



1、冀教版三年级英语下册第一单元测试卷 1.帮它们找找自己的名字吧!(1).鸭子(2)鸡(3)猪(4)马(5)狗 (6)猫(7)兔子 (8)羊(9)鸟 (10)奶牛 (11)鱼2、选出正确的答案。(1) what is this?its _. a.duck b.a duck c.ducks (2) whats this? is it a cat? _.a.yes, it isnt. b.yes, it is. c.no, it isn t.(3) what _you do?i can dance. a.are b.is c. am d.can (4) what animals can jump?_

2、. a.rabbit b. horse c. a mouse (5) are they horses, danny?no, _.a. they arent b. they don t c. it isnt(6) can you swim?_. a. yes, i can. b. no, i can. c. yes, i can. (7) what animals can fly?a _. a. cat b. dog c. bird (8) can a fish run?_. a. no, it can. b. yes, it can. c. no, it can t. (9) can you

3、dance?yes, _. a. i can b. i cant c. i dont (10) horses can _.a. swim b.run c. sing(11)what happened?_.a. help! b. pull! c. i m stuck!(12) can i help?_.a. yes, please. b. no, please. c. help!(13) the rabbits ears are_.a. big and short b. big and long(14) i _cats.a. love b. loves c. doesnt love3.找答语。( )1. whats this? a. no, i cant.( )2. is it a cat? b. yes, please.( )3. can i help you ? c. i can dance.( )4.what animals can fly? d. yes, it is .( )5.what can you do? e. birds can fly. ( )6. can you sing? f. itsa chicken. 4.排队。1.


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