



1、M4U3 词 性 转 换精品资料M4U3单词及词性转换1. virtual adj.(通过计算机软件)虚拟的,模拟的;很接近的,实际上的realityn.现实,事实virtual reality虚拟世界in reality事实上;在现实中2. present vt.展示,介绍;颁发;提交,出示presentation n.展示,介绍;颁发;提交,,出示 ”、,3. amaze vt.使惊奇,使惊诧 amazement n.惊奇 amazed adj.感至U惊奇的 amaz ing adj.令人惊奇的4. passive adj.被动的 active adj.主动的5. sightseeing

2、n.观光,浏览 go sightseeing去观光6. social adj.社交的,交际的;社会的 society n.社会;团体;协会7. Brazilian adj.巴西的n.巴西人8. winning adj.制胜的,获胜的score the winning goal踢进关键的一球9. con fide nt adj.自信的;肯定的,有把握的 be/fell con fide nt of sth/that 对有信心的;有把握的 con fide nee n信心10. put forward 提出,提议 put forward an argument提出不同意见11. disappoin

3、ted adj.失望的,沮丧的 be disappointed at /by对很失望disappo inting adj.让人失望的,令人扫兴的 disappo in tme nt n.失望,灰心, 扫兴12. disabled adj.有残疾的丧失能力的disable v.使丧失能disability n.无能力;残 疾able adj能干的unable adj.不能的enable v.使能够 ability n.能力13. convenience n.方便,便禾U ; 便禾U的设施或用具 at oneconvenience在某人、方便的时候 to one convenienee对某人方便(

4、合适)for convenience为了方便起见convenient adj.方便的,便禾的14. secure adj.安全的;有把握的;稳固的,坚固的security n安全15. injure vt.伤害,损害 get injured 受伤16. biology n.生物学 biologist n.生物学家17. disadvantage n缺点;不利因素,障碍 advantage n优势,优点,好处 at adisadvantage 处于不禾U地位 to one disadvantage 对某人不禾U have the advantage of sb上匕某人强,占上风 take adv

5、antage of sb. / sth.禾U用Word power-Grammar18. electric adj.电的,电动的 electricity n.电;电流19. liquid adj. & n.液体(的)liquid soap 液体皂20. powder n.粉末; 火药 washing powder洗衣粉21. accuse sb of sth./doing sth控告某人某事 charge sb. with sth./ doing sth.控告某 人某事blame sb. for sth. / doing sth.责备某人做某事22. fade vi.逐渐消失;(使)变淡;走下

6、坡路,衰落one dream began to fade某人的梦想逐渐消失23. constant adj.连续发生的,不断的;恒定的 constantly adv.一24. function vi.起作用,正常运转 n.作用,功能;职能function properly运转正常function as sb. / sth .起作用;具有功能Project p5825. pack vt.收拾(行李),装箱;包装 n.纸袋,纸盒;大背包;一群,一捆, 一包pack up打包;收拾get sth packed把打包好26. exit n.出口;离去,退场 vi. & vt.出去,离去,退场 at t

7、he exit在出口27. escape vi. & vt.逃跑,逃离,逃脱;避免,避开;被遗忘,被忽视fireescape太平梯、安全梯;安全出口 escape +n./doing逃避(做)某事 escape from 从逃跑,逃脱 escape punishmen逃脱惩罚 make onWs escape 逃跑a n arrow/ near escaped 死一生28. terror n.惊恐,恐惧in terror恐惧的terrify vt.使感到恐怖;恐吓terrify o doing 吓唬某人做be terrified at/ with 被吓一跳29. zip vt.&v

8、t.(使沿某方向)快速移动;拉上拉链 n.拉链zip by飞速交替30. evolve vi.进化;逐渐形成evolution n.进化;进化论仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢331. impression n.印象,感想impress vt. (使)敬佩;(使)留下深刻印象 make/leave an impression on sb给某人留下印象 make no impression onX寸无影响/效果 impress sth. on/upon sb使某人铭记某事 impress sb. with/at/by sth.某事/物给某人留下印象impressed adj.钦佩的,

9、印象深刻的(What impressed sb. most ) is 给某人印象最深刻的是 be impressed by / with / at 被深深打动,对影响深刻M4U3 Words and Phrases in Word power & Grammar..9.40.make a profit赚取利润make an improveme nt =improvef故出改进play an

10、 importa nt role/part in 在中起重要作用set up=fo un d=establish建立end in failure以失败告终have fu n玩得快乐for fun为了好玩一see sbdoing sth.sb. be seendoing sth.(动作正在进行)see sbdo sth.sb. be seen todo sth.(看到一个过程)(类似的词还有: watch, find, observe)get changed 换衣服 get dressed 穿衣服last but not least最后但同样是重要的一take a virtual car tri

11、p to做一次虚拟的汽车旅行reduce the n eed for减少对的需求be of great ben efit to =be very ben eficial to对很有禾 U( p50)be bored with=be tired of=be fed up with 对厌倦be puzzled by对迷惑不解over time经过一段时间accuse sb of sth./do ing sth控 告某人某事 charge sb. with sth./ doing sth 控告某人某事 blame sb. for sth. / doi ng sth.责备某人做某事 close dow

12、 n 关闭concen trate on =focus on=fix on6s atte nti on on 全神贯注于one dream bega n to fade某人的梦想逐渐消失make good judgeme nts作出正确判断 add to使增强、使增加、使扩大add up to加起来是,相当于addto把加到上draw con clusi on s=reach con clusi on s=arrive at con clusi on s=come to con clusi ons 得出结论sendinto spac把送上天find his computer broken 发现

13、他的电脑坏了、”、concerning =regarding=about prep.(表示论及)关于,有关,就而论,涉 及look into the problem调查这个问题in worse con diti on 状况更差function vi.起作用,正常运转 n.作用,功能;职能 function properly运转正 常function as sb. / sth .起作用;具有功能at break在休息时间 at lun chtime在午餐时间hit sb. on the heac打在某人的头上(身体部位前需用the ) out of date过时的,陈旧的、carry out a survey=make a survey展开一个调查 desire for希望得至U41.42.It is believed that the new products will sfiJJ well in the future.i.表示主语的内在品质或性能的不及物动词如write, read, clea n, sell,was


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