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1、新外研版七年级上册m4综合测试题新外研版七年级上册m4综合测试题 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(新外研版七年级上册m4综合测试题)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为新外研版七年级上册m4综合测试题的全部内容。11module 4 healthy food 测试题 class _ name _

2、score _i. 单项选择。 (20分)( ) 1. have you got _ juice?a。 some b。 a c。 any d。 many( ) 2。 there _ any milk in the glass。a。 is b. isnt c。 are d。 arent( ) 3. _ is your favourite food? fish.a。 how b。 when c。 what d。 where( ) 4。 i have got some _ juice in the fridge。a .an orange b. a orange c. oranges d。 orang

3、e( ) 5。 which of the following is unhealthy food ? a。 rice b。 fish c. eggs d. hamburgers( ) 6. there arent any _。a. banana b. apples c。 orange d. rice ( ) 7. there _ some food and drink on the table。a. is b. has c. are d。 have( ) 8。 some fruit _in the bag。 21世纪教育网a. is b. has c. are d. have( ) 9。 we

4、 like fish _ they dont like it。a. and b。 but c. so d. or( ) 10。 meat and fish are _.a。 health food b. healthy food c. unhealthy food d. healthy drink ( ) 11。 there are some _ on the table。a. vegetable b. meat c. chicken d. onions( ) 12 i cant see _ oranges on the tree.a 。 any b. some c. a lot d。 muc

5、h ( ) 13。 coke and ice cream are _ food。 a. healthy b。 health c.unhealth d。 unhealthy ( ) 14. we can see _food and drink on the table .a. any b。 some c。 a d。 two 21世纪教育网( ) 15. mary _ meat 。 21世纪教育网a. havent got any b. hasnt got any c. has get some d。 have got some ( ) 16. _ you _ a watch?a。 has, go

6、t b do, got c have, get d have, got ( ) 17。 _there _ pork in the fridge?a. is, some b. ar, any c。 i, any d. are, some ( ) 18。 her favourite food _ ice cream。 a。 are b. be c. is d。 has 21世纪教育网( ) 19。 the woman has got some _. a. cake b。 apple c。 meat d. banana ( ) 20. whats jennys favourite drink? -_

7、.a. pork b。 juice c. chicken d。 fruitii. 完形填空。(10分) jacks got 1 beef and some carrots。 he hasnt got 2 potatoes。 he hasnt got any onions 3 his sister has got some onions. shes got some potatoes _4 some carrots. she hasnt got any beef. jacks _ 5 havent got any carrots. _6 got some meat。 and theyve got

8、 some _ 7 。 they _ 8 _ got any potatoes。 jacks father 9 got some tomatoes, but 10_ mother hasnt got any tomatoes。 21世纪教育网( ) 1。 a。 a b。 an c. some d。 many( ) 2. a。 the b. a c. some d. any( ) 3. a。 but b。 and c. or d. so( ) 4. a. and b。 or c. with d. as( ) 5. a. parent b。 father c。 mother d。 parents(

9、 ) 6。 a. hes b。 shes c. weve d. theyve ( ) 7. a。 onions b. onion c。 onions d. onions ( ) 8. a。 have b. havent c。 do d. dont( ) 9. a. is b。 are c。 has d。 have( ) 10. a. she b. her c。 he d。 his21世纪教育网iii. 阅读理解.(10分)a many families do not eat very healthy food. if you dont eat good food, then you are n

10、ot healthy。 doctor smith from the local hospital says that people need to eat a lot of healthy food, in this order:rice and noodles。fruit, such as oranges and apples and vegetables, such as carrots, onions, tomatoes and potatoes. meat, such as pork, chicken, beef and fish。dr smith says that people s

11、hould not eat unhealthy food like hamburgers, candy or ice cream, or have drink such as cola. instead they should drink milk, juice or water。 so, to stay healthy and away from hospital, eat only healthy food!( ) 1。 you should eat more _ than fruit and vegetables.a。 beef b. fish c. rice( ) 2. _ is no

12、t a healthy drink.a. milk b. cola c。 water( ) 3. what does dr smith advise people? a。 to eat more meat b。 to drink more cola c。 to eat only healthy food( ) 4. to stay health, people should eat _。 a. rice, fruit, meat and fish b. hamburgers and candy c。 noodles and ice cream( ) 5。 can people keep (保持

13、) healthy if they eat in this order: noodles, carrots, chicken and beef? a。 yes, they can。 b. no, they cant。 c. sorry, i dont know.bmary is from england. she is twelve. she gets up at 7:00 in the morning. then she has her breakfast. for breakfast, she has bread, eggs and a glass of milk。 she doesnt

14、have salad for breakfast.after breakfast she goes to school. at 12:00 she comes home from school. then she has lunch with her mother。 she has hamburgers, apples and vegetables. she does not have tea for lunch.at 19:00 she has dinner. she has dinner with her father and mother。 for dinner they have ch

15、icken, tomatoes and french fries。 mary doesnt have milk for dinner。( ) 1. mary doesnt have _ for dinner。a. salad b。 milk c. eggs d。 apples( ) 2。 what does mary like for breakfast?a. bread b。 bread and milk c. eggs, apples and milk d。 bread, eggs and milk( ) 3。 mary has lunch with _.21世纪教育网a. her fat

16、her b。 her mother c。 her brother d. her parents( ) 4. does mary have tea for lunch?a. yes, she does。 b. no, she doesnt. c. its good. d。 she has。( ) 5。 does mary eat french fries?a. yes, she does. b. no, she doesnt. c。 she likes them. d. she has。iv. 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词.(10分)1. -is fish her f_ food?-yes, s

17、he likes it very much。2. thursday is between w_ and friday.3。 -what d_ do you like best? -water。4。 carrots and onions are v_。 they are healthy food。5. im hot and thirsty。 could you give me some i_? 6。 french fries is u_ food, but tony likes it a lot。 7. have you got any pork in the f_?-yes, we have。

18、8. -have you got any drinks? -yes, weve got some orange j_。9. the potato is a vegetable, not a f_。10. pork and b_ are meat。 i like them very much.v。 用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1。 have you got some _ (tomato)?2. his brother gives some _ (candy) to the crying child.3. do you think _ (hamburger) are healthy food

19、?4. hot dogs are _ (health) food。5。 water, juice and milk are healthy _ (drink).6。 my brother _ (have) got some ice cream。 7。 tom _ (like) candy very much.8. we like _ (china) food。9. lets _ (be) good friends. 21世纪教育网10。 _ (potato)are in the box. 21世纪教育网vi。 根据汉语或英语完成句子。(20分)1。 我们有橘子吗?有一些。 _ we _ _ o

20、ranges? yes, weve got some. 2。 米饭和胡萝卜是健康的食物,但汉堡和可乐不是。 rice and carrots _ _ food, _ hamburgers and coke _ _。 3。 请问,这用英语怎么说? 请拼写出来。 me, whats this ? and it, please.4. 你们的经理在哪里?在办公室。 your manager ? _ _ the office。5. 我会骑自行车,但是我不会开车。i _ _ a bike, _ i _ _ a car.6. 欢迎托尼和大明到我们学校。 _ tony _ daming _ our schoo

21、l.7. 你最喜爱的食物是什么?_ your _ _? 8. 橘子汁、水和牛奶都是我最喜欢的健康饮料。orange, water _ milk _ my _ _ _. 9. 我们有一些西瓜,但是没有苹果。weve _ _ melons, _ we _ _ _ apples. 10. 晚饭你想吃什么?我们冰箱里有肉._ _ you _ _ _ _ supper? we have some meat in the fridge. vii. 短文填空(10分)根据短文内容及首字母提示完成短文,使短文完整、通顺rick is a f 1 man. he gets up late in the morn

22、ing。 he has a big b 2 every morning. he has some meat, three o 3 four eggs and some pieces of bread. he drinks two glasses of milk, some apple j 4 , a cup of coffee and some fruit。 his wife, vicky, h 5 a cup of tea, a piece of bread and a banana f 6 breakfast. rick doesnt do any ball games b 7 he li

23、kes listening to the music a 8 watching tv and he doesnt do any housework。 vicky does sports every day。 in fact, she is in a swimming club. s 9 she is very h 10 . 1._ 2. _ 3. _4。 _5. _6. _7. _8。 _ 9。 _ 10。 _vii。 书面表达。(10分)请你介绍一下你的家庭成员对食物的喜好, 同时也向同学推荐你所知道的健康食品,告诉同学不要吃不健康的食品。21世纪教育网21_世纪教i。 15 cbcdd 6

24、10 bcabb 1115 dadbb 1620 dcccbii。 15 cdaad 6-10 dabcdiii。 ( a ) cbcaa ( b ) bdbbaiv。 1。 favourite 2。 wednesday 3。 drink 4. vegetables 5. ice cream 6。 unhealthy 7. fridge 8. juice 9. fruit 10。 beefv. 1。 tomatoes 2。 candy 3. hamburgers 4. healthy 5。 drinks 6. has 7。 likes 8。 chinese 9. be 10。 potatoesvi。 1。 have, got any, weve got some 2。 are healthy, but, are not 3。 excuse me, whats, in, spe


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