已阅读5页,还剩13页未读 继续免费阅读




1、监理工程师挂靠协议样本协议书甲方:乙方:经甲乙双方协商一致达成如下协议:一、乙方以“注册工程师执业资格证书”在甲方单位进行注册,“执业资格证书”由甲方 保存。注册工程师印章应交由乙方保存。二、甲方保证乙方的各项证书、证件在使用期间的安全与完整。甲方应保证乙方不承担监 理责任,如任何证书、证件丢失,甲方将负责承担由此造成的一切损失。乙方只按甲方要 求提供相关证书,业绩等其它一切注册事宜由甲方负责处理,乙方不承担其它连带责任。三、甲方按照注册期限支付工资,标准:第一年:按人民币每月 元执行。第一年以后按人民币每月 元执行。四、乙方在甲方单位注册成功之日起 10 日内,甲方应向乙方支付前半年工资,即

2、 元人民 币;以后甲方每半年首月 10 日内向乙方支付未来半年的工资,待双方关系解除时应结清工 资。如甲方违约不按时支付工资,延时超过 天后,甲方即构成违约,乙方有权随时撤出证书; 甲方应出具相关手续且不影响乙方续期注册的顺利进行;同时乙方保留应得工资的权利; 且甲方应向乙方支付违约金,违约金数额为应付工资的两倍。如因甲方原因不能注册成功,甲方应按时足额支付乙方工资。 工资的支付方式由双方协商解决。五、乙方在甲方单位注册期内的继续教育费用由甲方负担,如需到异地教育,应按规定为 乙方报销住宿及差旅费。六、乙方应配合甲方进行“执业资格证书”的注册工作,提供有关证件及个人资料。七、乙方“执业资格证书

3、”在甲方注册期限为 年,期满后乙方拥有选择注册单位的自 由,甲方协助办理相关手续,不应影响乙方续期注册的顺利进行;如使用该证书在甲方单 位续期注册,双方另行商定。八、本协议自乙方提供“执业资格证书”之日起生效,未尽事宜双方协商解决,协商不 成,诉讼解决。九、乙方提交执业资格证书日期: 2007 年 11 月 日。甲方法定代表人(签章):联系电话:甲方委托代理人(签章):联系电话:乙方代表人(签章):联系电话:协议签定日期: 年 月 日转 载 请 注 明 出 自 监 理 论 坛 /, 本 贴 地址:/viewth

4、read.php7tidn941根据甲、乙双方共同协商,乙方同意其国家监理工程师资格证书(证号: XXXX )在 XXX 建设监理有 限公司(甲方)注册,从事业务咨询活动,甲方付给乙方相应酬金,具体事项协议如下:一.甲方权利与义务:1、 甲方按协议每月付给乙方人民币600.00元,从二0 0六年四月二日至二0 0九年四月二日。每年酬金分两次付清,第一次于当年四月二日前付3600元,第二次于当年十月二日前付清余款,酬金直接存入银行户头,卡号:XXXX (建行)。(以上酬金计时以福建省全国注册监理工程师开始注册之日起,以公告为 准,其 它 时 间 以 此 推 算。)2、甲方应妥善保存乙方的国家监理

5、工程师岗位证书,并按规定办理证书年检,年检及继续再教育有关 费 用 由 甲 方 支 付; 注 册 印 章 由 乙 方 保管。3、甲方根据有关规定,运用乙方有关证件(身份证、学历证、职称证、资格证、注册证等)办理企业年 检、资质就位等手续。国家建造师聘用协议书甲方:乙方:身份证号码:因甲方公司发展需要,需聘用专业级建造师,经过真诚友好协商,甲方同意聘用乙方,在乙方的配合下为其办理注册手续,具体条款如下:一、聘用期限甲方聘用乙方的期限为年。即注册成功之日起往后推年。二、甲方权利与义务1、合同期间,甲方有权使用乙方的资质证书申报甲方公司的企业资质及年检。免费为乙方办理初始注册、续期注册、变更注册、年

6、检等相关手续,并在执业手册上登记聘用期间的执业情况。2、合同期间,甲方工程工程由乙方担任建造师的,须另行签订协议并支付相关责任报酬,乙方承担工程工程的相关责任;甲方工程工程乙方不担任建造师的,乙方不承担工程工程的相关责任。3、合同期间,甲方负责乙方每年的继续教育等相关费用。若乙方因工作原因,无法参加再教育学习,甲方有义务请人代之学习。4、甲方应妥善保管乙方的注册证书及其他有关材料。注册建造师执业印章 及其它证书原件应在注册成功后(10工作日内)及时交还乙方本人保管,但牵及公司年审须提供有关证书原件时,乙方有义务及时(5个工作日)向甲方提供相关证件。甲方如需使用乙方注册章时,必须将图纸 等交由乙

7、方审查,乙方同意后盖章。不得以乙方的名义进行非法活动, 否则由因此造成的后果,由甲方负相应的法律责任。5、甲方应根据协议要求,按时支付乙方的聘用工资。三、乙方权利与义务1、双方签定协议后,乙方应于 年月日向甲方提供有关资质申报及建造师 注册所需要的相关材料建造师执业资格合格证书(原件)、大学文 凭、身份证、职称证书电子扫描件、个人简历、一寸、二寸彩色相 片)。2、在甲方办理资质年检及建设行政主管部门的检查时,乙方需配合甲方 并及时提供有关身份证、职称证明文件、学历文凭等证明材料。3、甲方在申请注册期间,乙方积极配合甲方进行初始注册,以便顺利注册 成功。4、及时提醒甲方支付聘用工资及提供银行帐号

8、。四、聘用工资及支付方式经双方商定,甲方同意每年支付乙方元整聘用工资(税后)。甲方确 认乙方证书注册成功后5个工作日内,支付给乙方第一年聘用工资人民 币。甲方电汇到乙方提供的银行卡中。支付给乙方下一年度聘用工资时间 与前一年的支付日期一样。五、证书的保管完成注册后,乙方同意将注册建造师注册证书交由甲方管理,甲方应 妥善加以保管。执业印章由乙方自己保管。六、解聘1、在协议有效期内,甲乙双方不得擅自单方解除协议,如因此造成损失,由擅自解除协议一方负责。如果甲乙双方在协议期内需要变动协议,应本着相互支持与理解的原则,提前一个月通知对方,以便另一 方做好工作安排。2、如果双方同意解除协议,甲方应提前出

9、具乙方解聘证明、职业道德证 明等有关转注册证明,方便乙方办理转注的手续,并返还乙方的留存 在甲方处的所有证明文件(资格证、注册证等),不得无故刁难。3、在下列情况下,乙方有权提前解除协议:(1)甲方不能按期支付工资;(2)初始注册不成功;(3)甲方有其它违约行为。七、违约责任1、甲方按建设部门要求负责乙方在注册期内的再教育学习的一切费用及手续,如甲方无法在注册期满前完成乙方的再教育学习手续和转注册 的证明材料,造成乙方无法转注册,甲方应向乙方赔偿人民币 万元整。2、由于甲方原因发生乙方的资格证、注册证丢失或吊销,甲方赔偿乙方相关损失,其相关损失计算方法如下:资格证、注册证丢失,甲方应 负责为乙

10、方补办;不耽误乙方正常注册,否则、甲方须继续支付乙方 聘用工资到证书发下来为止3、因乙方自身原因导致资质证书被吊销,乙方应赔付甲方万元整。4、乙方必须在甲方公司注册满年,才可以转注,如提前解聘,赔付甲方 违约金元整。5、甲方必须在合同期满年,才可以解聘,如提前解聘,赔付乙方违约金 元整。八、本协议条款货币形式均为人民币。九、聘用期满,双方有意签订续聘协议,具体条件由双方另行商议,格式可采 用本协议。十、本协议自双方签定之日起生效,聘用期满解聘,聘用工资付清、相关证明文件返还乙方后失效。十一、本协议所指金额均为税后金额,如本协议发生缴税情况,均由甲方承担,本协议为劳动合同的附件之一。十二、本协议

11、一式两份,双方各执壹份,具同等效力。未尽事宜,双方再协商解决。十三、争议解决办法:原则上双方协商解决,协商不成时由人民法院裁决。十四、附则对于甲方需要乙方注册证书参与工程工程投标和工程管理经营活动,甲方将给予乙方一定的政策性责任工资补助,具体规定如下:1参与投标工程一旦有工程中标,由甲方支付给乙方相应的责任工资,具体比例是:合同造价在100万元-500万元之间的工程,责任工资为500元/月;合同造价在500万元-1000万元的工程,责任工资为1000 元/月,1000万元-5000万元之间的工程,责任工资为 1500元/月;合 同造价在5000万元以上的工程,责任工资为 3000元/月。2、

12、需要乙方到场参加会议,签署文件的,到场费省外1000元/次、省内600元/次、(限经营活动)3、建造师继续教育及上述1、2项参加经营活动到场而产生的交通费、住 宿费按规定凭发票报销。十五、补充事项:甲方:(签字盖章)代表:电话:传真:地址:签订日期: 年 月 日乙方(签字):代表:电话:传真:地址:签订日期: 年 月 日课程信息年级八年级学科1英语版本山东教育版内容标题Un it 6 How long have you bee n collect ing shells? Section A编稿老师卫然【本讲教育信息】、教案内容:Unit 6 How long have you bee n co

13、llect ing shells? Section ATalk about how long you have bee n doing thin gs.:、知识总结与归纳(一)课标单词1. collectcollector2.shell3.marath on4 .skate skater5. pair6.s ince 7.raise8.several9. stamp10.store(二)重点短语收集贝壳溜冰马拉松为慈善事业筹钱山顶学校1. collect shells2. skati ng Marath on3. a pair of skates(shoes/glasses/trousers/

14、jea ns) 双滑冰鞋4. raise money for charity5. Hilltop School6. three and a half years =three years and a half三年半-How much is a pair of skates?= How much does a(this) pair of skates cost?-How much are. the skates?= How much do_the skates cost?三)语法知识 重点句型1. How long did you sleep last night?how long 可用来询问

15、“时间多久 ”常, 用 for 或 since 等表示一段时间的短语或从句作答 . How long do you do your homework every day? For one and a half hours. 你每天做多 长时间的家庭作业 ? 一个半小时。How long were you away from school this term? Less than a week. 这学期你旷课有多长 时间 ? 不到一周的时间。 How long have you worked here? Since 1995. 你在这儿工作了多久 ? 从 1995 年起至 今。2. When d

16、id you get your first pair of skates? 你得到你的第一双滑冰鞋是什么时候? pair 意为“双;对;副”,而 a pair of 则表示“一双;一对;一副”之意。a pair of 常与由两个部分构成的物品连用。如 a pair of glasses 一副眼镜, a pair of shoes 一双鞋, a pair of trousers 一条裤子, a pair of scissors 一把剪刀, three pairs of pants 三条短 裤。3. I e been skating since I was seven years old从我 7

17、岁时起,我就一直滑冰。since 与动作发生的时间起点连用。这个时间起点既可以是短语,也可以是从句。像 since I was seven years old 和 since nine o clock 。但 for 后只能跟表示动作持续的时间长度的 短语,不能接从句。例如:The old man has been living here since five years ago.=The old man has been living here since he came here five years ago.=The old man has been living for 5 years.

18、4. where students are skating to raise money for charity. 在那儿,学生们正在为慈善事 业募集资金而滑冰。( 1) where 指前文说到的 the Hilltop School Skating Marathon, 作地点状语。 to raise money 是动词不定式作目的状语。例如:To learn English well, I often speak to foreigners. 为了学好英语,我经常和外国人进行对话。( 2) raise 动词,意为:募集,筹措(资金)。例如:Now we don t have any diff

19、iculties in raising the money for building the houses. 现在我们没有任何困难筹措这些房子的建设资金。raise 还可以表示“兴起,抬高,教育”等意义。例如:The teacher raised her voice so that the students could hear her. 这名教师提高了嗓门,以便 她的学生都听得见。5. Alison was the first one to start, 艾里森最先滑序数词或被序数词所修饰的词后的动词,往往用不定式形式作定语。例如:He is the first to arrive. 他是第

20、一个到的。另外,序数词一般需加 the,但如果由形容词性物主代词、指示代词、名词所有格等修 饰时,不用the。像前文中的 Was this your first inline skating?就是如此。6. Three and a half years. 三年半。three and a half years 也可说成: three years and a half还有: two and a half years=two years and a halfone and a half pounds=one pound and a half 但“半”的说法不同: half an hour 半小时,

21、half a kilo 半公斤。7. 现在完成进行时结构 :have/has been + v-ing.现在完成进行时态表示一个动作或状态从过去某时开始,一直延续到说话时刻还在继续进行.常与表示一段时间的状语 ,女口 for three hours, since last mon th, since two years ago 等连 用.I have bee n skati ng for five hours.He has been playing football since seven o clock.She has bee n collect ing kites since she wa

22、s eight years old.现在完成进行时也可以表示一个动作从过去某时开始,一直延续到说话时,在说话时,这个动作刚刚结束如果要强调刚刚结束”的意思,还可以用just.Where have you bee n? We have bee n look ing for you everywhere.I ve been working in the garden.We have just bee n liste ning to the radio.般过去时,现在进行时和现在完成进行时之间的区别如下表一般过去时现在进行时现在完成进行时含义主要用来表示在特定过 去时间中一次完成的动作或一度存在的状

23、态; 也表示过去的习惯动作.表示说话时正在进仃 的动作,现阶段一直 在进行的动作或存在 的状态.动作或状态从过去某时 开始,持续到现在,可 能继续下去,也可能刚 刚结束.构成was, were。行为动词的过去式be +动词-ing分词have/has been + 动词-ing 分词助动词didbe动词have/has现在完成进行时和现在完成时的区别:1. 现在完成进行时比现在完成时更强调动作的延续性;2. 如果没有时间强调,现在完成进行时表示动作仍在进行,现在完成时则表示动作已经结束;3. 现在完成进行时一般不适用于表状态的动词,而现在完成时则适用。【典型例题】一、用动词的适当形式填空1.

24、My mother(clea n) the house whe n I came back.*2. He(write) the letter to his pen pal si nee 9 o clock.*3. How longyour uncle(be) in the city?4. I really enjoy(play) tennis after school.*5. He said that he(return) the book in three weeks.二、选择填空*6.have you bee n away from your hometow n?A. How soo nB

25、. How far C. How long D. How ofte n*7.exercise you take,will feel.A. Much。healthy B. The more。the healthier C. More。healthier*8. How long have you stayed here? two days.A. ForB. InC. ByD.ToA. stays B. stayedC. is stayingD. has stayed*10. There s enough for us in the lift.A. ground B. floor C. place

26、D. room 模拟试卷】 (答题时间: 50 分钟)、单项选择*1. How long have you been shells? About four years.A. collect B. to collect C. collectingD. to collecting*2. have you studied in the school? Since 2005.A. How soonB. How oftenC. How longD. When*3. He has lived here.A. for three years agoB. three years agoC. since thr

27、ee years agoD. since three years4. They for five days last winter.A. skateB. have skated C. skatedD. will skate*5. When you your first skates? Last week.A. do, buyB. have bought C. did, buyD. will, buy*6. This is lesson.A. our the firstB. our firstC. us the first D. us first7. We skated a marathon l

28、ast year.A. at B. in C. ofD. for*8. We skating since we were seven years old.A. wereB. have been C. began D. are9. They want to raise money charity.A. for B. ofC. aboutD. on*10. Li Ming is always the first student to school.A. getB. gettingC. to get D. to getting、根据首字母和括号内所给词填空1. I ve been s for fiv

29、e years.2. When did you get your first p of skates.3. Thanks for giving me the snow g of the monster.4. We ve r out of room to store them.5. Li Lei is i in English.*6.I ll do my (well) to learn English well.*7. He has saved a lot of people s (life) since he became a doctor.*8. The dog has been (die)

30、 for two hours.9. What does Mr King say about (travel) to China?10. We (shall) listen to the teacher carefully in class.、用 since 或 for 填空1. They have been waiting half an hour.2. The baby has been sleeping eight o clock.3. The girl has been practicing guitar an hour.4. He has been studying English h

31、e was eight years old.5. They have been skating twenty hours.6. He has been drawing two hours ago.7. The girl has been standing half an hour ago.8. They have been watching TV an hour and a half.四、用所给动词的适当形式填空1. I (buy) a beautiful pen. When you (buy) it?*2. He ( not post) the letter for me? It is st

32、ill on his desk.*3. While the Reads (have) supper, the bell rang.4. He (fall) off the bike last week, so he (feel) terrible.5. He (ride) his bike this time yesterday.*6. He (look for) his lost brother these years.*7. What have you done with the apples? We have just (eat) them.* 五、补全对话 (A)A: What do

33、you ?B: I collect .A: How long have you been stamps ?B:I have been collecting stamps I was a child.A: You are great.B: .(B).A: Hi, Joy. What are you doing ?B: I am a picture.A: How long have you ?B: I have been drawing I was six years old.A: You mean you began to draw seven years ?B: Yes, you re rig

34、ht.* 六、阅读理解 .Chemists have been studying why people cry. They say the body produces two kinds of tears. One kind cleans out the eye if it gets dirt in it. But when people cry because of their feelings, these tears have poisonous chemicals in them. The body is getting rid of chemicals produced by str

35、ong feelings.In the United States men have hearts diseases more often than women do. Doctors say heart disease and some other diseases have something to do with the pressure. Perhaps men suffer more from these diseases because they do not cry enough. And it is possible that as more and more women wo

36、rk outside their home, they will also suffer from more pressures. Then everyone will need to cry more.()1. Chemists are trying to understand .A. how many kinds of tears the body makesB. why people cryC. the diseases in a moder n societyD. why men have heart diseases more tha n wome n()2. What is hap

37、pe ning now?A. More wome n are now worki ng outside their homes.B. More men tha n wome n are now crying.C. The poison found in the tears is killing more and more people.D. Heart diseases are on the rise.()3. Why do people cry?A. They can get rid of the pois on produced by strong feeli ngs.B. For no

38、reas on at all.C. They cry whe n some one they know dies from a heart disease.D. People cry because they have to work outside their homes.()4. Heart disease and other diseases have someth ing to do with.A. chemicalsB. cryin gC. pressureD. tears()5. Men have heart disease more ofte n tha n wome n bec

39、ause.A. there s something special in the man s bodyB. men suffer more from their work tha n wome n doC. men have to work outside their homesD. there s no poison in women s tears你热愛生命吗节那么别浪费时间,因为时间是组成生/谕的材料-富兰克林【试卷答案】一、1. C 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. C二、1.skat ing, 2.pair 3.globe 4.r

40、un 5.i nterested6. best 7.lives 8.dead 9. traveli ng 10.should三、1. for 2. since 3. for 4. since 5. for 6. since 7. since 8. for四、1. has bought, did buy, 2. hasn t postedefe having 4. fell, felt 5. was riding6. has bee n look ing for 7. eate n五、A. collect, stamps, collecting, since, Thanks B. drawing

41、, been drawing, since, ago 六、B A A C B课程信息年级八年级学科英语版本山东教育版内容标题Un it 6 How long have you bee n collect ing shells? Section B编稿老师卫然本讲教育信息】. 教案内容:Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? Section B Talk about how long you have been doing things. 知识总结与归纳: 一)课标单词1. monster 2. globe3. anyone 4. par

42、ticularly5. common 6. extra7. coin8. topic9. been10. writer11. capital12. European13. Russian14. JewishJew 15. thousand 16. emperor17. foreigner18. quite 19. certain20. the Olympic Games21. miss二)重点短语1. collect stamps2. in fact 实际上3. run out of room 4. by the way5. on the way to 6. start a snow glob

43、e collector7. be interested in8. fly kites9. the most commonhobby10. more than=over11. organize a talent show12. extra English lessons13. as a writer冃並最普集邮占尽了地方顺便说一下 在去的路上开办雪球仪收集者俱乐部对感兴趣放风筝超过通的爱好举办才艺展示额外的英语课作为一名作家(三)语法知识重点句型1. Thanks for sending me the snow globe of the monster. In fact I think it p

44、srobably my favorite.谢谢你送我的怪物雪球仪。事实上,我想它可能是我的最爱。thanks for 为而感谢 Thank you for asking me to your party. thanks to 幸亏 Thanks to your help, I can finish the work on time.2. My mom says I have to stop, because weve run out of room to store them.妈妈说我必须停止了,因为我们已经没有地方来存放它们了。a. have to 不得不,强调被外界或他人所迫而不得不做某事

45、; must 侧重于主观的看法, 自己认为“必须”做什么。I must tidy up the room. (主观想法)I have to tidy up the room. (客观需要)b. I have run out of the money.c. room 空间在这里是不可数名词There is no room for you to sit down.3. The first one I ever got was a birthday cake snow globe on my twelfth birthday. 我得到的第一个雪球仪是我十二岁生日得到的生日蛋糕雪球仪。4. I par

46、ticularly love globes with animals. If you know anyone else who collects them, please tell me.我特别喜欢动物雪球仪。如果你知道其他人收集它们的话,请告诉我。5. By the way, what s your hobby?便问一下,你的爱好是什么?by the way 是插入语,用以提出一个新的话题By the way, are you free this evening?6. I m interested in the job as a writer.7. The school newspaper

47、needs a writer. We will give you different topics to choose from. To get the job, please answer these four questions.校报需要一个撰稿人。我们会给你一些不同的话题来选择。要得到这份工作,请回答这 样的四个问题。8. How many Chinese dynasties can you think of? 你能想起多少中国朝代?9. Can you think of famous characters from the history of other countries? Mak

48、e a list. 从其他国家历史中,你能记起一些著名人物吗?列个表。10. In fact, the first Jews probably came to Kaifeng more than a thousand years ago and were welcomed by the Song Emperor.事实上,第一批犹太人可能在一千多年前就来到开封而且受到宋朝皇帝的欢迎。11. For a foreigner like me, the more I learn about Chinese culture, the more I enjoy living in China.对于一个像我

49、这样的外国人来说,我对中国文化了解越多,我就越喜欢住在中国。the morethe more表示随某一事物的程度加深,另一事物的程度随之加深。The harder you study, the better you will do.12. And although I live quite far from Beijing, Iertain I will be hmerce for the Olympic Gamesin 2008.尽管我住得离北京很远,但我相信 2008 年奥运会我一定在这儿。certain 是形容词,表示“确信”“有把握”。与be sure 意思相近,可以换用。be cer

50、tain to do sth./be sure to do sth. 一定会做某事【典型例题】1. have you been away from your hometown? For about 13 years.A. How soon B. How far C. How long D. How often2. exercise you take, you will feel.A. Much, healthy B. The more, the healthier C. More, healthier3. How long have you stayed here? two days.A. F

51、or B. In C. By D. To4. Oh, there isn t enough for us in the lift. No hurry. Let swait for the next.A. ground B. floor C. place D. room5. We have been friends we joined the same ping-pong team.A. after B. before C. since D. until6. In our city, middle school students want to work as a teacher in the

52、future.A. thousand B. thousand of C. thousands of D. two thousand of7. Henry speaks Chinese very well. He in China since 2002.A. stays B. stayed C. is staying D. has stayed8. Jenny has a hobby of (收集) shells.9. He said that he ( return) the book in three days.10. He is (肯定) to come again.模拟试卷】 (答题时间

53、: 60 分钟) 、根据句意和所给首字母,填写单词。1. It s quite dark outside. It s p 9 o clock in the evening.2. There are altogether seven p in this passage.3. I can s my lunch with you if you forget to bring yours.*4. The cake t sour. It may have gone off.5. He likes collecting telephone cards. He is a telephone card c.*

54、6. Did you n that Miss Green changed her hairstyle?7. Those peasants live in a small v in the west.8. Wang Lin speaks English fluently. He sounds like n speaker. 单项选择*1. We for about half an hour but you just 5 minutes ago.A. have run, startB. have been running, startedC. have been running, have sta

55、rted D. have run, been starting2. A: When you to play tennis?B: When I was five years old.A. did, start B. have, start C. have, started D. have, been starting3. A: How long have you been collecting coins?B: .A. Three years ago B. Three yearsC. Since three years D. For three years ago4. A: have they been skating?B: For about two hours.A. When B. How long C. How much D. What time*5. These children have been studying English for .A. two years and a half B. two and a half yearC. two


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