnestly, re _ived by lead

6、er and colleagues consistent high praise League system _ type Address contact phone number E- _il _il knitting education 200X - 200X HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL BOSTON, MA Candidate for Master in Business Administration degree, June xx.Member of S _ll Business & Entrepreneurship Club and HBS Volunteers.

7、Selected by faculty to tutor students. 199X - 199X ANOTHER UNIVERSITY WASHINGTON, DC Masters of Scien _ degree, _gna cum laude, in Computer Scien _. 198X - 199X ANOTHER UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NC Bachelor of Scien _ degree in Computer Scien _ and Mathe _tics. experien _ 199X - 200X HIGH TECH PANY SAN FRA

8、NCISCO, CA Product Marketing Associate (what have you done)Researched, designed, and proposed _rketing program to target emerging distribution channel for local area working and database products. (Result)Surveyed customers, potential distributors, and industry _ysts to determine key suess factors.?

9、 199X - 199X INVESTMENT BANK NEW YORK, NY Financial Analyst (what have you done)Developed valuation _yses, performed due diligen _, prepared offering memoranda, and _yzed strategic issues for panies in various industries. (Result )Represented leading baker/restaurant in potential acquisition of spec

10、ialty coffee chain.? 199X - 199X MANUFACTURING PANY MADISON, WI Special Assistant to the Vi _ President (what have you done)Assumed project _nagement duties for rapidly growing _nufacturer and _rketer of high-quality childrens books, toys, and clothing. (Result) 199X - 199X CONSULTING PANY BOSTON, M

11、A Business Analyst Served on consulting client servi _ teams.Diagnosed problems, conducted _yses, developed conclusions, and presented remendations to senior client _nagement. internship summer 19 _ HEALTH CARE PANY NEWARK, NJ Intern.Title (what have you done) Managed customer support programs. muni

12、ty Consult Boston Childrens Museum to improve perfor _n _ of retail operations. personal Fluent in French.Enjoy long-distan _ running.Completed Boston Marathon in 199X and 199X. 第一:内容要清晰充实 虽然外表的与众不同会吸引企业的视线,但是企业选人更看重的则是内容。现有不少毕业生在写求职简历时都存在着一种毛病,就是内容写的很空泛笼统。比如:“成绩优秀、积极上进、踏实肯干,头脑灵活”等等,全都是四字词语,而没有具体的实例

13、说明。可是简历上却没有显示获得过一项奖学金,这就难以让企业信任了。因此,在写求职简历时,要善于让事实说话,用事实来征服用人单位,取得他们的信任。但是还要注意内容要简明扼要,冗长的简历会让HR生厌。 第二:要明白自己的求职意向 企业们最想从你的简历上了解的是你可以为他们做什么。如果你有多个求职目标,就要制作不同目标的简历,每一份简历上都要突出重点。比如说你想做一名程序员,你就要突出你的代码水平和项目经验,而不是过多说明你的口才有多好。要明白,含糊笼统并且毫无针对性可言的简历会让你错过很多机会。所以,要清楚地明白自己想要的工作,为自己的简历定一个明确的方向。 第三:求职简历的主要要素 HR在筛选简历事一般会重点注意:应聘者的期望,公司招聘高位所素质的相关表现,比如:学习成绩、社会实践经历之外,还要注意背景,学历、专业、毕业学校等。因此,一份正规的求职简历上至少要包括以下内容。 第四:简历格式要整洁、美


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