已阅读5页,还剩12页未读 继续免费阅读




1、1/13第1页共13页不定代词专项练习一、不定代词概说英语的不定代词有 all, each, both, eitli e r, n e ither, one, none, Utt 1 己, many, much?otlie r5aiiotlie r, some, any, no? (a) few?(a) littlet both, ev er y 等,以及由 some, any? no 和 every 构成的合成代词(即 somebody, aiiyo n e5n o tiling 等)。在这些不定代词中,多数都能伫主 语、宾语、表语或定语,但是代词 none以及由 some, any?no和

2、 ev ery构成的合成代词只能作主语、宾语或表语,不能作定语,而 no和 every贝 9 只用作定语。二、指两者和三者的不定代词有些不定代词用于指两者(如 both , ei t her, ne i the r ),有的不定代词用 于扌旨三者(女口 a1 1 any, no ne, eve ry),注意不要弄混:Both of my P aients aie doc t or so我的父母都是医生.Al 1 o f th e studente are iiit e rested in it.所有的学生对此都很感兴 趣。Tliere aret rees on any sideof111e s

3、quare.场的每一边都种有树. Hehastwo sons,neither o f whom is r ich.他有两个儿子,都不富有。 He ha s three sons, none of whom is richo他有三个儿子,都不富有.都任何一个都不两者bo t he i t h ernei t he r三者(及以上)allanynone谓语复数单数单数(none也 可用于复数)注:both可加 of,也可单独使用,或加名词(both +名词复数或+of,)neitlie r/eith e r +ofi名词复数“代词,e i t h er/ n eitlie r 单独用时也不【说明】

4、each可用于两者.三者或三者以上,而 ever y 只用于三者或三者以上因此用丁两者时只能用 each,不能用 ev e iy.如不能说 The r e aie t re e s on ev e r y side of th e r o ad.eac heve r y可作不定代词和形容词只作形容词,修饰名词可单独使用不可单独使用着臺全休不定代词专项练习2 / 13第2页共13页用于两者或两者以上的每个人戒用于三者或三者以上的每个人或 物三、复合不定代词的用法特点s o m e on e =s o me bodyanyone=a n y b o dyno one=n obod yev e r

5、y o n e=e v eryboysome t hingany t h i ngnothinge v ery t hing它们在句中可用作主语、宾语或表语,但不能用作定语。someth ing?someone等和 ail y thi iig, an y one 等的区别与 some 和 any的区别一样,前者一 般用于肯定句,后者一般用于否定句、疑问句或条件句(参见 any & some).具 体使用时应注意以下几点:1-复合不定代词受定语修饰时,定语应放在它们后面:T h ere 1 s n o thing wrong wit h the radi oo这收音机没有毛病。H a v

6、e you seen anyone anybody famous? 你见过名人吗?2o 指人的复合不定代词若用作主语,其谓语动词一般用单数,相应的人称代词和物 主代词也用单数 he,hg,his(不一定指男性).但在非正式文体中常用复数代 thy,tli em, tliei r:Ev e ly o ue h as his own lile style, but he mu s t o b e yt he la w.If anybody a nyone com e s, ask him t hem J t o wa i t.要是有入 来,让他等着。3.指事物的复合不定代词若用作主语,谓语动词只能

7、用单数,相应的人称代词也 只能用 it,而不用 they:You can c hoo s e a n ythi n g7and I can buy it for you04.any one= a nyboby, e veryo n e =evetybody?som e on e = s omebob y , 等 只能扌旨人,不能指物,且其后一般不接 of 短语,若是指物或后接 of 短语,可用a ny one, every one, som eone,(分开写),谓语单数:Aliy one of the boys (books)孩子们(书)当中的任何一个(本)Eveiy one of t he

8、 students (schools)每一个学生(一所学校)注意:I. no one(A )不能跟 of,但 none (人/物)后可加 of,也可不加 of,2 none 回答 how many/hovv niu c h,no one 回答 wh o,n oihi 回答 whu四.不定代词与部分否定不定代词专项练习不定代词 al 1 , both, ever y 等与 not 连用时构成部分否定,尤其要注意 变否定句.2 / 13第3页共13页若要表示完全否定,则 al 1 改 none, both改 nei t her, e very改 no one等。比 较:N o t al 1 o f

9、 the s tud e nts 1 ik e tli e n o velo =S o me students like th e nov e 1?but som e di s like .None o f the students like th e novel。这些学生当中没有一,个喜欢这 本小说.Both o f them are not f rom Japan.=On 1 y one of them is from Jap a n, th e other i s not.五、 an, bo t h, each 等用作同位语若用作主语同位语,主语可以是名词或代词;若用作宾语等其他成分的同

10、位语,则宾 语等成分必须是人称代词,而不能是名词:We li a ve all rea d it.我们都读过他。(all 修饰的主语是代词)T h ey to 1 d us al 1 to wait tlier e。他叫我们都在那儿等。(a 11 修饰 的宾语是代词)六、 s o 1 i t t le 与 sue h (a ) lit t 1 e 的区别用 s o 1 I ttle 还是 sueh li t tie 取决于 1 ittle的意思:若表示数量方面的少笃则用 so little;若表示形状体积的小”,则用 su ch little:FI e h a s so little time

11、 for reading. 他读书的时间少得可怜。Ive never s e en s u c h li t tie box e s。我从未见过那样小的盒子。七、 some 与“ny 的用法区别一般说来,some 用于肯定句中,any用于否定句,疑问句和条件句中。但是,在表 示请求、邀请或征求意见的句子中,通常要用 some 而不用 any:Would you like some cak e ?吃点蛋糕吗?Why not buy some bread?为什么不买些面包呢?Shall I get some chalk for y oil?要我帮你拿些粉笔来吗?【说明】any有时也用于肯定句中,此

12、时表示“任何汎Any c olour will do.任何颜色都行。Come a ny day you like.随便哪天来都可以.八、 many 与 much 的用法区别4/13第4页共13页不定代词专项练习两者都表示 c许多 3 但 many 修饰或代替可数名词(复数),而 much 用来修饰 或代替不可数名词 (单数) ;但是 ma nymuch常用于疑问句和否定句中现在也 可用于肯定句,a1 otof =lots of*用于肯定句中,Did you s ee many people t h ere?你在那儿看见许多入了吗?We dont have mu c h time.我们没有许多时

13、间。九 few, a f e w 与 lit tie, a lit 11 e 的用法区别可数不可数肯定a fbw+名词复数a 1 i ttle否定few+名词复数11 111 e注意:little 有“小的”意思,修饰可数名词 eg:a littleboy 十。other,theo ther.o t hers?the others, anoth e r 的区别不定代词意义用法o t her另外的只作定语,后接复数 名词或不可数名词the o t her两者中的另一个,其余的常用于one., t he other.中;作定语 修饰复数名词,表示 “其余的”oth e rs泛指别的人或物相当于 o

14、th er+复数名词,不能用作定语; 或用于“ soine.5otlie r s ”中Th e other s特指其余的人或物相当于 the other+M 数名词=岀已 rest; 不能加名词ano t her三者及以上的另一 个;又,再作定语后接单数名 词;ano 11*+数泯+ 复数名词=数词+mo +复数不定代词专项练习4/13第5页共13页1.用 som e、any 填空。lo The r e i s n?t_ _wate r i n the bottle.亠2 . Do y o u ha v e_E ngl i sli b ooks? No, do Lt h a v e _3o T

15、lie r e are_ _ _people i n tlie io om.4.Could y ou give ine _ p apei; please?女 5。 If youhave_ questions, I can g i v e you_ _help。6. I wil 1 come t o s ee yo u _ d a y。7o Li Ming 1 s m ore careful t h an_ other boy i n th e cla s s.ade quite_ _ f r 1 ends in China. -*8. Won 1 d you 1 ike som eri c e

16、? Thanks, but j u st_ 9.T h ere i s a li t 11 e bi rd 1 n the tree, butonly e s a w it.10。Cou 1 d I hav e_ word s w i th y o u. Mi s s Whit e ?支 1L We don tlike him, be c aus e he does_for other people。 12- Hehas_ fiien ds h eie a nd h e s eld o m goes out on w eeke n d.13. T h ere is o nly_ wa t e

17、r in t he p ot (锅)II I 用 al 1Ab oth、every s each 填空。L _ ofm y pa ren t s wo r k mth 1 s shoe fa ctoryoL1Mi n g and Li Ping arefrom China.3._ _ o f us i s goo d at p 1 ay 1 ng fb o tball o4o _ _ _ s t i.i de n t sho u 1 d work h a rd at thei r le s s o nsc5._ o f my bo y classma t 己 s P lay footbal a

18、f t er sc h o o 1.不定代词专项练习80Won 1 d y ou 1 ike_ pop, p 1 ease? 9 Whyy_ ap pies? 7 L 用 1 i ttle, a 1 i ttle?few & a fbw 填空。坦。orry. Th e re is _ _ t i me 12. Me did v e iy we 1 1 in the exam.s . 怡 3. Do yo u ha v e any friends in He c a if t uiideislaiid my EEng 1 i s h _ o f us ca n speakFr e n c

19、 h 金 6。 -Co ul d I h avewater, please?一 S or r y, I have_;_ now.A7o He h as mnot b uDont wnows5. Verys om eeft.S o he made _;_t lie U S A ? Yes?1 ha v e ng 1 is h wordsbee ause lie4/13第6页共13页6.There are a 1 ot of bu i 1 di n g s on _ _ _ s i de ofth e str e e4/13第7页共13页不定代词专项练习Pl e a s - e g i ve_ t

20、he b oo k s to y o ur cl a ss tea cher. e.The s e apples ai e t hose c h ildre n7soPlease give tliem _ _._lv 用 no onnonen o bo dno t h i ng 填空。1 c 一W h o is in the io o m ? -_ _ 。 2.-How much meati s tli e r e oil the plate? -_of u s can sp ea k Frencho 4._ _kn o w s wh a t they ought a b o ut. -*5.

21、 the rs. other 填空。1. Mrs Simth has two cli i ldien. O n e is a g i r 1 andis aboy. 2 I do n tEke t lii s slurb pie a s e slio w in e _ _ .3. This desk is Ma rysand that _ _ i s Ka t Ms。少 4。I b olight a lot ofbanan a s.O n 1 y a few of them a re gre e n, _are y e 1 low.5o Lo o k a t the de s ks. The

22、blue_a r e f o r the gir 1 s and t he ye 1 1ow_forth eboy s6. Th i s s hirt doesift ALt me. Do you have any kinds?A7o The child Ten are a 11 workingCan you see an y body i n the room? -No, I can see _ _Do y ou k nowhowmany dicti o narie s they have a lready e s, I do. Th e y hav e bo u g ht _:_一_。7

23、. W h at did you se e in t ho b ox yesterd a y? I sa w _ _a ve you all f i nishecl the honi e wo r k? -No. .t y用 something,g , n obocl y ; evert h mg, wr Ong with his coinpul e r .3o Do you know_ a bo u t i t o4o Sine ehas somebody; a n y tiling, a n y b o ev erybody 填空.女丄.The re 1 s2 o 1 h ope一_dy;

24、_ _ abo u tIs 1 n the7.I ha ve了 1 用 oneones-,“6.bought? Y心-I-Ii iiishe d inot h ing oe s well _ abo u t t lie USA? No, 1 knowi s here, lets b egin our m e e t i n g. 5. him. Iam a f rai dr oom. So y o u c a nt_ except Li P ing we n t_ i niportaiit to s a y。of him。 hearany to the p ark.Please wa i:ca

25、nt sa y 6.vo 1II ec e owas ill. 8 ,on e7s.th e one, a notlie r . thet a minute.otlieis o t hers- the o4/13第8页共13页i n tlie clBssro o m. S ome of them不定代词专项练习are c le a ning the window s and _ are sweep i n g the f oo r o& W e must h elp e ach _;with o ur Eng ish.9. I only found Jim an d Tom ther

26、e . Where ar e_ ? 10 .One ofthes e t hie e girls c o me s Q om China a ndtwo come fLoin Ja P an.1 1 o This s we a ter is alitt 1 e to o b ig fbr me. Can I try on(试穿) ?12. Some like blacktea, _ pr e fer (偏爱g r e en tea。A13. I dont 1 ik 已 these colors. Show me some_ , P lea s e.1 4 Ha veyo u any_ _ bo

27、 ok son this subj e c t?15,Stty I ng i s on e t h ing and do 1 ng is_ _。16. It i s alw a ys hard to tell tliet wi n s one from_ _.17orIhese s huts ar e to o small .1 want to have s o me t iggei_-仝1 8。Which b oy is you r son? 一_ in a red cap。 19._ hasto do_best- 2 Oo I have on 1 y one s mall fl o w e

28、 r onm y desk and s h e has tlwee b 1 g_;_ _.判断I. Ea c h oft he stu dents h as a desk in theclassro o m.()2 Eve ry stii d e n t h a s a desk i n the classroom.()3 Every on e of t he students has a desk i n the classr oom.( )4. Eac h one of th e students has a d e skin t he c 1 a s s r oom0()5. Th e

29、s tud ents each ha v e a cl e sk ill t h 3 c las s r o omo()6. E v e ly o f the stud e nts hasa desk i n tlie classroom.()7. T here are manytre e so n e sells i de o f tlie 10 a cl.()8 zr here are ma n y t rees on e v e r y s i de of t h e i o a d.()9. E a ch of mv par e nt s has a c a r () 1 0 Eac

30、h one of my parents ha s a c a r.()II. Ev e r y 0 ne o : my pa ren t s has a c ato ()变否定句10 / 13第9页共13贝1. All of t h e m have gone to Mount Tai.Q-: ! U U - - -10 / 13第10页共13贝3. Every one of them h a s re s t ed fo r manydays- _VIII.选择填空1o _ of us k nows Engl i sh. Y oil rnu s t s p eak Ch i n e seoA

31、. Either B. Ne i th e r Co EachD。 OneD . d elic i ou s anyt h i ng3。rllie clnld does as_ wo r k as t ad u It. A many B m u chC o mor e D。few4. H e re ai e two luleiSo Y o uc a n t a ke _ o f ttiemotake t he lest.Ao all B o each C. e i th e r D. bo t h5o Th e re isnt _ i nthe class roomoA. ever ybo d

32、 yB。 s o me b o d yD.nob o d y6. P 1 ea s e w a 辻 jus t_ min n t e s. FU f i nis h the work v er y s ooiiAo all t tieB. littleCotewD.a few7 H ow many d i dy ou se e yesterda y.Li P i n g ?- , soI had to do the work b y myselfA. NobodyB. N o n eC. NothingD. No one8o IdoNtthink_o f t h em w 11 1 go th

33、ere w 1 th him.A. someBo a n yC. 1 o tsDo muc h2. Bo t h of them have不定代词专项练习匚 inis h ed t he hard w o rk.2 o - I mhun g ry. May I ha v eare._ ? -Ce r tai n ly?here youA. s om e t hing deE c i ousB.any thin gH e 1 iciousC. deli c ious som etlwigCo anybo d y10 / 13第11页共13贝9 o The re a rea lo t of t r

34、ees onsicl e s of t h e st ret.10 / 13第12页共13贝A.e ach不定代词专项练习B. e 1 t herbothDoall10ocame t osee you tliis monii n g. -fhat7srigh t . I talk e d to h im to rA.Noba 1 ong t mie. Soinebo d yo dyB. An y bodyCoEve r y bo d yD.11.Have y o u seeno f thciriothe thr e e a pples ont he table ?You ca n tak eA

35、o the on e1 2. Thes e tro u ser ssomethin g Codont fi t (适合)anyth ingDo any13。mceare too long an dar e too short.t h e o t hersA. Some, o thers C . Th ns e , th o se Did you en j yourselves i sA。1 4oA.BoSome.oyB. youiwelft heeThey areHow many.Howmuc扎They areC.15o We a J1 k n owhe wasDo Th e se、t h n

36、 otlier_ last nigh t L u cy and Lily?C. you D. y oui tun e plu s(加)f our? _ Bo Whatn um ber.D. What, It i sa fame u s d o ctor ,butseven.of us r emem b e r wh e n he was homoA.few B. 3 fewCo lit t eD.a little16.How many ba r anas H o you h a v e iiiyon rb a ske t ?A. N e17o Heii tlier B. N o one C.

37、Notli i ngs clio o 1 t e ache rsoD. NoneAop ai e jit sa 11 a re B.ar e a 11C. are bothD botli are1 8o All the s tii d ent sinth e clas s room.A. so me body Bohave g one on a fi e 1 d trip Th e r eFs19。Aoanybo dy C You can b orrow my C D pla y e r?oth erCo t heo th e r s B.e v e ry b o dy D o nobod y

38、bu t y o u mustnt len d i tto o t her D th eothe r s20.to H OoA. sometliiii gBoa ny t lung C.e v e r yth i n g D。n otluiig10 / 13第13页共13贝10 / 13第14页共13贝不定代词专项练习21.1 h a ve fOUTfr i ends _of th e mar e work e rs. A.both B al 1 C.ma n y D eac h22。They wer e always tog e t h e ioHe saw _she saw.Ao a jn

39、ything E e ve rytluiig C. s omethingD nothin g23o S ii d deiily, Tome cam已i n and lie sa i d h e had _ _to tel 1the c 1 ass.A. an y t bins impo r ta n t B. im P o r tant eve r y t h 1 ngC o s o meth 1 ng imp o r tant D imp or tant s o me t h in g24.He s a id_ at the meeting and just sat ther e silen

40、t 1 y.Ao somethin g B a n ylhing C. no t hing D. e v e ry t hing25. You lo ok s o ha ppyc Jo hnsa y s Fm pret t y0_ has e v er told m e tliat bef o re A. Somebody B. Anybody C。Eveiy b ody D. No b o d y26.How many b i rds c an you see i n the tree ?_ . A. Non e B. NooiieC Nobody D. No2 7. Hi, Bob? I

41、cant find m y hi storybook。Have y ou s e en it _:_? -S o r ry.I havent.As ome where B.eve r y where C. n o where Do anywhere28.Doyon h a ve_ to tell us?一No?_。A. someth i ng important, not hing B. amth i ng impo r ta n t, nothingCo impo r taut s om e th i ng, ev e ry t liiiig D , impo r t a nt any t

42、h i ng, everything29.Wang Fang 1 s there .She lias g o ne _ fo r holidays.A. where E a n ywh e r e C e veiyvlier e D somew h ei e3 0 o H a ve you se e n my basketball? -Ye s?I s a w i t _the c 1 a s sroom jus t now.A. where Bo anywhere C. everywhere D. somewhere31. D o you hope t o g o _ ?A. warm so

43、mewhere B. anywheic warm C w arm anyvzhere D somewh e re w a rm10 / 13第15页共13贝不定代词专项练习3 2 o W e should H o_ t oprot e ct th e emdr o nme n t b ecaus eit7soui duty.A everyt h i n g po s si b 1 e C o aiiytluiig possible Do3 9o -Which o f the two s nb j ects do yo u 1 i ke,a rt or musi c ? -_ They ar e

44、 really intere s ting. A.Ne i theT B。Bo th C N one D o AllE. possible every t hmgp ossib le anyth i ng33.1 ag r eewi t li in o s t ofwhat youbut I doif t agree withAo34oA.an y thing B someth i n g C Did y o u go_:_last Sunday?s omewhere B。合nywh e re C.n othi n g Do ev e rything35. Wh o will get the

45、job? _ _ A. AnybodyB03 7.A sm i 1 e c o stsC. many Do much3 8。All of us llnd _A.this B.that C.tliemsome t hi ng D. som e bodyof the t hem wi 1 1 d o.Anyone Co Anynoth i ng bu tjiecess a ryD. i tone D.2 o nieonec A. 1 ittle B。fewg ives sot o ts k e exeic i se ever y da v。4 0 Whe n our teac h er h e a

46、rd o fthenews,he was too a n gry tosay_ A.eveiytlii n g4 1 o Ca nB.n o t h ing you speak i nCluiia to rC.s o me tCliiii e se.hmgs t e v e?Y es,only one month。A.fewD.a n ytliiiigonlyB.a f e w Co 1 itt4 2o Which subject do you 1 i ke bet Chinese I prefer English./.Chinese Bo M a ths C。E 1 ther D.Neit

47、h e ro r mat h s?-_4 3. All the work er sare tired?but_of t h em took a rest。A.eit h erB. n e i t h e r C.no one D.n o ne10 / 13第16页共13贝garden in Hon t o fone B. o ne. o n e C one, it D i t jt不定代词专项练习短文填空AThe c o mpu t er p 1 ays aiiim p o rt a ntpart m ou r e very d ay 1 i f e, It i $ one of the g

48、reat_1_ui the wo r Id m the tw entietli ce n t u r y . It wo r ks f o r us no t only at homr in the o 伍ce s5j n big s hops, 2_ at schools。 Today it is used_3_ many ways。 I t re ally _4 _ thewo r dla r ge w e a 1th (财富)and h a ppinessoTh e f ir s t co mputer in the w o rid was i n vente d by Enid。 I t was b u i 1 t in Am e r i cain 1 946. 1 1 wa s _ 5 _ and heavy. _6 _ i t was bom, it has been dev e loping ve r y ast. U n tilnow it has gone_7_ fou r peri o


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