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1、50,道情态动词练习题,1,1.I thought you _ like something to,read, so I have bought you some books,A. may B.might C.could D.must,B,2.You _ return the book now. You,can keep it till next week if you like,A.cant B.mustnt C.neednt D.may not,C,2,3.Where is my pen I _ it,A.might lose B.would have lost,C.should have

2、 lost D.must have lost,D,4.I didnt hear the phone. I_asleep,A.must be B.must have been,C.should be D.should have been,B,3,5.He_you more help. Even though,he was very busy,A. might have given B.might give,C. may have given D.may give,A,6.A computer_think for itself; it must,be told what to do,A. cant

3、 B. couldnt,C. may not D. might not,A,4,8.-Could I borrow your dictionary,Yes, of course you_,A.might B.will C.can D.should,C,5,9.We_last night, but we went to the,concert instead,A.must have studied B.might study,C.should have studied D.would study,C,10.Applicants,申请者,_have finished,the middle scho

4、ol,A.must B.can C.may D.will,A,6,11.-Shall I tell John about it,No, you _. Ive told him already,A.neednt B.wouldnt,C.mustnt D.shouldnt,12.There was plenty of time. She_,A.mustnt have hurried B.couldnt have,hurried,C.must not hurry D.neednt have hurried,D,A,7,13.The plant is dead. I_it more water,A.w

5、ill give B.would have given,C.must D.should have given,D,14.I searched for my wallet and it wasnt there,At first, I thought I_it at home. Then I,remembered_it out to pay for the taxi,A.must have left, to take,B.may leave, taking,C.might leave. To take,D.could have left, taking,D,8,15.-That must be a

6、 mistake,No, it_a mistake,A.must not be B.cannot be,C.neednt be D.wouldnt be,16.Man_die without air or water,A.will B.have to C.must D.should,A,B,9,17.My five-year-old boy left home three days ago. An idea,that something_to him has been worrying me a lot,A.can have happened B.should have happened,C.

7、must happen D.must have happened,D,18.-You missed a good chance,Yes. I_that job when it_,A.should have taken, was offered B.should take, offered,C.hadnt taken, was offered D.might have taken, was,offering,A,10,19.-Must I take a bus to your home,No, you_. Its just about 5 minutes,walk from here,A.mus

8、t not B.dont have to C.shouldnt D.dont,need,B,20.The big fire last night_the whole building,But the heavy rain helped it,A.might be burning down B.could have burned,down,C.should have been burned down D.must have,been burned down,B,11,21.The woman in the office_the,fact,A.dare not to say B.didnt dar

9、e saying,C.dare not saying D.did not dare to say,D,22.He was a good runner so,he_swim across the river,A.might B.could C.would D.was able to,D,12,23.Oh dear! What on earth_this,mean,A.could B.can C.may D.might,B,24._it be Li Ming who took away,the dictionary,A. Could B. Can C.May D.Might,B,13,25.Som

10、eone_here just now, for the,door is open and there is nobody in it now,A.may be B.can be C.must have been,D.must be,C,26.-I cant find Wei Feng anywhere,She_her homework upstairs,A.must do B.must be doing C.must have,done D.must have been done,B,14,27._we set off now I dont know if,you are ready,A.Sh

11、all B.Will C.Would D.Ought,28._he open the door,Yes, please,A.Does B.Will C.Shall D.Would,C,A,15,29.Close the door after you ,_,A.dont you B.do you,C.shall you D.will you,D,30.Lets clean our classroom,_,A.will you B.dont we C.shall we D.do you,C,16,31.Let us play basketball,_,A.will you B.dont we C.

12、shall we D.do you,A,32.-Will you please go to New York with me,No, I_,A.wouldnt B.shall not C.wont D.shouldnt,C,17,33._it be Xiao Wang who did it,A.Will B.Can C.Must D.May,B,34.-How do you like my new car,I like it, but would you please_park,it here,A. not B.dont C.not to D.doesnt,A,18,35.-Will your

13、 brother stay here tonight,Im not sure. He_shopping tonight,A.must go B.can go,C.may go D.may going,C,36._Must we finish the composition in class,No, you_,A.neednt B.mustnt C.wont D.shouldnt,A,19,37.Neither of them_the snake,A.dares catches B.dare to catch,C.dare catching D.dare catch,D,肯定,否定疑问,20,3

14、8.Jenny_her father about her failure,in the exam,A.dares not tell B.dare not to tell C.dare,telling D.dared not tell,D,21,39._hand in his exercise-book,before Monday,A.Need he to B.Does he need,C.Needs he to D.Need he,D,40.Your coat needs to be washed,_it,A.mustnt B.neednt C.doesnt D.cant,C,22,41.-W

15、ould you mind telling me how much it was,_,it was 20 dollars,A.Yes, I would B.Yes, I should,C.Not at all D.Yes, I do,C,42.Johns score on the test is the highest in the,class._,A.He should study last night,B.He should have studied last night,C.He must have studied last night,D.He must study last nigh

16、t,C,23,43.This_be a womans,handkerchief. It must be a mans,A.may not B.can not C.shall not D.must,not,44.He must be from the north,_,A.mustnt he B.neednt he,C.isnt he D.may not he,C,B,24,45.You must have seen the film last night,_you,A.mustnt B.neednt C.didnt D.havent,C,46.-Would you like to go danc

17、ing with me,tonight,_,A.Id love so B.Ill like to C.I would like that,D.Id love to,D,25,47._you succeed in passing the,college entrance examination,A.May B.Can C.Must D.Will,A,48.Night has fallen, We have to stay here,for the night,_,A.dont we B.havent we C.mustnt we,D.shouldnt we,A,26,49.-Why didnt you a


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