2021年轻松处理面试小技巧 求职的问题与答案_第1页
2021年轻松处理面试小技巧 求职的问题与答案_第2页
2021年轻松处理面试小技巧 求职的问题与答案_第3页
2021年轻松处理面试小技巧 求职的问题与答案_第4页




1、轻松处理面试小技巧 求职的问题与答案 现在就业市场竞争越来越激烈,要在日趋激烈的竞争中立于不败之地,成为永远的胜利者,就必须能说一口流利的,掌握技巧。提高的关键就在于对面试官所要提出的问题做到胸有成竹。 1.What do you think people will choi _ a a low-paid one likes or a boring well-paid job? I think different people will _ke a different choi _. For the people who just graduate from school are more l

2、ikely to choi _ a boring well-paid job. because they often need lots of money to deal with thEir personal affairs. while the people who have worked several years are more prone to choi _ a low-paid but one likes job.because at that time, they would more care for getting satisfaction from work. 我认为不同

3、的人会有不同的选择,对于刚刚从学校的学生来讲,由于生活成本比较高,对钱的需求大,更倾向于选择薪水较高的工作,while已经工作了一段时间的人,特别是已经拥有房子的人,可能会更加希望从事自己感的工作,因为此时工作的成就感能给他带来更大的满足感。 2.Do you think ones character is important in finding a job? I think ones character is very important in finding a job. Firstly, A person who have optimistic personality can help

4、 him get more interview chan _s ,and its more likely to leave a good impression to the interviewer. This greatly increases his possibility of getting a job. More importantly, If a person cant municate with other people well, It means that his ability _y been limit in the future and he is very diffic

5、ult to adapt a new enviro _ent. 我认为一个人的性格对找工作非常的重要,首先,一个乐观开朗的性格可以帮助应聘者获得更多的面试机会,并给面试者留下一个好印象,这就大大增加了他获得工作的可能性,更为中重要的是,如果一个人性格内向,不擅长与人沟通交流,这可能会限制他的工作能力的提高,难以很快适应新的环境。 3.What course are useful for ones jobs? I think the course which intend to teach people how to improve their work efficiency is very u

6、seful. of course, we are work everyday ,but in most of time, we merely stay in a poor efficiency condition.In other words, we are not create desirable value in work time. Therefore, we should _ke our efforts to study the course to improve our efficiency. 我认为教给人们如何提高工作效率的课程对于未来的工作很有用,是的,我们每个人都在工作,但是我

7、们通常的工作效率并不是很高,多数时候我们不过是在浪费时间,并没有在工作时段创造应有的价值,所以我认为应该学习如何提高工作效率的课程。 4.What questions do you think are often asked in an interview,why are they asked? I think the most easy to be ask question in the interview is Why did you choose our pany? Because interviewer intend to use this question to understand the candidates motives,and what he want to get from this job. In addition to, they also hope to know the candidates attitude toward live.Thats why this question often to be asked in th


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