



1、完形填空(无选项)完形填空(无选项) 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(完形填空(无选项))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为完形填空(无选项)的全部内容。4完形填空mr。 smith had a good _1_ last month。 she took the _2_ to the beach

2、. she has three daughters and two sons。 john, the oldest _3_ fifteen years old and little sam, the baby, is only _4_。 that was the _5_ time for the children to go to the seaside. they were very _6_. john _7_ his mother to look after _8_ children. it was a fine day。 they got up very _9_ and arrived a

3、t seaside town at noon. when they say the sea, they were excited。 the children _10_ to go down to the beach at once.mr。 green _1_ in a factory in a big town。 he liked fishing very much, and was very good _2_ it. when he was _3_, he went down to the small river behind the factory and tried to catch _

4、4_ fish, but he couldnt catch many, _5_ the water was dirty。 then one summer he went to the seaside during his holidays and stayed at a small cheap hotel._6_ the first day he _7_ a big fish and was very _8_。 he gave the fish to the hotel. the cook _9_ the fish for all the guests, and they enjoyed _1

5、0_ very much. after that he did this every day.jack lost his job last week. it was difficult for him to _1_ another one. _2_ told him that it was possible to get a new one in a town two hundred kilometers _3_. he decided to get there _4_. so he went to the railway station and got _5_ a train。 he was

6、 the only one in the car。 the train started. suddenly a man came in _6_ a gun and said to him, “your money _7_ your life!” jack sat there without _8_ up。“i _9_ any money,” jack answered。“then why are you so afraid of me? the man asked angrily.“because i think you were the conductor, and i didnt buy

7、a _10_。” answered jack.peter was going out shopping。 he waited for a short time _1_ he got on a crowded bus. he _2_ for about five minutes until the bus came to the next bus stop and some of the people _3_. he took a seat beside _4_ woman with several shopping bags. as there was _5_ room for her, _6

8、_ she felt very uncomfortable(不舒服的)。 peter wanted to _7_ her, but she didnt agree. _8_ the bus came to the town and people began to get off. peter was polite. he stood up and _9_, but she refused(拒绝) again。 it took her _10_ to get all her heavy bags to the door. while the bus was slowly moving away.

9、 peter found the fat woman was left alone on the bus shouting for his help。great weather! it was _1_ and hot all day. we _2_ to a beautiful beach。 we had great fun _3_ in the water. in the afternoon, we went _4_. on the way, i found a little boy _5_ in the corner. he was _6_。 i helped _7_ find his f

10、ather。 but that made me _8_ very happy. i didnt have _9_ money _10_ a taxi。 so i walked back to the hotel.what is the best way to study? this is a very important question。 some chinese students often _1_ very hard _2_ long hours. this is a _3_ habit, but it is not a better way to study. a good stude

11、nt must _4_ enough sleep, enough food and enough rest. every _5_ you _6_ to take a walk or play basketball or pingpong or sing a song. when you _7_ to your studies, youll find yourself _8_ than before and youll learn more.perhaps we can _9_ that learning english is like taking chinese medicine, the

12、effects of your study _10_ slowly but surely。 learn every day and effects will come just like chinese medicine。 we had a _1_ school trip last week。 some students _2_ late。 then we waited half an hour for the school bus. but it didnt _3_. _4_ the end, the teacher took us by subway. it _5_ over an hou

13、r. when we arrived at the zoo we were all tired and hungry. we wanted to see dolphins, but there werent _6_. there were some smart seals, but we didnt see the show, because we arrived too late. we _7_ our cameras, but we didnt take any photos. then it started to rain, but _8_ had an umbrella。 so we went for lunch and ate pizzas。 my frie


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