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1、文件编号: QA-VS-2005-版本号:页码:日期:供应商评估报告供应商名称品质负责人供货类别:所在地址:品质部人员:人生产人员:人工程人员:人总计:人评审结果:1.现场评估:A级:86100很满意B级:7185满意C级:6070合格(待提高)D级:3059不合格E级:029没系统Yes Item评估分数 Total Itemx 100% =x 100% =文件编号: QA-VS-2005-版本号:页码:日期:文件编号: QA-VS-2005-版本号:页码:日期:2.安全性评估:依据安规认证机构如UL, CSA,BS,FCC,ETC等要求对产品进行安全评估,并需要在供应商现场抽样进行安全性评

2、估,如安全性评估不合格,需要供应商改善后再进行重新评估.A级:81100很满意B级:6180满意C级:060不合格Yes Item评估分数x 100% =Total Itemx 100% =评审员:陪审员:发件人:审核:IQA主管:QA经理:分发:PU, IQA,SYS,R&D.提供首页和第二页 COPY给供应商作为改善的依据,对提出的不符合项, 供应商应该在10天内回复纠正及预防版本号:页码:日期:文件编号: QA-VS-2005- 措施.3. 计分方法:现场审核分为五个部分:.Q(Quality)品质;.D(Delivery)交货;.S(Service)服务:.C(Cost)成本;

3、 .T(Technical)技术。其中Q和S由IQA部负责评估,D和C由采购部负责评估,T由工程部负责评估,非负责部门需在评估现场提供参考意见。年度工厂现场评估由 IQA主导,各部门委派代表参加评审并组成评审小组,各评审员依照评审清单进行现场审查并评分,最终结果由IQA汇总并发岀评审报告.现场审核时重点考察供应商的文件、文件的有效性及其记录、异常处理、处理的对策及其有效性等等直接 影响或潜在影响的因素。安全性评估还必须从其作业现场随机抽查3-10件样品并对样品进行检查,对于供应商界定的关键工序和重点工序应该进行重点检查。各部门评审员依据实际审查结果在检查清单相应栏目内给出评 分。4. IQA根

4、据评审小组的检查清单总结最终评审结果,呈QA部经理审核,对于需要改善事项则记录在下表内, 追踪供应商在限期内改善,必要时可带领审核小组进行现场查验其改善效果。5审核不合格为新供应商,将不采纳为合格供应商。如是属供应商年度审核的,可以视生产实际需要与否而限 期供应商在三个月内整改,审核小组在6个月以内进行再次审查,同时采购部应该积极开发新的供应商替补,如果再次审核仍然不合格者,则IQA向上级申请取消此合格供应商的资格,采购部应该停止向此供应商购买任何材料,IQA应该停止验收不合格供应商的来料。6 供应商工厂年度审核清单如附件。要求改善项:1,供应商须加强对原材料、人工、管理等因素进行控制以有效降

5、低产品成本2, 来料检查记录和出货检查记录应做好归档记录!3, 应有系统来确保工程变更之执行。4,应有系统对工程变更执行之有效性进行追踪评估。5,所用到的材料都要在作业指导书中标明文件编号: QA-VS-2005-版本号:页码:日期:供应商评估清单Audit Checklist编号评估项目YesNO备注1.0Q:Quality品质(IQA负责审查)Quality System/品质系统及其有效性、适切性1.1Has supplierestablishedits corporate qualitypolicy,objectivesandcommitme nts to quality.供应商是否有

6、建立品质政策、品质目标和品质承诺?1.2Does supplier have the procedure to ensure the quality policy is implemented in alllevels.供应商是否有程序来确保其品质政策在各阶层中被执行。1.3Has supplier appo in ted a man ageme nt represe ntative who has resp on sibility and authority for en sur ing that a quality man ageme nt system has bee n impleme

7、 nted and maintain ed?供应商是否任命一个管理者代表来负责品质管理系统的执行和维护。1.4Does the supplier con duct man ageme nt reviews of the suitability and effective ness of the quality management system at appropriate intervals?(i.e. does the quality system meet customer requirements?)供应商是否定期召开管理评审会议来评估品质管理系统的稳 定性和有效性(例如:系统是否符合

8、客户要求?)1.5Do man ageme nt reviews records mai ntai ned.管理评审会议是否有保持记录?1.6Do the in ter nal quality audits verify complia nee with quality objectives, customer process requireme nts, and ISO eleme nts?内部品质审核有无查证品质目标、客户要求、制程控 制、ISO条款之达成。1.7Are the in ter nal audits and follow-up acti ons carried out in

9、accorda nee with docume nted procedures?内部审核、改善行动的执行是否符合程序?1.8Do the in ter nal quality audits verify effective ness of the quality system?(e.g. review SPCdata and CAR status)内部审核有否评估品质管理系统的有效性(参考SPC统计数据、CAR状态等)?1.9Does the man ageme nt pers onnel resp on sible for the area take timely corrective ac

10、ti on on the deficiencies found by the audit?是否相关管理负责人对于内部审核中发现的冋题 采取及时有效的改善行动?1.10Is there a system that identifies training requirements for all personnel affecting the product?对所有影响产品质量的人员是否有系统的培训?1.11Does a system exist for determ ining which pers onnel are qualified for a job fun cti on?供应商是否有系

11、统来确定各工作岗位之人员资格认定的要求?1.12Is there a system to disqualify and re-qualify pers onnel in ajob fun cti on? 是否有系统对人员资格进行重新认定?1.13Are accurate trai ning records maintain ed?教育训练记录是否保存完好?Document control/ 文件控制1.14Has supplier established procedures to en sure that pert inent docume nts are available toperso

12、nnel at all locations?供应商是否建立系统以确保所有人员在任何地方都可以利 用到相关文件?1.15Do these procedures ensure that all obsolete documents are promptly removed from all points of issue or use?供应商是否有建立文件作废系统,以确保废旧文件及时地从各 地回收报废?1.16Are quality docume nts reviewed and approved for adequacy by authorized pers onnel prior to iss

13、ue?文件发行以前是否有相关权威人士审核?Inspec编号tion and Testing/Status:检验和实验状态评估项目YesNO备注1.17Has supplier established procedures for defining inspection and test methods? 供应商是否 建立检验和测试程序?1.18Dose the supplier ensure that incoming product is not used or processed untilit has beenin spected and verified as con form ing

14、 to specified requireme nts?供应商是否能够确保进料经过检验符合明定的规格后才能被使用?1.19Dose the supplier inspect, test and identify product as required by the quality plan or documented procedures?供应商是否能按照既定之计划、文件对产品进行检验、测试、辨识?1.20Dose the supplier have the Fi nal In spection and test in g?是否供应商有最终检验测试?1.21Dose the supplier

15、utilize outgoing product inspection and testing such as Out of Box Audits?是否供应商有岀货检验?1.22Does the supplier have extend test? 供应商是否对其产品提供信赖性测试?1.23Dose the in specti on and test process assure outgo ing products meet Giant LRR and DPPM goals?供应商之检验和测试是否能确保岀货达到嘉音公司之批退率和DPPM目标?1.24Are there procedures

16、that address product in specti on and test status ?程序中有无界定检 验、测试状态标签?1.25Are there records which give evidenee that the product has passed inspection and/or test with defi ned accepta nee criteria? 对于检验或测试过的产品是否保存有记录作为依据?1.26Has supplier established procedure for part qualificati on?供应商是否对其材料建立承认书?1

17、.27Are Fist Article In specti on con ducted in a producti on en viro nment to en sure requireme nts are met prior to mass productio n? 供应商是否在量产前进行首件检验?1.28Dose the Fist Article report in clude verificati on of:(a)Quality docume nts? 首件报告是否符以下确认:a.品质文件;1.29(b) Process control parameters/documents? b.

18、制程管制参数或文件;1.30(c) Con diti on of man ufacturi ng equipme nt and tooli ng? c.设备、工具使用条件、环境;1.31(d) Critical parameters/documents? d. 标准规格参数;1.32(e) Trace ability of cavity #, tooling #, and manufacturing site? e. 模号、设备、 生产站点等 追溯标记;1.33(f) Inspection/test yield? f.检验、测试地点;Control of nonconforming produ

19、ct/ 不合格品控制1.34Has supplier established procedures for control of nonconforming product?供应商是否建立不良品管制程序?1.35Is failure an alysis performed on product retur ned?对退回品是否有不良分析?1.36Is there a system to feedback failure an alysis and acti on items to releva nt departme nts (in clud ing mfg site)?是否有系统将不良分析和

20、改善定做反馈到相关部门?1.37Are the Failure An alysis records kept accord ing to the defi ned rete nti on period?不良分析记录是否在规定的期限内完整保存?编号评估项目YesNO备注1.38Has supplier established procedure to review the disposition of nonconforming material? (e .g,“ use as RTV,”crap, sort in g, rework)供应商是否有程序来对不良品进行讨论处理?(例如:特米、退料、

21、报废、挑选、重工)1.39Are the criteria/guideli nes for materials dispositi on defi ned?对于不良品的处理是否有明确的标准?1.40Is the responsibility and authority to review/approve disposition of nonconforming materials defin ed? (e.g. MRB)对于不良品的处理是否经过权威部门进行核准?(例如:MRB会议)1.41Is there a requirement to issue a CAR for MRB materia

22、ls? 对于 MRB 材料是否发岀 CA R 进行追踪?1.42Is acti on take n whe n progress/impleme ntati on ofimproveme nt acti ons is n ot satisfactory?当分析改善动作不能达到预期效果,是否会米取进一步的改善行动?1.43Are all corrective actio ns and results docume nted?是否所有的改善方案和改善结果都 被记录保存?1.44Is a corrective acti on request issued in the eve nt a unit f

23、ails reliability test?当可靠性测试结果为失败时,是否有对此进行分析和改进?1.45Are all necessary details included in the corrective action request?(P/N, lot#, inspection date, lot size, sample size, reject qty, etc)改善方案中有无记录必要的细节内容(例如: 料号、模号、检验日期、数量、抽验数量、不良数量等)?1.47Dose the corrective acti on request in clude short term/preve

24、 ntive acti on?改善方案中是否包括短期/长期对策?1.48If defect is supplier related, is there any system to feedback to IQA for actions?如果不良是因为原材料造成的,是否有系统将此情况反映给IQA以便做岀相应的协作?1.49Is there a system to track status of corrective acti on requests?供应商是否对其改善进行跟踪以确认其效果?1.50Are the contents of the responses/corrective actio

25、ns appropriate to prevent future occurre nces?在改善报告中是否包括适合的预防措施?1.51Is the corrective acti on report reviewed and approved by releva nt authorities?改善报告是否被相关权威人士审核?Quality records/ 品质记录1.52Has supplier established procedures for control of quality records?供应商是否建立记录管制程序?1.53Are all quality records id

26、entified, indexed, filed, collected, stored, maintained, and disposed after stated period?所有记录是否被分类、建立清单、归档、收集、保存、维护和定期 的清理?1.54Are quality records mai ntai ned to dem on strate achieveme nt of therequired quality and todemonstrate effective operation of the Quality System? 所有的记录能够证明活动的执行 和有效?1.55Ar

27、e quality records maintained in such a way that they are readily retrievable? 所有记录是否可以便捷的获得?1.56Have rete nti on times of quality records bee n established and recorded? 是否制定记录保存时限?1.57Where agreed contractually, are quality records made available for evaluation by customers?所有文件记录是否允许被客户查询?本项Q最终得分:

28、评估分:/ 标准分:X 100% =评审员:编号评估项目YesNO备注2.0S: Serviced艮务(IQA负责审查)2.1Has supplier established a special Service Team to deal with customers compla int? 供应商有否建立专门的客户服务小组?2.2If Service Team have eno ugh experie nee or skill of their products?客户服务小组是否具有专业技能或对产品的专业知识?2.3Could supplier feedback their effective

29、 action within 4 hours and reply their CAR within three days?供应商可否在 4小时以内回复有效对策及在一天内回复CAR?2.4Could supplier come to Gia nt within 2 hours to perform full check after they receive ' customer?s complaint?供应商可否在 2小时之内赶到 GIANT执行全检?2.5Has supplier performed the inq uisiti on of customer?s satisfact i

30、on per year? 供应商有 否对客户满意度进行过年度调查?2.6Has supplier analyzed and improved about customer?s satisfaction? 供应商有否对客 户满意度调查进行分析并跟踪改善?本项S最终得分:评估分:Yesltem/Total Item X 100%=评审员:3.0D: Delivery/交货(米购负责审查)Sub-contractor verification3.1Has supplier established procedure to en sure that purchased product con form

31、s to specified requirements?供应商是否建立相关的米购程序来确保材料物品满足规疋 的要求?3.2Do review and evaluate sub. con tractor?s performa nee at in tervals in con siste nt with t he specified requirement?是否定期对分供商之表现进行评估来检查有无满足要求?3.3Are records of approved subc on tractors kept up to date and used to evaluate performanee?是否保存

32、有最新的分供商记录用于评估其表现?3.4Does the supplier en sure that the subc on tractors? quality system con trols are effective? 供应商有无对其分供商品质系统管制的有效性进行评估?3.5Does the supplier and approve purchasing documents for adequacy of specified requirements prior to release?在米购文件发布前,有无对其进仃足够的评估是否满 足要求?3.6Where applicable, is

33、there provisi on for customer to verify subc on tractor quality on-site?是否允许客人对供应商的分供商进行实地评估?Product Identification and Lot T race ability3.7Has supplier established procedure for product identification requirements?供应商是 否建立产品辨识与追溯程序?3.8Are in-stock and in-process materials properly ide ntified and

34、con trolled?生产制程禾口 仓库中的材料有无适当的标识和管制?3.9Where trace ability is a specified requireme nt, do in dividual products or batches have a unique identification? 对于单一产品,有何种标识进行追溯?3.10Are there procedures and practices in place to assure product trace ability through all stages of production?供应商是否有程序来界疋产品在制程中

35、各站别的实际追踪能 力?编号评估项目YesNO备注3.11Is the con forma nee or noncon forma nee of a product?s in spect ion or test status identified? (by markings, tags, inspection records, test software, physical location, etc.) 检测后的合格与不合格产品是否有明确的区分(例如:标签、记录、测试软体、区域等)?Handling, Storage, Packaging, and Delivery3.12Has suppl

36、ier established procedures for handling, storing, packaging and delivery of product?供应商是否建立有存储、包装、转运程序?3.13Does the supplier provide methods and means of handling that prevent damage of deterioration?供应商所提供的包装搬运方式是否能够避免造成产品不良?3.14Are all ESD-se nsitive materials stored in an ti-static con tai ners?所

37、有静电敏感的材料是否都有防护措施?3.15Are flammable, corrosive, and toxic materials properly stored and segregated? 对于易 燃易爆有毒物品是否有适宜的存储方式?3.16Does the supplier provide secure storage areas to prevent damage or deterioration of product, pen di ng use or delivery?供应商是否能够提供女全的存储区域来确保等待 处理或交付的产品预防变坏?3.17Are temperature

38、and humidity mon itored in these storage areas on a regular basis? 仓 库是否进行温度、湿度管制?3.18Is the con diti on of product in stock assessed at appropriate in tervals in order to detect deterioration?对库存品是否定期做检验评估以发现变坏之物品?3.19Does the supplier control packing, preservation and marking processes to ensure c

39、on forma nee to specified requireme nts? 供应商是否对物品包装、存储、标记进行管 制以符合规定?3.20Is there an arran geme nt for the protect ion of the quality of product after final in spect ion and test?对终检后的产品是否有妥善的保管方式以保证品质?3.21Are the materials issued according to FIFO?是否材料和成品依据先进先出进仃管 制?本项 D 最终得分:评估 =Yes Item/Total Item

40、 X 100%=评审员:4.0C: Cost成本(米购负责审查)4.1Does supplier have a plan of raw-materials, personnel, and management controlling so as to reduce the product?s cost effectively?供应商有否计划对原材料、人工、管理等 因素进行控制以有效降低产品成本?4.2Has supplier provided the Cost-dow n pla n to customer?供应商有否向客户提交年度调价计划?4.3Is supplier?s price of

41、Gia nt right? 供应商目前对 GIANT的售价是否合理?4.4If supplier?s plan make the capacity of Quality and Delivery bec ome worse? 供应商的 成本控制是否影响到他们的产能和品质保证能力?4.5If supplier feedback the related information to customer when the marketing be con fused?当市场价格有所波动是有否及时与客户沟通?本项C最终得分:评估分 =Yes Item/Total Item X100% =评审员:5.0T

42、: Technical肢术(工程负责审查)编号评估项目YesNO备注Process Control5.1Are there work in struct ions defi ning the manner of product ion and in stallati on for each process/stati on?有生产线上有无明确的作业指导书来标准作业员之动作?5.2Do the work in struct ions clearly specify the mach in es, equipme nt, tools, fixtures, and program to be use

43、d?作业指导书是否明确清晰的订疋机器设备、工具、夹具、和所 用到的操作程序?5.3Do the work in struct ions specify the materials to be used? (e.g. part nu mber/ name, assembly tools, inspection tools)所用到的材料是否有在作业指导书中标明?5.4Do the work instructions indicate assembly specifications and machine setting? (e.g. solder temp, torque driver sett

44、ing, and adjustme nt/test specificati ons)在作业指导书中有没有规定规格和机器参数?5.5Are quality docume nts (e.g. QC-Flow/work in structio ns)revisi on con trolled and approved by authorized personnel prior to issue?是否品质文件经过权威人士的修改、 审核?5.6Is there a SPC training program? 是否有 SPC 训练程序?5.7Is the SPC training plan documen

45、ted? 是否有 SPC 教育训练计划?5.8Have all releva nt employees bee n trained accord ing to the SPC training pla n?所有相关人员是否都受过 SPC教育训练?5.9Does the SPC training program include control chart theory and process capability analysis skills? SPC教育训练是否包括管制表和制程能力分析?5.10Are SPC training records for each employee mainta

46、ined? 教育训练记录是否保存元 好?5.11Are all critical processes and parameters under statistical control? (I. g. control chart, Cp/Cpk study)是否所有制程关键参数都在统计管制界限以内?5.12Are upper and lower limits used on con trol charts? 管制图是否包括管制上下限?5.13Are ort-of-c on trol con diti ons no ted on con trol charts, with causes in ve

47、stigated, and actio ns provided?对于管制图表中的超出管制的异常点是否有进行分析调查,并提出改善更进动作?5.14Are appropriate actions take n whe n the Cp/Cpk values are not meeti ng expectatio n? 当 Cp/Cpk评估没有达到预期目标,是否有采取措施?5.15When a process goes out-of-c on trol and produces nonconforming product, ague triggers defined and documented f

48、or the purpose of initiating a stop build, or stop shipment action?当制程超出管制或不良品率超出目标时,是否有制定停线或扣留程序?5.16Are requireme nts for preve ntive maintenance defi ned and docume nted for activities that can in flue nee the product quality? 对于能够影响到产品品质的动作是否有明确的预 防措施?5.17Are records of these activities maintain

49、ed? 是否有保存以上执行动作的完整记录?Calibration/测量校验5.18Has supplier established procedure for control of inspection, measuring and tes equipme nt?厂商是否建立量测、测试设备的管制程序?编号评估项目YesNO备注5.19Is equipme nt verified or re-calibrated at appropriate in tervals?厂商是否疋期对量测、测试设备进行校验和评估?5.20Is there an official approval con trol s

50、ystem for an equipme nt to determ ine accuracy and precision?对于量测测试设备之精度是否建立有权威机构校验核准系统?5.21Are the reference devices (standard equipment) used for base-point calibrations (0 point, maker?s scale, etc.) correctly stored, man aged and calibrated to NIST sta ndards? 供应商是否有基准量测仪器,并对基准量测仪器有无进行校验?5.22Is

51、an appropriate method set up for stori ng measuri ng equipme nt, tools, and jigs? 对量 测等设备是否有适合的存放方法?5.23Are measuri ng and test equipme nt re-calibrated whe n found not meet the requireme nt? 当发现仪器不符合使用要求时,是否有对仪器进行重校验?5.24Is there a process for disposition product that has been built/tested with equ

52、ipment fou nd to be out of calibratio n?当发现使用中的量测仪器精度不符合要求时,供应商是否有对生产出之成品正确处理方法?Engineering documents control/工程文件控制5.25Is there a procedure to govern engineering changes?是否有程序对工程变更进行控 制?5.26Are engineering changes reviewed and approved by authorized personnel prior to implementation?工程变更执行前是否经过相关权威人士评估、审核?5.27Is there a system to ensure engineering change notifications are being implemented? 是 否有系统来确保工程变更之执行?5.28Is there a system to verify the effective ne


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