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1、课外阅读英语短文带翻译 英语阅读,是英语学习和英语教学中的一个重要环节,它是我们获取知识、外界信息,与外界交流的主要途径之一。 _了课外英语短文带翻译,欢迎阅读! On Saturday, the weather is sunny, cloudless sky, a group of birds chattering in the trees, as if to we hear singing hit song. At this moment, I saw a little sparrows on our car. Father rushed the sparrow away, but the

2、 little sparrow or motionless parked in the car. Jumped up and down in a moment, my father caught the little sparrows, at this time, I carefully looked at the little sparrow, its feathers have not full long, also not too will fly, only walking up and down on the car. I said to my father: dad, you do

3、nt catch! We should protect ani _ls, not hurt them, this is wrong. Say that finish, I heard the tree sparrow kept calling, as if to say: put a s _ll sparrow, put it! So my father gently sparrow on the branches, let the little sparrow in the nature of life freely. The sparrows on the tree one see we

4、put the little sparrow, chattering again, as if to say to me: you are such a good child to protect ani _ls. If no ani _l nature, all things, there is no life, if there is no grass plants, herbivorous ani _ls cant live forever. Start from today, to protect the ani _ls, love life, do a little guardian

5、s of nature. 全世界有794多种野生动物,其中有76科300余种濒临灭绝,还有很多已经灭绝了。人们为了钱财,不断杀害它们,导致野生动物大量灭绝。直到“ _” _发生,人们才觉悟起来 野生动物对我们帮助很大,例如燕子,燕子能帮我们吧田里的害虫吃掉。如果没有了它们,我们的周围就会有很多害虫,这些害虫对我们人类有很大的害处呀! 有些人认为,野生动物理应被杀掉,因为有些野生动物很危险。但我想对那些人说:没错,有些野生动物的确很危险,但它们一般多在远离人类的地方,所以我们不用害怕。而且有些野生动物也很可爱,例如大熊猫就很可爱,还有软软的绒毛。 “没有买卖,就没有杀害”这则公益 _说得真好,是

6、的,只要人们不再去销售野生动物,就不会有人去买,更不会有被残害的野生动物了。 同学们,虽然我们现在的力量还很薄弱,但千万不要小看这力量。从现在开始,去保护野生动物吧,让世界充满和平! The world has more than 794 kinds of wild ani _ls, there are 76 families, 300 species endangered, there are _ny extinct. People for the sake of money, keep killing them, leading to a _ss extinction of wild an

7、i _ls. Until the SARS incident, people wake. Wild ani _ls are of great help to us, for example, the swallow, swallow can help us to eat the pests in the field. Around if without them, we will have a lot of insects, these pests have great harm to us! Some people think that wild ani _ls should be kill

8、ed, because some wild ani _ls are dangerous. But I want to say to those people: yes, some wild ani _ls is dangerous, but they are generally more away from the hu _ns, so we dont have to fear. And some wild ani _ls is very lovely, such as the giant panda is very cute, and soft hairs. No trading, no k

9、illing the advertisement said well, yes, as long as people no longer to sell wild ani _ls, no one will go to buy, there will be no more wild ani _ls mutilated. The class _tes, although our strength is still very weak now, but dont look down on this power. From now on, to protect wild ani _ls, let th

10、e world is full of pea _! 在地球上,除了人类,还有什么呢?没错,还有动物。可几年下来,动物的数量逐渐下降。人类有没有把动物当朋友看呢? 动物和人类应该是好朋友,可 _动物会和人类为敌呢?是因为人类没有把动物发在眼里。比如奶牛。人类用奶牛生产奶牛,可等奶牛没有奶的时候,人类就会把奶牛残忍地杀死。奶牛没奶时,不会将它放生吗?奶牛也是一条活生生的生命啊!近几年的“鼠疫、艾滋病、疯牛病、 _”,这些都是动物们奋起反击的预兆呀!难道人类还要打 _吗?我们的祖先就是高级动物呀!如果人类再不制止这种滥杀动物的行为,是对我们的地区母亲沉重的打击呀! 我们现在不要再破坏动物的家园,这样

11、动物们就可以安心繁殖后代。朋友们,还动物们一片蔚蓝的天空,让小鸟自由地飞翔;给动物一片绿草地,让牛羊欢快地奔跑;还动物一片 _,让动物无忧无虑地畅游海洋之中。也许,这样可以安抚动物们受伤的心灵。动物原本不坏,只是人类破坏它们的家园,这些只是它们对人类的“报复”而已。 朋友们,让我们一起保护动物吧! Happiness is need to feel. People felt the suantiankula in daily life, however, people often feel happy. Students plain of too much homework, farmers

12、plain of farm work too tired, worker plains the salary is too little, the unemployed plain without a job. So, peoples fa _ is full of plicated. Seldom found that happiness is beside him. Whenever the confused friend of a greeting, when farmers harvest to the golden ri _, hard whenever a hard days pa

13、rents see a hot cup of milk on the table, when the lonely old _n re _ived a letter from children far away. This is our happiness. Happiness always imper _ptibly quietly e to your side. In fact, happiness is a give and a kind of pay, a kind of dedication. Happiness for us to listen, to see, to think

14、about it. People, always remind of childhood when white-haired mother the warm eyes and tears. Happiness is a kind of halcyon, a kind of indifferent, and often is hazy and feel with your heart, it is not gorgeous neon lights, disco is not strong, but the sky the gentle sunshine, cordial and warm caress with us. In the usual study and life, I hope that we can learn to slowly feel happiness. 幸福是需要 _的。 人们在日常生活中 _到了酸甜苦辣,但是,人们却经常 _不到幸福。 学生抱怨作业太多,农民抱怨农活太累,工人抱怨工资太少,失业者抱怨没有工作所以,人们的脸上布满愁云。却很少发现幸福就在身旁。 每当到困惑时朋友的一声问候,每当辛勤的农民收割到金灿灿的稻谷,每当辛苦了一天的父母看到桌子上一杯热腾腾的牛奶,每当孤独的老人收到远方儿女的来


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