



1、Section V Writing写游记类记叙文口写作技法指导戸文体指导游记类记叙文的写作就是记述旅途中的所见所闻,并通过对当地的风土人情、山川地貌、人文景致、名胜古迹等方面的描写来表达作者的思想感情。写好此类文章一般需要注意以下方面:1 确定好写作的顺序,选择恰当的线索将游记中各个要素连接起来,可按 照时间顺序来写;2 描写景物切忌面面俱到,要根据写作的主题有选择、有重点地写;3. 在景物描写的基础上进而抒发自己的感情,也就是通过情景交融的方式 把自己的思想感情渗透到所写的景物中。亮点句式1. 段首常用语:(1) 1 went to.by train/bus.(2) That was my

2、first visit to.2. 段中常用语:(1) On the way to., we.(2) After.hours riding.(3) We did not stop enjoying ourselves un til.3. 段尾常用语:(1) We had a good time/e njo yed ourselves.(2) This is unu sual/un forgettable.(3) Ill never forget.(4) 1 will remember.forever.(5) This was a real life-cha ngi ng experie nee

3、 that I would n ever forget.(6) We were very tired, but we really had a won derful day.匸满缠伍构建写作任务假设你是李华,上周你和父母参加了某旅行社组织的上海三日游活动。请根据表格内容用英语写一篇游记。行程活动内容第一天参观东方明珠塔及外滩;乘观光游轮夜游黄浦江。第二天游览上海迪士尼主题乐园。第三天市内游玩;购物。1 词数100左右;2 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:东方明珠 the Oriental Pearl Towe;外滩 Bund;游轮 cruise ship; 迪士尼乐园Disneylan

4、d审题谋篇体裁记叙文时态一般过去时主题游记人称第一人称结构第一部分:简述旅行概况;第二部分:描述旅行过程及所见所闻;第三部分:表达旅行感受。遣词造句I 对接模块词汇1. journey n.2. down town adj.3. souvenirn.4. exhaustedadj.5. get off6. get on旅程;旅行商业区的;市中心的纪念品疲惫不堪的下(车、船等)上(车、船等)n .巧用模块句式、语法(一)完成句子1. 上周,我和父母参加了上海三日游活动。Last week, my pare nts and I made a threeiay journey of Shan gha

5、i2. 午饭后,我们去了外滩,在那里我们对各种各样的建筑印象深刻After lun ch, we went to the Bund, and there we were impressed with a variety of buildings.3第二天,我们参观了迪士尼乐园,并参加了许多活动。The next day, we visited Shanghai Disneyland and participated in many activities.4. 尽管我们疲惫不堪,但是非常高兴。Although we were exhausted, we felt very glad.5. 多棒的

6、旅行!What a wonderful journey it was!6. 它不仅让我快乐,而且拓展了我的视野。It not only entertained me, but it also broadened my horizon.(二)句式升级7. 用where引导的非限制性定语从句改写句2After lunch, we went to the Bund, where we were impressed with a variety of build ings.8用分词短语作状语改写句3The n ext day, we visited Shan ghai Disn eyla nd par

7、ticipat ing in many activities.妙笔成篇【参考范文】Last week, my pare nts and I made a three-day journey of Shan ghai.As soon as we got off the pla ne, we got on the bus and headed straight for the Orien tal Pearl Tower.After lunch, we went to the Bund, where we were impressed with a variety of build in gs.After supper, we admired the fasci nati ng ni ght sce nesof Huan gpu River from a cruise ship.The next day, we visited Shanghai Disneyland participating in many activities.On the third day, we went on a sightseeing tour of the downtown streets and bought some souvenir gifts.Although we were


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