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1、Unit 3 AustraliaTeaching objectives and demands:1. After the learning of this unit the students are supposed to master the followingwords and expressions: camp; ash; ashtray; dirt; valley; kangaroo; beyond; fix up; cave; thirst; sun burnt; aborigines; system; spiritual; faith; hand down; elder; curi

2、ously;underground; starve; rather than; thus; percentage; give birth to; precious; fence;dingo; task; found up; outdoors; shave; argue; Italian2. The students required to understand and also be able to use the daily expressionsin communication (warnings and suggestions):Make sure you put out the fir

3、e properly.Dont walk around without a sun hat.Dont drive past cars that have stopped in the bush without stopping.Pour water on the ashes.Close the farm gates behind you.3. Grammar: in learning the unit, we are going to revise -ing form used as subject and object.4. Language use: the students are go

4、t involved in listening, speaking, reading andwriting practice to improve their language use abilities.5. Cultural and historical knowledge: the students are supposed to learn something about the history of Australia and the evilness of colonialism.Time arrangement:This unit is going to be finished

5、in 67 teaching periods, including a unit test and supplementary listening test if time permits.Key and difficult points of this unit:1. Grammar: the -ing form used as subject and object.2. Words and useful expressions3. Daily expressions in communication4. Listening and writing practiceLesson 9Teach

6、ing objectives:1. Students are required to master the following words and useful expressions: camp;ash; ashtray; dirt; valley; kangaroo; beyond; fix up; cave; thirst; sun burnt2. Students are supposed to master and use the everyday English for communication:(warnings and suggestions):Make sure you p

7、ut out the fire properly.Dont walk around without a sun hat.Dont drive past cars that have stopped in the bush without stopping.Pour water on the ashes.Close the farm gates behind you.3. Grammar: in learning the unit, we are going to revise -ing form used as subject and object.4. Language use: Manip

8、ulate listening, speaking practice for the students to use the language.Teaching aids: tape recorder, computer and blackboard.Key points:1. Dialogue presentation2. Vocabulary and grammar usage in real-situation dialogues3. Free dialogue making4. Learn the expressions of warnings and suggestions.Teac

9、hing procedures:step 1. Revision(1) Check the homework exercises.(2) Revise the expressions of insistence. Get the students to give some examples.Step 2. PresentationSB Page 13, Part 1. Tell the students that we are going to learn a dialogue in which we will learn some useful expressions of warnings

10、 and suggestions.Step 3. ListeningPlay the tape for the students follow the dialogue. Tell the students to follow the dialogue and retell what the main idea is.Step 4. Reading and explanationsNow get the students to read the dialogue in pairs and underline the difficulties andthe key points that the

11、y think. Go through the key and difficult points with the students if any.Step 5. PracticeSB P13, Part 2. Tell the students this part is compiled to practice the expressions of expressing warnings. Get the students to match the two parts in the boxes. Pick up students to yell out their sentences.Ste

12、p 6. WorkbookWorkbook Lesson 9, Exx.2 and 3. Get the students to do the exercises individually and then check the answers with the students.Answers: See Wb P81.Homework(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 9 in the workbook.(2) Preview the next lesson, and look upthe item Kooris in anencyclopedia o

13、r in theweb.Evaluation of teaching:Lesson 10 The Discovery of AustraliaTeaching aims:1. After learning the text, the students are required to master the following words and useful expressions: aborigines; system; spiritual; faith; hand down; elder; curiously; underground; starve; rather than; thus;

14、percentage; give birth to2. Revise the grammar: the -ing form used as subject and object.3. Get the students to read the text using the following reading skills: skimming, scanning and note making.Key points: 1.Words and grammar 2. Reading comprehensionTeaching methods: Reading-note making and pract

15、ice.Teaching procedures:Step 1. Revision(1) Check the homework exercises.(2) Revise the key points of Lesson 9.Step 2. Pre-reading reportPick out some students to report to the class their research in the encyclopedia or the web.Step 3. ScanningNow get the students to read the text and answer the fo

16、llowing questions: Where did the first Australia come from? What did Kooris use for hunting? How many languages were once spoken in Australia?Step 4. ScanningTell the students to read the text more carefully to find out the specific information. Answer the questions in Exercise 1 on P82 in the workb

17、ook. Pick out some students to answer the questions.Step 5. Language points(1)Their spiritual faith and their gods were very important to them, and knowledge, customs and memories were handed down by the elders of the race.hand down (= pass down)作 相传 、 传给 解,意思是 (从上代)传下来 ( 给后代 ) 。例如:The old house has

18、 been handed down for three generations. This custom has been handed down since the 18th century. In poor families, clothes may be handed down from one child to the next.(2)They invented different kinds of fishing nets, also a curiously shaped piece of wood for hunting which could be thrown and whic

19、h would return to the thrower if it did not strike anything.在 a curiously shaped piece of wood (一块形状奇特的木头) 这个短语中, shaped 是 动词shape(使成 形状)的过去分词,作定语,修饰后面的piece of wood。这种作定语的过去分词前,还可以带副词作状语,如这个短语中的curiously 。下面是几个类似的例子:a widely used language 一种广泛使用的语言 a wrongly pronounced sound 一个发错了的音 a newly discove

20、red island一个新近发现的岛屿a hastily written letter一封匆忙写成的信highly praised deeds 受到高度赞扬的行为(3)They became experienced at finding underground / become experienced at sth. / doing sth.对某事 /做某事有经验。短语中的 at 也可以用 in. 形容词 experienced (有经验的)也可以作定语。例如:She is an experienced teacher.They were quite experience

21、d at teaching beginners.He is very experienced at repairing cars.He is quite experienced in this kind of work.(4) Education was intended for white settlers only, and until very recently no school lessons were held in languages rather than English.短语介词 rather than意思是 与其;不如” (in preference to; instead

22、 of) 。 例如:I think Tom, rather than you, is to blame.I think Ill have a cold drink rather than coffee.Step 6. Note makingSB P15, Part 3. Get the studentsto point out what the words referredto. Pick out somestudents to tell their answers to the rest of the class.Step 7. Oral practiceSB P15, Part 4. Di

23、vide the students intogroups of four and tell them to write downthethat you are going to interview the Kooris. You are suggestedto use the points in Part3.step 8. WorkbookGet the students to do the wb exercises individually and then check the answers with the class. Answers: See Wb P82.Homework(1) F

24、inish off the exercises of Lesson 10 in the workbook.(2) Revise the key points of this lesson.Evaluation of teaching:Lesson 11 AustraliaI. Teaching objectives (the students are supposed to master the following items and conduct the following practices) :1. Words and useful expressions: set out; set

25、sail; in search of; strait; bay; botany; astonish; bear; mainland; disaster; crew; raise; thinking; pass by; celebrate; coastline; be worth dong; sink; nowhere; passage2. Grammar: Revise -ing form used as subject and object.3. Reading practice: reading and discussion.4. Ethic teaching: the students

26、are supposed to learn from Captain Cook of his courage, his spirit of adventure and devotion to the expedition.II .Key points: grammar and useful expressions皿.Teaching methods: Reading- practiceIV .Teach ing procedures:step 1. Revision(1) Check the homework exercises.(2) Revise the key points of the

27、 previous lesson.(3) Revise the sequence of the events that Captain Cook did.step 2. PresentationTell the students that this lesson will continue to learn something about MadameCurie.step 3. ScanningTell the students to read the text carefully and answer the questions on WbP83. Do orally with the cl

28、ass. Ask some eloquent students to yell out the answers to the class.step 4. Language pointsTell the students to read the text and underline the language points. Talk about the language difficulties with the students.(1) Having been separated from other continents for millions of years, Australia ha

29、s many plants and animals not found anywhere else in the world. 这个句子虽然长,却是一个简单句;主语是 Australia, 谓语是 has many plants and animals. 句子的前部 Having been separated . for millions of years是 -ing 形式的完成式被动语态短语,作状语,表示原因;句子的后部not found anywhere else in the world是过去分词短语作定语,修饰先行词 plants and animals. -ing 短语的一般式作状语

30、,通常表示与句子中谓语同时发生的动作或状态。 例如:i . Arriving at the village, he could not find his home. (=When he arrived at the village, he could not find his home.)当他到达村子的时候,他找不到他的家了。ii. Walking in the park, she saw an old friend. (= When she was walking in the park,she saw an old friend.)当她在公园散步时,她看到她的一个老朋友。iii. Bein

31、g blind, how coul d they see the elephant? (= As they were blind, how could they see the elephant?) 因为他们是瞎子,他们怎能看得见大象呢? -ing 短语的完成式 (having + 过去分词 )作状语,表示在句中谓语之前发生的动作或状态。 本句中 having been separated . for milions of years就是这样的用法。又如:iv . Having been there many times, he offered to introduce the history

32、 of the country.(= As he had been there many times, he offered to introduce the history of the country.) 由于他多次去过那个国家,他主动提出为我们介绍那个国家的历史。v . Having been rebuilt this way, these temples look even more beautiful. (= As / Afterthey have been rebuilt this way, these temples look even more beautiful.)这些寺庙经

33、过这样重建以后,显得更加美丽了。vi. Hav ing put up the tent, they started to cook their supper.搭好帐蓬以后,他们就开始做晚饭。(2) One strange animal lays eggs, yet feeds its young on its milk.这种怪兽就是鸭嘴兽 (platypus, 又称 duckbill) ,产于澳大利亚,它全身长毛,嘴像鸭嘴, 卵生 , 但给幼仔哺乳。(3) In area it is about the same size as the USA (without Alaska),which h

34、as more than thirteen times as many people.(= Its area is about the same size as the USA.) 句中 area 作面积解。介词 in 在这里表示 在 方面 。例如。The area of Australia is 7.6 million澳大利亚的面积是七百六十万平方公里。China is large in area and rich in resources.中国地大物博。The TV tower is nearly 40 metres in height. 这座电视塔的高度将近 40 公尺。T

35、hey built a fence 30 metres in length. 他们修了一个长 30 米的篱笆。 13 times as many peopl e 是 13 times as many people as Australia has的省略。A is . times as + adj./adv. + as B意思是A是B的几倍(大小/多少/长短)。例如:This room is three times as large as that one.这个房间(的面积)是那个房间的三倍。The number of people in that area is five times as m

36、any as that in ours. 那个地区的人口是我们这个地区(人口)的五倍。The students in our school are twice as many as those in that school. 我们学校的学生人数是那个学校(学生)的两倍( 比那个学校的学生多一倍)。He has worked twice as long as I have.他干工作的时间是我的两倍。这种.times as .as .的结构,在有上下文的情况下,可以简略为 . times as large /many 。例如:That room is 20 square metres. This

37、room is three times as large.那个房间是 20 平方米。这个房间是那个房间的三倍。There are 800 students in that school. In our school, there are twice as many. 那所学校有 800 个学生,我们学校的学生要多一倍。(3) Two thirds of the country is dry or desert.这个国家有三分之二的地方气候干燥,或者是沙漠。two thirds 三分之二。表示分数时,分子用基数词,分母用序数词。分子大于一时,分母序数词加 s; 例如:one third 三分之一

38、one sixth 六分之一two fifths 五分之二但 二分之一 要说 half / a half,不说 one second; 四分之一 要说 a quarter. 以分数作主语时,谓语动词可用单数或复数,这取决于后面的名词。若这个名词是单数或是不可数名词时, 谓语动词则单数(如本句),否则用复数。例如:More than two thirds of the earths surface is covered by water. 地球表面三分之二以上为水所覆盖。Two thirds of the money has been spent on necessay equipment. 三

39、分之二的钱已用于必需的设备。Two thrids of the students are from the north. 三分之二的学生是北方人。(4) It produces metals, precious stones, coal, grain, meat and wines, and has the biggest iron mines in the world. 它(澳大利亚)出产金属、宝石、煤、谷物、肉和酒,而且还有世 界上最大的铁矿。 metal, wine, food 这些物质名词本来都是不可数名词,一般不用复数形式。 但是在表示种类时可以用复数。例如:Some metals

40、have to be imported from abroad. 有些金属必须从国外进口。Various kinds of wines are produced in France. 法国生产各种各样的葡萄酒。Every person needs water and a diet of healthy foods. 每个人都需要水和健康食物。(5) The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a dingo.keep out 不使入内。例如:Danger! keep out! 危险! 切勿入内!They c

41、losed all the windows to keep out the cold. 他们关上所有的窗子不让冷气进来。We put a fence round the vegetable garden to keep the chikens out. 我们用篱笆把菜围起来,不让小鸡进来。(6) Farms in the middle of Australia are so large that farmers use motor bikes or helicopters for the task of rounding up the sheep or cattle. (= . farmers

42、 use motor bikes or helicopters to drive animals together.)短语动词 round up 作使聚集 、 把 赶拢来 (to collect animals / people by driving them together) 解。例如:In the autumn, the cattle have to be rounded up and counted. 秋天得把牛群赶集起来,进行清点。The sheepdog rounded up the sheep and drove them through the gate. 牧羊狗把羊群集中到一

43、起,赶进栅门。Round up the whole class; its time to go back to the school. 把全班学生集中起来;该返校了。(7) If youare asked to an Australian home, you will probably eat outside and cook meator fish on an open fire.此句中的 outside 是副词,相当于这段中的另一个副词 outdoors ,作 在户外 解。又如:He seldom eats his meals inside. He often eats outside.

44、他很少在室内吃饭。他经常在室外吃。Dont always stay inside. Go outside into the sunshine. 不要老是呆在屋里。到外面阳光下走走。(8) For holidays, many people visit the Great Barrier Reef off the northeast coast ofAustralia, which has 700 islands.Great Barrier Reef (大保礁 ) 是一大片珊瑚礁,位于澳大利亚东北昆士兰州的海岸以外,绵延2,000 多公里,总面积约 25 万平公里,共有 2,500 个珊瑚礁,绝

45、大部分都划归大堡礁水族公园。 这是世界上最大的水族公园。step 5. Practice grammar revisionSB P17, Part 25, Tell the students to do the exercises about the -ing form used as subject, object and predicative. Tell the students to work in groups filling the blanks with the words given and then get a reporter to report tothe rest of

46、 the class. After that somestudents will be picked out to tell us the function of the ing form in the sentences.step 6. WorkbookWorkbook Lesson 11, Ex. 23. Get the students to do the three exercises and then check the answers with the students if time permits. Answres: See P83.Homework(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 11 in the workbook.(2) Revise the grammar of -ing form.(3) Culture and society: Discussion get the students t


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