PLAYWAY 3学年教学计划 单元 课程及活动类型 生词、短语和句式 1 back_第1页
PLAYWAY 3学年教学计划 单元 课程及活动类型 生词、短语和句式 1 back_第2页
PLAYWAY 3学年教学计划 单元 课程及活动类型 生词、短语和句式 1 back_第3页
PLAYWAY 3学年教学计划 单元 课程及活动类型 生词、短语和句式 1 back_第4页
PLAYWAY 3学年教学计划 单元 课程及活动类型 生词、短语和句式 1 back_第5页
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1、playway 3学年教学计划单元课程及活动类型 生词、短语和句式1 back to school l 热身利用图片卡和单词卡复习词汇短语的习得歌曲:hurry up l 行动故事:walk to school 听力练习:模仿指令并执行l 创造性听力练习重要词汇和短语的预习(图片卡,单词卡)卡通故事:he new girl-粘贴画复述故事l 找出错误角色表演(供选择) 词汇的复习和扩展(图片卡) 利用单词卡做词汇练习 词汇游戏l 故事拼图角色扮演l get your bag/cap; check your watch ; im in no /a hurry to get to school .

2、l 只需理解:your trip over a black cat ;you run into a tree; a dog tears your jeans ; shout; oh no ! at school ,a girl gives you a card; look at it ;it says, come to my party.l 基本理解:we have a new girl in the class; she looks stupid ; i think she looks nice ;benny is in love with her ;can you play basketb

3、all ?;yes, i can ;you can play in our team; shoot, sonia!;great /cool!; ok, children; let go back to the classroom ; the score is 4-0;she is a great player ;and she is very nice ;yes she is.l purple ; ready, steady, go!2 petsl 词汇复习(图片卡)介绍新单词(图片卡)利用单词卡做词汇练习猜谜游戏根据所给出的语言进行交流听力练习l 根据所给的语言进行交流听力练习l 小对话采访

4、l 词汇的复习和扩展(图片卡)在文字的帮助下做词汇练习(spinning tops)l mice mice mice (song)听力练习附加活动(体育);catch them(游戏)附加活动(手工)a snake l guinea pig; budgie; spider ; ponny; have you got a spider/?yes ,i have ; whats number one/two?; i think its a ; i think so too.l pet; what colour is your rabbit ?/it?; how old is it ?;lisa h

5、as got a ponny; its black and white; its five; its one year time years old.l no , i havent ; peter hasnt got a pet .l im the winner; ive got six animals; one hamster; one dog, one rabbit and three nice.l i like their little ears/feet/teeth; my num/dad gates mice; fifteen; sixteen; seventeen; eightee

6、n/nineteen twent;twenty-one tp twenty-five3 im scared l 词汇的复习和扩展(图片卡)利用单词卡做词汇练习 根据所给的语言做词汇练习课堂调查l 行动故事:a moster is looking at you模仿指令并执行-听力练习l 创造性听力练习重要词汇和短语的预习(图片卡、单词卡)max is scared (卡通故事):粘贴画-复述故事角色表演(可选择)l 歌曲:max is scared of spiders创造性角色表演附加活动(手工):pumpkin lantern masks 附加活动(体育)hop,hop,hop,into t

7、he witchs pot(游戏) l witches ; skeletons; what are you scared of ;are you scared of monster/? yes i am; no ,im not.l 只需理解:put on your monster suit/mask; go to the bathroom; look in the mirror; a monster is looking at you ; run away.l 基本理解:max is in his neighbours garden ; what a stupid dog; what can

8、i do ?; trick or treat ; thats a idea; and now the mask; now ive got you; he wants to hide in the dogs kennel; but the dog is not happy about that; the dog chases max; max climbs a tree;come down, max!; here i come.l max isnt scared of spider;but max is scared of dogs; here is a there tree run; clim

9、b the tree; come on sing with me.4 feelings l 词汇的复习和扩展(图片卡)利用单词卡做词汇练习歌谣:theres are monsterl 词汇复习(图片卡)听力练习荒唐的句子(crazy sentences)猜谜游戏l 介绍重要词汇(图片卡、单词卡)snow white(卡通故事):粘贴画-复述故事l 找出错误角色表演(可选择)l 歌曲:friendsl we are so happy/sad/angry/tired/scared; there s a monster; the tvs broken; our cats ill.l ice crea

10、m with cheese, please; theres are fox with yellow socks; emily, kiss the apple tree; theres a pink hippo in our garden; tell me about lisa/;what about tom/? i think hes /shes angry/l 只需理解:crazy sentence.l 基本理解: mirror, mirror, whos the best singer?; thats snow white, my queen; you stupid mirror!; ki

11、ll snow white and bring me her heart; where are we going?; to the airport; a sheeps heart ,please; im(not) alone in the city; i have no friends; im very sad;you are the best singer in the world; soon snow white is a big star; millions see her on tv; the next day, the queen flies to new york; im so h

12、appy to see you again; hello, stepmother; here are your favourite chocolates; dont eat the chocolates; ive got friends; we laugh and shout, we run around and hop; we sing and dance, we never never stop.l 词汇复习l im not alone in the city; ive got friends; we laugh and shout, we run around and hop; we s

13、ing and dance, we never never stop.5 wheres the cinema?l 词汇的复习和扩展(图片卡)利用单词卡做词汇练习数字游戏猜谜游戏l 词汇的复习与习得(图片卡)利用单词卡作词汇练习歌谣wheres the cinema?l 词汇复习(图片卡,单词卡)bingo空间感觉训练l 短语的习得阅读理解练习l 重要词汇和短语的复习(单词卡)听力练习l 猜动物wheres the elephant?(卡通故事)拼图复述故事附加活动(手工)折纸房子l desk; window; board; door; washbasin; pot plant; there i

14、s/there are; its classrooma/b/c/d.l post office; museum; hospital; church; supermarket; hotel; cinema; wheres the cinema? excume me; sorry, i dont know; ill forget the cinema; ill have some tea and watch tv.l one goes with the museum; i dont know so.l next to; oppositel 词汇复习l 基本理解:i cant see him; le

15、ts go down here;lets climb up here; maybe the elephants up there; so am i; whats that over there? lets go and see; lets climb down.6 free timel 重要词汇和短语的预习(图片卡,单词卡)歌曲:busy lizzy l 词汇复习词汇的习得(图片卡,单词卡)平面游戏:free timel 短语的习得(图片卡)词汇游戏听力练习小对话l 利用单词卡作词汇练习介绍重要词汇 (图片卡,单词卡)max on holiday(卡通故事):粘贴课文缺少的部分-复述故事小对话

16、l 听力练习l shes so busy: shes got so many things to do; she feeds the squirrels in the park, she plays the saxophone; she rides her bike around the town, and then she dances with a clown; she goes sailing every day, and she plays volleyball; she cooks spaghetti for her friends, her busy days just never

17、 ends.l ski; skate; swim; roller-blade; play tennis/football; ride a horse; sail a boat; ride your bike to number; miss a turn只需理解: finishl can you ride a horse/?; yes, i can; no, i cantare you good at it?; no, not really; jessica/she can/cant只需理解im good at it; yes, i think so; i play it with my fri

18、ends all the time; my dad showed me.l 基本理解linda, benny and max have a snowball fight; they go/max goes skiing/sledging/(ice-)skating/snowboarding/curling.l play with your computer; go skating; its too cold outside; answer the door; hi, debbie; lets go skating; where are you going, debbie? ; im going

19、 skating with sylvia; bye, mrs. gilder.7 head and shoulders l 词汇的复习和扩展 (图片卡) 利用单词卡作词汇练习 歌曲l 词汇的复习和扩展(图片卡)短语的习得听力练习游戏l 重要词汇和短语的预习(图片卡,单词卡)(卡通故事)粘贴画-复述故事角色表演(可选择)l 词汇的复习和扩展( 图片卡,单词卡)听力练习l 听力迷宫l 注意力练习听力练习l shoulder(s)l my right/left foot hurts; this tooth hurts.只需理解:rub l 基本理解:dr kangaroo is the best d

20、octor in town; next, please; send him away; come in, mr. crocodile; your leg is broken; see you in four weeks; what a lovely kangaroo; catch me!; now the crocodile cant run; its four weeks later; sleep well; the legs ok; ive finished; you can go home now; heres the key;l big; small; wide; long; shor

21、t; fair.l his nose is small and his eyes are blue.只需理解:find the thief; this man has stolen my flowers; help me find the man.l 词汇复习。8 whats the time?l 重要词汇和短语的预习歌谣: its eight oclock钟表游戏l 重要短语的预习听力练习钟表游戏l 钟表bingo游戏创造性角色表演l 重要词汇和短语的预习(卡片,单词卡)midnight on the farm(卡通故事)粘贴课文缺少的部分-复述故事角色表演(可选择)l its quarte

22、r past eight its half past eight; its quarter to nine; oh no, shes gone!l time to stop; when is dinner, dad?; at half past six; when does the film start?l 词汇复习。l 基本理解 midnight; farmer; football; goal!; so am i ; lets play darts/cards sing a song; youre the winner; what can we do now?; playing cards?

23、; where are the cards?; am i dreaming?9 buying thingsl 词汇的复习和扩展歌曲: a hundred ladybirds介绍新词汇l bingo游戏词汇的习得听力练习l 训练理解力的猜谜游戏l 数字游戏连线练习算术游戏l 听力练习小对话l orange juice for max(卡通故事)粘贴课文中缺少的部分-复述故事角色表演(可选择)l a hundred little ladybirds are sitting in a tree; ten fly away; how many can you see?; so now its only

24、 me; pence. l 只需理解how much is ?/how much are ?; three pounds forty; five pounds ninety; ninety-five pence.l one pound twenty/.; close your eyes; open your eyes; how much is it?; no, look again. l 词汇复习l how much is the t-shirt?; how much are the socks?基本理解do you like it, kevin?; yeah, its okay; two p

25、airs, please; one pair for jenny and one for you; one pair only, please.l 基本理解: yes, please?; can i have an orange juice?; lemonade for me; a coke, please; two is enough; careful, benny; theres a bee on your head; dont move; the bees gone; you can open your eyes; ill get you.10 tammy, the queen of jamsl 音乐剧:tammy, the queen of jams 1 欣赏并理解2 演出音乐剧l 基本理解hello girls and boys; welcome everyone; welcome to our musical play; kitchen; pot; sugar; castle; king; servants; take it aw


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