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1、资料来源:来自本人网络整理!祝您工作顺利!英语短文故事2021精选 语言是人类文化的载体和重要组成局部,每种语言都能表达出访用者所在民族的世界观、思维方式、社会特性以及文化、历史等,下面我给大家介绍关于英语短文故事,便利大家学习。 英语短文故事1 the board meeting had come to an end. bob started to stand up and jostledthe table, spilling his coffee over his notes. how embarrassing. i am gettingso clumsy in my old age. e

2、veryone had a good laugh, and soon we were all telling stories of our mostembarrassing moments. it came around to frank who sat quietly listening to theothers. someone said, come on, frank. tell us your most embarrassingmoment. frank laughed and began to tell us of his childhood. i grew up in sanped

3、ro. my dad was a fisherman, and he loved the sea. he had his own boat, but itwas hard making a living on the sea. he worked hard and would stay out until hecaught enough to feed the family. not just enough for our family, but also forhis mom and dad and the other kids that were still at home. he loo

4、ked at us and said, i wish you could have met my dad. he was a bigman, and he was strong from pulling the nets and fighting the seas for hiscatch. when you got close to him, he smelled like the ocean. he would wear hisold canvas, foul-weather coat and his bibbed overalls. his rain hat would bepulled

5、 down over his brow. no matter how much my mother washed them, they wouldstill smell of the sea and of fish. franks voice dropped a bit. when the weather was bad he would drive me toschool. he had this old truck that he used in his fishing business. that truckwas older than he was. it would wheeze a

6、nd rattle down the road. you could hearit coming for blocks. as he would drive toward the school,i would shrink downinto the seat hoping to disappear. half the time, he would slam to a stop andthe old truck would belch a cloud of smoke. he would pull right up in front, andit seemed like everybody wo

7、uld be standing around and watching. then he wouldlean over and give me a big kiss on the cheek and tell me to be a good boy. itwas so embarrassing for me. here, i was twelve years old, and my dad would leanover and kiss me goodbye! he paused and then went on, i remember the day i decided i was too

8、old fora goodbye kiss. when we got to the school and came to a stop, he had his usualbig smile. he started to lean toward me, but i put my hand up and said, no,dad. it was the first time i had ever talked to him that way, and he had thissurprised look on his face. i said, dad, im too old for a goodb

9、ye kiss. im too old for any kind ofkiss. my dad looked at me for the longest time, and his eyes started to tear up.i had never seen him cry. he turned and looked out the windshield. youreright, he said. you are a big boy.a man. i wont kiss you anymore. frank got a funny look on his face, and the tea

10、rs began to well up in hiseyes, as he spoke. it wasnt long after that when my dad went to sea and nevercame back. it was a day when most of the fleet stayed in, but not dad. he had abig family to feed. they found his boat adrift with its nets half in and halfout. he must have gotten into a gale and

11、was trying to save the nets and thefloats. i looked at frank and saw that tears were running down his cheeks. frankspoke again. guys, you dont know what i would give to have my dad give me justone more kiss on the cheek.to feel his rough old face.to smell the oceanon him.to feel his arm around my ne

12、ck. i wish i had been a man then. if i hadbeen a man, i would never have told my dad i was too old for a goodbyekiss. 英语短文故事2 true love 真爱 an ancient hebrew text says: love is as strong as death. 一篇古代希伯来文说到: “爱和死一样剧烈 it seems that not everyone experiences this kind of strong love. 似乎不是每个人都经受了这种剧烈的爱。

13、 the increasing poverty, crime and war tell us that the world is indesperate need of true love. 日益增加的贫困,犯罪和战斗告知我们这个世界极度需要真爱。 but, what is true love? 但是,真爱是什么? love is something we all need, but how do we know when weve experiencedit? 爱是我们都需要的东西,但是我们怎么知道什么时候经受了爱? true love is best seen as devotion an

14、d action, not an emotion. 真爱最好被看成是奉献和行动,而不是情感. love is not exclusively based on how we feel. 爱不完全是基于我们的感觉. certainly our emotions are involved, but they can not be our only criteriafor love. 当然我们的情感也涉及到了,但是情感不能成为我们对爱的唯一标准. true love is when you care enough about another person that you would laydown

15、 your life for them. 真爱是当你们足够关怀在乎另一个人,你们情愿为他们放弃自己的生命. when this happens, then love truly is as strong as death. 当这种事发生了,那么爱确实是和死亡同样剧烈 how many of you have a father or mother, husband or wife, son or daughteror friend who would sacrifice his or her own life for yours? 你们当中有多少人的父亲母亲,丈夫妻子,儿子女儿或伴侣情愿为你而牺

16、牲他(她)自己的生命? those of you who truly love your spouse and children would unselfishly layyour life on the line to save them from death. 你情愿无私地放弃自己的生命来挽救你真正爱着的配偶和孩子免于死亡. many people, in emergency rooms with their loved ones have prayed, 很多人在急救室为他们所爱的人祈祷, please god, take me instead of them. 上帝, 请让我来代替他们

17、. find true love and be a true lover as well. 找到真爱并成为一个真正的爱人. may you find the love which is not only stronger than death, but whichleads to a truly fulfilling life. 祝福你们找到一个不但比死亡还要剧烈, 而且带给你们真正美好生活的爱. 英语短文故事3 a light drizzle was falling as my sister jill and i ran out of themethodist church, eager t

18、o get home and play with the presents that santa hadleft for us and our baby sister, sharon. across the street from the church was apan american gas station where the greyhound bus stopped. it was closed forchristmas, but i noticed a family standing outside the locked door, huddledunder the narrow o

19、verhang in an attempt to keep dry. i wondered briefly why theywere there but then forgot about them as i raced to keep up with jill. once we got home, there was barely time to enjoy our presents. we had to gooff to our grandparents house for our annual christmas dinner. as we drove downthe highway t

20、hrough town, i noticed that the family was still there, standingoutside the closed gas station. my father was driving very slowly down the highway. the closer we got tothe turnoff for my grandparents house, the slower the car went. suddenly, myfather u-turned in the middle of the road and said, i ca

21、nt stand it! what? asked my mother. its those people back there at the pan am, standing in the rain. theyvegot children. its christmas. i cant stand it. when my father pulled into the service station, i saw that there were fiveof them: the parents and three children - two girls and a small boy. my f

22、ather rolled down his window. merry christmas, he said. howdy, the man replied. he was very tall and had to stoop slightly topeer into the car. jill, sharon, and i stared at the children, and they staredback at us. you waiting on the bus? my father asked. the man said that they were. they were going

23、 to birmingham, where he had abrother and prospects of a job. well, that bus isnt going to come along for several hours, and youregetting wet standing here. winborns just a couple miles up the road. theyvegot a shed with a cover there, and some benches, my father said. why dontyall get in the car an

24、d ill run you up there. the man thought about it for a moment, and then he beckoned to his family.they climbed into the car. they had no luggage, only the clothes they werewearing. once they settled in, my father looked back over his shoulder and asked thechildren if santa had found them yet. three

25、glum faces mutely gave him hisanswer. well, i didnt think so, my father said, winking at my mother, becausewhen i saw santa this morning, he told me that he was having trouble findingall, and he asked me if he could leave your toys at my house. well just go getthem before i take you to the bus stop.

26、 all at once, the three childrens faces lit up, and they began to bouncearound in the back seat, laughing and chattering. when we got out of the car at our house, the three children ran through thefront door and straight to the toys that were spread out under our christmastree. one of the girls spie

27、d jills doll and immediately hugged it to herbreast. i remember that the little boy grabbed sharons ball. and the other girlpicked up something of mine. all this happened a long time ago, but the memoryof it remains clear. that was the christmas when my sisters and i learned thejoy of making others

28、happy. my mother noticed that the middle child was wearing a short-sleeved dress,so she gave the girl jills only sweater to wear. my father invited them to join us at our grandparents for christmasdinner, but the parents refused. even when we all tried to talk them intocoming, they were firm in thei

29、r decision. back in the car, on the way to winborn, my father asked the man if he hadmoney for bus fare. his brother had sent tickets, the man said. my father reached into his pocket and pulled out two dollars, which was allhe had left until his next payday. he pressed the money into the mans hand.

30、theman tried to give it back, but my father insisted. itll be late when you getto birmingham, and these children will be hungry before then. take it. ive beenbroke before, and i know what its like when you cant feed your family. we left them there at the bus stop in winborn. as we drove away, i watc

31、hedout the window as long as i could, looking back at the little gihugging her newdoll. 天上下着毛毛细雨,我和姐姐吉尔跑出卫理公会教堂,满心只想着快点回到家玩圣诞老人给我们和小妹妹莎伦预备的礼物玩具。教堂的对面是泛美油站,灰狗长途汽车会在那里中途停站。因为是圣诞节,那天油站没开,不过我发觉在紧锁的站门外站着一家人,他们挤在狭小的檐篷下,想尽量不被雨淋湿。我闪过一个疑问,他们为什么站在那里呢?但在我赶上吉尔的时候也就把这个疑团抛诸脑后了。 回到家后其实根本没时间让我们尽情把玩礼物,因为我们马上又得去爷爷奶奶家

32、共进一年一度的圣诞大餐。在开车经过刚刚那条大路时,我看到那一家人仍旧站在紧闭的油站门外。 在那主干道上爸爸的车开得很慢。越接近去爷爷奶奶家的分岔路口,车子就越慢。突然,爸爸在半路中途来了个180度转弯,把车子原路驶回,他说:我实在不忍心! 什么?妈妈问他。 那几个在雨中站在泛美油站外的人。他们还带着小孩呢。圣诞节当前,我真的不忍心啊。 爸爸把车开到油站旁停下,我观察那一家总共有5个人:父母俩和三个孩子-两个女孩跟一个小男孩。 爸爸摇下车窗对他们说:圣诞欢乐! 你好,那个男人回了一句。他长得很高,要略微弯下腰来往我们车里瞧。我和吉尔、莎伦盯着那几个小孩,他们也瞪眼看着我们。 你们在等汽车吗?爸爸

33、问他们。 男人答复说是,他们预备去伯明翰,他有个哥哥在那边,而且期望能谋到一份工作。 汽车至少要好几个小时后才到这里,站在这儿等车你们都会淋湿的。往前几英里就是温邦站,那儿有个棚屋,有地方避雨,还有些凳子。不如上车我送你们到那里吧。 男人想了一下然后示意他家人过来。他们钻进车里,除了身上穿着的衣服,他们没有任何行李。 等他们坐好了,爸爸转过头来问那几个孩子,圣诞老人找到他们没有。三张愁闷的脸无声地答复了他。 我看不是吧,爸爸边说边向妈妈瞬间示意,早上我碰到圣诞老人了,他说找不到你们,想把给你们的礼物临时放到我们家里来。如今咱们就去拿礼物吧,待会儿我再送你们去车站。 三个孩子的脸立刻阴霾尽散,还

34、在后排座位蹦蹦跳跳,笑笑嚷嚷起来。 到了我家一下车,那三个孩子穿过大门就直奔摆在圣诞树下的礼物。其中一个小女孩发觉了吉尔的洋娃娃礼物,马上把它抱入怀中。我记得那小男孩抓走了莎伦的小球,而另外一个女孩就挑走了一件我的东西。这些都是很久很久以前的事了,然而回忆起来还是那么清楚,因为在那个圣诞日我和我的姐妹领悟到了让别人欢乐而获得的愉悦。 妈妈看到他们家老二穿着的裙子是短袖的,便把吉尔仅有的毛衣给了她穿。 爸爸邀请他们一起去爷爷奶奶家吃圣诞大餐,但他们两夫妇回绝了。就算怎么游说,他们还是坚拒了我们的好意。 回到车里在去温邦的路上爸爸问那男人有没有钱买车票。 他说哥哥寄了车票来。 爸爸从口袋里掏出仅有

35、的两美元,原来是我们要熬到下次发工资的,他却把这钱塞到了男人的手里。男人想把钱推回来,但爸爸硬要他收下。等你们到伯明翰就已经很晚了,路上孩子们会饿的。收下吧,我以前也曾一贫如洗,让家人挨饿的味道不好受,我知道的。 把他们送到温邦的车站后,我们就开车分开了。我从车窗回望良久,凝视着那小女孩拥着她的新洋娃娃。 英语短文故事4 a love letter pain is a constant companion and isnt a very good one. i try to reasonwith it, and i end up feeling miserable. i cannot help

36、 but think about you. youwho had so much to give and share with me. even when i was young, you were a constant figure. you were there to see megrow up. i cried, i laughed, i learned, and you were there to guide me. withyour gray hair and chunkyglasses, i would watch you think and brood, and yoursudd

37、en smile would light up your face as quickly as it came. that is the very thing i love about you. your smile. i think about the times i missed being with you. so many years have passedsince i saw you again, and for a brief moment, i imagined you not being in mylife. i wanted to cry. but i knew you w

38、ould be there, as you always were. thegray hair has turned to white, and with that came a wiry frame that was fragile.still the eyes were as vibrant as ever, and a mind that was well-running. you taught me to be strong and live for my dreams. with your voracioushunger for knowledge you taught me to

39、love learning; always telling me that knowledgeis a constant thing. you were so strong, so wise and your presence was always acomfort. i always loved being by your side. you always gave me a hug when i feltdown. i never loved crowds, and you always seemed to understand that, notpressuring me to join

40、ing the others or pretend to have a good time. i get lost in the books you taught me to read. those books which you gaveme to learn more about the world, to never give up on things, to help me knowmyself and more. i read themconstantly, ever so often reminded of the things youtaught me. you always l

41、oved books. you never said much, but i always knew that every time we saw each other,you were gladto see me. as i always am glad to see you. i remember you with a teary face and a wistful smile. my pain is moreinsistent as i try tohold on to the hope that you will pull through this, likethe strong p

42、erson that you are. i love you, grandpa. 英语短文故事5 dad sure could play that mandolin 父爱无边 my father was a self-taught mandolin player. he was one of the best stringinstrument players in our town. he could not read music, but if he heard a tunea few times, he could play it. when he was younger, he was

43、a member of a smallcountry music band. they would play at local dances and on a few occasions wouldplay for the local radio station. he often told us how he had auditioned andearned a position in a band that featured patsy cline as their lead singer. hetold the family that after he was hired he neve

44、r went back. dad was a veryreligious man. he stated that there was a lot of drinking and cursing the day ofhis audition and he did not want to be around that type of environment. 我父亲是个自学成才的曼陀林琴手,他是我们镇最优秀的弦乐演奏者之一。他看不懂乐谱,但是假如听几次曲子,他就能演奏出来。当他年轻一点的时候,他是一个小乡村乐队的成员。他们在当地舞厅演奏,有几次还为当地播送电台演奏。他常常告知我们,自己如何试演,如

45、何在佩茜?克莱恩作为主唱的乐队里占一席之位。他告知家人,一旦被聘用就永不回头。父亲是一个很严谨的人,他讲解并描述了他试演的那天,许多人在喝酒,咒骂,他不想呆在那种环境里。 occasionally, dad would get out his mandolin and play for the family. wethree children: trisha, monte and i, george jr., would often sing along. songssuch as the tennessee waltz, harbor lights and around christmas

46、time, thewell-known rendition of silver bells. silver bells, silver bells, its christmastime in the city would ring throughout the house. one of dads favorite hymnswas the old rugged cross. we learned the words to the hymn when we were veryyoung, and would sing it with dad when he would play and sin

47、g. another song thatwas often shared in our house was a song that accompanied the walt disneyseries: davey crockett. dad only had to hear the song twice before he learned itwell enough to play it. davey, davey crockett, king of the wild frontier was afavorite song for the family. he knew we enjoyed

48、the song and the program andwould often get out the mandolin after the program was over. i could never getover how he could play the songs so well after only hearing them a few times. iloved to sing, but i never learned how to play the mandolin. this is something iregret to this day. 有时候,父亲会拿出曼陀林,为家

49、人弹奏。我们三个小孩:翠莎、蒙蒂和我,还有乔治通常 会伴唱。唱的有: 田纳西华尔兹和海港之光,到了圣诞节,就唱脍炙人口的银铃 : “银铃,银铃,城里来了圣诞节。 歌声布满了整个房子。父亲最爱的其中一首赞歌是古老的十字架。我们很小的时候就学会歌词了,而且在父亲弹唱的时候,我们也跟着唱。我们经 常一起唱的另外一首歌来自沃特?迪斯尼的系列片: 戴维?克罗克特。父亲只要听了两遍就 弹起来了, “戴维,戴维?克罗克特,荒野边疆的国王。 那是我们家最喜爱的歌曲。他知道我们喜爱那首歌和那个节目,所以每次节目完毕后,他就拿出曼陀林弹奏。我永久不能明白他如何能听完几遍后就能把一首曲子弹得那么好。我喜爱唱歌,但我

50、没有学会如何弹奏曼陀林, 这是我遗憾至今的事情。 dad loved to play the mandolin for his family he knew we enjoyed singing,and hearing him play. he was like that. if he could give pleasure to others, hewould, especially his family. he was always there, sacrificing his time andefforts to see that his family had enough in the

51、ir life. i had to mature into aman and have children of my own before i realized how much he hadsacrificed. 父亲喜爱为家人弹奏曼陀林,他知道我们喜爱唱歌,喜爱听他弹奏。他就是那样,假如他能把欢乐奉献给别人,他从不吝啬,尤其是对他的家人。他总是那样,牺牲自己的时间和精力让家人生活得满足。父亲的这种付出是只有当我长大成人,而且是有了自己的孩子后才能体 会到的。 i joined the united states air force in january of 1962. whenever

52、i wouldcome home on leave, i would ask dad to play the mandolin. nobody played themandolin like my father. he could touch your soul with the tones that came outof that old mandolin. he seemed to shine when he was playing. you could see hispride in his ability to play so well for his family. 我在 1962

53、年 1月参加了美国空军基地。每当我休假回家,我都恳求父亲弹奏曼陀林。没有人弹奏曼陀林能到达像我父亲那样的境界,他在那古老的曼陀林上抚出的旋律可以触及你的灵魂。他弹奏的时候,身上好像能发出四射的光辉。你可以看出,父亲为能给家人弹奏出如此 奇妙的旋律,他是多么的骄傲。 when dad was younger, he worked for his father on the farm. his father wasa farmer and sharecropped a farm for the man who owned the property. in 1950,our family moved

54、 from the farm. dad had gained employment at the local limestonequarry. when the quarry closed in august of 1957, he had to seek otheremployment. he worked for owens yacht company in dundalk, maryland and for toddsteel in point of rocks, maryland. while working at todd steel, he was involvedin an ac

55、cident. his job was to roll angle iron onto a conveyor so that thewelders farther up the production line would have it to complete their job. onthis particular day dad got the third index finger of his left hand mashedbetween two pieces of steel. the doctor who operated on the finger could notsave i

56、t, and dad ended up having the tip of the finger amputated. he didnt loseenough of the finger where it would stop him picking up anything, but it didimpact his ability to play the mandolin. 父亲年轻的时候,曾在农场为爷爷工作。爷爷是农场用法者,要向农场全部人交纳谷物抵租。 1950年,我们全家搬离农场,父亲在当地石灰石采石场谋得职位。采石场在 1957 年倒闭,他只好另觅工作。他曾在马里兰州登多克的欧文斯游

57、艇公司上班,还在马里兰州的洛斯的托德钢铁公司上过班。在托德钢铁公司上班期间,他遇到了意外。他的工作是把有棱角的铁滚到搬运台上,这样焊接工才能作进一步加工来完成整个工序。在那个特别的日子里,父亲的左手第三个手指被缠在两片钢铁中。医生对手指施手术,但未能保住那只手指,最终父亲只好让医生把那手指的指尖给切除了。那个手指并没有完全丢失拿东西的力量,但是却影响了 他弹奏曼陀林的力量。 after the accident, dad was reluctant to play the mandolin. he felt that hecould not play as well as he had before the accident. when i came home on leaveand asked him to play he would make excuses for why he couldnt play.eventually, w


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