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1、第一周代词练习题、根据题意,用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Mary is a friend of. ( I )2. This is( she ) ruler.( I ) is in the bag.3. Her brother is too young to look after( he )4. This is( I ) book. This book is( I ).5. These pens are( we ).:、填写下列表格。人称代词我我们你们他她它他们主格宾格形容词性 物主代词名词性物 主代词反身代词三、改写下列句子Eg, This is my book.The book is mi

2、ne.1. That is her ruler.2. These are their footballs. 3. This is my backpack .4. Those are your boxes. 四、把下列句子改写成复数。1. This is a butterfly.2. That is a bus.3. It is a mouse.五、改错。1. This is mi ne lamp.2. These are ours books.3. That are their teacher.4. The house is my brother.5. He has visited many

3、country.6. They are Chin eses.7. This is Tom red bike.二、填空1. Shes a teacher . This isbag.2. Hes a driver. This istaxi.3. I am a boy .n ame is Peter.4. -Whatn ame? - My n ame is Tony.5. It my puppy.n ame is Mimi.三、选择()1.Your book is not so old as. A. him B. he C. his D. she()2.book is it ? It .A. Who

4、se her B. Whose hers C. Who hers D. Whom her()3. He is a friend of. A. our B. us C. my D. mi ne()4. My uncle bought a new bike for.A. theirs B. they C. meD. I()5. Here s a past for you, Jim! Oh,is from my friend, Mary.A. heB. itC. sheD. it s()6. Little Baby knows that he should not take the things t

5、hat do not bel ong to.A. heB. hisC. her D. him()7. Will anyone go on a trip with him ? Not.A. IB. meC. mi neD. he()8. Among those lovely toys, the brow n toy dog was give n by.A. he B. hisC. himD. he s四、改错1. I, you and he are all teachers. 2. This is mine teddy bear.3. These are ours bags.4. These i

6、s their teachers.第二周名词练习题一、写出下列名词的复数形式1.computer2.apple3.city4.house5.sheep6.watch7.tomato8.child9.tooth10.foot11.wife12.potato13.play14.day15.glass16.radio17.zoo18. life19. story20.leaf21. baby22.dress23.butterfly24. deer25.class26.brush27.key28. En glish29.mouse30. man二、汉译英1. Tom的足球2.老师们的自行车3 学生们的

7、课桌4.哥哥的文具盒5.姑姑的卡片6.猴子们的香蕉7.蚂蚁们的早餐8.妈妈的包9.姐姐的连衣裙10女孩们的苹果三、把下列句子翻译成英文1 这些 是Peter的篮球吗? 2. 这个是老师的钢笔吗? 3. 有一些书在 Sam的课桌上。4. 有一些孩子们在教室里。 四、 改错(圈出错处,在横线上改正过来)1. There are some butterflys on the table. 2. This is Alice dress.3like tomato very much.五、将下列句子变成复数形式。1. This dog is brown.2. There is a book and a p

8、en on the table.3. That woma n is a teacher.能力测试卷(名词)、将下列名词变成复数形式。1.pla netreelessonmon thappleshirt2. boxbusbrushwatchclassfox3.k nifelifeleafWifethief4.dayboymon keybabycountrystory5.photoradiopia notomatohero6. childtoothmanSheepEn glishChin ese二、选择填空1. There are twoin the room.A. Chin esesB. En

9、glishma n2.The old man will haveout.A. two toothsB. two teeth3.are sold in this bookstore.A. Childre ns books B. Childre n books4. Some friends ofwill come here.A. John s B.John5. Can you give me?A.some papersB. a piece of paper6.There areon the floor.A. some boxB. some boxes四、将下列句子变成复数形式。1. This sh

10、eep is white.2. There is a desk and a chair in the room.3. That man is a doctor.、写出相邻的数词第三周冠词和数词在下列句中空白处填入适当冠词,不需用冠词处划X。1. There ispicture ofelephant onwall .2. This isuseful book . ve read it forhour .3. elephant is much heavier thanhorse .4. doctor told him to takemedicine three timesday .5 . Lets

11、 go out forwalk .6 . Its too hot. Opendoor, please.7 . There iswoman over there . woman is Meimeis mother .8 .sun rises ineast .9 .Changjiang River islon gest river inChina10 . Are you going to do itsecond time ?11. Washington iscapital ofUSA .12 .Turners are living at the end ofTurner Street .13 .

12、He joined the army inspring of1995 .14 . old man isteacher . He likes playingbasketballaftersupper .15 . After I hadquick breakfast , I hurried to school .16 . Aresheep kept byfarmers for produc ingwool andmeat?17 . They went toPeoples Park , but we both went toPeoplesCin ema yesterday .18 . I often

13、 watchTV inevening .19 .day ofDecember 20 , 1999 is Monday .20 . Tomorrow is Christmas Day and my father and I went to chooseChristmas tree today .21. I thinkmaths is more important than any other subject .22 . He often goes toschool bybike .23 . What does thisword mean , Father?1. twenty 3. twelve

14、5. ninety 7. thirty-eight 9. one thousand二、选择正确答案2. five 4. fifty-eight _6. seventy8. one hundred-10. one1. There are days in a year.A. three hun dreds sixty-five B. three hun dreds and sixty-fiveC. three hun dred and sixty-fiveD. three hun dred and sixty five2. There are students in this school.A.

15、eight hun dreds and forty-sixC. eight hun dred and forty-six3.My brother is in A. Three Class, One GradeC. Grade One, Class ThreeB. eight hun dred and forty sixD. eight hun dred forty-sixB. Class Three, Grade OneD. class three, grade one4. He was doing some washing .A. at eight yesterday morningB. y

16、esterday morning eightC. yesterday morning at eightD. by eight yesterday morning5. There are mon ths in a year. December is the month of the year.A. twelve; twelveB. twelve; twelfth C. twelfth; twelveD. twelve; twelveth6.Sunday is the day of the week.A. seve nthB. first C. seco nd D. third7.Autu mn

17、is seas on in a year.A. the fourthB. the third C. a thirdD. third8. Tom was to get to school and I was .A. first; ninthB. the first; the ninth C. a first; a ninthD. the sec ond; the ninth9. Whatthe date today? It .A. Friday B. time to go C. cloudyD. June 4th第四周 -般现在时态专项练习写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式postlikerides

18、tudyeatvisithavewatchstoppassgiveflyjumprisewriteteachgoreadswimdo、单项选择()1.you have a book ?A DoB. AreC. IsD. Have( )2.Does Li Lei like to watch TV?A. Yes, he like.B. No, he doesn .C. Yes, hed like.D. No, he likes.()3.She does nther homework in the after noon.A. doingB. to doC.doesD.do()4.HowMr. Smi

19、thto England?A. do, goB. is , goC. does, goD. does ,goes()5.shehome at six every day?A. Is ,leave B.Does , leave C. Is , leaves D.Does , left三、用下列动词的适当形式填空1.1( get ) up at 6 o lock every day.2. My father(have) a lovely dog.3. He(go ) to school on foot.4.She(do ) not like watching TV .5. They(play) f

20、ootball every Sun day afternoon.四、按要求完成下列各题.Tomorrow is Saturday.(变成一般疑问句)Saturday2. Does he play basketball every weekend?(肯定回答)Yes,3.She looks like her sister.(变一般疑问句)shelike her sister ?4. Peter and Sam look the same.(一般疑问句 )theythe same5. Do they always go to the movie (电影院)on Sun days ?(否定回答)No

21、, .五、英汉互译Tom经常放学后(after schooI) 踢足球。我喜欢唱歌。He ofte n goes to school on foot.Childre n like to play this game.今天是星期日。能力测试卷一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式(一般现在时)writebuygostophavedoflygiveswimrideplaywatchstudycryreadworkrisegocomecarry二、用动词的适当形式填空1. He(go) to school on foot.2. Shenot like watching TV .(do)3. My fat

22、her(have) a lovely dog.4. I ofte n( get ) up at six every morning.5. My mother( work) in a school.三、英汉互译他经常在周六的时候读英语。 Peter每天都帮助妈妈做家务。Tom always plays football after school.4. I get up at six o lock every day.The coat fits (适合)me very well.第五周现在进行时态练习一、写出下列动词的现在分词形式stayworktakedospe ndgiveliste nloo

23、kridesuffermakepleaserefuseputwinclosesitbeginoperaterunope ndietielie二、用所给动词的适当形式填空1. Mary and Lucy are(da nee) now.2. Liste n! Some one is(play) the pia no in the n ext room.3. He is(sweep) the floor at the mome nt.4. Look ! The cat(eat) the fish on the table.5. A:you(study) French ?B: Yes , I am.

24、6. She often(da nee) after school.7. My father and mother(swim) in the pond.8. My sister is(fly) a kite in the garde n.9. We are(watch) TV now.10. Be quiet ! The baby(sleep) now.11. He(play) in the classroom now.12. She often(da nee) after school.13. My sister is(fly) a kite in the park.14. My paren

25、ts(父母)(swim) in the pond.三、改错1. We are clea nning our classroom.2. She is sing in the n ext room.3. What am you doi ng?4. Mary is come ing back from Beijing.5. He ofte n flyi ng kites on Sun days. 6. They is readi ng books now.7. My brother is plays the guitar now.8. Sally is danceing in the room. 9

26、. I watchi ng TV at home now. 10. Do you listening the radio now? 四、英汉互译1. 他正在教室里做作业。 2. We are readi ng En glish now.3. Peter 和 Billy 正在操场上(in the playground )打篮球。4. Look ! A bird is flyi ng in the sky.5. 公共汽车来了。 6. 刘先生经常在周日的时候(on Su ndays)看英语书。7. He isn playi ng games. He is studyi ng.8. 孩子们在摘(pic

27、k)苹果。9. That son of yours is always making troubles ( 捣舌L).10. 你们正在做什么?11. Billy正在教室里做作业。 12. My mother always clea ns the house on Saturdays.13. 你正在做什么? 14. 他们没有踢足球,他们在打篮球。 15. The bus is coming.第六周 一般将来时练习题()1. Therea meet ing tomorrow after noon.A. will be going to B. will going to be C. is going

28、 to be D. will go to be()2. Charliehere n ext mon th.A. is n t work ingB. does n t work in gD. is n t going to work ing D. won t work()3. Hevery busy this week, hefree n ext week.A. will be; is B. is; is C. will be; will beD. is; will be()4. Therea dolph in show in the zoo tomorrow evening.A. was B.

29、 is going to have C. will have D. is going to be ()5. -youfree tomorrow?- No. Ifree the day after tomorrow.A. Are; going to; willB. Are; going to be; willC. Are; going to; will beD. Are; going to be; will be()6. Motherme a nice prese nt on my n ext birthday.A. will gives B. will give)7. -Shall I buy

30、 a cup of tea for you?A. No, you won tB. No, you aren)8. -Where is the morning paper?-C. givesD. give.(不,不要。)Ct. No, please don t. D. No, please.Iif for you at once.A. getB. am getti ng C. to get D. will get()9.a concert next Saturday?A. There will be B. Will there be C. There can be D. There are()1

31、0. If they come, wea meeti ng.A. have B. will haveC. had D. would have()11. Heher a beautiful hat on her next birthday.A. gives B. gaveC. will givi ngD. is going to givi ng()12. Heto us as soon as he gets there.A. writesB. has writte nC. will writeD. wrote()13. Hein three days. A. coming back B. cam

32、e backC. will come backD. is going to coming back()14. If ittomorrow, we-skaJingollerA. isn t rainB.won t rainC. doesn t rain D. doesn t fine()15. -Will his parents go to see the Terra Cotta Warriors tomorrow?-No,(不去)A. they willnB. tthey wontC. they arenD.t.they don t.()16. Whoweswim ming with tomo

33、rrow after noon?A. will; goB. do; goC. will; goingD. shall; go()仃.Wethe work this way next time.A. doB. will doC. going to doD. will doing()18. Tomorrow hea kite in the open air first, and thenboati ng in the park.A. will fly; will goB. will fly; goesC. is going to fly; will goes D. flies; will go()

34、19. The day after tomorrow theya volleyball match.A. will watch ing B. watches C. is watch ing D. is going to watch()20. Therea birthday party this Sun day.A. shall be B. will be C. shall going to be D. will going to be()21. Theyan En glish evening next Sun day.A. are hav ingB. are going to haveC. w

35、ill hav ingD. is going to have()22.youfree n ext Sun day?A. Will; areB. Will; be C. Do; beD. Are; be()23. Hethere at ten tomorrow morning.A. willB. isC. will beD. be()24.your brothera magaz ine from the library?A. Are; going to borrow B. Is; going to borrowC. Will; borrowsD. Are; going to borrows()2

36、5. -Shall I come aga in tomorrow after noon? - (好的)A. Yes, please B. Yes, you will. C. No, please. D. No, you won t.()26. Itthe year of the horse next year.A. is going to be B. is going to C. will be D. will is第七周基数与序数写出下列基数词和序数词.123591112132071228328343647二、英汉互译.第五单元第59中学五年级四班Bus No.47:077+8=151994

37、年352one o eightTeam Seven第三行第5小学five little mice第六号房间三、用括号内所给数词的正确形式填空.1. We are in Class ).2. We have(12) mon ths of the year.December is the 2) one.3. This is my(1) bag.4. My birthday is Dec.21).5.1 have3) books .I like my3) book.1. My gran dmother isold.A. seve ntieth B.seve nty year C.seve nty y

38、ears D.seve nties2. people visit this museum every day.A. Hun dred B. Hu ndredsC. hu ndred ofD. Hu ndreds of3. There are twopeople in the meet ing room.A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundred of4. We can say the nu mber 78,645 in En glish like this.A. seve nty-eight thousa nd and six hun dr

39、ed and forty-fiveB. seve nty-eight thousa nd six hun dred and forty fiveC. seventy-eight thousand six hundred and forty-fiveD. seve nty eight thousa nd six hun dred and forty-five5. M on day is the sec ond day,and.A. Tuesday is the fourth B. Thursday is fifthC. the second day is Tuesday D. the secon

40、d day is Thursday6. “ The year 1999 should be read应该读作)“The year.A. nineteen and ninety-nine B. nineteen ninety-nineC. one thousa nd nine hun dred nin ety-nineD. nin etee n hun dred and nin ety-nine7. There aremon ths in a year.December is themonth of the yearA. twelve; twelve B.twelve; twelfth C.tw

41、elfth; twelve D.twelve; twelveth8. What s the date today?It is.A.Friday B.time to go C.cloudy D.June 4th9. What is five and eight?A.Twelve B.Thirteen C.Fourteen D.Fifteen10. Whatis Lily in? She is in.A.Row; row five B.Row; Row Five C.row; Row Five D.row; row Five第八周形容词、副词比较级与最高级(一) 写出下列形容词与副词的比较级与最高级形式:longwidefatheavyslowfewbrightly-bablyfarquicklyhappy-unhappy(二) 用所给词的正确形式填空:1.0f the two girls,l find Lucy the(clever).2. Gold黄金)is(little) useful than ire铁).3. My sister is two years(old ) tha n I.4. John s parents have four daughtfeshe is the(youn


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