



1、2020 年 3 月 26 日托福综合写作范文3月 26日托福综合写作关于 Gustave Whitehead 先于莱特兄弟成功试飞飞机3月 26日托福综合写作范文:Sample answer :The reading puts forward three reasons to illustrate the badeffects brought by those prairie dogs. However, the professor refutes thesethree strongly.Firstly, the listening argues that the reason why th

2、e reporthad no photo but only draft drawings lied in two aspects. First, thephotography technology at that time was not as advanced as it is now. As theimaging techniques was not good, the quality of the photos was low. Inaddition, when the experiment was conducted, it was cloudy; in such conditiont

3、o capture the image of a flying plane was too difficult.Secondly, the reading claims the design of Whitehead planethat only had one wing was not logical, for the plane usually had two or threewings at that time. However, the professor disagrees. In the recent, someresearchers have made a copy of Whi

4、tehead s plane based on his design diagram.Theytested the copy planes four times, and each of them was successful.Finally, the reading suggests that Whitehead had producedmany engines and sold them to several aircraft builders, but in fact none of thoseengines used in planes had ever succeeded, illu

5、strating that Whitehead had notsuccessfully tested his plane. But the professor argues the problem that thoseengines did not work could not be blamed to Whitehead. It was because thetechnology was not so developed at that time and aircraft builders knew littleabout designing planes. The fact that th

6、ere were people buying Whitehead sengines actually proved that his design had no problem.3 月 26 日托福独立写作题目:It is often not a good thing for people to move to a new town or a new country because they will lose their friends.题型类别:利弊类题材类别:二选相关旧题:2020.09.21写作思路:“搬到新的城镇或国家不是一个好主意,因为人们会 失去朋友。”这个题目其实很好入手,只要

7、结合自己的实际情况想想 就能够。试想自己有没有搬过家,为什么搬家,到底有没有失去过好 朋友,文章的论点能够很自然的出来。我们总会因为为了更好的教育 和工作等,或者为了伴侣等而搬家,我们在做决定的时候总是结合多 个因素权衡取舍的。其次,我们会发现我们并不会因为搬家而失去朋 友,因为现在沟通交流很方便。上面就是两个理由,第三段能够写个 让让步段。写作指导:1.首先,人生挥Q煤率去而不去做改变。人们要搬到另一个 城市肯定是有理由的,如为了更好的工作、更和家庭等。人生不但仅 有友情,还有亲情爱情,自己的人生道路等。所以要权衡后得失 weigh the pros and cons carefully ,

8、懂取舍。这就像我们不能为了不想离 开自己的朋友,放弃上上一个比本地大学好得很多的学校。2. 再者,搬到另一个城市并不一定会失去以前的朋友,因为科技 的介入 intervention 使人有更多途径沟通 means of communication 。 现代社会的发展给人们带来很多便利。一方面,通讯工具的发展能够 让我们打破空间的障碍 obstacle ,从最基本的手机和邮件到高科技的 软件如微信,Skype等,都让朋友间能够随时随地地联络感情;另一方 面,便利快捷的交通打破了时间的障碍,坐高铁和飞机去与朋友面对 面所花费的时间其实都和同个城市里的朋友汇合花的时间差不多。3. 让步:诚然,我们会可能会失去一些朋友,但我认为失去的也 是一些泛泛之交 tangentially related。如果是真的意气相投congenial 、真的深交的朋友,并不会因为空间上的分隔而疏远 estrangement/alienation 。词汇拓展:权衡后得失weigh the pros and con


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