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1、黑龙江省大庆市让胡路区2016-2017学年高一英语下学期期末考试试题黑龙江省大庆市让胡路区2016-2017学年高一英语下学期期末考试试题 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(黑龙江省大庆市让胡路区2016-2017学年高一英语下学期期末考试试题)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为黑龙江省大庆市让

2、胡路区2016-2017学年高一英语下学期期末考试试题的全部内容。17高一年级下学期期末考试英语试题 试卷说明: 1、本试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 2、请讲答案直接涂在答题卡上,考试结束只交答题卡。第卷第一部分: 基础知识考查(每小题1.5分,满分 30 分 )a. position b。 condition c。 solution d。 construction1。 your car is in poor _, i just cant get it started。 2. the library is currently under _. 3. the hotel is in a

3、 perfect _ near st mark square。 4.there is no simple _ to the problem. a. crowded b. polluted c. situated d. concerned5。 our school is ideally _ near a beautiful park. 6. each parent is _ about their childs education。 7. the narrow roads were _ with holiday traffic. 8. the projects aim is to clean u

4、p _ land。 a。 fortunately b。 possibly c。 hopefully d. definitely9. “is there any food left over, mum?” i asked _. 10. _, everything worked out as planned in the end. 11. the great wall is _ worth a visit. it is a great wonder!12。 doctors did everything they _ could to save his life。 a. loaded b. remo

5、ved c。 struck d。 ruined13。 after dinner, lily _ the dishes from the table and helped her mother with the washing. 14。 a flood _ the small village, leaving many people homeless. 15。 the truck was fully _ with goods for shanghai。 16. if you cant get rid of the bad habit, your life will be _。 a. exist

6、b。 extinct c。 evolve d. exploit17. there was an urgent need to _ the resources of the river。 18。 stop pretending that the problem doesnt _。 19。 dinosaurs have been _ for millions of years. 20. when animals or plants _, they change and develop over a long period of time。 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节: (共15

7、小题:每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ababysitter(保姆) wantedi am seeking a babysitter for my 6-monthold son. a few hours on saturdays and sundays to help me and then other time periods as needed. he or she should be over 18, responsible, loving, warm, and have some experienc

8、e in caring for babies。 this position also suits a college student with experience looking for a parttime job。 the pay is $10 an hour。 if this sounds like a good job to you, please reply or call 8004964.office manager wantedour company is looking for a full-time experienced manager

9、 to run the business. strong skills in organization and business management are required for this position. the office manager will be responsible for keeping financial (财务的) records, so he or she should be familiar with computers。 please reply or call 800-6978 to apply。wa

10、iter/ waitress wanteda restaurant is looking for an experienced waiter / waitress. knowledge of wines and experience in dining are necessary。 must work well under pressure and understand the basics (基本要素) of fine dining and customer service。 if youre interested, please contact us atjobtkupe132935815

11、2to apply。 this is a part-time job。office cleaner wantedlooking for a part-time job? a position in the mississauga area needs an office cleaner! parttime 4 hours a day from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm。duties include:cleaning the washroomscleaning the furnituresweeping the floorsother general cl

12、eaning experience is necessary. pay: 15 per hourreply to: or call 8008197。21. which of the following position is a full-time job?a。 babysitter. b。 waiter / waitress。c。 office manager。 d. office cleaner.22. if a college girl with some experience caring for children w

13、ants to apply for a job, where should she send an email?a.b.c.d.23. what can we learn from the passage?a. the office cleaner has to work three hours each day.b。 one can apply for a waiter or wai

14、tress by telephone。c. experience is necessary for all these four jobs。d. a babysitter earns $5 more than an office cleaner per hour.bit was 8:35 am。 my girls and i were rushing through the front door of the school as i yelled, “hurry up! the bell was about to” riiiiiiiing! the girls froze and their

15、eyes widened。 my shoulders sagged(下垂). we were too late. we were often late for school last year, and every time we ran breathlessly into the attendance office i heard myself making silly excuses to beth, the longsuffering secretary: our alarm didnt go off; there was so much traffic; it was my husba

16、nds fault; the dogi didnt knowsomething about the dog! as time passed by, my lying became a habit, and it raised a red flag for me。 lying even in the form of “harmless” excuses means were ashamed。 shame is different from guilt. healthy guilt is fair and helpful. but shame can be dangerous. nothing r

17、uins the connection between two people more quickly than shame and lies do。 anyone trying to live a healthy and honest life must avoid shame at any cost。 i was trying to live a healthy and honest life, but my excuses were keeping me from reaching my goal. so i vowed(发誓)to do something different 。 th

18、e next time we were late, i went to the attendance office。 when beth asked me to fill in a form with the reason for being late, i told the truth. “these days, we are very tired and disorganized,” i wrote。 beth looked down at that form, and she slowly looked up at me。 she gave us a warm and big smile

19、 and her blue eyes twinkled. she started laughing. so did my kids and i. were all imperfect human beings。 we make mistakes. everyone does make mistakes. however, its ok to tell the truth about them。 its ok to forgive ourselves and promise to try again.24。 by writing paragraph1, the author wants to s

20、how that_。a. her daughters were not easy to deal with b. she didnt have an organized lifestylec. her daughters didnt like going to school d。 she lived a lazy life with her daughters25. what do we know about the author from paragraph 2?a. she lived an extremely busy life。 b。 she liked complaining abo

21、ut life。c. she liked making fun of other people。 d。 she liked making excuses for her lateness。26. we learn that as time went by, the author_.a. found that other people liked lying to herb。 realized the harm of lying and wanted to changec. found that shame had a positive effect on her lifed. realized

22、 that she could no longer live a healthy life27. the last paragraph shows when we make a mistake we should_。a。 blame it on different things b。 never let others know it is our faultc。 never forgive ourselves for making it d。 forgive ourselves and try harder next time.cif you really want to go green,

23、heres good news: eating green is good for you. the very foods with a high carbon cost-meat, pork, dairy products, processed snacks-also tend to be filled with fat and calories. a green diet would be mostly vegetables and fruit, whole grains, fish and lean meats like chicken-a diet thats ecofriendly

24、and waistline-friendly. eating green can be healthier and beneficial to the climate。 it may be hard to believe that a meal at mcdonalds produces more carbon than your trip to a far away place。 more than 37% of the worlds land is used for agriculture, much of which was once forested。 deforestation (砍

25、伐森林) is a major source of carbon。 the fertilizer (化肥) and machinery needed on a modern farm also have a large carbon footprint, as does the network of ships and trucks that brings the food from the farm to your plate。 the most efficient way to reduce the carbon footprint of your menu is to eat less

26、meat, especially beef. raising cattle takes a lot more energy than growing the equivalent (相等的) amount of grains, fruits or vegetables。 whats more, the majority of cattle in the u。s. are fed on grain and loads of it-670 million tons in 2002-and the fertilizer used to feed that creates separate envir

27、onmental problems。 focus on eating lower on the food chain, with more plants and fruits and less meat and dairy。 its simple。 we can change today what goes into our bodies for the health of our planet and ourselves。28。 according to the passage, eating green will _。a. protect the animals from being ki

28、lledb。 promote the development of agriculturec. help us lose weight and keep self-confidenced. be good for our health and make a change for the climate29. what will not lead to carbon in the agriculture?a. deforestation b。 fertilizer c. machinery d. grains30。 in the authors opinion, the most efficie

29、nt way to reduce carbon is to _。a. eat more vegetables than meat b. stop raising the cattlec. plant more grains d. use less fertilizer31。 what is the passage mainly about?a. eating green is beneficial。 b. how to reduce the carbon。c。 deforestation is harmful d. how to keep healthy.d camping along the

30、 habitat(栖息地) of crocodiles, making friends with lions, and hunting with the aboriginal(土著的) african people to nature lovers, chen has the most ideal job in the world- working at the tanzania national parks administration, promoting and protecting the african countrys wildlife resources。 it all star

31、ted from a childhood dream, as chen describes in his new book into tanzania. when chen was a little boy, he wished that one day he could go to tanzania and see “real” lions. his dream came true in 2006, when he first worked at the chinese embassy(大使馆) in tanzania。 three years later, in order to get

32、closer to animals, chen joined the tanzanian national parks。 chen started to record every exciting meeting with animals, and the beauty of tanzania has pushed him to spread the dream of africa through his book。 his writings covered his knowledge of the wild world, travel tips and his personal travel

33、ogues(游记) about different national parks in tanzania, such as observing prides of lions in serengeti and climbing to the top of the african continent-mount kilimanjaro- with some 500 photographs of scenery and wild animals。 from his book, we learn that for travelers the most dangerous animal on the

34、african savanna is not the lion, but the elephant。 “every time i drive to ruaha national park, i will always find myself run after by wild elephants. the illegal hunting there has caused elephants hatred(仇恨) toward humans. contrary to common belief, chen says, lions usually wont attack humans. years

35、 of tracking(追踪) lions on the east african plain has made chen an expert on big cats。 “among all animals, i love lions the most. leopards come second。 “ chen writes under this pen name “green hills of “africa”, which is also the title of ernest hemingways travelogues about the continent。 “nature wor

36、ks in its own ways. that is something we need to respect. chen says. cant wait to read the book? click here for more information about it. 32。 you cannot find _ in his book。 a。 a number of photographs of wild animals. b。 the authors knowledge of the wild world。 c。 how to climb to the top of mount ki

37、limanjaro. d. the most dangerous animal on the african savanna. 33。 the underlined word in the 4th paragraph probably means “_”. a。 different from b. similar to c。 the same as d. much alike34. which of the following is true according to the passage?a. now chen is an expert on elephants。 b。 chen has

38、the same pen name as ernest hemingway。 c. chens dream came true when joining the tanzania national parks。 d. elephants hatred towards humans resulted from humans activity。 35 the purpose of this passage is to _. a。 describe african wild life b. tell a storyc。 recommend a book d。 introduce a writer第二

39、节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。have you ever had a wonderful idea and thought it would make a great invention, but didnt know what to do next? 36 they will help you make your dreams come true and become a famous inventor。 the first thing that you should do is do some re

40、search on the internet to see if anyone else has invented it。 if not, you should search through the us patent (专利) information to see if a patent was ever created for your type of invention. 37_ the easiest thing to do is working with an agency(代理机构) that can help you to make your dreams a reality.

41、it can help you present your ideas and get your product to the right companies。 one agency that is very reputable (声誉好的) is “lambert in minnesota”。 38 if they think your product is marketable (有销路的), they will help you to get it to the right company。 call the agency and make an appointment. you will

42、 want to bring in a model of your invention and a complete description of your ideas. 39 then when you meet with them, you can present it and they will tell you how marketable it is. if they decide to help you, they will work to present it to different companies and help you to go to the next step。

43、once your invention has been sold to a large company, get ready to get the benefits of becoming the next great inventor. 40 but the benefits are worth the wait。a。 it may take a year or two.b。 you will be the next inventor.c. write down exactly about your invention.d. if not, go to the next step.e。 y

44、ou will find something new on the internet.f. here are some steps that you can take。g. they offer free advice for good ideas.。第三部分 英语知识运用完形填空(共20小题;每小题1。5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题中所给的四个选项(abcd)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。the famous composer(作曲家),albert roussel,didnt have a good start in this career. ho

45、wever,he achieved a great deal of success as a result of a_41_ roussels parents died when he was eight and he went to live with his_42_as a little boy,he fell in 1ove with music and_43_himself about it by reading through the family collection that his mother kept, _44_which there were a lot of relat

46、ed books three years later, roussels grandfather died,and his mothers sister decided to_45_himher husband was a kind man and_46_for young roussels music lessonsone summer vacation at a belgian seaside added a second_47_to his lifethe seathen he studied to be a naval cadet(海军学员),but still took time t

47、o study_48_ in the french navy,he and two friends found the time to_49_a band,playing the works of beethoven and other_50_roussel also began composing。 on christmas day 1892,he had his first chance to_51_as a composer,which turned out to be a success that success_52_roussel to write a wedding march(

48、婚礼进行曲),and one of his navy friends_53_to show it to a famous conductor, edouard colonne. when roussels friend_54_with the manuscript (手稿),he reported that colonne had advised roussel to_55_his naval career and devote his life to music not long_56_,at the age of 25, roussel decided to_57_edouard colo

49、nnes advicehe gave his heart and soul to his composing and_58_a major force in the twentieth centurys french music。 because of eduoard colonnes inspiring_59_,roussel devoted his life to music,but roussselsnavyfriend later _60_ that he had made it uphe said he had never even shown roussels manuscript

50、 to the famous conductor41ajoke b1ie cguess dhope42aneighbor baunt cteacherdgrandfather43ataught bchose cimproved dasked44aamong bbetween cwithin dbefore45amiss bcatch craise d1eave46apaid bapplied c1ooked dwaited47apage b1ove cwish djob48aan benglish cdance dmusic49adeal with bmake for cset up dtak

51、e away50ateachers bprofessors ccomposers dsingers51aperform bproduce cstudy dpublish52afound bencouraged cforbade dwanted53acame bbrought crefused doffered54awent breturned c1eft dran55agive up bkeep to cbegin withdfocus on56ahowever btherefore cafterwards dthen57arepeat bchange ccorrect dfollow58ab

52、ecame breplaced cimproved dgrasped59awill brequest corder dadvice60apermitted badmitted climited dforgot 第卷第一节:语法填空(共10题,每题1。5分,共15分)when i was traveling in japan, i found morioka shoten. it may seem strange to those who are used to _61_ (look) through thousands of books in big bookstores。 thats _62

53、_ this tiny bookstore offers just one title to its customers。 _63_ (locate) in tokyo, morioka shoten is the brainchild of yoshiyuki morioka. having worked in a big chainbookshop for many years, morioka realized customers usually came into the store with a certain title _64_ mind。 he began to wonder if a store could ex


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