



1、精品教学教案Unit4 P ets教学设计(第一课时) 标签:unit p ets 教学设计第一课教学内容:剑桥小学英语(JOIN IN )( Book1 ) Unit4 Pets 的第一课时:词了匚:pet frog fish hamster rabbit dog mouse cat budgie 句型:-Have you got a pet ?-Yes, I have .-What have you got ?-( A cat .) 教学目标:知识与能力目标:听、说、认读 pet frog fish hamster rabbit dog mouse cat budgie2.能在真实的交际情

2、景中运用下列句型与同伴交流:-Have you got a pet ?-Yes, I have .-What have you got ?- ( A cat .)情感态度价值观目标:1. 在同伴和小组活动中,能积极地与同伴交流,表达真实、自然。2. 对学生进行德育渗透,树立保护动物、保护大自然、保护环境的意识。教学手段:课件磁带图片教学过程:Ste p1 Warming-upGreet ings and free talk.How areGlad to meet you .T : Good morning, boys and girls.you ?(自由对话是心灵的交汇,通过师生充满热情的交谈

3、,拉近了彼此的距离。) Ste p2 Lead-in(创设情境,导入新课)T : My dear childre n, let s liste n to a cha nt. After you liste n, pl ease tell mewhat you can hear. Ready?(放录音 Chant )“ dcfgogandT : What can you hear? (At this time,childre n may sayso on , because they have lear ned the two words last year.)T : OK! dog , fro

4、g ,cat ,mouse ,they are all pets.(板题、领读)I like p ets, do you like p ets?T : Today , let s go out of the classroom and go to a pets supermarket. OK? Now, please stand in a line .(生离开座位站队)T : One, two, ready, go! (The pup ils dan ce).(音乐起,学生一个个跳起兔子舞回座位)(听轻松活泼的英文歌曲,可以为学生营造浓厚的英语氛围,师生通过站队 集合,然后跳兔子舞进入宠物超市

5、,打破了传统教学的枯燥形式,激起了学生的 学习兴趣。)T : OK. We ve arrived.(音乐停,出示超市图)Look! This is the p ets sup ermarket. There are so many p ets here. Are they lovely? Yeah! They are very lovely.T : Look at the p ets , p lease. Do you know their En glish n ames? Do you have any questi ons?s this?T : (Some of the pupils ma

6、y come to the front and ask : What What s this?)(运用媒体展开pets的画面,让学生一开始就置身于宠物超市的情景中,充 分调动他们的学习积极性。)Ste p3 P rese ntati on and p ractiseA . Study the words1. (1). frogT :(出示荷叶图、蛙叫)Listen! What s this? Can you guess?T : (They have lear ned frog in Grade 3, so some of them can say frog ).T : Oh! It s a f

7、rog (出示青蛙)Follow me, frog frog ( 板书、领读)Do you like frog?T : If you like it , you can get it from your desk.s a lovely fish. Read after me. fish fish ( 板书、领读) PI ease get it .(2). fish T :(出示 fish) Wow! ItWho d like fish?“ Hi !l m a hamster . I like eating .”)板书、领读)If you like(3). hamster T :(出示 hams

8、terHello, Mr hamster! Follow me , hamster hamster (it, you can get it .(4). rabbitLook! This is a(板书、领读)Who likesT : Boys and girls , this way please. (出示 rabbit)rabbit. Read after me, p lease. rabbit rabbit rabbit? Take it, pl ease.(5). dogT :(出示狗叫声)Listen! Who s it ? Please guess.T : ( The pup ils

9、 can say dog , because they have lear ned it in Grade 3.)T : Yes, it s a dog示 dog) Read after me, dog dog ( 板书、领读)Who d like dog? PI ease get it .(6). mouse”)T :( 出示 mouse “ Hi, every one! My n ame is mouse. Do you like me? T : Hi, Miss mouse! Follow me, mouse mouse (板书、领读)I don t like mouse, do you

10、 like mouse ? Oh! You like mouse, you can get it .(7). catT :(出示猫叫声)listen! What s it ?T : Yes. It s a(出示 cat) Follow me, cat cat ( 板书、领读)If you like it, pl ease get it.(8). budgieT : (出示 budgie )This is a budgie. It s beautiful. Followme, budgie budgie ( 板书、领读)I like budgie best, what about you?(利用

11、学生提出的问题学习新单词, 充分发挥了学生的主体性,积极性也更高 一些,在教学单词时利用多媒体显示色彩鲜艳的宠物图片、单词及其叫声,既能刺激学生的视觉,吸引学生的注意力,又能给学生以直观感知,学生自然印象深 刻。)2. Practice(1)看图片说单词并将其贴黑板上。T : Oh! I m tired. Let s play a game.Look at the pictures,l have got manyp ets. Now, pl ease say their En glish n ames and mime the actions if youlike.(师出示图片,生看图说单词并

12、模仿动作)T : Who can help me? Please come here.(请一些学生上台当小老师)(2)师出示单词,学生快速做动作或模仿其叫声。T : Look at the words, mime the acti ons as quickly as po ssible.(小学生注意力集中的时间比较短,约为17分钟,所以在他们大脑开始疲倦的时候做一些游戏活动,不仅调节了大脑,同时也巩固了所学知识。)B. Study the sentence1. T : Now, I have got a p et. What is it ? Can you guess?(Whe n they

13、guess the p ets, they can go over the words aga in.)T : Yeah! You are right, I have got a pet. It s板a书0领读 I havegot a pet. ) T : Have you got a pet?( If you have got a pet,you can say: Yes, I have.) What haveyou got?Oh! You havegot a dog? What colour is it? Black and white.Yeah! A lovely dog.(Asksev

14、eral pupils in this way. )(连续问几名学并板书领读)2. P racticeT : All of us have got p ets. Now, p lease ask your partner: Have you got ap et? What have you got? What colour is it? Make a dialogue in groups.(学生拿宠物图片编对话)T : Who d like to act out your dialogue? PI ease come here.(在这一环节,教师为学生创设真实的交际场景,让学生拿宠物卡片模拟表

15、 演,在真实的情景中去感知、体会、实践,从而轻松地掌握新知识,整个教学过 程循序渐进,训练覆盖面广,更能培养学生大胆表达和创新的能力。)Ste p4 HomeworkT : Today, we have learned many pets, they are frog、 cat、 fish、 dog、mouse 、 rabbit 、 budgie and hamster. After class, you can draw your favourite pet and colour it, the n ask your partner about their p ets.Com plete t

16、he form.T : If you wan to know more p ets in formatio n,you can surf in ternet and search(引导学生观察板书,与教师一起整理本节课所学内容,使学生对所学知识有系 统认识的同时,提高了语言表达能力,通过设置多样的、有系统性的作业,做到 了面向全体学生,帮助他们及时复习掌握所学知识,让学生上网查询更多的宠物资料,既能拓展知识,激发学生学习英语的欲望,同时也为他们继续深入学习奠 定了基础。)Step5 Con solidatio nT : Now, let s say the chant together.(出示课件)(利用富有节奏感的来巩固练习所学内容, 给学生一种感觉新颖的独特效果,增 强了语感,培养了学生的音乐节奏智能,做到了首尾呼应,又活跃了课堂气氛。) Ste p6 P ermeate virtue teachi ng(德育渗透,树立环保意识)T : Boys and girls, are the pets lovely? Yeah!It s lovely!T : I like them. Do you like them? Yes.T : P ets are our frie n


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