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1、大学英语四六级写作范文英语四级与六级之间都是大学英语专业必考的一个考试,它的写作也是同理。下面是 给大家整理的大学英语四六级写作,供大家参 阅!大学英语四六级写作:社会实践1)各大学在假期都会组织学生参加各种社会实践活动,2)这些活动给大学生带来了哪些好处,3)参加社会实践活动应该注意些什么。Social Practice of College Stude ntsNowadaysencourageand organize students to socialpractice activities. During the holidays, stude nts in moun ti ng nu

2、mbers choose to be the volun teers(志愿者),take part-timejobs, or take part in other practical activities alike(类似的)socialpractice (play a/a n &bdqu o;„ role in &bdqu o;„ 在 „„中扮 演一个 „„的角色)China&rsq uo;s college educatio n.social practice. , they are provided with mor

3、e opport un ities to con tact the real world outside campus. , in social practice activities, the solution (此夕卜),social practice helps strengthen(增强)students’ sense of social it isnecessary for college students to social practice may bring some problems. For example, some stude nts spe nd too

4、muchtime in tak ing ignore(忽视),we the relati on ship betwee n socialpractice and study.参考译文:现在很多大学鼓励并组织学生参加社会实践活动。在假期,越来 越多的学生选择去做志愿者,兼职打工或参加其他类似的实践活动。 显而易见,社会实践在中国大学教育中正在发挥日益重要的作用。毫无疑问,大学生从社会实践中受益匪浅。首先,他们有更多机 会接触校园之外的真实世界。其次,在社会实践活动中,学生能把他 们的理论知识用于解决实际问题。因此他们的实践技能得到极大提 高。此外,社会实践有助于增强学生的社会责任感。考虑到上述论

5、证,大学生必须参加社会实践活动。然而,社会实 践可能带来一些问题。例如,有些学生花费太多时间兼职打工,以至 于忽视了他们的学习。因此,我们应该努力平衡社会实践与学习之间 的关系。四级短语:1. on one&rsq uo;s own acco unt为了某人的缘故,为了某人自己的利益(=at one&rsq uo;s own risk) 自行负责 (=by on eself) 依靠自 己2. take…i nto acco un t(=c on sider)把.考虑进去3. give sb. an account of 说明, 解释(理由)4. accou nt for 解释,说

6、明5. on acco unt of (二because of)由于,因为6. on no acco unt(二in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)7. accuse…of…(二charge…with; blame sb.for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; compla in about)扌旨控,控告8. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于。9. be acqua in ted with(=to h

7、ave kno wledge of)了解;(=tohave met socially) 熟悉10. act on 奉行,按照…行动;act as扮演;act for 代理大学英语四六级写作:节俭1)很多大学生每月的花销越来越高, 根本没有节俭的概念,2)分析产生这一现象的原因,3)我的看法。Extravagant( 过度的)Spending on College Campusa survey, the mon thly expe nditure(花费)of a college ( 没有„„概念)thrift(节俭)in their mi nd. They

8、take itfor gran ted that they spe nd money from their pare nts before they enter into the society. This extravagantspending isprimarily caused by the followi ng factors. are the apple in theirfamily’s eyes and n aturally(自然地)get more care( 关心)and pocket (负担得起)higher expenditureof their childre

9、n.Moreover, some students like to pursue(追随)fashion and trends(趋势)is also a possible factor causingextravagantspending. 纯粹的)consumer( 顾客,消费者),should learn to be thrifty(节约的).We should limit (限制)our expenditureon ofthrift can help us form right values(价值观念)development.短语:1. accord ing to根据 &bdqu o;&b

10、dquo;2.i n recent years 近年来3. take sth. for gra nted认为某事是理所应当的.with the improveme nt of随着 &bdqu o;„的发展5. be favorable to对&bdqu o;„有禾 U连接词:2. first of all首先3.in addition 此外3. fi nally 最后4. regardless of不管,不顾参考译文:根据一项调查,近年来大学生每月花销已经急剧增加。 很多大学 生脑中根本没有节俭的概念。在走入社会之前,他们想当然地花费父 母给的钱。这种浪费花销主要由以下

11、原因引起。首先,现在大多数学生是家里的独生子女。 他们是父母眼中的宝 贝,自然得到更多关心和零用钱。其次,随着生活水平的提高,父母 能够承担孩子更高的消费。此外,一些学生喜欢追求时尚和潮流,这 也易于需要更多钱。最后,校园恋爱也是造成浪费花销的另一可能原 因。在我看来,一名大学生作为纯消费者,应该学会节俭。我们的支 出应该限制在日常必需品,而不是不顾价格购买我们想要的一切。节俭的习惯能帮助我们树立正确的价值观,并有利于我们的未来发展。大学英语四六级写作:网络游戏1)现在有些大学生沉迷于网络游戏,家长和学校对此忧心忡忡,2)但有人认为网络游戏并非一无是处,3)你的看法。On li ne Game

12、sAs a product of moder n computer and the In ternet, on li negames have become very popular among college students. students have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these games. But as we see, some students lacking(缺乏) self-discipline( 自制力)these games so that their health and academic( 学术的

13、) performancesare affected. Thisphe nomenon( 现象)has caused much worry from the teachers and parents. online games are not always harmful. They can train the ability of youngsters(年轻人)to respond to thingsquickly.(朿U激,激发)their imagination and their interest in computerscienee. it does bring college st

14、udents muchpleasure and release( 释放)their pressure greatly. on li ne games are a wonderfulentertainment( 娱乐)if you play them in areasonable(合理的)way. When they interfere(干扰)too (然而)ifyou have eno ugh self-c on trolover them, you can certa inlyobta in( 获得,得至 U ) real pleasure and ben efit a lot from them.短语:1. a great many 大量的,许多;2.indulge in 放纵,沉溺于;3. from my point of view在我看来(可作为最后总结自己观点的通用模版句);4. give up 放弃。连接词:1. however 然而2. moreover 而且,此外(表递进);3. more importa ntly更重要的是。参考译文:(本文涉及约25个四级单词)作为现代电脑与网络的产物,网络游戏在大学生中间已经变得非 常流行。很多学生很享受来自于这些游戏的极大快乐与满足。但是我们看到,一些缺乏自律的学生太沉迷于这些游戏,以至


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