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1、毕 业 设 计(论 文)外 文 参 考 资 料 及 译 文译文题目: 行政管理现代化的评估和透明度 学生姓名: 学 号: 专 业: 行政管理 所在学院: 人文学院 指导教师: 职 称: 讲 师 2012年 月 日行政管理的现代化的评估透明度意大利和罗马尼亚的监督制度marco amici:意大利罗马第二大学marco meneguzzo:意大利罗马第二大学 lucica matei:罗马尼亚布加勒斯特国立政治研究与行政管理学院cristina mititelu:意大利罗马第二大学摘要尽管行政管理中的政府与市民的关系利益关系多种多样,并发生不断的变化,但是公共服务的中心仍然是“以客户为导向”。随






7、决策的问题。政府在各个领域内的活动被认为是软弱的,通过民意调查的显示,消极的舆论在公民中广泛存在。根据国家发展计划显示,75%的公民认为腐败是行政管理中普遍存在的现象。4 意大利41 满意度和透明度评估:一种战略性的需求根据2009年第150号的立法政令,它旨在对布鲁内特改革的执行和建立高效透明的意大利行政管理,最终形成绩效管理循环。其目的是在人力资源,最后用户的满意程度以及行政管理的透明度方面对每一行政管理的结果进行测量和评估。对最后用户满意程度的强调需要政策的强有力的保障,行动的主要注意力应集中在发现行政活动和服务的满意度上。所有的行政管理的执行和绩效循环的每一步骤都应保证最大限度的透明度

8、,包括机构网站组织机构各个方面数据的公开。在下文中笔者将要描述在新的行政改革中这两个方面的具体实例。4.1.1 评估满意度:展示你的心情 对行政管理所提供的服务的满意度评估是布鲁内特改革中的一项基本的事务。消费者的满意观念意味着行政管理有多大的能力以一种积极主动和全球化的方式触发一系列的行为,这些行为旨在满足赌金保管人,公民和用户的需求。为了达到这样的效果,需要由公民测量行政管理的质量,由此形成一种管理观念行政管理的目的就是为提高服务质量。公民对政策和服务的强有力的干涉在行政管理中变得越来越重要。公民在行政决策中的参与需要被认为是一种战略性资源。在今后几年只有将服务计划和制定的重点集中在用户的

9、身上,意大利的行政管理才会取得根本性的成功。 布鲁内特的改革是一种传播消费者满意管理的手段。它最主要的的行动就是在2008年建立了行政管理部门,该部门旨在建立一系列的倡议去从不同的视角来研究行政管理。最重要的飞行员改革方案就是被公共行政管理部门称之为“展示你心情”的项目,这一项目在2009年首先被实施。它旨在在行政管理中配备能力和工具机制,用以测量和评估所提供服务的质量。这一研究还应归功于通过表情符号对消费者的满意所作的细致研究。正如fountain所指出的一样,这种测量工具能很大程度的提升公民和行政管理之间的关系,能促进行政管理更加透明和具有参与性。通过这种评估机制,我们能很容易的发现行政管


11、质量方面似乎取得了成功。但它仅仅能被应用到对一些不太复杂的服务的评估之上。通过对最近两年的数据研究,每周大约7600万人中就只有平均12.2万人作了回馈。到目前为止,共有848个行政管理组织参加了这个计划并且其中的204个已经开始了数据的收集。近来一个超过2500个管理部门组成的网状组织均配备了表情符号来评估消费者的满意度。考虑到在2009年仅有5个行政组织开始了这个飞行方案,因此这种发展的趋势是积极的,数量的增长也是惊人的。考虑到有81%的公民表示对提供的服务持乐观态度,这一结果也是可观的。4.2 经营透明化:分享信息和彼此信任 2009年第150号立法政令第11章规定,绩效循环管理需要尽可

12、能的透明。上文所强调的透明化是指关乎行政组织每一方面的所有信息都应普遍的公开。 2009年第69号法令第21章规定以及2009年第150号法令在第八段中进一步说明,每一行政管理都必须被强制公开,公开的内容涉及行政组织最重要方面的数据和图像。它们有义务告知行政管理部门和在行政管理网站上披露有关进一步的行动,结论等信息。这些信息的范围包括所有由行政管理部门遗留的信息。它同样包含集中的计划和绩效考核计划的公开。这种透明化的运行方式的目的在于通过遵循立法需求来支持行政管理,从而保证前述法令的执行。它首先是在2008年由公共事务部长所提出的,他指出它由三个支柱所组成。第一个支柱是有关方案的资料库。第二个

13、支柱是在公司和公会中行政管理部门所建立的股份监督机制,第三个支柱是对员工考勤的监督。根据前述2009年第150号法令第八章规定,对于绩效方案和透明化的监督有必要建立独立的监督机制。在一个相对短的时间内强加给行政管理以义务是很有必要的。在任何情况下,目前透明化运营程度的评判将很有助于帮助我们理解行政管理对行政透明化的需求是如此的迅速。对近来官方数据的分析,将会给我们提供这一应用趋势的线索。 前面几年的信息显示了一个积极的趋势,尽管对于这一增长的原因从图表中看并不明确,就如提供信息的行政管理的缺陷也不明确一样。2001年第165号法令第12节第53条规定,所有的行政管理都必须提供其信息即使是在职工


15、率仍低于30%。evaluation and transparency in pa modernization: monitoring the main mechanisms in italy and romania marco amici , marco meneguzzo , lucica matei , cristina mititelu 1university of rome tor vergata rome, italy 2national school of political studies and public administration bucharest, romania

16、 marco.amiciuniroma2.it meneguzzuniroma2.it lmateisnspa.ro cristina.mititeluuniroma2.it abstract :despite of variety of changes and interests in pa citizens relationships, the commitments in public service delivery are more customer oriented. with the development of the new public management paradig

17、m and public sector reforms, a new model of public administration- citizens relationship in public management is addressed. the scholars attention to verify and overcome the gaps in public administration-citizens relations for a more effective quality in public service delivery is increasingly relev

18、ant, but quality policy programs implementation for a more integrated citizen-centered service are still poorly developed. at the first glance the continuous improvement of implementation programs dealing with citizen-centered service and the quality-oriented practices in italy and romania seems qui

19、te fragmented. the argument sets the general framework for assessing quality service, exploring the causal relationships between administrative performance in terms of transparency and citizen satisfaction within the public administration, through the analyses on a first stage projects implementatio

20、n and instruments of evaluation institutionalization. the paper presents a first initial overview on the current quality policies, paradigms and projects for delivery of government services for a citizens/customer development approach through a more integrated, easy-to-access and personalized servic

21、es and generates also, possible guidance in methods in carrying reforms, tools and mechanisms of evaluation. keywords: quality, transparency, evaluation, pa-citizen relationships, customer satisfaction. 1. introductionthe recent trends entails that the growing sophistication of citizen and business

22、demands public administration to recurring and continuing efforts to improve effectiveness, quality and efficiency of public service and most of the academic literature relates to the fundamental role of transparency in better governance (heald 2006) and the successful interaction programs between c

23、itizens and public bureaucrats as the key concepts in order to guarantee high level of effectiveness and efficiency. therefore, openness and transparency has been seen as tools to enhance citizen participation and perception about the services delivered. public policy development and public service

24、delivery have been affected by the new public management (npm) ideas and reform strategies that have resulted in a shift away from the traditional citizenship-based model of public services towards a consumerist model based on market-oriented principles (brewer 2007). addressing the trends in the li

25、terature on the variation and continuous restructuring of the pa, the article address the below mentioned questions: do npm model brings efficiency and customer satisfaction by creating new channels for citizen engagement and transparency? did the new approach chosen by different governments produce

26、s the expected outcomes of higher performance and increased transparency with better inclusion of citizens in the administrative system? how and by whom the contents and mechanisms of performance evaluation are directed and what kind of process the performance evaluation has promoted in the last yea

27、rs of reforms? 1.1 transparency and citizen/ customer government paradigm despite of variety of changes and interests in pa citizens relationships, the commitments in public service delivery are more customer oriented. in all repertoires of changes used by oecd advisers, npm articulates citizens as

28、customers of local government services and seek to be more efficient in its delivery through continuous process improvements. even though npm is often highly contested (e.g. box et al. 2001) it is clear that there is an increased focus by governments on the citizen as a whole, and on the citizen as

29、consumer in particular. the public gradually evolved from citizen to customer acquiring rights, claiming benefits and services (wollmann and schroter 2000). npm reaches the objectives of satisfying customer satisfaction with quality effectiveness and keeping public well informed about the accountabi

30、lity of end users, by simultaneously modernizing the internal structure of the administration and by introducing market elements mechanisms. overall, npm programs seem to emphasize simplifying public administration and allowing individuals more choice and influence on governmental decision-making, t

31、hrough customer oriented services. however, scholars usually agree that these change programs are far from being unified in content and direction (christensen and laegreid 2001). the supermarket model producer/customer paradigm (olsen 1988), that looks beyond npm model, sees the government as servic

32、e provider and people as consumers, emphasizing that state should focus on reforms aimed at cost-efficiency and cater to consumers by creating easy choices and giving them access to low-priced and good quality public services. on the other hand, the governmentcitizens paradigm, sees at a beneficial

33、development of the conceptualization of the producer-customer paradigm (gore 1993) encapsulates the essence of the focused customer oriented approach but offers more opportunities and scopes for public service improvements. the citizen relationship management (crm) for pa can be a critical factor of

34、 success as is happening in the private sector. applying these principles to transition countries may encounter additional layers of complexity. but the lack of transparency is not exclusive neither of developing/transitional countries nor public/private sector. npm is controversial enough even with

35、in western countries in terms of the benefits it allegedly brings. 2. quality improvement and transparency in italian and romania public administration the launch of initiatives that have characterized the quality improvement in the last decades encountered needs and expectations of those entities t

36、o which the institution is called upon to provide one or more services. quality policies orientation has different unavoidable constrains, imposed by cultures and organizational structures in sustaining quality initiatives (significant differences in the actual organizational units). decentralized a

37、pproaches (most frequently in romania case) and/or a top-down, bottom-up approach or a combination of both as in italian case are examples of differences in cultures and organizational structures in respective countries. most commonly the mechanisms addressing the improvement quality of public servi

38、ce, marked as charters, quality standards, performance standards, service standards or similar documents are seen as substantial instruments for assessing citizens/ customer satisfaction and a quality indicator as well. the tools that governments have used in recent years are different, from the cre

39、ation of periodic surveys (qualitative interviews), activation of call centers, contact centers, offices for relations with the public, websites, service complaints, as per the changing response of citizens needs. thus, a fundamental step in order to achieve the goal of total quality phase in pa mod

40、ernization is the increased consciousness of the citizen with the services through management of projects, dissemination of knowledge, information transparency, uniformity of language as some of the elements that feed a virtuous cycle to enhance dialogue and comparison between the levels. 3. romania

41、 3.1 quality improvement to improve quality orientation in romanian pa important steps were made in introducing the quality management tools by ensuring public services for citizens, through achieving the optimum ratio between cost and quantity/quality of public services in terms of meeting the need

42、s. among the most used quality activities -a memorandum regarding “necessary measures for improving quality of public services” was adopted. citizens charters and a guide quality standard for self assessment caf, as well as various strategic documents have been adopted by the government (national re

43、form programme 20072010) for achieving the lisbon strategy goals. in year 2004, caf supported by central unit for public administration reform (cupar), was applied as a pilot stage project within two directorates of the ministry of administration and interior (mai) and the national agency of civil s

44、ervants, and later, in 2005, it was expanded at the level of all ministries, prefectures, county councils (matei and lazar, 2011). among the variety of quality tools for assessing public participation in romania, prominently c.l.e.a.r. program is designed for helping local governments and/or other o

45、rganizations to better understand public participation. in romania, between 1996-2006, 111 pa legislative measures improvements have been established, out of which 51 and 27 measures were taken in the field of citizens relationship and cooperation with community respectively. in romania the operatio

46、nal programs (op acd, 2007-13) are showing the need to improved quality and efficiency of the delivery of public services on a decentralized basis, also the development of new management competences and higher standards of customer service are needed to improve the quality of service. finally, a gre

47、ater focus on the use and accountability for public money is needed to narrow the gap in citizen satisfaction with the efficiency of public services. 3.2 transparency and evaluation mechanisms the main prerequisites for reforming the transparency and evaluation mechanisms are introduced through i) t

48、he access to information, ii)consultation and iii) civic participation (matei 2009) as well as, the allocation of resource transfers to local authorities in a more transparent manner in 2004. during 2000-2004, romania has created an impressive arsenal of instruments for transparency, accountability

49、and anticorruption and it seems that some of them generated positive results but still consistent problems related to the low implementation of the legislation, limited administrative instruments” are persistent. in 2003, 662447 requests of information of public interests were addressed at national

50、level, out of which 97% are solved favorable (matei 2009). the legislation on e-government (2001) was a noteworthy step for the principle of transparency at the administrative system level. as far as the openness is concerned, adopting in 1998 the national strategy for computerization and rapid impl

51、ementation of the information society is appreciated by the commission, but romania is still confronted with problems of governments activity within different fields is perceived as being weak, negative opinions of the citizens have been shown through opinion polls. as per as national plans for the

52、development shows, 75% of the citizens perceive corruption as a generalized phenomenon within the administration (matei, matei and savulescu, 2010). 4. italy 4.1 assessing satisfaction level and transparency: a strategic need the legislative decree 150/2009 implementing the brunetta reform and aimin

53、g at streamline the efficiency and the transparency of the italian public administration brings in the performance management cycle. it aims to measure and assess the results of each public administration unit in terms of efficiency of the human resources, satisfaction level of the final users and t

54、ransparency of its action. the accent on the satisfaction level of the final user requires the enforcement of policies and actions focused to detect their satisfaction level for the activities and services provided. it also concerns the development of qualitative and quantitative relations with the

55、citizens through collaborative and participative forms of engagement. all the public administration in implementing and managing each step of the performance cycle need to assure the maximum level of transparency, including the publication on their institutional web site of a series of data concerni

56、ng the different aspects of the organization. in the next paragraphs will be described some concrete initiatives and projects aiming to implement these two aspects of the new administrative reform. 4.1.1 assessing satisfaction level: show your face the assessment of the satisfaction level for the se

57、rvices provided by each public administration unit is one of the fundamental objectives of the brunetta reform. the concept of customer satisfaction refers to the capacity of the public administration to trigger in a proactive and global way a series of actions aiming to satisfy needs and demands co

58、ming from the stakeholders, citizens and users. in order to do so the public administration need to be equipped to measure the quality perceived by the citizens and frame it in a management perspective aiming to improve the services provided (effective quality). a stronger involvement of the citizens in the policies and management of the services provided by the public administration is becoming more and more fundamental. the citizens participation to the public choices needs to be considered as a strategic resource. the italian public administration in the co


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