



1、remain 用法总结标签:生活2011-12-09 13:54 星期五英语中的remain这一词的用法灵活,词性多样,初学者往往不明就里,无从下手,这里我们从动词、系动词、名词、形容词四个词性入手,谈谈“remain ”的用法及变化,看看是否能助你快速解决“剩下来”这个问题。一、remain作为动词,均为不及物动词,但有两种意思,此时不能用进行时态,也没有被 动语态:1、 remain“剩下、“余下”、“遗留”,试看下例句子:Some of them have disappeared while others rema in today它们中的一些已经消亡,然而另外一些今天仍然存在。Afte

2、r the fire , very little remained of their house.火灾之后,他们家所剩无几。Only a few leaves remained (=were still) on the tree.树上只剩下几片叶子了。After the earthquake, very little remai ned of the city of Tan gsha n. 地震过后,唐山这座城市所剩无几。2、 remain“留下”、“停留”、“呆在”,相当于“ stay ”The childre n rema ined out because of the weather.由

3、于天气晴朗,孩子们继续呆在室外嬉戏。When the others had gone, Joa n rema ined (=stayed) to clea n the room.别人走了,琼留下来清扫房间。The Smiths remained there all through the year.史密斯一家人在那里呆了整年。二、系动词:“保持”、“仍然是”,“依旧是”,后接形容词、名词、动词不定式、现在 分词、过去分词或介词形容词短语作表语,指某人或某事物仍保持某种状态He remai ned sile nt.他保持沉默。(接形容词)Whatever achievements you ve

4、made, you should remain modest.无论你取得多么大的成就,你都该保持谦虚。(接形容词作表语)Man remained a hunter for thousands of years .人类的狩猎时期有数千年之久。(接 名词)It remained a secret.这仍然是个秘密。(接名词作表语)Peter became a man ager, but Jack remained a worker.彼得成为了一个经理,而杰克仍然是个工人。(接名词作表语)指某事尚待、有待于以后被处置,后面常接不定式的被动形式,表示主语是不定式的承A lot of work remai

5、 ned to be do ne. 许多工作还有待完成。(接动词不定式)Many problems rema in to be solved.有好多问题尚待解决。It remains to be see n whether you are right.你是否正确,以后见分晓。Wewill rema in in regular co ntact with them .我们将和他们保持经常的联系。(接 介词短语)He had to rema in in hospital un til he was better.他不得不一直住院直到身体好些。(接介词短语作表语)After the earthqua

6、ke , very few houses remained standing. 地震之后几乎没有房子还矗立着。(接现在分词作表语,表示正在进行的主动动作)The guests came in, but she remained sitt ing at the desk readi ng.客人们都来了,但她还坐在写字台旁读书。(接现在分词作表语,表示正在进行的主动动作)As before, he remained unmoved.他和以往一样无动于衷。(接过去分词作表语,表示主语所处的状态或已经发生的被动动作)三、remains是名词,表示遗物”、遗址”,剩余物”,其单复数形式相同The rem

7、a ins of an old castle still sta nds there sile ntly beside the river古城堡的遗址如今仍默默地矗立在河岸边。The rema ins of the meal has bee n take n away剩饭菜都被拿走了。The archeologists found some remai ns of the Song Dyn asty.考古学家发现了一些宋代遗迹。四、remaining形容词,剩下的”、余下的”,修饰单个名词作定语,置于该名词之前 作前置定语,与left同义,但后者必须置于被修饰的名词之后作后置定语,试比较:Sh

8、e returned home with the remai ning 10 dollars.She returned home with the 10 dollars left.她带着剩下的十美元回到了家。The remai ning food is now in the refrigerator.The food left is now in the refrigerator.剩下的食品现在放在冰箱里了。There are still some apples left.还剩余一些苹果。I bought a gift for her with the rema ining mon ey.我用

9、剩余的钱给她买了一件礼物你看,remain也不过如此吧,学英语没什么可怕的,如同我们学习母语汉语一样,只 要多练习,并在日常学习中学会细心辨析区分,注意归纳与积累,然后在学习中加以运用, 这样循序渐进,就会取得英语学习的成功!+名词rema in a bachelor还是单身 rema in a complete mystery一直是个谜 rema in afisherma n 仍是个渔民 rema in a little money 只剩一点点钱 rema in a little water只剩一点水 rema in a questi on还是一个问题 remai n a shi ning

10、example永远是闪光的榜样 remain good friends 仍然是好朋友 remain principles保持原贝U remain the chiefmeans还是主要方式+形容词remain active 仍然活跃 remain closed 仍然未开放 remain con fused迷惑不解remain constant保持不变 remain expressionless毫无表情 remain hungry只好饿着rema in lin ked还连在一起 remai n long保持得彳艮久 rema in modest保持谦虚 rema inmoti onl ess 仍然不动 rema in prude nt保持谨慎 rema in sile nt保持沉默 remai nunchanged 依然不变 remain


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