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1、外研高一上学期1册Modulel测试 Class: Name: Marks: 满分(150) 第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分 55分) 第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 1. We usually lear n new things in fun way, so we always have fun in En glish classes. A. a; a B. a; C. ; a D. ; 2. Hi, Tony. Haven t seen you for ages. A. Cool! I m fine, thank you. B. Is that right?

2、 C. How are you doing? D. Best wishes! 3. His attitude to this matter is differe nt from of his paren ts. He s strongly against it. A. one B. those C. it D. that 4. I like autu mn I enjoy look ing at the hillside covered with trees full of fruit. A. because B. if C. but D. so 5.Can you tell me what

3、time the first class every morning? At ten to eight. A. has begu nB. bega n C. begi ns D. will begin 6. Wang Zhen glia ng sang a song at the 2014 Spring Festival Gala Where Has the Time Gone, which moved the audie nee to tears. A. call ing B. called C. to call D. being called 7. I m to know that you

4、 have made such p rogress in En glish recen tly. A. amazed; amaz ing B. amazed; amazed C. amaz ing; amaz ing D. amaz ing; amazed Oh, he A. reads B. has read C. will read D. is readi ng 9. The beauty of the West Lake in Han gzhou is bey ond .I ve never seen such a beautiful p lace. A. comp rehe nsion

5、 B. descri pti on C. explan ati on D. in formati on 8. Where is Mr. Wan g? a n ews paper in the office. 10. Your behaviour is like what you ve said, which makes me disappointed. A. anything B. someth ingC. nothingD. everyth ing 第二节 完形填空(共30小题;A篇10小题,每小题1分;B篇20小题,每小题1.5分;满分40 分) There was once a teac

6、her who gave his students some seeds(种子)so they could plant and look after their very own sun flowers. One boy in the 11_, who loved sun flower seeds, was so excited that he plan ted the seed and 12 it with great care for many days. When the _13 shoot (嫩芽)fin ally app eared, the boy, filled with imp

7、 atie nee, went to see his teacher. He won dered if he could harvest it. The teacher 14 that he would still have to care for the plant for quite some time before he would be able to 15 many seeds from just one sun flower. The boy was 16, but he kept on look ing after his sun flower. However, though

8、the teacher him to be p atie nt, as soon as the boy saw the sun flower were not ripe (成熟的),and of course they couldn s first seeds, he cut the plant. But the seeds t be eaten. The bcretfulsHleghad put so much effort into 18 for the sun flower, but i n the end he got nothing for a simple lack of p at

9、ie nee. And he was even 19whe n he saw how won derfully his classmates sun flowers grew. Fort un ately, his 20 were good eno ugh to share their delicious sun flower seeds with 11. A. theatre B. class C. factory D. office 12. A. began with B. waited for C. talked about D. looked after 13. A. free B.

10、next C. first D. fresh 14. A. an swered B. wrote C. showed D. agreed 15. A. grow B. sp read C. buy D. collect 16. A. excited B. upset C. clever D. worried 17. A. asked B. en couraged C. warned D. ordered 18. A. fight ing B. watch ing C. cari ng D. looki ng 19. A. kin der B. an grier C. happ ier D. b

11、usier 20. A. brothers B. n eighbors C. parents D. friends him. B It was a Christmas break from school almost 40 years ago. I had spent most of the morning like any boy would, 21 outside in the snow and enjoying the sun light on the 22 day of the year. I liked ste pping through the snow, mak ing sno

12、wballs to 23_ the trees, and watching the smoky breath float (飘)out of my 24. After a while, though, the 25 got to be too much and I went 26 It was warm in the house. I 27 my wet coat and put on my favorite blue sweater. Then I walked into the 28 . My mom and grandma had just 29baking two loaves of

13、Italian bread. Mom looked up, smiled at me and asked me what I wan ted for 30_. I smiled back and poin ted to the delicious bread. Mom laughed, 31 a slice off the bread, and buttered it for me. The n she told me to go sit 32 the stove (炉子)in the livi ng room. Taking my slice with me I sat in my favo

14、rite chair, and felt the gentle heat (热)from the stove 33 my little body. It was a moment of pure34 . I felt so good and so loved that I 35 it to this day. Our daily 36 and love are all we need in this life. They are all we need to 37. Anything else is just an extra bless ing to be used to make this

15、 world a 38 place for us all. Be tha nkful for the daily bread that fills your 39 and for daily love that fills your soul. Then go out and with great joy 40 your bread, your bless in gs, and your love with the world. 第二部分阅读理解(共25小题; 每小题2分,满分50分) 21. A. talki ng B. p layi ng C. drivi ng D. si ngi ng

16、22. A. hottest B. quickest C. biggest D. shortest 23. A. pick up B. look for C. throw at D. care about 24. A. mouth B. pool C. box D. room 25. A. ill ness B. cold C. waste D. smoke 26. A. i nside B. away C. fast D. alone 27. A. put aside B. took off C. gave away D. found out 28. A. classroom B. stat

17、i on C. office D. kitchen 29. A. suggested B. allowed C. fini shed D.begun 30. A. rest B. support C. pl easure D. lu nch 31. A. beat B. pulled C. cut D. ate 32. A. by B. around C.under D. with 33. A. touch B. warm C. help D. p rotect 34. A. p eace B. frien dsh ip C. freedom D. luck 35. A. write B. r

18、espect C. follow D. remember 36. A. chance B. advice C. bread D. n ews 37. A. change B. thi nk C. travel D. live 38. A. clea ner B. better C. closer D. cooler 39. A. stomach B. house C. hand D. memory 40. A. save B. take C. share D. make Leav ing junior high school, and going up to the big school wa

19、s a very frighte ning cha nge for me. I went there with no frien ds. The only two people who came from my p revious school were two girls, Donna Davis and Sakjinda Rai, but I deve loped little frien dsh ip with them. At first I was scared (害怕的)and looked stupid. But after a few mon ths, I tried kee

20、ping my arms open and mak ing friends with people around me. After an unsuccessful relationship with Amit Sharmar, who ran away from me whenever I said hello to him, Sher Bhachu joined me, and we seemed to have a bit in com mon. So I made my first friend, and I was n t on my own any more! But after

21、a few days, he broke his leg, and was off for a couple of mon ths! I was on my own aga in! Any way, whe n Sher fin ally did return, I in troduced him to ano ther frie nd of mi ne, Graeme Parker. They got on like a house on fire, but unfortunately that littlethreesome (三人一组 )only man aged to last abo

22、ut a week or two before they had a bit of fight, and poor Graeme went his ownway. Shortly after that we met and later joined with ano ther gang. Others later joined at various stages, including: Chris Elemen, Venay Maru, Amandeep Vidhani, Yaser Ghauri and Paul Barra nee. It was with these people tha

23、t I spent most of my life in senior high school. 41. Which of the followi ng stateme nts is TRUE accord ing to the p assage? A. The author did n t like Sakjinda Rai at all. B. The author s junior high school was not very good. C. The author felt frighte ned in the new school with no friends. D. The

24、author had tried his best to make friends with Donna Davis. 42. Who was the author s first friend in the new school? A. Donna Davis. B. Amit Sharmar. C. Graeme P arker. D. Sher Bhachu. 43. After a short time, the author was alone without friends aga in because A. they quarreled about someth ing B. h

25、is friend was off because of injury C. the author moved to ano ther school D. they found they had nothing to share 44. Accord ing to the last p aragra ph, we can lear n that A. the author made more friends as time went on B. the author missed his little threesome C. the author and Graeme had a bit o

26、f fight D. Graeme P arker and Sher Bhachu were close friends 45. The real purpose of the author in writ ing this p assage is to A. in troduce some friends to readers B. prove senior high school life is hard C. tell readers his frien dsh ip in senior high school D. show his attitudes toward life in s

27、enior high school A hug is a won derful thing and it is a great gift to share with people. For some peop le, a hug is con sidered to be a great way to say “I care ” . A hug com municaetionupp喜爱) un ity and bel onging. A hug shows a stro ng feeli ng of symp athy. A hug brings happin ess. A hug also t

28、ouches the soul. Hugs are healthy. Hugs can ease pain, reduce stress, cure depression (消沉),and refresh the heart, yet they have no side effects. No won der, it is a true miracle medic ine. A hug can say “I love you ” . A hug claatecto see you Igo ” . A hugyca rTsllgdod to have you back ” . A hug can

29、 say “It s great to see you ” . A hug can say “I feel your pain also say “ Let me share your burden No matter whether you re the giver or the eceivgs touch the inner being. From friends, to families, to loved on es, to those in n eed, a hug warms the heart. A hug is truly amazing. It brings generosi

30、ty (慷慨)to the giver and happiness to the receiver. It brings bless ings to those who give and joy to those who receive. Hugs are one of the reas ons why God gave us arms. So, stretch out your arms to some one today. Reach out to those you love. It will warm the heart of the giver and give light to t

31、he soul of the receiver. Reach out to your n eighbor. It will show that you care. Reach out to one in n eed. It will show that you are respon sible. Reach out to the world. It will show God that you care for His creati on. 46. What is the best title of the passage? B. How should we hug A. The adva n

32、tages of hugs C. The tips on givi ng others hugs D. The facts of hugs 47. Hugs can ben efit people in the follow ing ways EXCE PT A. i mproving the health B. cheeri ng people up C. making receivers happy D. creati ng great wealth 48. Accord ing to the third p aragra ph, we can lear n hugs can A. sen

33、d some messages B. make people come back C. stop people going somewhere D. break people s hearts 49. To show you care, you should reach out to A. those who n eed joy B. your n eighbor C. those you miss D. God 50. What can we lear n from the p assage? A. Sometimes hugs have side effects. B. If people

34、 are sad, we d better not hug them. C. We must hug each of our n eighbors every day. D. People ofte n feel joyful whe n they receive hugs. re with ani mals. Both in door ani mals and It s important to know how to be safe when you outdoor ani mals n eed to be treated kin dly all the time. This mea ns

35、 differe nt things depending on the ani mal and the situati on. With a wild ani mal, being kind may mean stay ing far away so the animal doesn t feel threatened and so you stay safe. The rule in the great outdoors is simple: Don t touch or go near an animal. Although some of egular pets. t like r s

36、better for every one if you st these ani mals may look cool or even cute, leave them alone. These ani mals aren They re not used to being around people and may bite or attack you if you come near them. They also might have rabies (狂犬病). Don t try to feed a wild ani mal. Bird feeders are OK, but othe

37、r ani mals, even if they look hungry, shouldn t ever be fed. When it comes to these animals, it away and check them out at the zoo, on the Intern et, on TV n ature shows, or in books. If a p et looks sick or is injured, stay far away. An animal that n ormally loves to be p etted and p lay may get ve

38、ry up set and even bite you whe n it is feeli ng ill. Tell an adult so he or she can get hel p for the ani mal. If a dog starts running toward you, don t run. If a strange dog approaches you, try to stand very still. This may be scary for a minute or two, but ofte n the dog will become bored and wal

39、k away. If the dog tries to sniff (嗅)you, let it sniff this is its way of check ing you out. “ This ” in the first p aragra ph refers to. 51. The un derl ined word A. Stay ing safe with ani mals B. Being kind to ani mals C. P layi ng with an imals all the time D. Knowing the ways to be safe 52. A wi

40、ld ani mal may attack you whe n app roached because A. it feels a lot of threat B. it is not what it looks like C. it hates being around people D. it is used to attack ing other ani mals 53. Whe n a pet is injured, you should A. pet it gen tly B. ask for help C. give it medici ne D. avoid being upse

41、t 54. Whe n it comes to ani mals, the readers are advised to A. n ever touch any animal B. feed no wild ani mals exce pt wild birds C. find ways to p rotect them D. do things prop erly accord ing to situati ons B. sta nd still 55. If a dog runs towards you, you should A. run away C. make it scared D

42、. fight back Frie ndsh ip Day is celebrated every year on the first Sun day in the month of August. People give their loved ones or friends friendship bracelets (手镯)and other gifts to celebrate their frien dsh ip. The culture of frien dsh ip bracelets is as old as even thousa nds of years. After the

43、 WWII, the Para cord (绳子)bracelets became very popular. These were also known as survival bracelets. One of the main reasons is that it was often used for a rescue (援救)purpose. Para cord, used in the parachute (降落伞),does not wear away easily and is strong and durable Because of its light weight, peo

44、ple could carry it along easily. If required, it could be made a very long rope and be used as a rescue rope. Hun ters used it to find their way that they could retur n without gett ing lost. Today there are all kinds of Para cord bracelets, made of colored stri ngs. Girls like thinner and colorful

45、bracelets. Many choose to make the bracelets by themselves for their dear friends. This not only app eals more to the feeli ngs of people but also makes them know how much their friends mea n to them. People kee p the bracelets give n by their friends long. Many people choose colored stri ngs kee pi

46、ng the depth of their frien dsh ip in mind. White, yellow, orange and red show the differe nt levels of frien dsh ip. Pure frien dsh ip is show n in white; the red color mea ns love. An orange friendship bracelet is given to show strong friendship and yellow as simple friendship. Today, not only do

47、the young people sport these frien dsh ip bracelets, but even the old do. Does frien dsh ip have an age? Yes. Frie ndsh ip is like the wine, and the older you get, the older and stron ger your frien dsh ip is. 56. What is the main reas on for Para cord bracelets beco ming popu lar? A. They can bring

48、 you good luck. B. They are colorful and beautiful. C. They can be used as rescue ropes. 57. What does the un derl ined word D. They are used in the p arachute. “ durable ” in Paragraph 2 probably mean? C. Imp orta nt. D. Expen sive. A. Beautiful. B. Lon g-last ing. 58. We can lear n from the p assa

49、ge that A. Frie ndshi p Day is the first day of August B. hun ters used Para cord to catch ani mals C. few girls like thinner and colorful bracelets D. many people make the bracelets by themselves 59. What kind of bracelet shows your frien dsh ip is stro ng? A. The white frien dsh ip bracelet. B. Th

50、e red frien dsh ip bracelet. C. The orange frien dsh ip bracelet. D. The yellow frien dsh ip bracelet. 60. This p assage mainly tells readers A. the culture of frien dsh ip bracelets B. the importance of frien dsh ip C. how to celebrate Frie ndsh ip Day D. the frien dsh ip bracelet is a good gift Wh

51、at is America n cloth ing or fashi on? Can you think of a p iece of cloth ing that is conn ected with American culture? Your answer must be blue jeans. Do you know the history of these well-loved pants (裤子)? When we talk about jea ns, we may think of Levi Strauss. He did not invent jea ns, but he wa

52、s con sidered the first person to make and sell great nu mbers of them. He was born in Bavaria, an area that today is part of Germany. In 1847, he and his family came to the United States. Levi Strauss opened a small store, first in New York, the n in San Fran cisco, Califor nia. Among the products

53、he sold were jeans. These pants were especially useful for miners (矿工)in California. They n eeded cloth ing made from a strong material. Jea ns are usually made from a heavy cott on cloth. Levi Strauss partnered with a clothing maker named Jacob Davis. They worked together and found a way to make th

54、e jeans stronger. In 1873, the government gave Strauss and Davis a patent for their invention. That meant no one else could legally copy it without their permission ( 许可 ). Cowboys wore jeans in the old Wild West. In the 1950s, people saw famous Hollywood actors like James Dean and Marlon Brando wea

55、ring jeans in movies. Today jeans still come in blue mainly but also lots of other colors. They can also differ widely in price. You might find jeans for 15 dollars in a store. However, they can also sell for thousands of dollars a pair. Some people like to buy jeans that look fresh and new. Others

56、like to buy new jeans that are torn and look old. What kind of jeans do you like? 61. What s the symbol of American fashion? A. The pants. B. Blue jeans. C. American culture. D. Fashionable clothing. 62. Why were jeans popular with miners in California? A. Because the jeans were very cheap. B. Becau

57、se the jeans were comfortable to wear. C. Because the jeans were strong and wore well. D. Because the miners liked to follow the fashion. 63. How did the government protect jeans made by Strauss and Davis? A. By helping make the jeans stronger. B. By inventing new jeans with them. C. By allowing the

58、m to copy other jeans. D. By giving them the right to be the only persons to make their jeans. 64. What can we learn about jeans? A. All the new jeans look fresh. B. It was Levi Strauss who invented jeans. C. People lost interest in jeans in the 1950s. D. The jeans are different in color and price.

59、65. What s the best title of the passage? A. America loves blue jeans. B. American clothing culture. C. Wear jeans to follow American fashion. D. Different kinds of jeans in America. 第三部分 书面表达 (共两节,满分 45分 ) 第一节 阅读表达 (每小题 3分,满分 15 分 ) Most Australian children start their education at around six years old after they have spent several years in kindergartens. And at the age of 11 or 12, they go on to junior high school to spend another 3 years. Then they go to high school and receive a diploma after the twelfth grade. After high school, Australia ns ha


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