



1、书后习题 p96 2、 1m=2*30=60 元2p2=m/20=3 元32x1+3x2=60 4-2/3 5mrs12=p1/p2=2/3 4、现金补助。6、需求表略需求曲线略。注意市场需求曲线在5,5有个折点。7、x1=3m/8p1x2=5m/8p28、情况一: mrs12p1/p2 最优解为角点解:x1*=m/p1,x2*=0. 情况二:mrs12p1/p2,最优解为角点解:x1*=0,x2*= m/p2. 情况三: mrs12=p1/p2 最优解为x1* 0,x2* 0 9、 1q=1/36p22反需求函数16pq3消费者剩余cs=1/3 10 1需求函数/;/xyxmpymp2证明

2、:预算线变为:xyp xp ym写出此时消费者效用最大化的均衡条件略,求解后得到相同的需求函数。3由需求函数可得:/;/xyp x mp y m11、初始点a10,20 ,变化后的点b20, 20 ,中间点c(10 2,10 2)所以:总效用商品 1 购买量增加10,替代效应商品1 购买量增加10 210,收入效应商品1 购买量增加2010 212 不会。因为风险躲避者更偏好一份固定的收入,而非一份期望值相等的风险收入。13 略14 图略。15、图略。ppt 后习题:1、we know that the indifference curves for perfect substitutes w

3、ill be straight lines. in this case, the consumer will always purchase the cheaper of the two goods. if the price of orange juice is less than that of apple juice, the consumer will purchase only orange juice and the price consumption curve will be on the “ orange juice axis” of the graph. if apple

4、juice is cheaper, the consumer will purchase only apple juice and the price consumption curve will be on the “ apple juice axis.” if the two goods have the same price, the consumer will be indifferent between the two; the price consumption curve will coincide with the indifference curve. see figure

5、4.5.a.i. apple j uiceorange j uiceuefpa = popa popa pofigure 4.5.a.i assuming that the price of orange juice is less than the price of apple juice, the consumer will maximize her utility by consuming only orange juice. as the level of income varies, only the amount of orange juice varies. thus, the

6、income consumption curve will be the “ orange juice axis” in figure 4.5.a.ii.同理,假设苹果汁价格低于橙汁,则收入-消费曲线为 y 轴。apple j uiceorange j uiceu2u1u3budgetconstraintincomeconsumptioncurvefigure 4.5.a.ii 5.b. left shoes and right shoes are perfect complements. draw the appropriate price-consumption and income-co

7、nsumption curves. for goods that are perfect complements, such as right shoes and left shoes, we know that the indifference curves are l-shaped. the point of utility maximization occurs when the budget constraints, l1 and l2 touch the kink of u1 and u2. see figure 4.5.b.i. 学习文档仅供参考left shoesu2u1righ

8、tshoesl1l2priceconsumptioncurvefigure 4.5.b.i in the case of perfect complements, the income consumption curve is a line through the corners of the l-shaped indifference curves. see figure 4.5.b.ii. left shoesu2u1rightshoesl1l2incomeconsumptioncurvefigure 4.5.b.ii 2、初始点a20,10变化后的点b20, 20 ,中间点c(10 2,10 2)。1替代效应使其


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