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1、S201昨6月上海高2018年6月全国普通高等学校招生统一考试上海英语试卷11考英语听力mp3I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken onl

2、y once After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. In a supermarketB At the laundry.2. A. He enjoys working hardC His complaint about work is sensible3. A. He's

3、 changing the light.C. His dancing on the desk4. A. 100 poundsB. 200 pounds5. A. She has no chance to get the jobC. There will be a fierce competitionC. In a clothing storeD. At the tailor.B He is tired of piles of work.D His hard work doesn't pay off.B. Hes buniiiig the wires.D He is checking t

4、he bulbC. 700 pounds D. 600 poundsB She is sure to be hiredD. Others will not give the chance to6. A. Tlie man habit of drinking wine keeps liim awake all night.B. This man should sleep in a comfortable bedC. A little drinking can make the man sleep more comfortably.D. Both the bed and the wine shou

5、ld be blamed for the mans insomnia.7. A. The size of the shirt is probably small for himB He doesn't want any new shillC He's exercising to put on some weight.D The receipt is essential to buy another shirt.8. A. Lead him to take another flightB. Provide him with a place to stay tonightC. Te

6、ll his friends to pick him up at the airportD Infoimed him of the new flight in time.9. A. A very popular hotel.B The competitive job markets.C The large population of the city.D He doesn need any present10. A. The physics problem is Greek to all the studentsB. Professor Smith cannot teach the stude

7、nts well.C The man still doesn5t understand the problemD. It is unfortunate for the man to have physics classSection BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two passages and one longer conversation. After each passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions The passages and the convers

8、ation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heardQuestion 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. BritainB FranceC SpainD A

9、merican12. A. St. Augustine was destroyed by the hurricanes in 2017B American became in charge of St. Augustine in 1821.C. The United Kingdom is the real owner of St. Augustine now.D. The visitors do not like to see the coastal views there13. A. The extraordinary history of St. Augustine.B. The hard

10、ships St. Augustine once sufferedC The popular coastal tourism of St. AugustineD. The beautiful architecture and scenery in St. Augustine.Question 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. The transport system of London is available everywhereB Tokyo's lost propeity office is the b

11、iggest one in the worldC The lost items are an important source of funding for LondonD. Ill most cases, people don't care about the things they lost.15. A. The lost items are collected all over the worldB Losing old things may become a good chance for new onesC The items that are not claimed wil

12、l be valuable for the transportation.D Most of the lost items will be given back to the owners.16. A Losing shoes are meaningless to them.B. The lost shoes are meaningless to themC They get the chance to treat themselves with new shoesD. Once shoes get lost, it's difficult to find them backQuest

13、ion 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation17. A. She is discussing business with this man.B Shis looking around a house for wilt.C Shu's watching the house she wants to buyD. She is talking about the loan with the bank staff.18. A. The wine storage area.B The advanced equipment.C.

14、 The relaxing colors of the wall.D The reasonable layout.19. A. It's diity and cheapB Ifs unreasonable layoutC It's unexpectedD It is acceptable20. A. Tliis householder often ignores customer offering.B. The woman is superior to others in buying this houseC The house agent is uncertain about

15、 the woman's offeringD The house has been ordered in advance by other peopleIL Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the prop

16、er form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.A comprehensive study of 4,500 children conducted by the National Institutes of Health in 2018 shows that children who spent more than seven hours a day staring at screens showed evidence of premature thinning of

17、 their brain's cortex 一 the outer layer that processes sensory information. uWe don't know if it 21 (cause) by the screen time. We don know yet if it's a bad thing. It won" be until we followthem over time 22 we will see if there are outcomes that are associated with the differences

18、 thatwe're seeing in this single snapshot/' Dr. Gaya Dowling “What we can say is that this is 23 thebrains look like of kids who spend a lot of time on screens And it,s not just one pattern.The problem isn't just screens 24, but also the way screens tempt kids (and adults) away fromsomet

19、hing far more important: physical activity. More than 23 percent of adults and 80 percent of adolescents don't get enough physical activity, and according to a 2019 report from the World Health Organization (WHO), these patterns of activity and rest arise 25 habits we develop early in life.“What

20、 we really need to do is 26 (bring) back play for children, says De Juana Willunisen, a WHOspecialist in childhood obesity and physical activity, in a statement about new WHO guidelines issued in April 2019 “This is about making the shift from sedentary time to playtime, while 27 (protect) sleep.Of

21、course, children aren completely to blame for their screen addictionSometimes, the parents 28 complain about the role of screens in family life are just as guiltyof spending too much time in front of one A 2016 study 29 (conduct) by Common Sense Mediafound that parents spend up to nine hours a day i

22、n front of screens, mostly not for work-related reasons. While 78 percent of parents said they believed they were good screen time role models, the study found a disconnect between their behavior and their perception of their behavior. Parents need to limit screen time for themselves and especially

23、for their kids 一 30 it means playing the bad guy. Our mental andphysical health depends on it.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once Note that there is one word more than you needA. committed B compared C contact D delegatio

24、n E destructiveF. humble G negotiate H respelled I. similarity J superiors K witnessedSome Very “American” Words Come from ChineseMany of the Chinese words that are now part of English were borrowed long ago. They are most often from Cantonese (粤语)or other Chinese languages rather than Mandarin. Let

25、t start with them.kowtowThe English word kowtow is a verb that means to agree too easily to do what someone else wants you to do, or to obey someone with power in a way that seems 31 It comes from the Cantonese word kau tau, which means uknock your head” It refers to the act of kneeling and lowering

26、 one5s head as a sign of respect to 32 such as emperors, elders and leaders In the case of emperors, the act requiredthe person to touch their head to the ground Britain Lord George Macartney refused to "kau tau" to the Qianlong Emperor. Soon after, the English word "kowtow” was born.

27、 In 1793, Britain King George III sent Lord George Macartney and other trade ambassadors to China to 33 a trade agreement. The Chinese asked them to kowtow to the Qianlong Emperor. As the story goes, Lord Macartney refused for his 34 to do more than bend their knees. He said that was all they were r

28、equired to do for their own king.It is not surprising, then, that Macartney left China without negotiating the trade agreement. After that, critics used the word kowtow when anyone was too submissive to China Today, the usage has no connection to China, nor any specific political connectiongung-hoAn

29、other borrowed word that came about through 35 between two nations is gung-ho. In English, the word gung-ho is an adjective that means extremely excited about doing something. The Chinese characters "gong" and uhe together mean "work together, cooperate. The original term gongyehezuos

30、he means Chinese Industrial Cooperatives. The organizations were established in the1930s by Westerners in China to promote industrial and economic development. Lt. Colonel Evans Carlson of the United States Marine Corps observed these cooperatives while he was in China He was impressed, saying "

31、;.all the soldiers 36 themselves to one idea and worked together to put that idea ove匚” He then began using the term gung-ho in the Marine Corps to try to create the same spirit he had 37 In 1942, he used the word as a training slogan for the 2nd Marine Raider Battalion during World War II. The men

32、were often called the “Gung Ho Battalion.” From then, the word gung-ho spread as a slogan throughout the Marine Corps. Today, its meaning has no relation to the military.typhoonIn English, a typhoon is a very powerful and 38 storm that occurs around the China Sea and in the South Pacific The word hi

33、story of typhoon had a far less direct path to the English language than gung-ho. And not all historical accounts are the same But, according to the Merriam-webster New Book of Word Histories, the first typhoons reported in the English language were in India and were called "touffons" or 4

34、4tufans.v The word tufan or al-tufan is Arabic and means violent storm or flood. The English came across this word in India and borrowed it as touffon Later, when English ships encountered violent storms in the China Sea, Englishmen learned the Cantonese word tai fung, which means "great wind.&

35、quot; The word's _39 to touffon is only by chance The modern form of the wordtyphoonwas influenced by the Cantonese but 40 to make it appear more Greek.IIL Reading Comprehension Section ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D Fill

36、 in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.When 17-year-old Quattro Musser hangs out with friends, they doirt drink beer or cruise around in cars with their dates. 41, they stick to G-rated activities such as rock-climbing or talking aboutbooks They are in good company, accord

37、ing to a new study showing that teenagers are increasingly delaying activities that had long been seen as rites of passage into 42 The study, published Tuesday in thejournal Child Development, found that the percentage of adolescents in the U S who have a driver license, who have tried alcohol, who

38、date, and who work for pay has plummeted since 1976, with the most precipitous (急居U 的) 43 in the past decade The declines appeared across race, geographic, and socioeconomic lines, and in rural urban, and suburban areas.To be sure, more than half of teens still engage in these activities, but the 44

39、 have slimmed considerably. Teens have also reported a steady decline in sexual activity in recent decades, as the portion of high school students who have had sex fell from 54 percent in 1991 to 41 percent in 2015, according to Centers for Disease Control statistics. “People say, 'Oh, it,s beca

40、use teenagers are more responsible, or more lazy, or more boring/ but they5re 45 the larger trend/5 said Jean lu-enge, lead author of the study, which drew on seven large time-lag surveys of Americans. Rather, she said, kids may be less 46 in activities such as dating, driving or getting jobs becaus

41、e in today society, they no longer need to.According to an evolutionary psychology theory that a person "life strategy slows down or speeds up depending on his or her 47, exposure to a "harsh and unpredictable environment leads to fasterdevelopment, while a more resource-rich and secure en

42、vironment has the 48 effect, the study said. In the first 49、uYoifd have a lot of kids and be in survival mode, start having kids young, expectyour kids will have kids young, and expect that there will be more 50 and fewer resources,n said Twenge, a psychology professor at San Diego State University

43、 who is the aiHhor of "iGen: Why Today,s Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy-and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood.In that model a teenage boy might be thinking more 51 about marriage, and driving a car and working for pay would be important for uest

44、ablishing mate value based on procurement of resources/9 the study said But America is shifting more toward the 52 model, and the change is appaient across the socioeconomic spectrum, Twenge said “Even in families whose parents didrft have a college education. families are smaller, and the idea that

45、 children need to be caiefully 53 has really sunk in. The _54 of "adult activities could not be attributed to more homework or extracurricular activities, the study said, noting that teens today spend fewer hours on homework and the same amount of time on extracurriculars as they did in the 199

46、0s (with the exception of community service, which has risen slightly). Nor could the use of smartphones and the Internet be entirely the 55, the report said, since the decline beganbefore they were widely available If the delay is to make room for creative exploration and forming better social and

47、emotional connections, it is a good thing, he said.41. A. ThereforeB. RatherC. MoreoverD. Besides42. A. childhoodB neighborhoodC adolescentsD. adulthood43 A. escapesB.endsC decreasesD. changes44. A. minoritiesB majoritiesC. massesD. amounts45. A. takingB avoidingC sendingD missing46. A. interestedB

48、enviedC. relievedD. realized47. A. emotionsB surroundingsC. customsD. habits48. A. wrongB. sameC. oppositeD. similar49. A. eventB issueC caseD occasion50. A. troubleB questionsC. benefitsD. diseases51. A. respectivelyB. delicatelyC seriouslyD. considerably52. A. slowerB. betterC smallerD. faster53.

49、A. emphasizedB. relatedC organizedD. educated54. A. implementB postponementC achievementD payment55. A. causeB impactC. factD. resultSection BDirections: Read the following three passages Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices

50、marked A, B C and D Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just readABitcoin and other so-called cryptocurrenciest (力口密货币)have been all over the news lately. Apparently, the idea of money that's not tied to a specific bank 一 or a specific country

51、 一 is appealing to many But it's worth remembering that the banking system that we now all live with is just that: A modern invention. Not so long ago, money was almost always created and used locally, and bartering was common(In fact, it still is common among many online local networks, like th

52、e Buy Nothing Project.)In the past, money's makeup varied from place to place, depending on what was considered valuable there So while some of the world's first coins were made from a naturally occurring hybrid of gold and silver called electrum (金银矿),objects other than coins have served as

53、 currency, including beads, ivory, livestock, and cowrie shells. In West Africa, bracelets of bronze or copper were used as cash, especially if the transaction was associated with the slave trade there. Throughout the colonial period, tobacco was used to replace coins or paper bills in Virginia, Mar

54、yland and North Carolina, even though it was used elsewhere in the colonies and extensively throughout Europe and the U KToday, on an island in the Pacific, a specific type of shell still serves as currency 一 and some people there are even hoarding (储存)it, just like Bitcoin moguls, convinced that on

55、e day, it will make them wealthy beyond imagination. On Malaita, the most-populated island tliafs pait of the Solomon Islands, shells are accepted at most places in exchange for goods“How much tuna (金枪鱼)you can get for your shells depends on their color and shape J Mary Bruno, a shop owner from the

56、small town of Atiki, on Malaita, told Vice. “One strip of darker shells might get you about two cans of smaller tuna, but 什ie red ones are worth more. For the red ones, one strip might get enough tuna to feed a big family for a long time.”Just like a mint that creates coins, thereonly one place on t

57、he island where the shells, which are polished and strung together to form 3-foot-long ropes, are made The strips of red, white, and black shells all come from Langa Langa Lagoon, where artificial islands were long-ago built by locals to escape from the island-dwelling cannibals. Once marooned (困住)o

58、ut on their islands, locals needed a currency to use among themselves, and so the shell currency was bornUsing shells for money was common throughout the Pacific islands as late as the early 1900s, but Malaita is unique in that they are still used today. And just like cryptocurencies, there are those who think the islanders are smart to invest in this type of money, which is reported to have risen in value over the last three decades. It might seem strange to hoard a


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