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1、三、情景对话.105 1. 地面冲突、起落架故障等.105 2. 除冰.106 3. 颠簸.106 4. 起落架等.107 5. 液压系统.109 6. 天气.110 7. 前轮转弯失效.110 8. 地面障碍、沙尘暴等.111 9. 通讯失效、地面延误等.113 10. 机械故障、地面冲突等.114 11. 天气、病人等.115 12. 天气、客舱释压等.116 13. 颠簸、电气故障.117 14. 空中结冰、跑道灯光.118 15. 燃油不足、病人等.119 16. 导航系统故障.121 17. TCAS、不正常落地等 .122 18. 飞行操纵、起落架等.124 19. 鸟击,发动机失

2、效等.125 20. 冒烟,备降等.127 21. 下降率等.128 22. 颠簸等.129 23. 起落架故障等.131 24. 发动机故障等.132 25. 火山灰云等.133 26. 鸟击、放油等.134 27. 旅客生病等.135 28. 紧急释压等.136 29. 备降、病人等.137 30. 备降等.138 31. 滑行、释压等.139 32. 延误、发动机失效等.141 33. 外来物、颠簸 PA、结冰等.142 34. 雷击导航失效.144 35. 跑道入侵等.145 36. PAPI 灯、飞机冲突.146 五、OPI.153 1. TOPICS ON WEATHER.153


4、景对话部分主要考核考生在特定的无线电陆空通话语境 下的语言运用和交际能力,能进行准确、流利的空地对话。该部分 要求考生能听懂正常情况和非正常情况下的无线电陆空通话内容, 并且根据模拟的陆空通话情景,及时准确地传递信息,恰当表达特 定语境下的意思,实现与空中交通管制员的语言交际。模拟情景对 话部分考核的技能是: 1. 语言理解能力 听懂正常、非正常和紧急情况下无线电陆空通话内容和重要 细节。 2. 语言表达能力 1)根据所听内容及一定的语境,表达重要或特定信息; 2)按照航空通信的特定程序进行空地对话。 3. 语言运用技能 1)根据特定的语境,运用正确的语音语调保持陆空通话的顺畅; 2)运用 I

5、CAO 标准通话术语进行正确回答; 3)在非正常通话语境下,在 ICAO 标准术语无法表达特定语境 时,运用日常英语进行恰当的表述。 4. 口语表达技能 1)考生在陆空通话语境下应该会使用通话者双方都能理解的通 用术语; 2)为了解决、确认航空通话及相关状况下的理解错误,应使用 正确的通信方法; 3)口语表达清晰、明确、流畅。 模拟陆空通话命题范围紧密结合考生工作实际,使用考试专用 的航图、航空公司呼号等信息进行通话情景的设置。考试内容包括 正常、非正常以及紧急情况下的陆空通话。要求考生严格按照 ICAO 相关文件要求使用标准术语,在有些特殊情况下,如果标准 术语无法涵盖部分通话情景,可以使用

6、通用英语完成语言的交际, 保证空地之间信息的通畅以及正确传递。 五、口语能力面试(五、口语能力面试(OPI) 口语能力面试部分主要考核考生在实际的语言环境下,口头语 言表达能力。面试员和考生以电脑为媒介进行面对面地交谈,即通 过半直接型考试的方式,对考生进行民航专业及与工作相关专业等 话题进行语言交际,从而对考生的口头语言运用能力及语言的综合 表达能力进行测试。该部分要求考生积极配合面试员的发问,回答 面试员问题,并且围绕所提供图片,针对相关民航及飞行专业问题 进行深入交流,使考生在特定的语境下充分展现其口头语言表达能 力和想象能力,运用通用英语阐述民航专业的话题。实现语言应对 能力的目的。口

7、语能力面试部分考核的技能是: 1. 思想表达能力 1)准确回答问题; 2)围绕主题阐明自己的观点、态度等。 2. 语言运用能力 1)运用恰当的词汇; 2)运用正确的语法及结构; 3. 口语表达能力 1)在以计算机为媒介的面对面状态下有效地进行对话; 2)关于共同的、具体的、与民航业务有关的主题,应清楚、明 确地进行交流; 3)在日常情况或不熟悉的对话中发生的复杂事件或要求不可预 测的转换时,应能相对容易地成功处理; 4)对于不可预测的、与航空专业相关的话题可以通过语言的灵 活运用,保持对话的互动性; 5)口语表达流畅,语音清晰,内容切题。 口语能力面试部分主要是通过面试员与考生之间的交流进行的

8、, 其中最重要的环节是面试员提问、考生回答问题。面试员所问问题 的命题范围一般涉及两个方面:一是关于考生日常英语方面的话题, 如考生的个人情况、工作、学习、业余爱好、交通、假日活动等; 二是关于航空专业方面的话题。 第二部分 PEPEC 评分准则 PEPEC 考试评分准则是依据国际民航组织语言评定标准及语 言测试理论,按照 PEPEC 考试模式而制定的。 一、ICAO 评分准则 国际民航组织关于语言测试的评分标准分别从语言测试的发音、 结构、词汇、流畅程度、理解和应对能力等六方面的语言技能进行 等级的划分,PEPEC 测试系统的评分准则与国际民航组织飞行员 和管制员语言熟练程度评定标准一致。I

9、CAO 语言等级评定特点如 下: 发音(Pronunciation): 评价考生的重音、语调和节奏,其发音在实际口语交际中能够 实现交际功能。 结构(Structure): 评价考生在实际的日常工作和航空英语背景中,考生正确运用 语法结构、句型及时态等适当的英语使用能力。 词汇(Vocabulary): 评价考生适当的英语词汇的使用、航空沟通所需的、丰富而正 确的航空用语使用能力。 流畅程度(Fluency): 评价考生在日常工作及航空英语背景中说话的自然程度及流畅 程度。 理解(Comprehension): 评价考生对测试中设计问题是否正确理解,回答是否适当。 应 对能力(Interact

10、ion):评价考生在航空通讯和航空背景的交流中, 是否适当回答问题,回答的速度和内容是否适当,是否实现空地对 话及交际目的。 OPI 中有几个特别需要注意的问题 1)避免答非所问 如果考官问:“Do you think keeping fit is important for pilots?”考 生只需回答:“Yes, it is.”或“No, it is not.”。除非考官问到,否则考 生不需要答出理由,因为如果需要的话, 考官会接着问“Why?”。 如果问题是:“Do you think keeping fit is important for pilots? And why?”。考生应

11、该回答:“Yes, it is.”或“No, it is not.”并说出理由。 2)使用证实、澄清的方法与考官互动 因为互动是 OPI 考核的一个方面,所以如果对某个问题感觉不 是十分有把握,一定要进行证实。即便考生每一个问题都听得十分 清楚,也可以有意识地证实一两次,除非有更好的互动方式。 3)使用filler使通话显得更加自然。 Filler 是指在回答问题的开头或者两句话的中间使用Uh .,let me think., in my opinion. 等等, 一方面,使通话显得 更加自然。另一方面,可以把回答问题的节奏放慢,给自己多两秒 钟进行思考。 4)PEPEC 仅考核考生的语言能力

12、 PEPEC 考试的核心是考核语言能力,而不是对航空知识和程 序的掌握。因此,在回答问题时不要局限于自己掌握的知识甚至事 实。OPI 没有“正确”答案。在不偏离题意的情况下选择你熟悉的内 容进行回答。例如,在回答“ Whats the weather like?”时,无论实 际天气情况如何,你都可以选择自己熟悉的天气描述方法进行回答。 对于航空专业知识问题的回答,也可采取类似的方法。例如,回答 问题“ What could be the result of center hydraulic system failure?”时, 如果记不清中液压失效所影响的系统,则可以回答任何自己熟悉的 系统。

13、 三、情景对话 1. 地面冲突、起落架故障等 Narrator: Your call sign is NWA153. You are at bay 15 and you have just copied the ATIS with information T, request taxi clearance. NWA153: ATC: NWA 153, taxi to holding point of runway 08L via taxiway K, A and A10. Caution works in progress near gate 319. NWA153: ATC: Read ba

14、ck correct. ATC: NWA153, hold at holding point A, give way to the landing B777. NWA153: ATC: NWA153, continue taxi, expedite, aircraft taxiing behind. NWA153: Narrator: A ground vehicle crossing taxiway A8 suddenly passing in front of you near the intersection of A and A7. You have stopped the aircr

15、aft. However you almost collided with it. Inform controller about this situation and ask them what happened. NWA153: ATC: NWA153, it is an unknown vehicle carrying an injured ground staff. Is everything Okay with your aircraft? Narrator: Tell the controller that you have applied the maximum brake to

16、 stop the airplane. There is nothing wrong with the aircraft and you have not got any injury report from the flight attendant. NWA153: Narrator: It is now much later in the flight and you are at 1,500m and approaching Wuhan. Call ATC and request descend to 1,200m. NWA153: ATC: NWA153, Wuhan approach

17、, cleared descend and maintain 1,200m on QNH1101, turn left heading 250, report KH. NWA153: Narrator: You are over KH, report to ATC. NWA153: ATC: NWA153 cleared for ILS approach runway 25L. NWA153: Narrator: During approach, your find something wrong with the landing gear, which can not be extended

18、, you intend to conduct manual gear (gravity) extension, report to ATC. This is an urgency call. NWA153: ATC: NWA153, roger PAN, turn right heading 340, maintain present altitude, join right hand down wind on the runway 25L, expect low-pass for visual check. NWA153: 2. 除冰 Narrator: You are at Beijin

19、g airport. Your call sign is CCA101. Theres ice accumulated on your plane. You want to have the ice removed before start-up. Contact Beijing Ground to request deicing service. CCA101: ATC: CCA101, Wuhan ground, where do you want to de-ice? Narrator: Tell ground you want to de-ice on taxiway D7 CCA10

20、1: Narrator: Inform GND de-icing completed, D7, ready to taxi CCA101: ATC: CCA 101, taxi to holding point runway 36R via W2, Z4 and B. Caution, taxiway is covered with ice patches. CCA101: Narrator: Your deicing fluid is only effective for 30mins. Tell Ground that you need to take off before 0900 an

21、d request an intersection departure from Z4. CCA101: ATC: CCA101, Negative due sequencing. Continue taxi to holding point runway 36R via W2, Z4 and B. CCA101: ATC: CCA101, stop immediately. A catering truck has just knocked an engine of your plane. Narrator: Ask ground which engine it is. CCA101: AT

22、C: No.4, the right outboard engine. Narrator: Tell controller that you have to shut down all 4 engines and discharge fire extinguishers of engine number 4. CCA101: ATC: Roger, CCA101, Ill send out the fire brigade. 3. 颠簸 Narrator: You have taken off from Wuhan airport and you are now cruising at 10,

23、100m. You have encountered moderate turbulence. Ask Guangzhou Control for a higher level. CCA1213: ATC: CCA1213, 10,800m and 11,200m are both available. Which one do you prefer? Narrator: Tell controller that you prefer 10,800m. CCA1213: ATC: CCA1213, climb and maintain 10,800m. CCA1213: ATC: CCA121

24、3, radar shows you are a bit higher than your assigned flight level. Check your altitude. Narrator: Inform Controller that you are running into some turbulence. CCA1213: Narrator: Ask Guangzhou Control to check if any turbulence was reported at 11,200m by preceding aircraft. CCA1213: ATC: There is n

25、o turbulence report at 11200m. Narrator: Notify Guangzhou Control that you want to climb to 11,200m due turbulence. CCA1213: ATC: CCA1213, climb and maintain 11,200m. CCA1213: Narrator: Contact Guangzhou Control for an early descent because your estimated landing weight exceeds the Maximum landing w

26、eight, request descent now. CCA1213: Narrator: You are over IKUBA at 15, and your level is 8,400m, inform Guangzhou control that you have encountered severe turbulence and ask for 8100m, call Guangzhou Control CCA1213: ATC: Roger, CCA1213, descend and maintain 8,100m. ATC: CCA1213, is there any dama

27、ge to the aircraft or any passenger injuries? Narrator: Tell the controller that theres no aircraft damage or passenger injury. CCA1213: ATC: CCA1213, descend and maintain 5,400m, reach 5,400m 10 miles before MARRI. Start descent at your own discretion. Narrator: There is thunderstorm ahead. Request

28、 OFFSET 20 miles to the right to avoid it. CCA1213: ATC: CCA1213, 20 miles right is approved. Narrator: You are now clear of weather. Request direct to TON from Guangzhou Approach. CCA1213: 4. 起落架等 Narrator: Your call sign is CES232, from Wuhan to Singapore. You are taxiing Southbound on Taxiway C t

29、o holding point runway 36L. Call Wuhan Tower for takeoff clearance. CES232: ATC: CES232, Wuhan Tower, line up and wait runway 36L. CES232: ATC: CES232, wind calm, cleared for takeoff runway 36L, contact Wuhan Departure 118.25 when airborne. CES232: Narrator: After airborne, you have an undercarriage

30、 (landing gear) warning. The indication shows your right main gear has not been retracted; Call Wuhan Approach and request maintain 1,500m and speed 200kts. CES232: ATC: CES232, Wuhan Approach, roger, climb and maintain 1,500m, speed 200 knots approved, advise intentions when able. CES232: Narrator:

31、 After performing the abnormal checklist, you still cannot confirm the landing gear position. Tell Wuhan Approach you want to return to Wuhan airport and make a low-pass over the runway for visual check. CES232: ATC: CES232, turn right track direct to EB NDB, descend and maintain 1,200m. Follow the

32、published procedure, cleared for ILS approach runway 36R. CES232: ATC: CES232, you are 11 miles from touchdown, contact Wuhan Tower on 118.5. CES232: Narrator: Call Wuhan Tower and tell the controller you have established ILS runway 36R and you are ready for the low-pass. CES232: ATC: CES232, wind c

33、alm, cleared low-pass runway 36R, not below 200m above the runway. CES232: ATC: CES232, after low-pass, maintain runway heading, climb 1,200m. CES232: ATC: CES232, weve had a good look at your undercarriage, your right main gear seems to be in the extended position. Advise intentions. Narrator: Tell

34、 Wuhan Tower the indication still shows right landing gear unlocked. You want to perform a hold over WHA as published. CES232: ATC: CES232, turn left proceed direct to DA, climb and maintain 1,500m, contact Wuhan Approach on 119.225. CES232: Narrator: You are tracking direct to DA, maintaining 1,500

35、m, Call Wuhan Approach and request holding instructions. CES232: ATC: CES232, Wuhan Approach, radar contact, hold at DA as published, expect further clearance at time 30, report entering the hold. CES232: 5. 液压系统 Narrator: You are the pilot of CES 232 flying from Wuhan to Shenzhen. You are just over

36、 ZF and maintaining 4,500m. Make an initial contact with Wuhan Control. CES232: ATC: CES 232, Wuhan Control, radar contact, climb and maintain 7,200m, expect 8,600m in 15mins. Narrator: Inform controller that you have encountered severe clear air turbulence, request 8,600m. CES232: ATC: Is there any

37、 aircraft damage or passenger injury? Narrator: Inform Wuhan Control that you have just been told a child has been seriously injured. CES232: ATC: CES232, roger, report your intention. Narrator: Tell the controller that you want to go back to land at Wuhan airport. ATC: CES232, turn left direct to Z

38、F and descend to 5,100 m. CES232: Narrator: You now have a warning that one of your hydraulic systems is leaking fluid slowly. Make an urgency call to Wuhan Approach that you need to dump fuel and make an emergency landing. You will carry out a landing by applying abnormal checklist of landing gear.

39、 CES232: ATC: CES232, roger pan call, descend and maintain 3,000m, turn left heading 280, radar vectors for fuel dumping area. Well have the emergency services ready and the runway foamed up shortly. CES232: Narrator: Inform the controller that you also need an ambulance and first aid on arrival. CE

40、S232: Narrator: After making the emergency landing on runway 36R, your aircraft is still intact. Inform Wuhan Tower that you still need emergency evacuation as a precaution. CES 232: 6. 天气 Narrator: Your call sign is CES598 flying from Tokyo to Wuhan. You are cruising at 11,000m and squawking 3432.

41、You are now entering Wuhan control area. Make an initial contact with Wuhan Control. CES598: ATC: CES598, radar contact, maintain 11,000m. CES598: Narrator: There is thunderstorm build-up near LKO. Ask how the preceding aircraft avoided the weather. CES598: ATC: Preceding aircraft just deviate 5 mil

42、es to the East, whats your intention? Narrator: Tell Wuhan Control you want to deviate 10 miles to the East to avoid weather. CES598: Narrator: You are approaching the top of descent point, but there is CB at lower level. Ask Wuhan Control to delay your descent. CES598: Narrator: There is thundersto

43、rm to the South of the airport. Arrival through LKO is difficult. Ask Wuhan Control for an approach from the North and use ZF arrival. CES598: ATC: CES598, ZF arrival approved. Narrator: There is a small cumulonimbus in front of you. Request maneuvering to the left within 5 miles. CES598: ATC: CES59

44、8, negative due prohibited area, turn right 30 degrees and track out 5km, report clear of the CB. CES598: ATC: CES598 report flight conditions. Narrator: You are at 6,000m 80km to ZF and youre encountering moderate icing. CES598: ATC: CES598, roger, keep us advised of weather condition. Narrator: In

45、form Wuhan approach that your anti-ice system is inoperative, request descend to a lower level. CES598: 7. 前轮转弯失效 Narrator: You are from Guangzhou to Wuhan, your call sign is ACA515, youve just been handed over by Wuhan control, now you are over LKO at 5,100m, you have copied the latest ATIS L, call

46、 Wuhan approach. ACA515: ATC: ACA515, Wuhan Approach, radar contact, follow LKO-1A Arrival, descend and maintain 3,000m on QNH1004. ACA515: Narrator: During descent, your nose wheel steering failed due left hydraulic system failure. Inform Wuhan Approach of the situation and tell him that you will s

47、top on the runway after landing. ACA515: Narrator: You are told to use runway 36L VOR/DME approach, but the weather is deteriorating. Ask Wuhan Tower for an ILS approach runway 36R. ACA515: ATC: ACA515, ILS approach runway 36R is approved. ACA515: Narrator: The approach lights are not bright enough.

48、 Ask Tower to increase the brightness of the approach lights. ACA515: Narrator: You executed missed approach because of poor visibility, inform Tower. ACA515: ATC: ACA515, Roger, follow the standard missed approach procedure. ACA515: Narrator: The visibility has improved, expect radar vectors for an

49、other approach. ACA515: ATC: ACA515, turn right heading 030, cleared for ILS approach runway 36R. ACA515: Narrator: You have landed at Wuhan airport, but the tow truck is not in position, ask for a tug. ACA515: 8. 地面障碍、沙尘暴等 Narrator: Your call sign is CCA101 at Beijing airport. Your parking bay is 5

50、31 with information S, request ATC clearance to Hong Kong. CCA101: ATC: CCA101, clear to Hong Kong, runway 36L, RENOB 02 departure, initial altitude 900m, expect en-route altitude 10min after departure, departure frequency 119.65. Call me ready for pushback and start-up. CCA101: Narrator: You are no

51、w at the holding point of runway 36R. ATC: CCA101, behind the departing A330, cross runway 36R behind, then taxi via E and hold short of runway 36L. CCA101: Narrator: During taxiing, you observed a cone marker in front of you on the taxiway E, you have stopped the aircraft. Report the situation to A

52、TC and confirm if the taxiway E is closed. CCA101: ATC: CCA101, negative, taxiway E is fully open, are you able to taxi around it? Narrator: Tell ATC that you are unable to taxi around it and request ground personnel to remove it. CCA101: ATC: CCA101, roger. Hold present position. CCA101: (Several m

53、inutes later) ATC: CCA101, ground, the safety officer confirms the taxiway is now clear, continue on E and hold short of runway 36L. CCA101: Narrator: You are now at the holding point of runway 36L. Tell ATC that you are ready for takeoff. CCA101: ATC: CCA101, behind landing traffic line up behind.

54、CCA101: Narrator: It is much later, you initiate approach. You have reached 15,000 and request further descent, call Hong Kong approach. CCA101: ATC: CCA101, maintain 15,000, opposite traffic 2 oclock 10 miles, report clear of traffic. Narrator: Tell the controller you are clear of the other aircraf

55、t and request to fly lower. CCA101: Narrator: You were cleared to 5,000 but notice the sky turning dark and visibility is getting worse quickly. You suspect a sand storm. Tell Hong Kong approach this situation and ask ATC if there is a sand storm forecast. CCA101: Narrator: The sand storm is very se

56、vere and visibility is now very poor. Inform ATC the situation and ask to climb to a higher level to get above the sand storm. CCA101: ATC: CCA101, climb and maintain 7,000 and turn right heading 210. CCA101: Narrator: Suddenly, your No.1 and No.2 engines have flamed out due to the dust storm, reque

57、st radar vectors to Hong Kong airport for priority landing. This is a distress call. CCA101: ATC: CCA101, roger Mayday, turn right heading 260, this will take you direct to Hong Kong. The weather at Hong Kong airport is clear. 9. 通讯失效、地面延误等 Narrator: Your call sign is SIA1334 from Chengdu to Beijing

58、, you are at stand 34, information I received, request ATC clearance. SIA1334: ATC: SIA1334, stand by, I am going to check your flight plan. SIA1334: ATC: SIA 1334, delivery. Cleared to Beijing as filed, fight level #%$*#. Narrator: The ATC clearance has been disturbed, inform ATC and request repeat

59、 the clearance. SIA1334: ATC: SIA1334 is cleared to Beijing as filed, 10,700m. D06 departure runway 12, runway heading until passing 3,000m before turning right, squawk 4562. SIA1334: ATC: SIA1334, readback correct. When ready for push back and start up contact ground 118.9. SIA1334: Narrator: Befor

60、e being pushed back, the chief purser calls you that the general declaration form is not on board. Inform ATC the situation and request delay the push. SIA1334: ATC: SIA1334, roger, call me back when ready. SIA1334: ATC: SIA1334, are you fully ready now? Your slot is 0310. Narrator: You need to open


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