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1、 11/191. we need some water.(把 we 改为 he)_2. kitty likes the blue dress.(根据划线提问)_3. theres some water in the g(l a一ss般.疑问句)_4. the ruler is five yuan.(根据划线提问)_5. who is telling the truth?(根据课文回答)_11/201. these pairs of slippers both look pretty(. 改为一般疑问句)_2. this pair of trousers is 100 yuan(. 根据划线提问

2、)_3. please try on some shirts(. 改为否定句)_4. the boys can put on the hats(. 改成现在进行时)_5. i walk down the street and cry o u(t. 用he 代替 i,其余作相应变化)_11/231. i like the long dress.(对划线部分提问)_2. he wants the white t-shirt.(对划线部分提问)_3. my aunt has some magic clothes.(改成一般疑问句)_4. are the farmers looking at the

3、dresses? yes, they are(. 改成单数句)_5. the blue button is one yuan. (对划线部分提问)_11/241. you can walk along the street and turn right to get to the museum._2. our teacher meets her at the gate of the library._3. my friend and i play badminton once a week._ 4. peter wants to be a cook in the future._5. they

4、 need the red sweaters._11/251. i want a pair of trousers for my birthday. (根据划线提问)_2. kitty usually goes to the cinema at three in the afternoon.(根据划线提问)_3. jill and kitty like walking in the school garden.(根据划线提问)_4. my parents like black and white buttons.(根据划线提问)_5. the long zips are twenty yuan

5、.(改为一般疑问句)_11/261. i can try on these dresses.(改成否定句)_2. it has a big red zip.(改为复数句)_3. are there any old pockets on the shirt?(改为单数句)_4. this pocket is small. that pocket is small, too.(合并成一句,但意思不变)_5. kitty and her mother often buy some books. (把 often 改成 now)_7. the emperors coat is (ne改w .成否定句,

6、但意思不变)_11/271. i can make a paper cup.(改成一般疑问句)_ 2. does peter want a pair of blue socks?(改成肯定句)_3. these buttons are black. (改成否定句,但意思不变)_4. my purple bag is twenty yuan. (对划线部分提问)_5. i want to buy the blue dress. (对划线部分提问)_11/301. you should have a red apple. (对划线部分提问)_2. i should wear warm clothe

7、s. (改为否定句)_3. whats wrong with you(?咳嗽)_4. i often eat sweets. (改为否定句)_5. she drinks coffee every day. (改为一般疑问句)_12/11. she goes to the hospital with her mother.(改为否定句)_2. i brush my teeth twice a day. (对划线部分提问)_3. they have a meeting. (改为一般疑问句)_4. you should drink soft drinks. (改为否定句)_5. should giv

8、e he up smoking (连词成句)_ 12/21. the tiger likes eating small animals.(改成否定句)_2. dont eat too many swee(ts换.一种说法,但意思不变)_3. you should wear warm clothes.(对划线部分提问)_4. my father goes to america by plane every month.(对划线部分提问)_5. the mice are afraid of the cat.(对划线部分提问)_12/31. i take the underground to get

9、 to the museum.(对划线部分提问)_2. i like the pink shirt.(对划线部分提问)_3. i have a cold. (根据答句写出问句)_4. they are doctors.(改成单数句)_5. jill has lunch at school from monday to friday. (改成一般疑问句)_12/41. give me some sweets, please.(改成否定句)_2. they are looking at a map of shanghai. (对划线部分提问)_3. ben walks to school from

10、 monday to friday. (换一种说法,但意思不变)_4. these are their bicycles.(改成单数句) _5. she wants the new bicycle.(对划线部分提问)_12/71. timmy has some plums. (改成一般疑问句)_2. you should drink a lot of hot water.(对划线部分提问)_3. the boy goes to bed at half past nine every day. (改成一般疑问句)_4. the yellow river runs through many cit

11、ies of china.(改成一般疑问句)_5. kitty pours the tea into the cup.(根据划线部分提问)_12/81. you should go to bed(. 改为否定句)_2. i have a toothache.(根据划线提问)_3. ben rides his bicycle in the playground.(一般疑问句)_4. alice wants the green bag.(根据划线提问)_5. do you like pandas? do you like bears?(选择疑问句)_12/91. the mice are afra

12、id of cats.(根据划线提问)_2. the dentist gives me some medicine(. 改成一般疑问句)_3. you should drink a lot of water(. 改为否定句)_4. the girls can have a rest(. 改成现在进行时)_5. you should go to see the doctor(. 根据划线提问)_12/101. get off the bus, please.(否定句)_2. i like the pink doll.(根据划线提问)_ 3. i often eat many sweets.(一般

13、疑问句)_4. his mother goes to work by bus.(根据划线提问)_5. there are some ugly ducklings in the river(. 改为单数句)_12/111. jack and jay are both taking some medicine(. 根据划线提问)_2. i brush my teeth three times a day(. 根据划线提问)_3. the lion has a toothache(. 改为一般疑问句)_4. you should go to buy some medicine(. 改成否定句)_5.

14、 the zhangs are going to the park(. 根据划线提问)_12/141. ben, hold the glass of water above the paper, please.(改成否定句)_2. i want to go up to the sky.(根据划线部分提问)_3. we are thirsty.(根据划线部分提问)_4. i brush my teeth twice every day.(根据划线部分提问)_5. the dolphins are jumping and swimming in the pool.(改成 can 句型)_12/15

15、1. the yangtze river runs through shanghai. (改为一般疑问句)_2. we must boil the water first. (改为否定句)_3. little water drop lives in the sea. (根据划线部分提问)_4. you should brush your teeth twice a day.(根据划线部分提问)_5. i want the blue dress.(根据划线部分提问) _12/161. the little boy falls down to the ground(. 改为一般疑问句)_2. th

16、ey go to beijing by aeroplane.(根据划线提问)_3. put some tea in the teapot.(否定句)_4. i want this big box. i want this small box.(合成一句,意思不变)_5. chocolate has a sweet taste(. 换种表达,句意不变)_12/171. the yangtze river runs through shangha(i. 根据划线提问)_2. my parents are boiling some water(. 根据划线提问)_3. the dog swims t

17、hrough the rive(r. 一般疑问句并肯定回答)_4. does the raindrop fall down to the ground(? 改成肯定句)_5. kite, the, up, sky, to, rises(连词成句)_12/181. mr black goes to work by underground.(换种说法但,但意思不变)_2. the children play on the swing happily. (根据划线部分提问)_3. the wind blows strongly in winter.(根据划线部分提问)_4. there is no

18、water on the moon.(换种说法,但意思不变)_5. we can go out and have a picnic on a fine day.(根据划线部分提问)_12/211. the windmill moves quickly on a windy day. (改为一般疑问句)_2. there is heavy rain this afternoon.(改为否定句)_ 3. look out of the window, ben.(改为否定句)_4. i want to hear the sound of the wind.(根据划线部分提问)_5. little r

19、abbit has some small bells in her room.(根据划线部分提问)_12/221. the students play football happily in the playground(. 根据划线提问)_2. the windmill moves slowly(. 改为否定句,但意思不变)_3. sometimes the wind blows gently(. 改为一般疑问句)_4. are these purple kites flying high in the sky(? 改成肯定句)_5. there are five wind-bells in

20、 kittys room(. 根据划线提问)_12/231. kitty is writing a letter at the desk(. 用 can 改写句子)_2. the book on the deskis my sisters.(根据划线提问)_3. the wind blows strongly(. 否定句,保持句意不变)_4. jim does his homework at seven p.m.(一般疑问句)_5. mike walks to school(. 换种表达,保持句意不变)_12/241. there is a big fire in the forest. (根

21、据划线部分提问)_2. we must play with matches. (改成否定句)_3. fires can start in schools. (根据划线部分提问)_4. dont play with matches. (换种表达,但意思不变)_5. helicopters can drop water on the fire.(用 now 改成现在进行时)_12/25 1. you mustnt play near fires in the kitchen. (换种表达,但意思不变)_2. trees and grass burn in the fire.(改成否定句)_3. t

22、he firefighters are using a lot of water . (根据划线部分提问)_4. can you tell me about fire safety? (改成肯定句)_5. yaz lives in a cave.(根据划线部分提问)_12/281. we mustnt play with fire(. 根据划线提问)_2. dont start campfires(! 换种方式,意思不变)_3. i want to eat some raw meat(. 改为否定句)_4. the meat tastes very nice(. 改成否定句)_5. the boy puts a sigh in his garden(


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