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1、活动策划案概 述introduction特种路面包括abs路、鹅卵石路、台阶路、扭曲路、减速带路、洗衣板路、角钢路、绳索路、比利石路、比利石路和欧洲石块路混合路、井盖路共计11种路面!各种类型、功能的特殊道路繁多,路面形状差异大,各种特殊道路施工工艺复杂、成型难度大。特种路面施工前均先作小样,业主认可后再施工。special road surface including abs road, cobblestone road, steproad, crooked road, the speed bump road, washboard road, anglesteel road and rope

2、 road, belgium road, combined road of beryl andeuropean blocks ,manhole cover road,total of 11 types of roadthe test track consists of various types of road surfaces and differentshapes,so the construction technology will be complex, and difficult .we will provide all surface sample to volvo for app

3、roval beforeconstruction各特种路施工工艺简述abs路 abs road鹅卵石路 cobblestone road台阶路 step road扭曲路 crooked road减速带路 speed bump road洗衣板路 washboard road绳索路 rope road角钢路 angle steel road比利石路和欧洲石块路混合路道combined road of beryl and european blocks比利石路 beryl road井盖路 manhole cover roadabs路面长度10米,宽3米。路面覆盖用不锈钢板厚25mm。 abs roa

4、d is 10 meters long, 3 meters wide. theroad is covered with 25mm thick stainless steel plate(一)abs路面施工abs roadabs路面构造断面示意section diagram of abs pavement structure不锈钢面板加工 stainless steel plate processing锚脚加工 anchor pin processing固定不锈钢面板锚脚 fixing浇筑砼 pouring贯入不锈钢板 insert of stand steel plates待砼硬结后,焊接 w

5、elding磨平顶面成活 polishing主要工序 main process不锈钢板样品 不锈钢板提前委托金属加工单位进行切割、钻孔、刨边、打磨加工,确保不锈钢板平整、光滑,无变形、毛刺、裂边、翘边等不良缺陷,并确保孔位正确。钻孔要打成坡口,以利送入焊条,坡面向上 an metal processing unit is entrusted to cut, drill,bevel and polish the stainless steel plates in advanceto ensure that they are glossy and smooth and freefrom such

6、defects as deformation, burr, edge crackand raised edge, and that the holes are in the rightplaces. the drill hole shall be drilled into beveled edgesto feed welding rods with its groove face upwards.不锈钢板加工锚脚加工processing of anchor legs设计锚脚为10光圆钢筋,长200mm,其最小净距40mm,共计319颗。为了保证顺利贯入不锈钢板,必须确保各锚脚竖直、间距精准。锚

7、脚间采用钢架固定,形成一个整体固定骨架,防止浇筑砼过程中使锚脚产生位移,同时将锚脚加长,以利于不锈钢板贯入时准确对位。加工好的骨架要进行预贯穿,确保各锚脚之间相对位置准确the designed anchor legs are made of 10 plain round bars with the length of 200mmand the minimum clearance of 40mm, 319 in total. the anchor legs shall be vertical andthe distance shall be accurate so as to insert t

8、he stainless steel plate successfully. steelframes are used to fix the anchor legs to form a whole fixed frame to prevent them fromdisplacing while pouring concrete. meanwhile, the anchor legs are extended to enablethe accurate alignment of the stainless steel plate. the processed frame shall be ins

9、ertedbeforehand to ensure the accuracy of relative locations of each anchor legs.设计锚脚为 10光圆钢筋,长200mm,其最小净距40mm,共计319颗。为了保证顺利将加工好的锚脚钢架运至施工现场就位处,在预先设置好的控制桩上拉十字线,用钢尺调整其平面位置,用水平仪调测其高程,准确后采用少量砼事先将骨架临时固定,再复测其平面位置和高程,无误后待砼固结。当砼具有一定强度后再进行一次预贯入,预贯入可以加工一块孔径和孔位与不锈钢板一致的模板进行。transport the processed anchor leg st

10、eel frame to specified location of the site; arrange across wire on the control piles set in advance; use a steel rule to adjust its plane position and alevel gauge to adjust and measure its elevation. use a small amount of concrete to fix the frametemporarily in advance after a cross wire is accura

11、tely set and then re-measure the plane positionand elevation. when the concrete is thickened to a certain strength, insert the frame into theconcrete again with a die with the same hole diameter and location of that of the stainless steelplate.固定不锈钢面板锚脚fixing of anchor legs for stainless steel plate

12、s主要是控制好砼高程,保证砼路面平整度,一切准确后,即贯入不锈钢板。贯入不锈钢板应在砼终凝前完成,这样可以利用不锈钢面板自重使不锈钢面板与砼结合紧密,确保了砼路面不会出现正误差。the most important thing is to control the elevation of the concrete to ensure theevenness of the concrete road. after all things are accurately done, insert the stainlesssteel plate. the stainless steel plate s

13、hall be inserted before the concrete coagulation,through which the stainless steel plate can closely integrate with the concrete relyingon its self-weight, preventing the occurrence of positive error.砼路面浇筑pouring of concrete pavement焊接工作在砼强度增长7天后进行。焊接时,先轻微点焊定位及打底,再行主焊缝施焊,最后封面焊缝施焊。为防止焊接产生的高温应力使不锈钢板变形

14、,焊接点位均采取梅花形间隔进行,不得顺序焊接。定位工作全部完成后,再行打底,打底工作全部完成后再进行主焊。主焊缝施焊不必一次填满焊缝,焊完一层,即进入下一焊点,待焊点基本冷确后再焊上一层。封面焊缝应适当高出板面。封面焊缝完成后,打磨表面成活。the welding shall be carried out after the strength of the concrete is increased for 7 days. duringthe welding, spot welding for fixing positions and backing welding shall be carr

15、ied out slightly beforewelding the main weld seam and the cover weld seam. the welding point positions shall be of quincunxtype, rather than in sequence, to prevent the stainless steel plate from deformation caused by the hightemperature stress during the welding. the backing welding shall be carrie

16、d out after the positioning,and then the main weld seam. there is no need to weld the whole weld seam once while welding it.another welding spot can be welded after one layer is finished. an extra layer can be welded afterthe welding spot is cooled. the cover weld seam shall be higher than the plate

17、 surface appropriately.after welding the cover weld seam, the surface shall be polished.焊接 welding鹅卵石路长10m,宽3米。如图cobble road is 10 m long, width of 3 meters.as shown in figure(二)鹅卵石路面 cobble road鹅卵石样品sample of cobble施工工艺 procedure首先浇筑下层混凝土再铺设m10水泥砂浆,安装固定卵石,凸出高度符合设计要求30-50mm。卵石人工栽植。pour concrete befo

18、re laying m10 cement plaster; install and fix cobblestones, theprotruded height of which shall conform to the design requirement, i.e. 30 50mm. thecobblestones shall be placed manually.(三)台阶路面施工 step road台阶路面全长15米,宽3米,为c30砼结构,共8条斜面组成台阶。 the 15m long and 3m wide step road is of c30 concrete structure

19、 withthe steps composed of 8 bevels.施工流程 procedure台阶路面分两个阶段施工:第一阶段施工c30底层路面,可以上人即进入第二阶段作台阶面层。第二阶段分两次成型:第一次1、3、5、7,第二次2、4、6、8。混凝土表面采用铝合金枋刮平,表面收光。垂直面光面覆膜板立模。for the step road, there are two construction stages: the first stage is to lay c30 basepavement. the second stage can be started if people can w

20、alk on the base pavement.the second stage can be divided into two times to shape: the first time 1, 3, 5, 7 and thesecond time 2, 4, 6, 8. the concrete surface shall be smoothed by an aluminum alloysquare-column and the surface shall be polished. the film face plywood on the verticalsurface serves a

21、s a die.覆膜模板样品(四)扭曲路面施工 crooked road 扭曲路面全长13米,宽3米,为c30砼结构,由9个高出路面15cm的扭曲块组成,扭曲块呈错位两排布置。the 13m long and 3m wide crooked road is of c30 concrete structure composedof 9 crooked blocks 15 cm higher than the pavement and laid in two rows in a mismatchmanner.施工难点 construction difficulties 每一个扭曲块顶面有6个斜面,

22、形状复杂。扭曲块斜面多,斜度大,一次现浇方案无法保证这种质量要求。所以本路段的施工难点也在于如何保证扭曲块的成型质量。there are 6 bevels with complex shapes on the top of each crookedblock. the crooked block has so many bevels and high inclination;therefore, the cast-in-place program cant meet this qualityrequirement. the construction difficulty in this sec

23、tion is how to ensurethe forming quality of crooked blocks.施工流程 procedure施工分两步,第一步施工扭曲块的突出台体部分,按照设计轮廓加工出台体的模板,台体部分留出预埋的连接筋。第二步施工扭曲之间的平路面,按照常规工艺施工。there are two construction stages: firstly, for the protruded part of the crookedblock, a die shall be processed as per the designed frame and an embedded

24、 systemshall be provided for the platform part. secondly, the plane pavements betweencrooked parts shall be constructed as per the regular process.扭曲块施工采用覆膜板支设。the film face plywoodsupport shall be adopted.cad放大样,量边长和倒角角度magnifiedcad, measure the side length and bevelangle加工模板 process the die预拼装,检查尺

25、寸是否准确,拼缝是否严密。将每块模板编号备用。pre-assemblyand check whether the dimension iscorrect and the seam is tight or not.number each die.支侧模,浇砼至离侧模顶约10cm处。provide lateral die and pour concrete toabout 10cm near it.封盖顶模 cover the top die.浇完 finish pouring.收光处理 polishing拆模,补浆、打磨等处理 remove dies; fillconcrete, polish,

26、 etc.浇筑下料口位置留设(五)减速带路施工 the speed bump road 减速带路全长30米宽4米,因施工设计图未明示减速带的具体作法,暂按成品橡胶减速带考虑。the speed bump road is 30m long and 4m wide. it is temporarily considered as afinished rubber speed bump road, as the construction drawing does not indicatethe specified measures of speed bump.施工工艺流程 procedure减速带在

27、砼路面养护7天后安装。the speed bump shall be constructed after theconcrete road is maintained for 7 days.定位。 positioning冲击电锤打孔。 punch with an electric impact hammer穿入高强度内六角螺钉。 nail high strength hexagon socket head cap screws内六角螺钉与金属膨胀入孔。 put the hexagon socket head cap screw and metallicexpansion into holes拧

28、紧,固定。 tight and fix(六)洗衣板路施工 washboard road 洗衣板路全长30米宽3米。路面为波形横向连续砼楞。washboard road is 30m long and 3m wide. the pavement has continuous wave-formed horizontal concrete stands.洗衣板路先于路肩浇筑,待洗衣板路面成形后砼强度增长后再行施工路肩。洗衣板路采用现浇法施工,施工工艺与普通混凝土路面相同。关键在于正弦波的形成,主要靠侧壁钢模板的形状和反复拉滚杠来成型,并辅以人工整形。the concrete pouring of

29、washboard road shall bestarted from the road shoulder. the construction of theroad shoulder can be started after the washboardroad is formed and the concrete strength is enhanced.this road shall be constructed with the cast-in-placemethod, the construction process of which is the sameas that of the

30、normal concrete road. the key is theformation of sine waves. this road is mainly formedbased on the shapes of steel dies on both sides androlls, and artificial shaping is also necessary.施工要点key point1-1(七)角钢路面施工 angle steel road 角钢路全长30米宽4米,每隔5米设两道l 50 x50 x10 x 2850角钢,两角钢间距1.35米,共计10道角钢。角钢高出地面25mm。

31、angle steel road is 30m long and 4m wide. there are two rows of l 50 x50 x10 x 2850angle steels every 5m, 10 rows in total. the distance between two angle steels is 1.35mand the angle steel is 25mm higher than the ground.施工工艺流程 procedure加工:角钢采用10mm厚钢板弯折而成。processing: the angle steel ismanufactured b

32、y bending 10mm thick steel plate.锚脚焊接。 welding anchor legs热浸镀锌处理。 hot dip galvanization角钢就位。 put the angle steel in place浇筑砼。 concrete pouring校正。 adjustment人工收砼面。 treat the concrete surface manually养护、切缝、刻痕。 maintenance, joint-cutting and nicking角钢加工示意角钢就位临时固定节点(八)绳索路面施工 rope road 绳索路面全长30米宽4米,在道路两侧

33、各设一块100mm*6mm热浸镀锌金属板,金属板上设有活节螺栓和镀锌电缆夹用以固定绳索,绳索采用聚丙烯绳。 rope road is 30m long and 4m wide. there is a 100mm*6mmhot dip galvanized metal plate on each side, on which eyelet boltsand galvanized cable clamps are equipped to fix the rope whichshall be a polypropylene rope.施工工艺流程 procedure金属板加工:钻孔、热浸镀锌。pro

34、cessing of metal plates: drill holes andhot-dip galvanizing浇筑砼,金属板就位。pouring concrete and put metal plates into place校正。 adjustment砼路面收光。 polish the concrete pavement养护、切缝、刻痕。 maintenance, joint-cutting and nicking安装绳索。 install the rope绳索安装rope installation绳索安装绳索安装时,先固定一端,将绳索张拉紧,再固定另一端,然后热熔断绳索,绳索两端均

35、应热熔断,以免绳索端头纤维散开。when installing the rope, fix oneend first and tense it before fixingthe other end. then cut the ropevia hot melting. both ends of therope shall be cut via hot meltingso as to prevent the fiber on bothends from dispersing.比利石路面由自然面石块铺砌 而 成 , 按 拱 券 式 弧 形 排布。下部为m10垫层、砼路( 每 0.8米 一 道 0.2

36、米 宽 砼楞)belgium pavement ispaved by natural surfacestones and laid in anarched arc manner. atthe bottom, there arem 1 0 c u s h i o n a n dconcrete base (there is a0.2mwide concrete standevery 0.8m)(九)比利石路施工 belgium road施工工艺流程 procedure浇筑砼 pouring of concrete选材 material selection拉线、预排 wire drawing an

37、d presetting铺砌 paving勾缝 joint pointing养护 maintenance石料要求 requirements on stones抗压强度:不低于100mpa。compression strength: no less than 100mpa表观:粗琢粗糙自然面。appearance: rough and natural surfaces形状:方体顶底面平行, 底面积不小于顶面积的75%。shape: rectangular shape, with top surface parallel to the bottomsurface; the basal area shall be no less than 75% of the topside area.尺寸: 20 x25x14cm或20 x25x5cm(布置在水泥混凝土楞上)dimension: 20 x25x14cm or 20 x 25x5cm (laid on concrete stands)铺砌 paving铺m10水泥砂浆。pave m10 cement plaster按弧形排砖,弦长75cm,缝宽1-3cm。laid out as per the archshape with the chord length of 75cm and slit width o


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